Consider the picture below..
Bruce Lee standing next to Bolo Yeung.
One has a
lean muscular physique, and the other has a
bulky muscular physique.
Of the two, which one do you think will fill out a shirt more?
Bolo Yueng.
In my experience, my bulky frame is what gets me the ACC (Appearance, Confidence, Compliments).
Since that is what's been working for me, I will only recommend what's been
proven to work for me.
However, you can't go wrong with the lean muscular look either.
Outside of his martial arts prowest, Bruce Lee has been known to be the prototype for the lean, muscular look.
He was reowned for his emphasis on health, fitness, and diet.
But for what gets me the ICC, I'm going with the Bolo Yueng look.
So, I recommend going for bulk.
But I am not gonna sh!t on the guy going for the lean/ripped look because if you approach a woman with a Bruce Lee physique wearing a wife beater tank top, I'm sure she will find you attractive.
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