Here's proof that you guys think too much.

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Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
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Not a signature, a link that failed

I was trying to link a site that you, my friend, should read from beginning to end.

You've been warped by corrupt American culture.

Before you watch "Beyotches Gone Wild," turn off the TV and read that link.


Jul 30, 2003
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If you got a problem with fine chicks having some hanky panky then you are a fuccing idiot.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 16, 2002
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Re: Not into threesomes, sorry

Originally posted by WestCoaster
Read Player Supreme's take on this for more information. He said it better than I did. You are no longer the center of activity, you are a diversion for a dyke. When it comes to this, I'm traditional and I'm not into the threesome stuff.

To each his own, however. Like any man, I've thought about it, but it's not me ...
Hmm.. that's funny. When they're both fighting each other over who gets to suck my kock, I could've sowrn I'm the center of activity.

I can see this is going nowhere, you're hopeless. Keep your judgements and keep your virginity. Anyhow, good luck to you.
Apr 3, 2003
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Originally posted by vectorz
Yes, Supreme, you did misread it. All I can do is roll my eyes. Anytime you make a comment, you're just looking for drama. You're like a female.

I said a BLONDE (HB9BLonde) chick approached MY GF (ASIAN HB9.75). Where did you assume the rest? Just because she HAD BEEN approached doesn't mean she cheated, you baffoon.

As I stated, I'm not going into details of what happened thereafter, because it really is none of anyone else's business.

And hey, yes, she did get approached right in front of me. However, she was walking towards me and hadn't gotten quite to me yet. Anyhow, that's beside the point. People DO approach her even when she is clearly WITH me sometimes, especially at clubs where guys are drunk out of their mind and feel ballsy. If it doesn't happen to you, than good for you. What do you want me to say? You the man? Spare me. It's possibly because you're black? Seems nobody wants to piss off a black dude nowadays no matter he's right or wrong, with the chance of being politically incorrect. Watch the movie, "The Animal". It's an ongoing joke in there but you know what they're really getting at is true.

I didn't post this to argue w/ you Supreme. You live in your own world. Take from it what you can. Otherwise move on, get a life. Find something productive to do, okay?

This is my favorite part: "END OF DISCUSSION"

1. Well kid I guess I really pissed you off yet once again.

2. Glad to read that I did read it correctly. As you said what happened next was your personal business.

3. I was going to bust on you here but just let me say that your young and you have a lot to learn!

4. You must be a little guy if heads are approaching YOUR woman in front of you. Why don't you just put her on a plane to Sacramento and I will teach her somethings for ya.

5. Maybe folks just don't want to piss ME off regradless of my black skin. My point in bringing it up was for you to examine how your rolling (living know). Maybe you need to represent more as a Man, instead of a symp.

6. You think your woman doesn't know how to act correctly? Your wrong. Respect to their man is built into their culture. When that blond ho approached your HO (yes she is if she is willing to bring someone else to YOUR bed), she should of sent her scrambling away! A respectable woman doesn't play that way when their in a relationship....with no one!

Now get back on your tricycle son and pedal your way into the upcomming heartache storm that's brewing your way.

When your ready to stand up as a man let me know!

This subject is the only thing that I can admire in some of the arab they keep their women in CONTROL!


Senior Don Juan
Oct 16, 2002
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If you say so, Supreme. No point in discussing this any further. You think you know it all, and in your fantasy world you see things your way even though they aren't. I'm not sure where you're pulling the assumptions from. How do you know that my gf did or did not turn away the HB9Blonde? You're using that imagination again, aren't you?

I have to admit though, I don't find it hard to believe that nobody's approached your chick in front of you. Probably because the chicks are never quality enough to approach to begin with. Hey, I can't help that I go out with hotter chicks than you do. Get yourself somebody worth looking at, and than, just maybe than, we can talk on the same wavelength.

I've got a life to live and I know no matter what anyone says, nobody can change your mind so I won't. You on the other hand, obviously have nothing better to do in the past 2 years besides post on this forum at least once per hour. Peace out 'brutha'. Good luck to you and quit fooling yourself.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
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Originally posted by prosemont
Good post P_S.

WTF? P_S has absolutel no case against vectorz. :confused:

Sure the blonde dyke approached the GF, but she didn't even entertain the idea of sleeping with her. I don't see why everyone's up in arms over this. Baffling. :confused:


Master Don Juan
Jul 26, 2002
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Originally posted by jakethasnake
WTF? P_S has absolutel no case against vectorz. :confused:

Sure the blonde dyke approached the GF, but she didn't even entertain the idea of sleeping with her. I don't see why everyone's up in arms over this. Baffling. :confused:
Jake, this isn't a "case" "against" anybody and shouldn't be taken personally. Here's the point as *I* see it:

if your girl is walking towards you to meet you and allows herself to be approached by ANYONE and taken aside and allows herself to basically be hit on (whether she acquiesces or not in the end -- and if the convo went as far as to know that she wasn't interested in a platonic friendship and even vector is calling it a pick-up) she is disrespecting you and that speaks to the quality (or LACK of it) in your relationship which will likely manifest itself in other ways later.

It's just to point out a potential issue for you.

Btw, it happens ... not all of us can have total dominion and control and have women who would take a bullet for us at all times.

Make sense? And, don't be so insecure as to take this personally but don't be blind to it, either.

What to do: identify that you have a potential issue here. Up your game and/or put her on probation (in your own mind) and if issues arise in other ways, you won't be surprised and can act accordingly.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 16, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by prosemont
if your girl is walking towards you to meet you and allows herself to be approached by ANYONE and taken aside and allows herself to basically be hit on (whether she acquiesces or not in the end) she is disrespecting you and that speaks to the quality (or LACK of it) in your relationship which will likely manifest itself in other ways later.
The ignorance must be contagious. So you mean to tell me my gf should be a fortuneteller, where she'll KNOW what this hb9blonde is going to say to her? You are an idiot. I'm surprised you're a moderator. My gf was obviously caught off guard, the hb9blonde could've asked for directions, who knew she was gonna hit on her.

You and PS both made ignorant assumptions out of nothing. Use facts, if you're so logical. Point out in my post where I said anything had happened beyond the blonde opening. You can't assume that anything happened beyond that because I've provided nothing for you to go on. You both are basing these assumptions and relating them to your own insecurities and your possible shortcomings. You can't assume everyone has the same problems as you two (you and PS) do.

I'll admit to making a stupid assumption though. I had assumed that since you both are computer nerds that you would at least be logical in your analyzation and decision making. Obviously, I'm wrong, and I won't make that same assumption again. So looks like beyond being nerds, you aren't even smart nerds. You're a retard -- Go moderate something more intelligent.


Master Don Juan
Jul 26, 2002
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Originally posted by vectorz
The ignorance must be contagious. So you mean to tell me my gf should be a fortuneteller, where she'll KNOW what this hb9blonde is going to say to her? You are an idiot. I'm surprised you're a moderator. My gf was obviously caught off guard, the hb9blonde could've asked for directions, who knew she was gonna hit on her. You're a retard. Go moderate something more intelligent.
Really? You're really taking this personally, huh? Boo hoo.

I got my "ignorance" and "idiocy" and "retardness" from YOUR post where you said this:

"Hi, my name is HB9Blonde. I was wondering if I can treat you to lunch. You are a very attractive person and I'd like to get to know you better!" I won't tell you the rest of this juicy story, it's for me to know but lets just say she didn't want to be 'just friends' w/ my gf. Anyhow, I was astonished about the straightforwardness of the opener and that's all it really takes."

If there is even a "rest of the juicy story where she didn't want to be just friend" after what you called a STRAIGHTFORWARD OPENER then your girl knew enough about what was coming.

Know what your girl SHOULD HAVE DONE after the second sentence? She should have put her hand up in a stop signal and told that chick to beat it. Apparently, from what you are saying, SHE STUCK AROUND LONG ENOUGH TO HER THE JUICY STORY.

So ... who's the ignorant idiotic retard here?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 16, 2002
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Originally posted by prosemont
Really? You're really taking this personally, huh? Boo hoo.

I got my "ignorance" and "idiocy" from YOUR post where you said this:

"Hi, my name is HB9Blonde. I was wondering if I can treat you to lunch. You are a very attractive person and I'd like to get to know you better!" I won't tell you the rest of this juicy story, it's for me to know but lets just say she didn't want to be 'just friends' w/ my gf. Anyhow, I was astonished about the straightforwardness of the opener and that's all it really takes."

If there is even a "rest of the juicy story" after what you called a STRAIGHTFORWARD OPENER then your girl knew enough about what was coming.

Know what your girl SHOULD HAVE DONE after the second sentence? She should have put her hand up in a stop signal and told that chick to beat it. Apparently, from what you are saying, SHE STUCK AROUND LONG ENOUGH TO HER THE JUICY STORY.

So ... who's the idiot?
I'm glad you're not in an intelligent job position. You're still assuming too much. How do you know she didn't put up a stop signal. How do you even know there was a 2nd sentence? You have no clue and are guessing with your ass. The juicy part of the story had nothing to do w/ the entire conversation you fool. You're making up things in your own mind. Again, I gave you nothing to go on. Stop guessing, it's not logical.

Anyhow, enough is enough. I'm done discussing this with nerds that can't get laid. Assume what you want. No longer my concern.


Master Don Juan
Jul 26, 2002
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Originally posted by vectorz
I'm glad you're not in an intelligent job position. You're still assuming too much. How do you know she didn't put up a stop signal. Again, I gave you nothing to go on. Stop guessing, it's not logical.
Do you have a reading comprehension problem? You can't even read your own post?

Did you not STATE in YOUR post that there was a

juicy story which included, at a minimum, something that indicated that she DIDN'T WANT TO BE JUST FRIENDS?

That's not even an assumption, smedley. That's IN YOUR POST.

Hey, you can disagree if you want. You can get as upset and whiny as you want. I'm not invested in this.

But at least read your own post.

Btw, you're obviously not someone in control of his own emotions. You oughta work on that ... it would help your game.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 16, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by prosemont
Do you have a reading comprehension problem? You can't even read your own post?

Did you not STATE in YOUR post that there was a

juicy story which included, at a minimum, something that indicated that she DIDN'T WANT TO BE JUST FRIENDS?

That's not even an assumption, smedley. That's IN YOUR POST.

Hey, you can disagree if you want. You can get as upset and whiny as you want. I'm not invested in this.

But at least read your own post.
What? The juicy part involved me and the HB9blonde, and what she toldme she WANTED from my gf. It had NOTHING to do w/ my gf's actions. See, that's what you get for assuming. Sounds to me you're just hating. Pathetic. Go get laid, and maybe you'll stop worrying so much about others. Take care of your own issues.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 16, 2002
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Originally posted by prosemont
Btw, you're obviously not someone in control of his own emotions. You oughta work on that ... it would help your game.
Maybe you should take your own advice. You're not even involved here and looks like you're getting more worked up than I am. I would recommend getting laid, that might help your game.

Obviously I have game. But I don't need to prove that to you. Keep assuming things.


Master Don Juan
Jul 26, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by vectorz
What? The juicy part involved me and the HB9blonde, and what she toldme she WANTED from my gf. It had NOTHING to do w/ my gf's actions. See, that's what you get for assuming. Sounds to me you're just hating. Pathetic. Go get laid, and maybe you'll stop worrying so much about others. Take care of your own issues.
So, let me get this straight: If you substituted a dude for that chick, that is, if some dude came up to you and said to YOU (and not your girl) that he wanted something from your gf, you wouldn't feel dissed about the fact that someone had the temerity to ask you that?

I don't see a difference between a man or woman asking that. I see it as disrespectful either way.

If you don't see it as disrespect, that's cool. You're entitled to your opinion.

But, can you explain how you see a difference between whether a dude or a chick approached you and told you he or she wanted something from your gf?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 16, 2002
Reaction score
Ha, you amuse me. Where'd you read that she knew I was the bf? Amusing.

Sorry, this discussion is closed.


Master Don Juan
Jul 26, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by vectorz
Ha, you amuse me. Where'd you read that she knew I was the bf? Amusing.

Sorry, this discussion is closed.
So, you're telling me that your gf's bodylanguage and your body language didn't indicate that you were together as bf and gf?

If that's what you're saying, then that's pretty much what I'm talking about here. My girl would make sure to cast bodylanguage that she was WITH ME unequivocally.

If you're NOT saying that and the bodylanguage was that you WERE bf-gf, then I would take it as a diss if man or woman told me what he/she wanted to do with my girl.

Are you getting any of this?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 16, 2002
Reaction score
Boy, you just are fishing for something desperately, aren't you?

Originally posted by vectorz

Sorry, this discussion is closed.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Only reason why people are argueing in this site is because it is not real. They do not see the point as clearly. Afterall ACTION speak louder then WORDS. People see a MAN so content with himself that he expresses his FEELING to the outside world. People emulate his reality and thus MOOD of everyone becomes CONTAGIOUS because of this ONE man in the social gathering improving the vibe of others around him. Elevating his FEELING so that everyone can get a piece of the ACTION. Thus masculinity is born.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 16, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Smoothflow
Only reason why people are argueing in this site is because it is not real. They do not see the point as clearly. Afterall ACTION speak louder then WORDS. People see a MAN so content with himself that he expresses his FEELING to the outside world. People emulate his reality and thus MOOD of everyone becomes CONTAGIOUS because of this ONE man in the social gathering improving the vibe of others around him. Elevating his FEELING so that everyone can get a piece of the ACTION. Thus masculinity is born.
Actually, you hit it right on the head. It sounds to me that those two had a lot of sexual angst built up and are envious of the event, or lack thereof, in their mind. They wanted to come up w/ anyway to attack it to bring it down to the level of virginity.. oh wait.. wrong word, negativity that they're experiencing. Great insight, at a great time! Thanks!
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