Watch it, prosemont.
Originally posted by prosemont
Jake, this isn't a "case" "against" anybody and shouldn't be taken personally.
It's just to point out a potential issue for you.
Btw, it happens ... not all of us can have total dominion and control and have women who would take a bullet for us at all times.
Make sense? And, don't be so insecure as to take this personally but don't be blind to it, either.
Your points about the girl and the dyke were well-taken. That is exactly how I would have analyzed the situation.
And next, why do you presume that I would have no clue as to how to handle the situation? You dispense advice to me as if I am your child or a mindless simpleton. Do not be so arrogant - it only reflects poorly on you.
Also - I have no clue where you got the idea that this is personal for me.
Yes, I have argued with PS in the past, but I am over it. I cannot let some bonehead on the internet consume my life like that, because it's too important. When I say that he has no case, I wasn't really talking about his analysis of the gf and the dyke. I was talking about all the other condescending comments he made, because they are not based on any real observations. He doesn't even know vectorz, so what the heck would his chump-ass know about him anyway? Several people here are already tired of his pompous 'pimp-daddy' circus clown act, and I'm just adding to the Public Opinion.
And finally - the girlfriend situation. If it were a guy that hit on her in front of me, there is NO DOUBT in my mind that I would have stepped in front of the fvcker's face. I wouldn't have said anything - just stepped right up to him, looked him in the eye, and smiled. I'm not afraid. If he wants some shyt, I'll be there to dish it out.
On the other hand, for *me* personally, I wouldn't have a problem if some dyke came up to my girl and tried to pick her up. I wouldn't get in her face like I would with a dude, but I would let my presense be known (i.e. stand in proximity), and bemusedly watch the whole debacle take place (and make sure I'm seen by the dyke). And I would be confident that my girl would just get a laugh and perhaps an ego boost from the dyke making a pass at her. Of course I would ask if she gave the dyke her number - if she did I would naturally confront her about it in a mature manner, and re-inforce to her the boundaries of our relationship. If she tries to brush it off as nothing even when she gave the dyke her number, I would stamp my foot down and let her know. Simple.
I haven't bothered reading the rest of this thread. You guys can fight to the death if you wish -- I don't care.