So we are on a break, as i explained earlier. So she didnt show up to party and i havent heard from her in a week. I got a call from her today and didnt answer.
She left an agitated
message saying, that she thought things were cool with us and didnt know why all her friends werent talking to her, (all my friends are her best friends, most of her friends are guys). Then she said that we only dated for like 2 months and that its not like we were engaged.
So i texted her saying i didnt know what she was talking about and that i thought we were just on a break?
Then she goes "yeah well apparently at the party everyone got the impression that I ****ed you over." This is total bull**** considering i stressed to everyone that we were on a break. I told all my friends not to be wierd around her but that i didnt want to see her and hang out with her right now. One of my friends, who used to be her best friend, told her early on, u made your bed now sleep in it. Eitherway, clearly, they havent been giving her the attention she was used to.
I would like to break it off from this girl but its hard when she is so interconnected with all my friends. They are obviously siding with me and even told her in the beginning that if she ****s this up she would lose all her friends.
I think when we had our "break talk" and left things on good terms, she assumed everything was fine, and im starting to realize that this was her way of sliding out of this without losing her friends. Her main goal here was to either have me dump her, to look like the bad guy, or come to some sort of happy agreement.
Shes calling me later today and i feel like my only option is to be like "look, ive told my friends to be fine with you, but i cant make them. But more importantly, if you dont still have feelings for me you need to let me know now so i can move on."
I know that is not a DJ thing to say but in this situation, i really cant dump her. I'm trying to ignore her and its hard cuz i really miss her, ive hooked up with 3 diff girls this past week but this bull**** situation isnt helping.
I know shes using me as her b1tch and thinks she can force me to order her friends back to her but i feel like she got herself in this.
Should i just make it clear to her that shes the one who cant handle this relationship right now, for BS reasons, so that she accepts my friends arent gonna take her side?