Week 18 Update (I love Oneitis)
I did so good not calling Oneitis. I even blew her off for the karaoke plans we had (week 13). I wanted to call her so bad, and I would think about it all the time. Finally 4 weeks later she emails me and asks me to meet her for dinner for Wednesday.
During dinner she tells me that she broke up with her boyfriend. I start to get my hopes up. Then she tells me that she is giving him a second chance because he seemed upset when she dumped him. So you’re not really broken up, I say. She says technically she is single right now, but she is going to give it another try.
I go to pick a piece of lint off her and accidentally rub my hand against one of her perfectly soft d cup breasts. She makes a strange face, but doesn’t say anything about it. I have the strange realization that this moment is probably the closest I will ever come to getting to second base with her. She has an amazing body and I wonder if she has a better body then any girl I’ll ever be with in my life.
I went against the DJ playbook for stealing girlfriends and told her that I think her boyfriend is a loser. It felt nice, it reminded me of a time when I had so much more self respect for myself. I didn’t bother telling her that I think I am a bigger loser then him because he is ****ing her and I am so socially maladjusted that I have not had sex for almost a half decade. At the end of the dinner I practically ran away from her. The only good thing is that I left on a high note because she was laughing hysterically at whatever I said. I took a developmental psychology and the teacher said that the shy awkward people in high school tend to be worse in every area of life except for two things:
1. They are better liked by their peers.
2. They have a better sense of humor.
On Saturday night I drunk
text messaged her “You need to stop playing round with all them clowns and the wangstas Good girls gotta get down with them gangstas” She didn’t bother to reply back. I guess I will just go back to no contact. What else can I do?
Thursday night I got the call to come hang out with my college friends. Not much happened here, but I saw the waiting until marriage chick (Week 10) and she said that she still really wants to come out to the bars with me.
Friday night I hit the bars. The bar scene is so different now. We keep going to the same three bars and I end up knowing 12 to 15 people in the bars. I front grinded with a girl for the first time. I stopped after about a minute because the girl was just doing it to make my friend jealous and it was horrible and awkward.
Another girl who was with another group I know asked me to switch bars with her. We sit down at the new bar and she starts talking to this tattooed guy with strong muscles. I wanted to hate him because he was stealing my girl, but he didn’t even do anything he just stood there. I look at him and wonder what he has that I don’t. Then my eyes tear up. I don’t really understand it, but I was ready to start crying right there in the bar. I never approached anyone new that night.
One Saturday everyone is out again. There is this girl who I hang out with at the bars sometimes. She is crazy hot and I always have tons of fun with her when we hang out. We always spend a lot of the night dancing together. I love it because I imagine that other people in the bar might think that we are together.
She was kind of like my female wingman on this night and I actually approached groups of girls, which I have not done in a long while.
My female wing and I walked into the bar together. There is a group of three girls standing against the wall two pretty and one ugly. My female wing laughs at something I say, I turn to them and ask them if they were from the hot body contest at the bar next door. They say no and look confused. I say that’s to bad, I’ve been looking for the hot body girls. I thought you were them because I think you’re all HOT!!! I say it with a big smile at the end. Then one of my guy friends came up and started punching me in the chest and dragged me upstairs.
Those girls never moved from the place they were standing. I walked by them two other times and smiled and waved. All three of smiled back and waved at me. I never talked to them again because I am a coward.
Later on I am in the smoking area with my female wing. She doesn’t have any cigarettes so I ask a girl from a group of three pretty girls if I could have a cigarette. She gives me one, I give it to my wing. The girl asks me if I even smoke. I say no. She asks me if I want to try. I say sure. She lights my cigarette (disgusting) and we start talking to the group of girls.
One of them tells me she is 24. I pretend to be shocked and tell her she looks really young for her age. She works as a bartender at the bar we are at on Wednesdays and tells me I should stop by sometime. I tell her maybe I will. After talking to them for a while my female wing finishes her cigarette (I broke mine in half somehow) and we leave.
Later on that night my female wing and I are sitting down on a dancing stage on the dance floor talking. I see a couple of guys I know out of the dance floor and motion to them. They don’t see me, but in front of them a group of girls waves back to me. It’s the girls from the smoking area. They are motioning for me to come dance with them. So I walk over and start dancing with them.
We start dancing and I am freaking out. For some reason my moves don’t really seem to be all that suitable for group dancing. The girls keep hitting their beers together. I don’t have a beer. The bartender girl notices and gives me her beer. Take a swig and do a funny dance move at the same time. My female wing comes over and starts dancing near me (I love this girl).
Then I start to panic. What am I supposed to do? Should I try and grind with one of them? Will the friends get jealous if I try? Why can’t I dance right? I need help. I motion to the group of my guy friends to come dance with us. They immediately swarm in and start grinding with the different girls. The girls freak out and run off the dance floor. Oops!
Do I think I deserve a girlfriend? Good question… Yes because there are worse guys out there with nice girls. No because I can’t figure out how to get with a girl, so if I get a girlfriend and we break up I’ll be even older and still without a clue.