FR: The Seduction of Paris Hilton (Part II: Paris Kisses Papa)


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by JT47319
The thing about AFCs are that they're a bunch of crabs in a barrel. Just as one starts to lift himself out of the barrel, the other crabs will grab him and pull him back in.

Check this out, the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of PUAs are giving the man props, respect, and much love for doing a TOTALLY cold approach without warming up, in a bad logistical setting, to a girl with a self esteem of 10, and to a girl who's never had a nonwhite (to my knowledge) boyfriend (ie Papa is a fellow Asian).

Just look at all the responses to his FR on both forums. DJs say negative things and disbelieve a man when he goes for the gold, PUAs are all about the positive and constructive criticisms.

"The thing about AFCs are that they're a bunch of crabs in a barrel. Just as one starts to lift himself out of the barrel, the other crabs will grab him and pull him back in."

That sounded funny. It's going into my signature.


Jay Fiedler

Don Juan
Nov 22, 2003
Reaction score
Madison Heights
Don Ronny.......I will never ever post pics of past conquests.

One.. because anyone who has to put pictures on the net to "prove" their manhood to me isnt much of a man.

And two...I have wayyyyyyy too much respect for the women I have dated to even think about doing something like that. 99% of the women I have dated and had sex with have been good people, and for me to do something like that is very very immature. I'm sure thats what all these women want, pictures of them plastered on the net so geeks like you can jack off to them in your basement.

Seriously..get a life.

In edit: I have had a steady gf for two years, pretty hard to post FR's about that, unless you want to hear about our last date to Joe's crab shack and my review of the movie we saw.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Well there is still no real proof of it unless there is one evidence that you have. I'm not being on anyone's side here but that's just my opinion. You don't have to post nude pics or half-naked. Just formal and normal fully-dressed pictures that is appropriate. However, invading privacy and convincing others to show them pictures is just wrong.



Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Louisiana, USA
Originally posted by Jay Fiedler
I'm sure thats what all these women want, pictures of them plastered on the net so geeks like you can jack off to them in your basement.

Seriously..get a life.
This, coming from the guy that asked his friends on a pedophile message board to help him find a picture of someone I posted? The same guy that later came in months later to say "I found her picture on a thread on the kiddy-porn forum named 'wet young b!tches'"? The same guy who said after that was shot down that "I WILL NEVER STOP UNTIL I FIND IT".?

Sorry, who's the geek jacking off in their basement with no life again?

Props to Papa - That workshop you have in Amsterdam does sound pretty intriguing... I may have to give it a shot, as I was planning on going back there again anyway.


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2004
Reaction score
The biggest natural i know carries around a tape recorder. Because everything that happens to him is funny, and he writes up funny field reports.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Way to go man, I am proud of you. Seriously, if you just treat her, and that goes for any stuck up tramp out there, like a normal woman, you would be suprised how far you could get... I mean... SOMEONE has to **** her right? Why not be you?


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Louisiana, USA
That's another thing I don't understand - why do some people elevate celebrities to a higher level than they hold themselves? Just because that person has their picture in the paper, or on the TV? That doesn't make them a better person than the next girl or guy at all. Point in case. I live in Baton Rouge, LA, and work at the Mall of LA (at Abercrombie). Around X-Mas last year Britney Spears and her mother came into the store to go buy something for her little brother. We had to let them in the back of the store (stock delivery area) due to all of the mothers of 13 yr old girls that had followed them from store to store in the mall hassling for autographs. Britney decided to shop directly from the stock room instead of dealing with the people on the floor, so as stock manager I was tasked out to give her a hand. I treated her like I would any brand rep - "Those are what you want down there... find the size you need then put them back in the same order you got 'em out in". I mean, I didn't pick her up at all, but I treated her like I would have anybody else that came back there - "famous" or not. Although I did get her autograph at the end of it - just because I didn't supplicate due to her popularity doesn't mean I shouldn't get something I can resell later on down the line. Plus, unlike Papa, I knew the odds of that situation repeating itself - just her and I - were slim to none. Anyway, I guess what I'm saying is that Backbreaker is right in what he says about treating someone normally instead of as a 'superperson'. Blah - back to the thread.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Jay Fiedler
I'm all for getting better at whatever you try to do, but dont you think that recording conversations you have with a girl is going overboard? I mean its not rocket science.

I couldn't even imagine doing something like that, or what my friends would say if they knew I was doing something like that. Be a man, not a geek. Do you think the top DJ's of the world would do that? Brad Pitt, James bond..whoever? Hell no!. Its gay.
No offense echo, but not at all. Anyone who wants to analyze their vocal inflections, tonality, and to see how fast they talk would analyze their conversations using a digital voice recorder. That is the only way to improve and learn what, where, and when they made a mistake. It also helps to know when telling stories, they can see what worked and what didn't. Anyone who gives speeches, entertains in front of a crowd, uses techniques to better their performance in front of an audience. Being a PUA is no different.

The reason Brad Pitt or any other "celebrity" doesn't need to do this is because they already have status. They don't need to improve on anything, let alone come to the internet to learn how to pick up women. Comparing the two doesn't make sense.


Jay Fiedler

Don Juan
Nov 22, 2003
Reaction score
Madison Heights
This offense to you either, but I just can't even begin to imagine carrying around a recorder so i can go home and study what was said by me or some chick. I mean...its beyond my realm of thinking.

I'm picturing myself at the bar with my firends drinking a brew and playing golden tee, some hottie walks by, and I approach. I make idle chit chat and get the digits. THENNN, I go home and meticuliosuly study what was said and not said while making cliff notes. just so wrong on so many levels. Where would you keep the your underwear next to your balls? On your belt like some geek who carries his pager or celly there? I just dont get it. The only people I can even think who would do this sort of thing would have been the math nerds from high school with their pens stuck in their pockets and their thick glasses taped up.

I dont know, i guess I've been blessed enough in my life with good looks and an outgoing personality so whereas getting chicks has never been a problem. Maybe for some guys they have to resort to this kind of thing. The funniest thing for me would be doing something like this and then having my friends find out about it. I would never hear the end of it. Just so wrong.

Btw....bishop is obsessed with me. How are you and your giant noggin' doing buddy?


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
Sigh, you know, it is funny you are talking about AFC's and crab barrels, but then look at this : a person challanges one of your "gods" and all the followers start throwing stones.

JT, i dont know why you are constantly separating people into AFC's, DJ's, PUA's when every single person is a mix of all these.

I believe everything papa wrote, but, again, all of this seems pathetic to me, since I MYSELF had been there and used to do the same all "lemme ask you 3 questions" "you are looking to the right" blah blah blah...

Notice how complicated the guys are making it. "Let's make it look like im just ordsering something to stall time, Make it look like you are on a cell" , what the **** happened to 3 secs, the SAME rule YOU suggest people use..?

Jay Fiedler

Don Juan
Nov 22, 2003
Reaction score
Madison Heights
Exactly oxide, this group is almost like a cult. They have their own lingo and ways of communicating. Just takes the fun out of hooking up with chicks. They make it seem so complicated and stressfull. I know that if I ever went up to some girl and tried the things pap did like the three questions approach, the girl would see through it in about 3 seconds and boot me to the curb.

Its pretty funny actually if you think about. Guys actually go to this much trouble to meet girls?????


Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Jay Fiedler
I dont know, i guess I've been blessed enough in my life with good looks and an outgoing personality so whereas getting chicks has never been a problem. Maybe for some guys they have to resort to this kind of thing. The funniest thing for me would be doing something like this and then having my friends find out about it. I would never hear the end of it. Just so wrong.

Btw....bishop is obsessed with me. How are you and your giant noggin' doing buddy?
I suppose everyone on this website is on different levels in their skills. That's great that you don't have to resort to working on your rapport. I still have to work on slowing my speech down. I naturally do everything fast, especially speaking. I keep my digital recorder in my shirt pocket when I do use it to analyze myself.

On another note, are you still in that penny stock? Or is that somebody else?


Jay Fiedler

Don Juan
Nov 22, 2003
Reaction score
Madison Heights
Actually that sucks, I'm pretty heavy into MRKL right now--homeland security stock that has taken a beating. Right now at .48--which is a gift from the gods, looking for $5 by year end.

Add good luck to you and your endeavors hooking up with chicks. But I think if you just relaxed and realized that woman arent some "special" creations, but just people like you and me, you will have better success with the fairer sex. Just talk to them like they are lucky to be talking to YOU, and whether you strike out or not means nothing in the grand scheme of things. After all, 10 years from now will it really matter if some girl gave you her number or not? Of course not.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2000
Reaction score
**** Paris! I want her sister.


Frank Zappa

Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2000
Reaction score
Originally posted by Oxide
Sigh, you know, it is funny you are talking about AFC's and crab barrels, but then look at this : a person challanges one of your "gods" and all the followers start throwing stones.

JT, i dont know why you are constantly separating people into AFC's, DJ's, PUA's when every single person is a mix of all these.

I believe everything papa wrote, but, again, all of this seems pathetic to me, since I MYSELF had been there and used to do the same all "lemme ask you 3 questions" "you are looking to the right" blah blah blah...

Notice how complicated the guys are making it. "Let's make it look like im just ordsering something to stall time, Make it look like you are on a cell" , what the **** happened to 3 secs, the SAME rule YOU suggest people use..?
Damnit Oxide, I was just about to make this post when I noticed your post. So I will be your crab just to say...

Yeah, what Pap did was very commendable and impressive. Can't say I could've pulled that off by a longshot. But yeah, I cringed when I was reading the story everytime I read certain phrases. I had no idea people actually talked like this, maybe it's an LA thing.

I kept picturing myself at a bar with my friends going, "let's approach that three-set," I'll stay to watch and wait for your FR bud," "how about that two-set," "use the question-opener.'

Then I pictured my friends punching me in the face appropriately. What happened to just being a DJ and knowing you are a DJ without overanalyzing things and turning it into a game. Isn't that the women's job. Maybe I'm wrong, but I prefer just going out with my friends, talking about something other then women, then when we see an appropriate group, grunt at each other, approach, and know how to be a wingman... Repeat if necessary.


Jay Fiedler

Don Juan
Nov 22, 2003
Reaction score
Madison Heights
Funny frank.

Personally, when I'm hangin' with my buds, I prefer the patented "hotelheiress mega hot gigabyte with the reverse spin cryptonic double secret probation with a twist move".

Seems to work just about......never.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Hermosa Beach, CA
Originally posted by Oxide
Sigh, you know, it is funny you are talking about AFC's and crab barrels, but then look at this : a person challanges one of your "gods" and all the followers start throwing stones.
But see, the point is, why are you even doubting the field report? If your friend posted that they just sarged a beautiful blonde, would you then doubt him? Why is it this FR isn’t given the same benefit of the doubt? It’s not a “challenge”, it’s just crab mentality.

I know Papa in real life and I even though I was not there, I have no doubt that it actually happened. It’s like if a friend called you up and said he hooked up with a totally hot girl. Do you doubt him, call him names, and say he’s a loser? Or do you give him props and congratuations?

JT, i dont know why you are constantly separating people into AFC's, DJ's, PUA's when every single person is a mix of all these.
DJs are AFCs straight up. There are no two ways about it. Maybe once upon a time a DJ was something more, but a DJ here stands for a Keyboard Jockey. Period. PUAs are the dudes who are actively going out and DOING something. Not theorizing, not jacking off, but actually SARGING and SEDUCING and PICKING UP.

To me, if you call someone a DJ, you’re either recognizing that he’s an AFC, WBAFC, or rAFC or you’re plain out insulting him.

I believe everything papa wrote, but, again, all of this seems pathetic to me, since I MYSELF had been there and used to do the same all "lemme ask you 3 questions" "you are looking to the right" blah blah blah...

Notice how complicated the guys are making it. "Let's make it look like im just ordsering something to stall time, Make it look like you are on a cell" , what the **** happened to 3 secs, the SAME rule YOU suggest people use..? [/B]
The 3 second rule is for those starting out in sarging. Just to get over the fear of approaching. It’s best to have a STRUCTURE to the pickup and figure out the logistics. I know for myself personally, I need a few warm up sets in the night before I feel my groove and “in the zone.”


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
What do you call those who just get who they want without knowing Don Juan, PUA, or AFC? Aren't they just regular outsiders?


Jay Fiedler

Don Juan
Nov 22, 2003
Reaction score
Madison Heights
But JT cant you read what you write? Do you know how pathetic that sounds? How sterile and scientific? Its like I'm learning geometry rather than trying to have some fun and get laid. You have taken hooking up to a whole other level, and its a level at least I have no desire to aspire too.