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George Sodini/LA Fitness murderer internet diary

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
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Reading this it reminds me of how pvssy whipped society has become now. Now I'm against rape and all forms of it, but there are just so many stupid technicality driven rules that sometimes make you think twice about what you're doing. I remember flirting with a girl one time in public and then I slipped up and kind of went too far, I admit it was my mistake but then her friends threatened they would call the cops on me for sexual harassment. WTF I made a mistake and I'm gonna be registered as a sex predator because of all of these rules.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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Wow, I don't really know what to think about this.

The only thing I'm sure of is that society is to blame. KontrollerX pretty much summed it up.

I may be over simplifying, but I really think that "game" is something that should be taught to all men at school. For some reason only God knows young why, some men grow up without ever learning how to get girls.

Not having any women in your life makes you feel like shit, this I know. It is not something that any man should live with. I can't imagine going 20 years without having a girlfriend or having sex. Surely he hated his life.

Unfortunately the media will not acknowledge this issue at all and nothing will change.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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KontrollerX said:
Anger at this guy for what he did is missplaced anger plain and simple.

The system created this killer just as it created the Columbine kids, Martin Bryant and Cho who did the Virginia Tech massacre.

Hate the system.

The guy was just a victim of it as were those women he killed.
That's absurd and stupid.

As soon as he loaded that gun, Sodini became a psychopath. Killed innocent women. Yet he is the victim?

I hate the modern culture and environment too, but we're men, not animals. I'm sure he was mentally ill, but it doesn't change the fact that he's guilty of murder.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2007
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Sodini needed help and never got it. From an observers point of view I too see someone who, with no inner game, got sick of tired of failing and made the mistake of saying "fukk this" and cashing out. If it took him so long to make his move, including one failed attempt, which he chronicled online.. there is a chance he wanted someone to intervene. Deep down, his blog may have been a cry for help, odd that noone stumbled across it and reported it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
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KontrollerX said:
The guy wasn't a coward.

Nor did he take the easy way out or any other worthless garbage reactionaries are so often fond of saying.

In reality the guy was so far gone mentally from isolation and depression his actions were more a result of just not giving a fvck anymore.

See to be a coward one has to have fear.

It wasn't fear that caused him to kill those women or himself.

It was a fvck this world and everyone in it, nothing matters or means anything anymore mindset that did it.

It was the personal realization that he had nothing to look forward to in his life that did it.

Radical feminism is directly responsible for keeping crucial knowledge away from this man that could have saved his and those women's lives.

The education system, media, movies, music, talkshows and on and on promote feminism and the metrosexualization of men. Its all around us. Its all about us. It is the Matrix.

Had he access to knowledge such as put forth by Sosuave how to exist in our particular feminized society and break free of his feminized programming and be successful with women in it he'd be a fulfilled happy man and he and all those women would still be alive today.

School shootings such as Columbine and lone gunmen such as Martin Bryant reveal common themes.

-Assh0lish jock guys give other guys who are just trying to make it through the day needless trouble.
-Girls who are ridiculously entitled by the culture immediately reject guy before even getting to know him.
-Guy being isolated, bullied and alone with no justice or future for himself in sight pays back society's "kindness" with a bullet or several and then we have to listen to the media drone on and on about how evil and deranged the killer was without putting any of the blame or responsibility on itself or the society that created the killer/s.

Know justice, know peace, no justice, no peace.

True phrase.

These guys don't get any justice or any helping hand up at all and then we sit back and wonder why they destroy themselves and others.

Its ridiculous.

Anger at this guy for what he did is missplaced anger plain and simple.

The system created this killer just as it created the Columbine kids, Martin Bryant and Cho who did the Virginia Tech massacre.

Hate the system.

The guy was just a victim of it as were those women he killed.
I agree 100%.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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Espi said:
Apparently he didn't read much.
Well who knows if he really applied himself or if the book titled "picking up younger women" is any good.

I am sure that book had some decent advice but because of George lack of "inner game" he couldn't apply most of the concepts.

By the looks of things inside the house, the place wasn't exactly women friendly.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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I 100% disagree that the "system" caused this man's actions.

EVERY mentally valid human being is responsible for their OWN actions. You may ACCEPT responsibility for the actions of another, as in a child or employee, but we all have complete and total power to make our own decisions; regardless of external influences. Were society and feminism contributing factors? Obviously yes; but there are millions of other men who adapted healthily to the same society and the same feminised cultural norms.

My personal take on this tragedy was that this was a very lonely, lonely man who had simply reached his breaking point.

What makes me sick is that people get on their high horse shouting how it makes them 'angry' or that he was a sick, deranged fvck...as if no one here has ever had feelings like this man. I would say with certainty that there are hundreds, THOUSANDS of other lonely men---some of them probably post on sosuave--who live similar lives to Mr. Sodini.

Was he a coward? Depends on who you ask. This guy had literally reached the end of his rope. He had no one to turn to, no one to advise him, no one to accept his deficiencies and try to help him. Isn't it obvious from reading his blog? This guy was desperate for human connection. That does NOT excuse or even remotely validate his actions...but it's plain to see this was a broken, desolate man.

The guy obviously had a coping problem, and likely a legitimate social adaptive disorder. His years of failure and emotional seclusion resulted in deep, bitter resentment; and ultimately his last desperate act. It was indeed a tragedy, and it could have happened in any of our own hometowns.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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STR8UP said:
I was going to explain how 50 years ago this decent looking, in shape guy would have probably been long since married due to the culture of the time, but I kind of figured that roissy might have already written something about it, and in fact he did. Read it here.

Fact of the matter is, this kind of thing is the manifestation of the frustration men are feeling for being squeezed out of the mating game by a system that modern feminism brought on about 40 years ago.

We can speculate all day long about whether or not he would have still gone crazy had feminism not had such a profound influence on concentrating the sexual market into what equates to a large pool of women having sex with a small pool of men, but my money says this kind of thing wouldn't have happened had it not been for the screwed up state feminism has left our culture in.

OK STR8, let me play devil's advocate here to inspire a point that this tragedy has made me aware of. I read Roissey's take and a good portion of the comments on his blog about this Terminal AFC, and then, as I'm always trying to stay aware of the counterpoints the Matrix will use to bolster their own side of the debate, I trolled a few of the more notorious feminist blogs to read what would undoubtably amount to a firestorm of "this is evidence of the dangerous and corrupting power of misogyny!" type articles. They did not disappoint.

From this article:

What’s particularly irritating about the narrative surrounding these shootings is the idea that the shooter went crazy because he was lonely and women rejected him. The NYTimes story has quotes about how he was a good-looking guy who should therefore have been able to find someone to have sex with him. A really repulsive take, via Jezebel, can be found here, at a blog where the author espouses the theory that “The Game” can save lives. For the unfamiliar — and if you are unfamiliar, I envy you — “The Game” is a douchebag pick-up manual for dudes who want to go from “frustrated chumps” to ******* womanizers. I’m familiar with it mostly through having come across a few “pick-up artists” in my day — usually easy to spot by their habit of “negging,” which basically means that they say something vaguely insulting, because chicks like that. You can get a pretty good sense of how these dudes view women when you read this guy’s Female Market Value Test. I almost feel bad linking this guy’s blog because he’s so pathetic, but maybe all the page-views will boost his ad sales and help him afford a new Ed Hardy t-shirt. Anyway, dude says that “The Game” could have saved lives — because if only George Sodini had gotten laid, he wouldn’t have shot up a gym and murdered three women.

Well… no. Sodini was clearly an unbalanced and aggressive man who fixated on women and blamed them for his problems. The same cultural misogyny that enabled Sodini to blame women for his own social ineptitude and aggression also underwrites “The Game,” and informs people like Roissey’s interactions with women. It glorifies male dominance and relies on male entitlement. And, notably, it relies on there being a class of less-dominant men to serve as contrast to the alpha males — it’s not exactly looking out for the whole of the Brotherhood.

Hating women comes in a variety of forms. Sodini’s was certainly one extreme, but perhaps people like Roissey and other “pick-up artists” who hold dehumanzing views of women — and, equally troubling, glorify a shallow caricature of masculinity — would do well to look in the mirror and see how their actions also contribute to a larger culture of misogyny.
Now, granted, she entirely misses the point about how Roissey uses the term 'game' (she assumes he means the actual book and not a social dynamic), but her perspective is one Men are going to encounter, and more emphatically so after an AFC goes on a well planned murder spree. However misogyny is the Matrix to a feminist mindset. They sincerely believe that misogyny is the the unseen force that influences an oppressive patriarchy and incidents such as this are tragic evidence of it. There's no real need to explore or consider the mechanics of gender dynamics when misogyny is such a convenient answer. Roissey is a misogynist so why delve any deeper into his reasonings? Rollo, STR8UP and anyone else on SS are all misogynists so who cares what they have to say, right? Read the responses on this blog, or jump over to feministing.com and read those. Yes, it will make your blood boil, but you'll see just how powerfully pervasive the standardized simple answer of misogyny really is.

And in this case it's not that I disagree with some of them; the guy was genuinely hateful of women - he hated what he couldn't have. For every George Sodini there's another ten thousand guys with a mail order bride from Thailand because it was their only recourse after having their social maturity retarded at 25. The feministing crowd will point to his PUA books (such as they are) as a fuel that fired his contempt for women, when in fact it was more likely seen as a medicine for him to cure his disease (chronic loneliness). They're going to violently attempt to paint his actions as a result of the perceived misogyny permeating the PUA culture. You can expect The View, Oprah, Dr. Phil and a host of others to ride this for some time to come.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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Rollo Tomassi said:
The feministing crowd will point to his PUA books (such as they are) as a fuel that fired his contempt for women, when in fact it was more likely seen as a medicine for him to cure his disease (chronic loneliness).
And that's exactly what the author of that post missed. She was focusing on a symptom--his hatred of women-- and not the root malady that George Sodini suffered from, which was a marked state of social ineptitude resulting in chronic loneliness and desperate behavior. We call this being a terminal AFC.

I don't think "The Game" would have saved George Sodini's life; if anything it would result in some momentary success but eventual spiral further into reclusiveness. A book about picking up girls is not going to reverse 25+ years of social failure and emotional isolation from others.

Society is not to blame. This is an extreme and tragic example of social maladaptation and subsequent virulent resentment towards the very thing he wanted the most---women.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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Colossus said:
Society is not to blame. This is an extreme and tragic example of social maladaptation and subsequent virulent resentment towards the very thing he wanted the most---women.
I think it is.

Why is it that nobody is responsible for teaching boys about dating, attraction and how to not be awkward? Girls don't need any help since they can get laid on demand.

I know most guys figure it out, but many do not. I am one who did not. Am I the next George Sodini? No way, but I definitely empathize with him.

I do think something is very wrong with the world when some men have to buy books and or pay thousands of dollars to get coached on how get something that is such a basic human need.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
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Rollo Tomassi said:
And in this case it's not that I disagree with some of them; the guy was genuinely hateful of women - he hated what he couldn't have. For every George Sodini there's another ten thousand guys with a mail order bride from Thailand because it was their only recourse after having their social maturity retarded at 25. The feministing crowd will point to his PUA books (such as they are) as a fuel that fired his contempt for women, when in fact it was more likely seen as a medicine for him to cure his disease (chronic loneliness). They're going to violently attempt to paint his actions as a result of the perceived misogyny permeating the PUA culture. You can expect The View, Oprah, Dr. Phil and a host of others to ride this for some time to come.
I think the mail order bride thing should be discussed more in our society. Maybe George didn't consider this option? I know for a fact this guy could have gotten laid, could have even got a hot wife if he wanted to. If anyone here is as desperate and lonely as George was, go somewhere like Eastern Europe, or South America... I travelled to Cuba, and let me tell you... women there treat you like GODS.. because by just being "American (well, I'm Canadian) is automatically putting massive value on yourself. You can be ugly as fvck and they STILL cling to you. I know a lonely guy in his fifties finally wanted to settle down... tired of the BS he was getting, got on a plane, went to Cuba and bagged a 20 something Cuban babe. Girl was smoking hot too, brought her over here and she is completely obedient. Yes, it's probably true that she just wanted to get the fvck out of Cuba, but the guy very happy and content. (I'm actually in the process of trying to get a visa for this girl's parents to come visit here too... not easy)

All I'm saying is, there is more than one way to skin a cat. I've always though lonely desperate men should consider the foreign wife route.

And many might say "well, he could have used a hooker"... sure, that satisfies the sexual aspect of things, but these lonely men are looking for more than that, they want companionship, someone to go to the movies with, to eat dinner with, heck just to go groecery shopping with.

While I don't condone his actions, I do feel somewhat sorry for the guy, I know how it must have felt. But he had options out there, believe me.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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Maxtro said:
I think it is.

Why is it that nobody is responsible for teaching boys about dating, attraction and how to not be awkward? Girls don't need any help since they can get laid on demand.

I know most guys figure it out, but many do not. I am one who did not. Am I the next George Sodini? No way, but I definitely empathize with him.

I do think something is very wrong with the world when some men have to buy books and or pay thousands of dollars to get coached on how get something that is such a basic human need.

Is it something that is wrong with the world, or something that is wrong with these men??

Chicken and egg. My father taught me a lot but he never taught me how to conduct myself like a Man--a non-chump--with women. Probably because he never learned these things himself. It's sort of generational deficiency that is passed on from father to son.

Much of it is cultural, but you can find chumps with zero clue on how to interact with women in every culture, I guarantee you. The answer, like most things, is multi-factorial. It's not just that dad's aren't teaching their sons, it's not just that western women are feminized and entitled, it's not just that the individualism of American culture fosters men like Sodini who are hopelessly lost and lonely. It's all of the above...and frankly it is a bit scary.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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hey I just read Roissy's blog and there was an update on George, he did in fact attend a seduction seminar but the guy that ran it was a well known fraud. The guy that ran the seminar's is called Don Steele and apparently he took down the youtube video's as soon as people discovered that George attended his workshops and was on one of them.

Here is the proof:http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?p=367457301



Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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I agree with you that it is a combination of many things. And it will probably never change unless some monumental effort is taken.

Is it something that is wrong with the world, or something that is wrong with these men??
I think it is both. Neither the world or the men are blameless.

It is impossible to blame an awkward teenager who somehow does not socially mature and grows into a very lonely adult. I'd say that getting girls from 13-19 is all about luck and skill learned from positive experiences. During those years the world (fate) is responsible for what happens.

Using myself as an example. 13 years old, like a girl and she rejects me. 14-18 I am the same thing happens and I am continually rejected. I am never able to learn what is necessary to get girls. In essence the world has failed me.

The next piece is that when the boy becomes a man he learns the means to possibly change fate. Therefore at that stage the responsibility it is his responsibility to make the effort to change.

Put another way; a 16 year old boy has learning about PU because it should happen naturally. Though if something goes wrong and he's now 23 without ever having a GF then it his responsibility to learn.

Getting back to my original point. If somehow a guy becomes an adult and hasn't learned how to attract women, it means that something went very wrong. IMO making sure these young men know how to satisfy their needs is the only way to prevent these violent tragedies from happening.

donjuanapprentice01 said:
I think the mail order bride thing should be discussed more in our society. Maybe George didn't consider this option? I know for a fact this guy could have gotten laid, could have even got a hot wife if he wanted to. If anyone here is as desperate and lonely as George was, go somewhere like Eastern Europe, or South America... I travelled to Cuba, and let me tell you... women there treat you like GODS.. because by just being "American (well, I'm Canadian) is automatically putting massive value on yourself.
First of all I don't have the money to leave the country and second why should I even leave? It only says that something is wrong with western society when people have to leave to get some pussy.
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Don Juan
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
There is something wrong with western society. The lonely male's only obligation is to himself and his own happiness. If it is getting a mail order bride, because the society he comes from doesn't value him enough, so be it.


Don Juan
Nov 10, 2007
Reaction score
I agree... it is the system, a system that favours woman which is why you never see woman doing this sort of thing. Frankly, if i was him I get some escorts/hookers... if he was .net programmer he was probably cashing some decent money but because the system frowns on using money for sex he prob never did. HAD he did get escorts/hookers to satisfy his needs it would bring on the 'player' mentality making him attractive to non sluts therby allowing him to get a meaningful relationship


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2006
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Pittsburgh - The Killing Fields

A tragedy for all men and women,


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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you gotta love june 5 2009 entry.
George Sodini said:
June 5, 2009:
I was reading several posts on different forums and it seems many teenage girls have sex frequently. One 16 year old does it usually three times a day with her boyfriend. So, err, after a month of that, this little hoe has had more sex than ME in my LIFE, and I am 48. One more reason. Thanks for nada, b!tches! Bye.