Always thinking of the right things to say? Devising all the strategies and tactics that get you less than 10% success rate? I think you guys just THINK too hard. Best thing *I* ever did was take time away from this forum. Anyhow, here's what really clicked in my head. My current gf is a bombshell HB9.75Asian, she gets approached by guys in front of me all the time, and they never come up w/ anything 'original', I always thought.
Well one day I was meeting her at her dorms for lunch, and as I see her walking toward me, an HB9.0Blonde intercepts her and stops her dead in her tracks. HB9Blonde smiles and says, "Hi, my name is HB9Blonde. I was wondering if I can treat you to lunch. You are a very attractive person and I'd like to get to know you better!" I won't tell you the rest of this juicy story, it's for me to know but lets just say she didn't want to be 'just friends' w/ my gf. Anyhow, I was astonished about the straightforwardness of the opener and that's all it really takes.
She's an HB9Blonde, probably gets approached by guys day in and day out, so obviously she probably knows what works, what she likes, therefore probably what most females in general like. I reconfirmed w/ my gf that is the way approaches should be done. All this overanalyzing and strategic gayness (leads to gayness because gets you no pvssy) is ridiculous, guys.
The point is you nerds need to get off this forum for awhile and stop thinking too much. Just be a caveman and do what you would do before you came here. Good luck.
Well one day I was meeting her at her dorms for lunch, and as I see her walking toward me, an HB9.0Blonde intercepts her and stops her dead in her tracks. HB9Blonde smiles and says, "Hi, my name is HB9Blonde. I was wondering if I can treat you to lunch. You are a very attractive person and I'd like to get to know you better!" I won't tell you the rest of this juicy story, it's for me to know but lets just say she didn't want to be 'just friends' w/ my gf. Anyhow, I was astonished about the straightforwardness of the opener and that's all it really takes.
She's an HB9Blonde, probably gets approached by guys day in and day out, so obviously she probably knows what works, what she likes, therefore probably what most females in general like. I reconfirmed w/ my gf that is the way approaches should be done. All this overanalyzing and strategic gayness (leads to gayness because gets you no pvssy) is ridiculous, guys.
The point is you nerds need to get off this forum for awhile and stop thinking too much. Just be a caveman and do what you would do before you came here. Good luck.