There's a woman I know that I suspect might be on the spectrum.Female autism is an interesting issue. Supposedly, the emotional nature of females makes it easier for them to "mask" their autism. I have met one girl with diagnosed autism in her teens. I am kind of skeptic of this one though, as she is also a known Hypochondriac that shops for doctors to label her as something. She would tell me her new "chronic condition" every month after somehow miraculously surviving last month's. Not knowing the doctor that gave her the diagnosis or if the diagnosis even happened, I honestly assume it to be bogus until proven otherwise.
Another girl I met in her early 20s did not ever mention any sort of diagnosis, but her demeanor, interests and overall behavior made me suspect autism, since she seemed to exhibit many personality traits I saw in autistic males (few friends, socially awkward, hyper fixation on odd special-interests etc.) I am by no means a psychologist but I have seen enough consistent trends to make what I feel are safe assumptions.
She'll go on long tangents to me about a topic I have no desire to engage in. I've even given her a cue before that I don't want to engage. The cue went over her head. Then I've overheard her doing the same thing with another person (going on a long tangent despite the fact the other person gave a stfu cue).
Maybe this is because of how mild my case is, but (as you can see) sometimes even I (a guy on the spectrum) find myself getting frustrated when the outside world doesn't read my cues.