slaog said:
Generally Black people are less proud of their heritage then White people. Is that an attack on Black people? No, it's stating the obvious. They see White women as higher value then Black women just because the White women are White. Now who is racist there?
What makes you so sure? How did you arrive at this conclusion? it seems like youre trying to maneuver your way into proving that black people are racist, or something like that, but i think you need to stop trying to point the finger. If youre going to generalize black people you need to stop playing the racist card and at the very least, consider yourself pregidious, which is something youve displayed throughout this thread. Actually, i believe blacks are more proud of their "race" because its acceptable to be so. You probably know a handful of black people and occasionally see one of "them" on TV (as you seem to enjoying referring to blacks as). Ive never met a black person that wasnt proud to be black. Just because you see some black guy who likes white girls doesnt mean he isnt proud of his race.
As i said before, you have fallacies in your logic. You did say that you arent attracted to black girls so why would white girls be attracted to black guys. Take some time and think about why that doesnt work. I think SOME black guys like white girls because they havent been exposed to them or theyve been taboo or off limits. They want to try something new or theyre fascinated by something, who cares. In japan, japanese girls are CRAZY about black guys. Does that make them racist? By youre logic, yes. But its just because they havent been exposed. Please, stop trying to expose how blacks are racists like everyone else.
I still want to understand how you consider inter-racial relationships wrong because it reduces the number of whites and increases the number of minorities. You say it with a flare is disdain like it sickens you in some way. Shouldnt you encourage blacks and other minority groups to make babies so there are less of them? That was the most racist comment ive ever heard. So what whites are the minority of the WORLD? What kind of argument is that? Are you saying you should be able to control the world? At the least you should begin to understand how other minorities feel in america.
The difference between a black and white person is much more than skin color. There's genetic and social differences
Lets also address this, something you seemed to ignore. Theres a greater variation WITHIN "races" than between them. There are social differences between people in every part of the US, but you dont consider that a problem unless theyre black and white? Once again, you seem to have something against blacks for trying to make that distictions, as if it influences the way the world works.
You black guys paint a certain picture, but it's not reality
This is the kind of stuff you need to refrain from saying.
You guys always want to play the race card and use the racist label to try to popularize your agenda. You act like a bunch of little Jesse Jacksons, with your pC and thought police.
Im glad you enjoy generalizing black folk, not a pregidious thing to do at all. What agenda would that be? Im willing to bet that the black guys on this site, including myself, dispise Jesse Jackson. In no way are we behaving or speaking in a manner remotely similar to his. Just as speakeasy does, i too listen to rock and cant be classified as a sterotypical black guy. I probably have more in common with white guys than black guys. So with that being the case, if a white girl dates me then she must like white guys right?
I have a slight inclinition that you dont really like black guys, or black people for that matter. I actually think you dont really like any "race" except your own. And im not pulling the race card. Thats just the pictured you painted with youre racist comments. Oh yea, explaing how inter racial relationships are equal to homosexuality? Is it a sin? Are those who do it going to hell? If youre going to have diarrhea of the mouth you should explain your misguided arguments.