Great date but she won't return phone call


Master Don Juan
Jul 19, 2005
Reaction score
Toronto, canada
hey whitesox:

She didn't return your call means that she blew you off.
1/ She might be scare of getting into relationship.

2/ she just didn't like you. You might have thought the date went well however, women tend to think differently. Did you notice any of her body language? Did she look at your face when you talked to her? If she look else where while you were chatting with her then she wasn't interest in the date.

I had the same problem as you did. I just move on to another girl.

Cesare Cardinali

Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2002
Reaction score

You shouldn't stress about what to do when you see her because she really hasn't done anything *wrong* and neither have you. There's no obligation for her to call you back nor for you to call when she says "call me".

Essentially, you want to get girls eager to call you (or have you call them). You haven't done this and the end result is phone tag, etc. I don't doubt that if you bump into her tomorrow, she'll be into you and will flake. The fact that she's in her late forties and single should be a clue that she's not that good with relationships. And the fact that you don't have the success you want is an indication that you need to work on your game.

You need to forget about what people will think about your house, motorcycle, etc. Just forget that. Guys who are good with women come in all income brakets, shapes, and sizes. Game has nothing to do with "being successfull" or not. Talentless "artists" with zero money get chicks.

So you need to work on "attraction switches"; i.e. what makes a chick attracted to a guy. There are tons of them. I can post them here, but I figure I'll derail this thread and spend most of my time arguing with Francisco and Dr. Zaus. If you want I can post a separate thread about this. Essentially, attraction switches are common traits you see in all attractive guys regardless of looks or income status. Work on developing the switches and you'll be attractive. From there, you need to work on your approach game and get out there and pick up chicks. You need to master cold approaches and figure out ways to EV, attract, and close. You can find all this info by doing some searches online or I can post separately if there's interest.

Cesare Cardinali


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
I can't believe this thread is still going

I'll take this opportunity when it's near the top (so as not to bump it much) to nominate it for this year's dead horse beating award. :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Cesare Cardinali
The fact that she's in her late forties and single should be a clue that she's not that good with relationships. And the fact that you don't have the success you want is an indication that you need to work on your game.
Cesare, you waited this long to make a valuable contribution to the thread!? :cool: Just playin with ya...

Hey, and can you please try to spell my name right?


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2004
Reaction score


New Member
Jan 4, 2014
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I hate for this to be the first thread I comment on but GD this was a good thread. Just trying to learn here so Ill go back to reading now.


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
Reaction score
white sox bill said:
During dinner, we were talking about my wild girl chasing college days. I was telling her all the macking things I used do, like "No pride night" and flying the Japense flag (hanging spotted bedsheets out of dorm window next AM) and so on. She laughed and said that she got married too young and missed out on that stuff etc.

It didn't bother her then, but next day it might have to the point where she figured "He's up to his old macking days" got scared and blew me off. Thats my take....
Or she thinks you are an abject moron for telling "college p-ssy stories" on a first date, which you are/were (hey, have made the same mistake myself years and years ago). Reeks of insecurity (plus a whole lot of other negative indicators) to tell a woman what a mack you... aren't even now... but supposedly were some time in the past. Did Cary Grant or James Bond ever tell women about what a stud they were in college? "Japanese flag?!?" what are ya, ten? straight out of Revenge of the Nerds, Weird Science, Sixteen Candles? Sorry to sound judgmental, but IMO there's your problem right there. Lots and lots of women out there will run away fast if there's even a hint of "fratboy" in your conversation. Sure, they will catch a buzz and make out a little, but when they wake up the next day, what they remember is the boorish, boring clownshoe stuff you said the night before.

If the story involves "wild college sex" or begins with "we were so high/drunk that..." skip it in your date story rotation. College drugs and sex should only be minor tangents to a good story with some other more poignant theme. Save the other tales for the guys.


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
Reaction score
The kinds of men women end up f-cking quickly or getting attached to are those for whom sex and partying are no big deal, have been ongoing regularly since HS even before, and aren't even in the ballpark of interesting things to talk about on a date. It's not a "neg" thing or an "intimidation" thing, but a "I didn't grow up under a rock or just fall off a turnip truck" thing. Also socioeconomic class undertones.

Moreover, for every college story, there is a butt of the joke or someone who is abused in the story, comes out on the short end (when OP's date lost her virginity, did some dude hang the sheet out the window? something similar? I dunno, don't want to know, don't want her to be thinking of such). That woman sitting across from you may have had to take the walk of shame on several occasions in the past, and IMO that's not the type of memory you want to dredge up in someone you expect to have casual sex with soon. Say you had a first date with an adult woman and she started telling you about all these guys she did "back in college" and how they generally had small ****s, that she made a blog about it with the guys' pictures called "Small **** Losers I have f-cked here at BSU". What result in your mind? See my point?

There's a good chance OP's date was thinking, "Ya know I'm horny, and would f-ck this guy, but he sure tells a lot of sex stories like he just started having sex last week (he may be bad in bed), and I don't want to end up the punchline of some "jap flag" tale. Better to blow this Chatty Cathy off and call my -discreet- FWB when I get home."


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Great date my ass!

The OP's princess was in another castle years ago. A date is great if she wants to see you again. Mixed signals are negative signals.

Case closed.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
Bill - if somehow you still have her number lol give her a call now after 9 years, for sure at 58 her SMV is near zero and she will jump at the chance.

Then you pull a no call, no show.