Girl taking over a week to respond to a text she initiated!

The Diver

Master Don Juan
Aug 25, 2017
Reaction score
Oh and other thing that is weird her last seen status on WhatsApp only seems to update once a day. That seems implausible as most girls are glued to their phone. So perhaps she is screening texts and has a lot of men on the go

Honestly, it's mind-boggling what some of the guys doing.
Why do you give a F**k about all this nonsense?
When confused, go to the basic: You send her a text and she doesn't respond in a timely manner - stop entertaining her and move on. Plain and simple.
What's the point of all this mind mu$terbation?

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
Reaction score
Not to put OP down since he is probably hurting emotionally, but it looks like he is already overly infatuated with this woman. Nothing good can come off when the attraction is this one sided.

Talk to more women and keep your mind occupied OP.

This website banned me in five days. I started a thread over there called “I sent her packing” and they had a nuclear meltdown.

It was funny, because they really took to my masculinity before I aired out that I threw a boundary down.

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
Reaction score
Not to put OP down since he is probably hurting emotionally, but it looks like he is already overly infatuated with this woman. Nothing good can come off when the attraction is this one sided.

Talk to more women and keep your mind occupied OP.

I have to admit, actually having read a few posts there….. not terribly awful advice. Basically they’re saying try picking the phone up and not being a text message sending fckboy. I can’t argue with it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Honestly, it's mind-boggling what some of the guys doing.
Why do you give a F**k about all this nonsense?
When confused, go to the basic: You send her a text and she doesn't respond in a timely manner - stop entertaining her and move on. Plain and simple.
What's the point of all this mind mu$terbation?
OP is doing exactly what happens when you have a scarcity mindset it then manifests in

  • Neediness
  • Thristyness
  • Desperation

What's the solution IMO the best solution is not to overinvest in a woman that underinvest. If OP had a rotation of 3 or 2 other women he would not care why cause he has other options but since OP doesn't he's stuck. This is why I laugh at people on this forum who still preaching this "Text her a week later or a month later" nonsense. In 2024 women always have their phones on them some check their phone every hour some check their ****ing phone every 5 minutes! if a woman has real HIGH IL this thread wouldn't be a question

OP not to be harsh with you, I have made the same mistake many times you need to move on, readjust your mindset and stop being overinvested in chicks. You are coming of as desperate and needy and this is turn off. Even if you were to get this women you would lose her because of your simping ways. Learn to be a man of self-respect and options!

I'll use myself as an example. I texted a girl on Monday she didn't respond. She had initial high IL(we already hooked up twice)and I noticed the last 2 weeks it has dropped. If she responds or reaches out cool if not that's fine because I won't reach out as I have other options and even if those optons fail you have to have respect for yourself and be willing to walk away instead of chasing a woman who is lukewarm at best.

A woman that truly wants or likes you won't act like this to confuse you she basically letting you know she ain't feeling you


Don Juan
May 14, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah it is good advice. I got sloppy because I forgot that women can be strokers and fake high interest which she probably did on the first date and to a lesser extent the second date. I should really be looking at consistent high interest and good behaviour over a period of time before investing. I had other options of course but it is hard to be coldblooded and treat them equally.

But yeah she doesn't give a damn about me. Her last texts were littered with typos and even if she is a bad texter she would know that most people do not like to be left unread for days and I am sure she doesn't treat her friends and men she is actually interested in like that.

But yeah this one is dead and I am going on some dates with other chicks over the weekend.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
Yeah it is good advice. I got sloppy because I forgot that women can be strokers and fake high interest which she probably did on the first date and to a lesser extent the second date. I should really be looking at consistent high interest and good behaviour over a period of time before investing. I had other options of course but it is hard to be coldblooded and treat them equally.

But yeah she doesn't give a damn about me. Her last texts were littered with typos and even if she is a bad texter she would know that most people do not like to be left unread for days and I am sure she doesn't treat her friends and men she is actually interested in like that.

But yeah this one is dead and I am going on some dates with other chicks over the weekend.
It's likely your excessive interest and investment in her for no real reason is what scared her off and made her pvssy dry up.

No woman wants a guy who acts like they have no options. It's highly unattractive.