Girls that genuenly want a nice guy?


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by downfallofdisbelief
how nice you are isn't relavent to getting a chick. some girls are just attracted to a certain personality in a guy, this could be due to past issues in their life, but all girls are technically looking for a nice guy. most sane girls want a guy who's nice to them, so why would you think banishing niceness from your personality. the only time being a nice guy would be a problem, is if you are being too nice.
A nice guy is "nice"....a nice guy never tries to be mean or make jokes about a woman....A nice guy is plain and simple, nice...usually they come off as too nice.

Nice Jerk is what a woman really wants.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
no, a GOOD GUY is what a woman wants

Women don't like the jerk part of the jerk... but a woman would rather put up with a rude MAN than a nice ***** 7 days a week.

I mean, no woman wants her man to be a jerk, a prick, etc... but they will accecpt it and try to change this if you have other good qualities that good guys have.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by backbreaker
no, a GOOD GUY is what a woman wants

Women don't like the jerk part of the jerk... but a woman would rather put up with a rude MAN than a nice ***** 7 days a week.

I mean, no woman wants her man to be a jerk, a prick, etc... but they will accecpt it and try to change this if you have other good qualities that good guys have.
A nice jerk...not a 100% a$$ hole....A nice jerk is a good guy.....nice jerk=good guy....why? because he knows what women want....he knows how to be nice...but he knows how to be difficult if needed.....He isn't needy......he is usually funny and likes a laugh but he knows how to make the woman feel ok about it....a nice jerk...someone who is nice but knows how to have fun..has his own point of independent....and isn't always soo "nice."

Nice guys are too agreeable....they agree to this and that....and act needy...but he's honest and sincere..he can be funny...but he'd rather not "bust" on a woman or make jokes...for the sake of being "nice".

A jerk is someone who is independent...usually lies and manipulates...but he's usually a charm...and funny...and loves to joke around....but is unreliable.

Find a mix between the two...and should have a good guy......knock out the bad traits of each.

Mr Spitfire

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
Wyldfire is 1000% right on this one.

If you need something in return for being nice, then don't be nice.

If you not getting something back for putting something in is going to hurt you then don't put in.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Mr Spitfire
Wyldfire is 1000% right on this one.

If you need something in return for being nice, then don't be nice.

If you not getting something back for putting something in is going to hurt you then don't put in.
That's why many of us stopped being nice.....

Many of us thought that being nice is what women exchange...we'd get the woman.....

"If you need something in return for being nice, then don't be nice."

That quote you made, it refers to everyone......everything is done for a reason.

Nice guys are nice to women because they think it's the nice that gets them the woman.....

Then nice guys figure that being nice doesn't help after awhile....then become "100% jerks"....and have motives for it....they expect better results.......and then later on, the new jerk learns that being a 100% jack a$$ doesn't work, he's smart enough not to be too "nice" or too much of a "jerk" he explores his way into the middle of the two....

An example of motive....if you didn't have a motive, you wouldn't have posted that motive was to agree....and to try to get other guys to see things how wyldfire is. You agreed with wyldfire...and then you explained it to us why you think she's right....


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
There is no such thing as a "nice jerk". A nice person is just nice becuase they treat others with respect, courtesy, empathy and understanding. They ALSO treat themselves as well as they treat others.

A jerk can't be "nice" because he/she is a jerk.

Jerks end up alone in the end once they lose their looks. How often do you see attractive women with unattractive jerks? I don't ever see that. Know why? Because without the looks they are simply not appealing or attractive at all.

An nice person (as I have described) whose looks fade won't be alone in the end because he/she is actually pleasant and enjoyable to be around.

A guy doesn't have to be a jerk to attract women. They can be as nice as they want to be as long as they respect themselves and aren't needy and clingy and never do anything that you attach expectations to. If you don't want to be friends with someone but want to date them...then ask them out on a date and don't be a fake friend. If you expect sex from a woman if you help her do something...try telling her up front that's what you expect. Wait! If a supposed "nice" guy were honest about his thoughts, it would go something like this:

girl: "Hey, I have to move this weekend. Can you help me?"

guy: "I will help you but expect you to have sex with me as payment for my time and trouble."

Now, this is NOT a nice guy at all. THIS IS a guy who is basically treating this woman like a common prostitute. That's not what I'd call nice. A nice person helps people like that because they like helping other people...NOT because they expect anything in return.

All a guy has to really do is have the balls to come right out and say his interest in a woman is romantic. If she's interested too...she'll date you. If she's not interested she won't. If a guy can't be honest about his intentions from the get go it's his own fault he wastes his time.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Wyldfire
There is no such thing as a "nice jerk". A nice person is just nice becuase they treat others with respect, courtesy, empathy and understanding. They ALSO treat themselves as well as they treat others.

A jerk can't be "nice" because he/she is a jerk.

Jerks end up alone in the end once they lose their looks. How often do you see attractive women with unattractive jerks? I don't ever see that. Know why? Because without the looks they are simply not appealing or attractive at all.

An nice person (as I have described) whose looks fade won't be alone in the end because he/she is actually pleasant and enjoyable to be around.

A guy doesn't have to be a jerk to attract women. They can be as nice as they want to be as long as they respect themselves and aren't needy and clingy and never do anything that you attach expectations to. If you don't want to be friends with someone but want to date them...then ask them out on a date and don't be a fake friend. If you expect sex from a woman if you help her do something...try telling her up front that's what you expect. Wait! If a supposed "nice" guy were honest about his thoughts, it would go something like this:

girl: "Hey, I have to move this weekend. Can you help me?"

guy: "I will help you but expect you to have sex with me as payment for my time and trouble."

Now, this is NOT a nice guy at all. THIS IS a guy who is basically treating this woman like a common prostitute. That's not what I'd call nice. A nice person helps people like that because they like helping other people...NOT because they expect anything in return.

All a guy has to really do is have the balls to come right out and say his interest in a woman is romantic. If she's interested too...she'll date you. If she's not interested she won't. If a guy can't be honest about his intentions from the get go it's his own fault he wastes his time.
Now, that's where you're partially wrong. A "nice jerk" is in general a decent guy a good man, but knows how to get down and have fun. For example, teasing a woman about whatever is a "jerk" quality trait....A true nice guy is always this stereotypical gentleman....who is nice and rarely if never wants to say something thay he thinks will offend.....

Now, the nice jerk or the good a gentleman...he doesn't believe in hurting women...but, he isn't afraid to say things....he won't kiss a womans butt....if she freaks out over something "little" he won't get on his hands and knees and apologize....

A nice guy is more of a kiss up.....

A nice guy tries to make a perfect relationship....and at start, it's kind of cool...but at the end it gets very boring.....why? because there has been nothing but happy...and the nice man doing things to just make you happy all day....

Being nice wears out, just like anything....

If I give you the same piece of candy, three times a day for a'd get sick of it....there would be no "flare" to it anymore........

Think of a nice jerk as a nice guy with "flare"...there is more to him than just....I'm so nice and generous...

Now, the part where you made the scenario of the girl being expected to do something....a little too blunt.....if you want to put it like that....then women do the SAME THING. Women will be nice to a man.....and expect him to go out with her....or be nice to her back......or something.....

It works both ways....not just men do women...everything has a matter how great a person is.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
A nice guy tries to make a perfect relationship....and at start, it's kind of cool...but at the end it gets very boring.....why? because there has been nothing but happy...and the nice man doing things to just make you happy all day....
thats called CLINGY

Now, the nice jerk or the good a gentleman...he doesn't believe in hurting women...but, he isn't afraid to say things....he won't kiss a womans butt....if she freaks out over something "little" he won't get on his hands and knees and apologize....
this is a nice guy.

a nice guy is someone genuinlly nice.

I am a nice guy....I had a arguement with my women yesterday over someething I didnt like....does that make me a jerk? no

a jerk is someone who treats people bad


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by frivolousz21
thats called CLINGY

this is a nice guy.

a nice guy is someone genuinlly nice.

I am a nice guy....I had a arguement with my women yesterday over someething I didnt like....does that make me a jerk? no

a jerk is someone who treats people bad
Don't twist my words....even nice guys get into arguments. But, what I said was....a true nice guy is way more willing to get on his knees and apologize for everything that he is accused of doing wrong.....a nice "jerk"...will observe the problem first before apologizing....

Being clingy comes from being too nice, which you don't seem to be....because you aren't trying to make a perfect relationship....and you definetly don't seem apologetic even though the your woman is probably accusing you of being wrong.....a true nice guy would have kissed up by now and said "i'm sorry, I'll never to it again."

Did you read in my post...I said a nice jerk was a nice guy...except with more flare......he's a good guy.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by DJ4Real
Now, that's where you're partially wrong. A "nice jerk" is in general a decent guy a good man, but knows how to get down and have fun. For example, teasing a woman about whatever is a "jerk" quality trait....A true nice guy is always this stereotypical gentleman....who is nice and rarely if never wants to say something thay he thinks will offend.....

Now, the nice jerk or the good a gentleman...he doesn't believe in hurting women...but, he isn't afraid to say things....he won't kiss a womans butt....if she freaks out over something "little" he won't get on his hands and knees and apologize....

A nice guy is more of a kiss up.....

A nice guy tries to make a perfect relationship....and at start, it's kind of cool...but at the end it gets very boring.....why? because there has been nothing but happy...and the nice man doing things to just make you happy all day....

Being nice wears out, just like anything....

If I give you the same piece of candy, three times a day for a'd get sick of it....there would be no "flare" to it anymore........

Think of a nice jerk as a nice guy with "flare"...there is more to him than just....I'm so nice and generous...

Now, the part where you made the scenario of the girl being expected to do something....a little too blunt.....if you want to put it like that....then women do the SAME THING. Women will be nice to a man.....and expect him to go out with her....or be nice to her back......or something.....

It works both ways....not just men do women...everything has a matter how great a person is.
Nonsense. All you guys who think you have to act like a jerk at any time are making a mistake. No man needs to be a jerk to attract women. They just need to look their best, not be clingy and needy, have some damn self-respect, demand to be treated properly and treat women with the same respect they want to be treated with. Men who have that figured out do perfectly well with women without having to rely on sites like this.

You don't have to change who you are to succeed with the opposite sex. You just have to value yourself, take care of yourself, have the courage to approach the women you are interested in up front instead of in a scheming way and stop making a piece of ass the be all end all of your existence. If you actually have enough faith and confidence in yourself to believe that you are a good catch in the first place you wouldn't feel compelled to try to "trick" a woman into falling for you. You'd also be more likely to find someone who falls for you for the right reason...because she genuinely appreciates who you really are instead of being duped by the plastic phony person you're pretending to be.

If you aren't that what you can to look your best.

If you're clingy...get yourself a self help book about overcoming your obsessive love problems.

If you're insecure and lack confidence...force yourself to take some risks and you'll soon find the sky doesn't fall and life doesn't end if you approach some girl and she's not interested.

Above all else, remember this...if you are pretending to be someone you really aren't...when you do find someone, as soon as you get comfortable you'll just revert back to yourself in time...and that woman will leave you as soon as she figures out you aren't the same guy she fell for.

Just be yourself minus the bad habits that hurt you and look your best. Do that and you won't need to resort to any tricks, games or methods and you'll actually find someone who likes YOU for YOU and not some fake image you throw out there.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
Nonsense. All you guys who think you have to act like a jerk at any time are making a mistake. No man needs to be a jerk to attract women. They just need to look their best, not be clingy and needy, have some damn self-respect, demand to be treated properly and treat women with the same respect they want to be treated with. Men who have that figured out do perfectly well with women without having to rely on sites like this.

You don't have to change who you are to succeed with the opposite sex. You just have to value yourself, take care of yourself, have the courage to approach the women you are interested in up front instead of in a scheming way and stop making a piece of ass the be all end all of your existence. If you actually have enough faith and confidence in yourself to believe that you are a good catch in the first place you wouldn't feel compelled to try to "trick" a woman into falling for you. You'd also be more likely to find someone who falls for you for the right reason...because she genuinely appreciates who you really are instead of being duped by the plastic phony person you're pretending to be.

If you aren't that what you can to look your best.

If you're clingy...get yourself a self help book about overcoming your obsessive love problems.

If you're insecure and lack confidence...force yourself to take some risks and you'll soon find the sky doesn't fall and life doesn't end if you approach some girl and she's not interested.

Above all else, remember this...if you are pretending to be someone you really aren't...when you do find someone, as soon as you get comfortable you'll just revert back to yourself in time...and that woman will leave you as soon as she figures out you aren't the same guy she fell for.

Just be yourself minus the bad habits that hurt you and look your best. Do that and you won't need to resort to any tricks, games or methods and you'll actually find someone who likes YOU for YOU and not some fake image you throw out there.


Its amazing that a women has the best posts here now on a site for men attracting women.

there is no better way to say it...that is exactly how you can assure yourself of being with the right women


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Wyldfire
Nonsense. All you guys who think you have to act like a jerk at any time are making a mistake. No man needs to be a jerk to attract women. They just need to look their best, not be clingy and needy, have some damn self-respect, demand to be treated properly and treat women with the same respect they want to be treated with. Men who have that figured out do perfectly well with women without having to rely on sites like this.

You don't have to change who you are to succeed with the opposite sex. You just have to value yourself, take care of yourself, have the courage to approach the women you are interested in up front instead of in a scheming way and stop making a piece of ass the be all end all of your existence. If you actually have enough faith and confidence in yourself to believe that you are a good catch in the first place you wouldn't feel compelled to try to "trick" a woman into falling for you. You'd also be more likely to find someone who falls for you for the right reason...because she genuinely appreciates who you really are instead of being duped by the plastic phony person you're pretending to be.

If you aren't that what you can to look your best.

If you're clingy...get yourself a self help book about overcoming your obsessive love problems.

If you're insecure and lack confidence...force yourself to take some risks and you'll soon find the sky doesn't fall and life doesn't end if you approach some girl and she's not interested.

Above all else, remember this...if you are pretending to be someone you really aren't...when you do find someone, as soon as you get comfortable you'll just revert back to yourself in time...and that woman will leave you as soon as she figures out you aren't the same guy she fell for.

Just be yourself minus the bad habits that hurt you and look your best. Do that and you won't need to resort to any tricks, games or methods and you'll actually find someone who likes YOU for YOU and not some fake image you throw out there.
Having a "jerk" side...comes after the nice guy is mentally unable to take becomes a part of's a subconcious change...just like, take the word jerk WAY to literally. I don't mean jerk as to "cheat" on a woman...or lie to women...or whatever you're thinking....If I were a nice guy this nice guy...I would have said..."yeah, you're right, Wyldfire...I'm sorry for even saying men have to be more than just nice." Fortunetly, I'm not like that. I'm sure you're can figure that to be a jerk doesn't mean "abuse." Dating is a game....attraction is a game....people don't just become emotionally attracted to other people just by looking at em'....sure, maybe physical attraction, but not emotional. To get someone emotionally attracted....

You know, I hope you aren't on this board to try to get guys to turn into these nice pushovers. That what it sounds like you want. Someone who's nice, who agrees with you all the time, is always with you, and someone who just can't say no. That's what you've displayed this whole time.

I've been telling you this whole time...being nice all the time is a BAD makes you a pushover.....and I can guarantee you, most of the guys are nice people.....but when it comes to attraction...if all you are is "nice" and "sweet" and "generous" and "accomadating" and "agreeable" there isn't attraction....those are all "nice" qualities.....there isn't any challenge in that....sheez...if I was that kind of guy you descibed...women wouldn't have to lift a finger to get me. I would be easy....and nice and agreeable and sweet...and nurturing.....but not challenging...thrilling or dominate...I wouldn't have a strong masculine side.....Having nice qualities are necessary....but more feminine qualities. If you like feminine men, that's your business....a nice guy with backbone (nice jerk) sure isn't up your alley with that kind of talk.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Jonathan
All im telling you is that nice guys finish last
It's not really "nice guys" that finish last. Men need to be honest with themselves about this. Your definition of "nice guy" is NOT even close to being a nice guy...not by a long shot.

What is "nice" about lying?
What is "nice" about attaching strings to all you do?
What is "nice" about trying to trick someone into a relationship with you?
What is "nice" about allowing someone to believe you are their friend only to turn your back on them when they don't want a romantic relationship with you? You LIED to them. You never told them you wanted a romantic relationship. They were your friend, but you weren't theirs. You betrayed them, not the other way around.

Sorry...there is NOTHING "nice" about a guy who behaves this way. Anyone who behaves that way is not a very nice person at all. In fact, they are actually quite cruel.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by frivolousz21
Nonsense. All you guys who think you have to act like a jerk at any time are making a mistake. No man needs to be a jerk to attract women. They just need to look their best, not be clingy and needy, have some damn self-respect, demand to be treated properly and treat women with the same respect they want to be treated with. Men who have that figured out do perfectly well with women without having to rely on sites like this.

You don't have to change who you are to succeed with the opposite sex. You just have to value yourself, take care of yourself, have the courage to approach the women you are interested in up front instead of in a scheming way and stop making a piece of ass the be all end all of your existence. If you actually have enough faith and confidence in yourself to believe that you are a good catch in the first place you wouldn't feel compelled to try to "trick" a woman into falling for you. You'd also be more likely to find someone who falls for you for the right reason...because she genuinely appreciates who you really are instead of being duped by the plastic phony person you're pretending to be.

If you aren't that what you can to look your best.

If you're clingy...get yourself a self help book about overcoming your obsessive love problems.

If you're insecure and lack confidence...force yourself to take some risks and you'll soon find the sky doesn't fall and life doesn't end if you approach some girl and she's not interested.

Above all else, remember this...if you are pretending to be someone you really aren't...when you do find someone, as soon as you get comfortable you'll just revert back to yourself in time...and that woman will leave you as soon as she figures out you aren't the same guy she fell for.

Just be yourself minus the bad habits that hurt you and look your best. Do that and you won't need to resort to any tricks, games or methods and you'll actually find someone who likes YOU for YOU and not some fake image you throw out there.


Its amazing that a women has the best posts here now on a site for men attracting women.

there is no better way to say it...that is exactly how you can assure yourself of being with the right women
You are just too agreeable....test her advice with your sure to be nice all the time, don't disagree that much, do your best to make her happy by doing sweet things every day....don't make fun of her....apologize for everything that you do wrong..well because she says your what the heck..just apologize.......see what happens.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by DJ4Real
Having a "jerk" side...comes after the nice guy is mentally unable to take becomes a part of's a subconcious change...just like, take the word jerk WAY to literally. I don't mean jerk as to "cheat" on a woman...or lie to women...or whatever you're thinking....If I were a nice guy this nice guy...I would have said..."yeah, you're right, Wyldfire...I'm sorry for even saying men have to be more than just nice." Fortunetly, I'm not like that. I'm sure you're can figure that to be a jerk doesn't mean "abuse." Dating is a game....attraction is a game....people don't just become emotionally attracted to other people just by looking at em'....sure, maybe physical attraction, but not emotional. To get someone emotionally attracted....

You know, I hope you aren't on this board to try to get guys to turn into these nice pushovers. That what it sounds like you want. Someone who's nice, who agrees with you all the time, is always with you, and someone who just can't say no. That's what you've displayed this whole time.

I've been telling you this whole time...being nice all the time is a BAD makes you a pushover.....and I can guarantee you, most of the guys are nice people.....but when it comes to attraction...if all you are is "nice" and "sweet" and "generous" and "accomadating" and "agreeable" there isn't attraction....those are all "nice" qualities.....there isn't any challenge in that....sheez...if I was that kind of guy you descibed...women wouldn't have to lift a finger to get me. I would be easy....and nice and agreeable and sweet...and nurturing.....but not challenging...thrilling or dominate...I wouldn't have a strong masculine side.....Having nice qualities are necessary....but more feminine qualities. If you like feminine men, that's your business....a nice guy with backbone (nice jerk) sure isn't up your alley with that kind of talk.
If all the men here listened carefully to my advice and did the things I suggest they do not only would they not need this site, they would have far more success with not only women, but all areas of their lives than they do by following all the rules, games, methods and tricks here. You guys make things so much more complicated than it needs to be...and far much more work.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
You are just too agreeable....test her advice with your sure to be nice all the time, don't disagree that much, do your best to make her happy by doing sweet things every day....don't make fun of her....apologize for everything that you do wrong..well because she says your what the heck..just apologize.......see what happens.

1. she never said not to disagree with her
2. she never said to do sweet things everyday
3. she never said not to make fun of her
4. she never said to apologize for everything u do wrong....but if your apologize

see what happens?

then id be too nice and needy...

but a jerk is an *******

jerks treat people like ****
jerks hit women
jerks lie to women....

jerks end up with *****s or women with emotional issues
or they turn a good girl into a women with emotional issues.

just be Genuine I make fun of my women everyday...she doesnt consider me a jerk..a jerk would say hurtful things..a FUNNY guy says funny things

a nice guy with backbone

thats a MAN not a nice jerk.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Wyldfire
If all the men here listened carefully to my advice and did the things I suggest they do not only would they not need this site, they would have far more success with not only women, but all areas of their lives than they do by following all the rules, games, methods and tricks here. You guys make things so much more complicated than it needs to be...and far much more work.
We aren't the ones that make it complicated by ourselves. Every women say they want this nice soon as they see this nice guy.....he becomes her bestfriend.

You said it about 20 like nice that's just that....go find a nice guy with no expectations....I mean a guy that doesn't expect sex, no date, no nothing...


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by DJ4Real
You are just too agreeable....test her advice with your sure to be nice all the time, don't disagree that much, do your best to make her happy by doing sweet things every day....don't make fun of her....apologize for everything that you do wrong..well because she says your what the heck..just apologize.......see what happens.
He's only agreeing with me because he knows I'm right. Disagreeing with me just because I'm a woman or for the sake of being disagreeable is stupid. It doesn't make someone more attractive. It just makes them look like an idiot.

What's wrong with being a nice person? Treating others with respect and common courtesy unless they don't treat you the same way is perfectly acceptable and a desirable trait to have. Being rude, obnoxious and miserable to people without just cause is stupid and makes you look like an idiot.

Making fun of people is mean. If you and the person are playfully teasing each other once in awhile, that's one thing. However, just making fun of people for no reason tends to hurt people's feelings. It might seem funny to you, but it's rarely funny to the target of your "fun".

If you are wrong you should apologize. You should not apologize if you aren't wrong. You never should apologize for how you apologize for things you do and say that harm others.

You only disagree if you have reason to disagree. Doing that needlessly is bringin unnecessary drama into your life and relationship.

It's nice to do little things that show you appreciate your partner from time to time as long as you don't smother them...because that is being too needy and clingy.

You can be nice without being clingy and pathetic AND without being a jerk. You do that by respecting yourself AND the person you are with. A pathetic clingy guy only respects the woman. The jerk only respects himself. A truly nice man respects both.