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George Sodini/LA Fitness murderer internet diary


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
If he came on here and made a post, I know for a FACT that most of you guys would put the onus on HIM. But with this thread, you guys are saying that if you fail with women it's your own fault, but if you EPICALLY fail with women to the point where you start killing people, then it's not your fault.

It's his own fault he failed with women, and it's his own fault he killed them. Putting the blame on the system is the same thing those feminazis do to further their agenda. Don't do that.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
"If he came on here and made a post, I know for a FACT that most of you guys would put the onus on HIM."

Actually the pattern for us tearing someone a new assh0le goes like this...

*AFC shows up at the forum crying about not being good with girls or a particular chick*

*DJ's then instruct the man properly giving him life changing advice and the correct action to take*

*AFC comes back saying things are fvcked and he fell flat on his face*

*DJ's question him about his failure only to find out he followed none of their advice at which point they tear AFC boy a new assh0le for having been instructed properly but ignoring all of it to do his own thing that already failed him before*

So in cases like this the blame ie onus lies with the informed AFC who still chooses the incorrect AFC path to take.

George never had the proper path laid out for him to begin with.

Big difference.

Mr. Me

Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
There's no defense for his immature, violent act. This man was a loser. Let's not blame society for his responsibility to act upright. Instead of becoming a better man, he got frustrated to the point where he acted on his anger because of his lack of character. Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for what... 25 years? He didn't become a murderous bast@rd. It has to do with conducting yourself as a MAN no matter WHAT is going on around you in life's circumstances. This is not, nor ever will be, a perfect world. And men have faced far more grave and serious circumstances in war and conflicts then this man ever faced from a girl. Therefore, there is no excuse to give in to frustration, bitterness and anger over women.

The only thing I have issue with is the media making a connection between his desire for younger women and his act of murder. It's normal to find younger women attractive, duh.


Don Juan
Dec 25, 2007
Reaction score
I feel sorry for George, because I can relate to his situation. I would never do anything like he did because I'm too lazy and timid. I consider myself smarter than most people because I see the pointlessness of life and choose to just sit this life out and wait for it to end. But unfortunately I still have sexual urges, and a desire to feel accepted, "normal". And these desires are not compatible with my choice not to participate in life.

I have a desire for companionship with a woman who I am head-over-heels in love with, and who feels the same way about me. I have a desire for her to treat me like I'm important, attractive, I desire for her to be all about me, just as I would be all about her. But at the same time my only experiences of women growing up are images of them in a magazine, that I can pick up when I want it and put away when I'm done. I wonder if I ever did have a girlfriend, if I would break up with her the first time she did something I didn't like, because she's not like the magazine that I can control, pick up and put down when I feel like. In sosuave-speak, I want to receive value from people but don't like the part about having to have value to give back.

Maybe George felt the same way. Maybe at some level he was more comfortable being alone because it was familiar to him and he didn't have to give value to anyone. But at the same time he knew that society didn't consider him "normal", it looked down on him, saw him as different, inferior. And he obviously had the desire to take value from others, at least women, but his (perceived) lack of value to offer in return prevented him.

Mine is not merely a perceived lack of value that I have to offer. It is very real. I'm a kid in a grown up body who is pissed off that I don't have the power to control people and force them to do what I want. I hope at the very least that this serves as a wake-up call to society, that loners are people too, they have feelings, they have needs and it is only right that they be met just like everyone else's. Maybe the government could start setting up arranged wives for people like George and me, attractive women who are paid by the government to serve as wives for men who don't have much value to offer, but who deserve to have their desires met just like everyone else. I can dream anyway.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2007
Reaction score

Ya, they made a big issue out of it in the above article. The way they worded it, you wouldn't know he was just hoping to pick up women aged 28-38.. Like there is anything wrong with that? This guy paid money to go to bogus dating shops and bought books written by other losers about picking up girls. If he had a counselor he would have been ok. One attractive counselor telling him he is not such a piece of crap, another male dating coach actually taking him out to the field, and he'd maybe have been ok.

Desert Fox

Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
One thing everyone here needs to realize is this:

LIFE is not FAIR. It's not MEANT TO BE FAIR.

This George what's-his-face constantly felt victimized. He is a pvssy and died a pvssy. Sure he didn't give a fvck, but he took out his anger with bullets and a violent tantrum instead of looking inside himself and mustering up the strength to change his life.

That takes much more courage and strength than pulling a trigger on a gun.

My conclusion is this guy is a loser, AFC, and failure at life. You can say all you want about society and play the victim card, but in the end all you have is that worthless card and cry yourself to sleep at night. In the morning despite all your angst you and poutyness all you have is still that worthless card and the same sh1tty life you went to bed with.

Once you realize this and accept you are not strong enough to change, you get this sad case we see here and bad things happen.

Here I just want to say how happy I am we have this forum and 99.999% of the people on here trying to change...that's how they found the site.

God knows how many lurkers are here quietly improving themselves privately.

But let's get 1 thing clear, this guy is not a victim, he is a loser who was put in the same sh1tty society we are all in. Some of us choose to change and do something about it to make it more favorable. Others go on a shooting rampage and end up dead.


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
I like the fact we can now see posts like the ones from Mr. Me and Desert Fox, instead of posts when Sodini's painted as the victim of the system, which is a bunch of bullsh-t.

Like Desert Fox said, we are all put in the same society. Some men actually manage to create a good and satisfying life for themselves, go figure.

He had a defeatist attitude, he was pessimistic and negative, he didn't take responsibility for his life, he didn't try hard enough, he didn't have values, he had issues with his family, he was full of contempt and anger, etc... But sure, women were the problem.

He says 100 women told him he's a "nice guy". I'm sure he was making every mistake in the book, regardless of that book on his coffee table.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
I hate to be the one to point this out, but Sodini's rants about 16 y.o. "ho's" and his opinion of women (particularly the one's who'd rejected him) in general are farm league stuff compared to those of LMS. Just saying,..


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
"I like the fact we can now see posts like the ones from Mr. Me and Desert Fox, instead of posts when Sodini's painted as the victim of the system, which is a bunch of bullsh-t."

Funny how all of the posters who subscribe to this bullsh!t viewpoint benefitted greatly from having found Sosuave somehow someway.

Many of Sosuave's greatest could have turned into this guy had they not found this site.

This mentality of you guys is as completely retarded as it would be to say blame someone who was born into a third world sh!thole where there were no jobs whatsoever or shoe companies for not taking action and getting himself a mansion and a pair of Nikes.

The poor kid has NOTHING to work with in this scenario but still you reactionaries b!tch that he should somehow turn one giant rotten lemon into healthy safe to drink lemonade.


George did have something to work with, health and decent looks and he did everything the garbage rotten to the core feminist society told him to do, he took action and he still failed because society gave him bad advice.

He did the best he could, he did not have Sosuave to teach him the proper way, he did not have this resource that so many of you with this negative opinion take for granted and how it has transformed your own lives for the better.

You can't blame someone for crashing a vehicle if they are expected to drive yet are never given access to driver's training.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
This guy wasn't steered wrong by feminism, he was steered wrong by church, without religious brainwashing, he wouldn't have thought it sinful to get himself a hooker every other weekend. He certainly could have afforded it.

One crazy nutter out of a couple hundred million is all it takes for you fools to wring your hands over the evil feminism that is thwarting your happiness.

Some of you guys live for examples like this guy, who you can prove through your convoluted KJ logic that it really isn't your fault you can't get laid.

this guy is an example of staying in your head and away from the real world and letting your convoluted imaginative arguments go to the extreme.

This guy had plenty of money, there's no reason he couldn't have gone for counseling, gone on all kinds of boot camps, hire escorts.

But he didn't. He had plenty of opportunities to make choices. He could have done any number of things to improve himself, but he didn't.

He could have paid for a matchmaking service, but he didn't. He could have bought himself a southeast Asian wife, but he didn't.

Some nutcake preacher convinced him he would get to heaven regardless of his actions, and he decided it was the easy way for him. He is no different than those car bombing retards that think they're gonna get 72 virgins.

How can you fools post in one thread about how insanely masculine you are because you can see the secret matrix for what it is, but when some batsh!t crazy nutter decides to kill innocent people, you feel for him, and blame feminism.

Here's a secret, how MEN act. When they want something, they figure out how to get it. They don't whine on the internet before going out and killing what they can't get.

Good night, now.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Wow! I'm gonna actually agree with TAIYUU on this. It's not that I don't think the feminized Matrix isn't a reality, but it's how you handle it as a Man that differentiates Sodini AFCs from DJs. I should also add that Sodini actively looked for reasons to go through with the shooting. He WANTED to do this, and kept creating and reinforcing rationales for doing so whenever he had doubts, according to his log. In the end game I doubt even the best and brightest of SS could've defused the guy.


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
This guy was a ****en *******. He should have just killed himself in his little apartment with his fat ass bank account. If he didn't have sex in 19 years he should have been almost a millionaire since he had a good paying job.

For the life of me I can't see how other people can sympathsize with Sodini. The girls he killed had parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, and other family members. They sure didn't deserve being tortured because he couldn't get laid. Let's not forget these ladies probably had BFS/SO.

Besides being a bully and loser, George was also a ****blocker. He just lessened the female population and created suspicions about dating men. Great job asswipe. You coudn't find ***** so you had to rob the chances of other guys.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
"He did the best he could, he did not have Sosuave to teach him the proper way,"

So what, he's too stupid to use a search engine? You type in "getting women" into Google, what's the first thing you see?

Sorry. In my world, shooting innocent women is not "doing the best he could." Creep. He knew it was wrong but he did it anyway. God have mercy on his soul.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
Medellin - Colombia
I don't think this guy is the first, or the last one. In a few decades, loads of people who never had the guts right now to change will not see any light at the end of the tunnel, and driven by that hopelessness and repressed anger, are going to put up bloodbaths that will make this one look like a paintball game.

I just hope that isn't where I'm going, but my track record is worse than his at this point in time.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
"He WANTED to do this"

Why wait 19 years then?

The Columbine kids didn't.

Martin Bryant didn't.

Cho didn't.

Charles Whitman didn't.

Luke Woodham didn't.

Many others didn't.

Eventually he came to the point of wanting to do this but at the same time as you pointed out his conscience was fighting him.

He was in a battle of both wanting to do it and not wanting to do it.

In reality though my opinion is in agreement with an old Tony Robbins seminar about suicide I heard sometime ago. Tony said that he believed no one who committed suicide actually wanted to do it and he went on to explain the obvious that no one literally wanted to be dead they just wanted their pain to end and saw no other way out.

To me a guy that struggles for 19 years to find a way out of doing this and who tries to find a way to succeed with only the lies feminized society has to offer him to guide his way isn't a monster but a tragedy.

That he had to fight himself to finally go through with it tells me that for all his words he didn't want to go through with it he just saw no other way out.

Why he went through with it if he really didn't want to do it deep down is the same reason you point out that AFC's go back with their oneitis ie its the familiarity of things, the believed certainty of assured and established intimacy.

George finally went through with his plan because he judged it the only sure and certain way to end his pain and maybe get a little payback along the way.

His certainty overcame his conscience and his doubts.

If he didn't kill those women and himself he knew he'd still be in the world feeling the uneasiness and uncertainty that he'd felt for the last 19 years of his life.

Likely what went through his mind is going over all of those actions society told him would cause him to succeed all over again, his logic telling him that 19 years of that didn't work so how would 19 more be any different and thats when the plan likely got solidified for real with a finality in his mind and so he went out and did this.

The majority of people that take the reactionary tard hate George stance are guys that think they had the same exact situation as George and somehow overcame it and so George should have as well.

I seriously doubt that though, I believe all these reactionary tards had at least one guiding light in their lives that showed them just a glimpse of the proper way to go and though they may of themselves done 99% of the work to change their lives without the 1% that gave them an idea of the direction to go they'd be sitting in George's shoes as future timebombs somewhere out there.

"In the end game I doubt even the best and brightest of SS could've defused the guy."


I wouldn't be so sure of that Rollo.

I believe we've done a lot of good for the world that we may never know with the advice we give here.

Of course cutler could have been making it all up but I choose to believe his story about how he was helped and how he was pulled back from the brink by Sosuave's #1 best and brightest.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
The one thing that really bothers me about this is the reaction that men are having to this guy having killed "innocent WOMEN'. Notice, it's not innocent PEOPLE, it's innocent WOMEN.

That shows how men see themselves as "expendable".

Moralists take note- this is what your "higher ground" teachings result in when a man doesn't understand that "be a man" doesn't entail sacrificing yourself for the sake of women or other people in general.

And yes, this guy is to blame for his actions, but there is no doubt in my mind that society being the way it is played a role in his demise.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
STR8UP said:

I was going to explain how 50 years ago this decent looking, in shape guy would have probably been long since married due to the culture of the time, but I kind of figured that roissy might have already written something about it, and in fact he did. Read it here.

Fact of the matter is, this kind of thing is the manifestation of the frustration men are feeling for being squeezed out of the mating game by a system that modern feminism brought on about 40 years ago.

We can speculate all day long about whether or not he would have still gone crazy had feminism not had such a profound influence on concentrating the sexual market into what equates to a large pool of women having sex with a small pool of men, but my money says this kind of thing wouldn't have happened had it not been for the screwed up state feminism has left our culture in.
STR8UP is absolutely correct, although I think it is as much a problem of there being so few appropriate (i.e., NOT fat, NOT with kids) women for men of his cohort (due to the obesification of the American women, and the poor demographics of the Baby Bust.) But the fact that the modern feminist woman does not need a husband has allowed her to go back to her true nature of being a hypergamous harem woman - although rather than being one of many for all the time, she will be the one at a single time (or at least the "official" one.)

This hypergamous mating system (kind of like polygyny by choice) always leaves excess males, and any male that is not quite at the top (or what is considered to be the top, which for stupid immature women is typically the caddish thug, who leaves her as a single mother), especially one that is not the right social circle to meet a lot of women, and/or a bit socially awkward, and perhaps short, etc., is just shɨt out of luck.

The only solution is to go abroad. Save up your pennies, retire early, and like Benjamin Button, live your proper sexual life at a later age. Maybe screw around with some cougars for the physical thrill to bide time. I know that my dating life in the USA is something similar to this guy's - thank goodness there is the great land of Ruthenia to have a proper sex life.


Don Juan
Jan 22, 2006
Reaction score
George Sodini probably wouldn't have gone on a killing spree if he had met me. He would've seen that he was way better off than me. The dude wrote that he had a girlfriend back in '84, scored between 50 and 75 times, was a computer programmer, and had siblings. I've never had a girlfriend, I've scored 0 times, I'm unemployed, and I have no siblings (and thus fewer people who can help me).

I've also never really had any friends. That, I'm sure, is one of the main reasons I ended up the way I did. It's probably the main reason Sodini ended up the way he did. Nobody really meets women in the produce section. Guys meet women through friends. But I never made friends. In high school, I hid at lunch time so nobody would see me. Now I'm paying for it. I doubt there is really any help for me at this point. I think this DJ stuff probably works great - for normal people. For someone like me, it's like rubbing Rogaine on a bald person.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Stavrogin, if you have no friends and no woman you need friends first and a woman second.

Women usually come and go, GOOD friends last longer.

And this DJ ****? Not going to win you ANY friends. You will have more sex but won't have any more friends. And ultimately, that's what's more important.

Ace of Dubs

New Member
Aug 7, 2009
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Virginia Beach
STR8UP said:
The one thing that really bothers me about this is the reaction that men are having to this guy having killed "innocent WOMEN'. Notice, it's not innocent PEOPLE, it's innocent WOMEN.

That shows how men see themselves as "expendable".

Moralists take note- this is what your "higher ground" teachings result in when a man doesn't understand that "be a man" doesn't entail sacrificing yourself for the sake of women or other people in general.
It has nothing to do with morals, feminism or any of that garbage. FACT: Men are genetically more expendable than women, for the simple reason that you could kill all but a handful of the men on the planet, and still repopulate the earth because we are physically equipped to knock females up left and right. In terms of pure species survival, women are indeed more valuable, and our instincts reflect that.

Its been this way for 1000's of years, before monotheistic religion or any other popular culprit was even around. But if you want to lay blame on people's convictions or social conventions (even though this is Biology 101) knock urself out.