Ok she's clearly playing head games with me and trying to avoid me while at the same time send me little
texts and calls each day to reassure herself that im still on the back burner. Well, i found out form a friend that she was intentionall avoiding me last night so that did it for me. She texted me today acting like everything was ok, making up some excuse for not seeing me yesterday and how sorry she was but i didnt respond and she called and left a message so i sentt her back like a one word text message saying, " i got ur message whats up." I did that because i wanted to play dumb like i didnt know anything.
Now i could dump her, but i dunno know if i wanna give her that satisfaction. My sister is telling me to completely ignore her, (i did this for a day or two last week and she started really to ger nervous only after one night of ignoring her and sent me **** like "cant wait to see you!").
I'm thinking im gonna ignore her until she goes crazy and finally breaks down and demands to know why im not talking to her all of a sudden. In which case i will calmly tell her that i dont want to be in a long distance relationship with a girl who lives a few miles away and keeps tryng to avoid me. Then i will say goodbye.
The reason im not going to sit down and talk with her and dump her right now is for 2 reasons.
1. one is because as you all know, i did that before, and she delayed it for 5 days and it did no good.
2. Second is if we break up, she loses most of her friends and she knows that. Me calling her now and dumping her makes me look like the bad guy and puts her right where she wants to be im guessing.
Bottom line is i am tired of putting any more effort into this relationship. I dont care anymore to try and talk to her about things or anything else because everything she says is just manipulative and i have no idea whether to believe it or not. I feel like making her squirm as i have for the past few weeks because i am 100% sure she will. If she wants to talk things over and work things out shes gonna have to make the effort because im done dealing with this. ive already been hooking up with other girls and plan on just moving on.
What do you guys think of this idea of dumping someone without even talking to them?
Fvck her games. Im gonna throw her $hit right back at her...