Good post, but it gives me a black pill vibe. This guy probably banged around 20 women, put on the commitment hat (which is fine if this is what you want, with a healthy woman) and started preaching about tradcon values.
You contradict yourself in many points here that I will not go over with and also you exclude hypergamy, which is ****ing insane. You are on this earth because of hypergamy. Saying that women are not attracted to men that are more superior than them is either blue pill or black pill. No in between.
However, I do think that game in that form that existed in 2000s does not apply anymore.
Your post totally rejects plate theory reality, which is a reality in itself. I have/had many plates that were from all backgrounds, some of which were way better looking than me, some uglier than me, some earning much much more than me. Most of these women were healthy. PLATES, NOT ONE NIGHT STANDS. PLATES. FOR AT LEAST 4-6 MONTHS.
The fact that you started with "I'm 6 ft bla blah, I have a 8 inch **** and I make 9 figures and I bench press 300 pounds" shows me that you might be an autistic guy behind the screen that likes to invent scenarios in his head an expose them on fag forums like these so that you can live your own reality here.
Yes, some things that you wrote are generally true and you don't need to be in your 30s and earn 6 figures and be whatever the **** you said you were to KNOW THESE ABSOLUTELY BASIC THINGS. A normal, healthy, sociable man learns these in high school.
There are many "high value men" (I hate this term) around that can't get their ****s wet because they have no ****ing game (aka status, personality, social presence, competence and conversation/seductive/persuasion skills).
IF EVERYTHING YOU SAID WAS TRUE, BILL GATES, ELON MUSK, ZUCKERBERG AND ALL THE TECH LORDS SHOULD BE SWIMMING, SWIMMING!!! IN *****, but they are just some ****ing faggots that had to pay for play.
For the love of God guys, start following healthy "red pill" models, Rian Stone, early Rollo, Nuclear Caudillo, Jack napier.