FR: The Seduction of Paris Hilton (Part II: Paris Kisses Papa)

elvis aint dead yet

Senior Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
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being that half the people on this site claim to meet celebrities all the time and then brag about it, I find it hard to believe nobody in the paris hilton publicity camp has denied anything.

What's that mean?

Well we all know that celebrities usually deny something that is true.

If they aren't denying or even recognizing, it usually means its another made up story.

She's the new "In" celebrity right now. We've probably seen every person she's kissed or hooked up with by now because she's more popular then Britney right now.

With all this long conversation and claims, I find it funny he went out of his way to type such a long long post, yet when it comes to pics, they are only available to his own websites private members.

To the friend issue. If a friend of mine said they "HOOKED UP WITH PARIS HILTON" yeah i'd need some proof.

Guys like to brag and exaggerate all the time.

And i especially would not belive some random stranger who told me, "I HOOKED UP WITH PARIS HILTON" or any other celebrity.

WHile celebrities aren't any better then anybody else, most of them are very hard to get to because they usually aren't walking around alone or with 1 friend. THey have bodyguards, posses, etc.

And for the big celebrities, there are tons and tons of people waiting for them before they get somewhere. There are tons of photographers waiting to take pics of them.

People who are hooking up with paris hilton and other celebrities, aren't coming to some website and typing the entire conversation for others to gawk at and then offer no evidence that this is true, except for becoming a member on his site.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
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Originally posted by Sardaukar
I know why you said that. You did it just to piss the rest of us off.

Lol! :D

Ok, so you don't need to be shot for saying that.

But ****, have you seen the number of posts from AFCs, girly-men and eunuchs on this boards?
Well the thing is, It takes everyone a while to realize new things before they really know it. The more you learn, the more you know but the more you learn that will not work the less you will suceed.


Golden Arms

Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2003
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LOL....I ain't even gonna read any of this, but some of y'all got vivid imagination..



Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
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Originally posted by Interpol
I'm still wondering if the dress was green or blue.
Good question. I had to re-read it to figure out what you meant. Maybe his friend got it confused?


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
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I think Pap's misheard it or she is an iguana.



Don Juan
Dec 2, 2002
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1) where are the pics?

2) its really stupid to pretend that you dont remember a celebrity that uve met before.. even if u havent met her before..shouldnt u be able to recognize her anyway? that whole forgetting strategy is just retarded.

3) why do u remember every single line u said?

4) why did u type this long thread?

5) so was ur frind color blind, or are you colorblind? or did she just miraculously change clothes during the encounter.

u know what.. i dont wanna put ppl down.. but things like this arent to be believed so easily.. if it really happened, good for u.. otherwise.. heh.. you]re pathetic.. and right nw i see a lot of holes in the story..

elvis aint dead yet

Senior Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
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Maybe some people are cutting up Paps stories.

The problem is, if he is trying to teach anything, he never answers peoples questios or why he did something.

People dont learn from just reading fake or not fake stories. They learn from asking questions and getting answers or non-answers and then going out and doing it yourself.

People are tired of PAPs stories because it seems like he wants to make the next SWINGERS movie instead of actually helping people.

Fake or real, posting tons of stories on some internet site where half the people will believe anything isn't exaclty teaching people anything.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
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Paris /-/ilt0n is living a Simple Li|=e.



Master Don Juan
May 16, 2003
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I don't know. I didn't get a chance to read all the responses, but I will tell you what carrying around a tape recorder to analyze your speech is. It's TOO FVCKIN FAR! I mean live and let live or whatever, but WTF! Honest to God! After you're done do you and your coach sit around for three hours and watch film? Hey man get a hobby or a job or something. I think a lot of the dudes on this website just didn't play sports in high school or something so they have a tendency to take this sh!t too damn far.

And as for Papa - more power to the guy, and I will tell you all what's going on here in this thread and what has become synonymous with: HATING. I personally believe this guy is telling the truth because he hasn't come back to refute any of you all, but does it really matter? I'm never going to meet this dude, and probably neither will any of you. If someone has to call this guy out or hate on him or whatever, I think it points out a little bit of insecurity.

Just my thoughts...


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2003
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What if you stutter, have body odour, bad posture, bad twitchy tics and everybody you've met has not told you? Would you want to know what is wrong exactly, or would you live a lie thinking you're just "being yourself"?

Tapes are good for many people. Atheletes, actors, singers. If you're on this site I expect that you'd be committed to improving your game unlike the majority of men who bull**** each other and themselves about being casual and "natural".

So, I don't get all the nitpicking about the tape.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2002
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Los Angeles, CA, USA
Whoever said this was because Pap was an Asian guy, that might be true but she did go out with Oscar De La Hoya so I doubt she's against dating non-white guys....not a big deal though. As for the rest of the story, whether or not it is true try to look at the techniques and think about ways to improve yourself is what I think would be the best idea.


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2003
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what the **** is everyone's problem here? almost all of you sound like idiots, especially this fiedler guy.

for those that say "picking up girls should be natural and you shouldnt need all these routines/bull**** whatever," are you kidding me with that sh1t? Try to be understanding for a second and realise theres a LOT of guys who are dorks who can't talk to poeple much less pick up chicks. That's why they come to sites like these to better themselves and learn how to be COOLER/pick up girls b/c that is what they want.
Granted you dont have to use all the techniques people like PAP use but just shut the fvck up about it, dont write novels everytime a guy posts some advice, just dont use it.

For those of you that learned something from the "debate" after paps posts are idiots. That "debate" had nothing insightful in it, it was all really NEGATIVE. Try posting constructive critisim not just crap like "man you are a dork for using that." Just because some people label what they do like differntly doesnt mean its bad advice. Yes it is annoying as helll to read all that crap but it doesnt mean it is crap. Yes pap sounds weird/dorky with his convo with his friends but who gives a sh1t? He might be writing his report like that to make it easier to understand (in his mind haha) but he is TRYING to help. He does get money from his "seminars" but you dont have to give him a dam cent. Just read the post, or not, and shut up if your going to be negative.

for fiedler- just shut UP. show ONE post where you have really helped someone out or TRIED to help someone out. You are nothing but negative or even some tips/field reports of your own. Why the fvck are you on this site? to help people out? no.

Originally posted by Jay Fiedler
Exactly oxide, this group is almost like a cult. They have their own lingo and ways of communicating. Just takes the fun out of hooking up with chicks. They make it seem so complicated and stressfull. I know that if I ever went up to some girl and tried the things pap did like the three questions approach, the girl would see through it in about 3 seconds and boot me to the curb.

Its pretty funny actually if you think about. Guys actually go to this much trouble to meet girls?????

Dave maje

New Member
Aug 7, 2004
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Hey white hype, fiedler just posted this this morning in the drunk thread, does that count? You talk about calling names and not offering constructive criticism then you turn around and do the same thing 10 times over.
"Jay Fiedler
Don Juan

Registered: Nov 2003
Location: Madison Heights
Posts: 190
Hey, I know how you feel and its not easy. Honestly the best thing you can do is NOT drink while you're feeling this way. It just makes things worse.

Trust me you WILL get better, but it is going to take time. The key is to not think about her, if you catch yourself starting to call up a buddy or read a book or anything to get your mind off of her. A year from now you'll look back at this and me.

Good luck.


And by the way, after reading that pap thread I gotta agree, who carries around a recorder or talks like that just to meet women?


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2003
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my post seemed negative but that was not my intent. Some people need a kick in the ass and thats what i tried to give them. I tried to get some people to realise how stupid arguing over basically nothing looks and is just a waste of their time. Obviously it didnt work though. My intent was to help whether you saw it as that or not.

hate to be negative again but maybe i should have been more specific when i asked for fiedler to post an example of him giving advice. He gave some basic advice. Good to see he isnt completely negative, it had just seemed that he has been very negative in ALL the posts ive read with him in it. Giving some basic advice like that shouldn't allow someone to "sh1t" on other peoples post like i have seen him do so many times before, nothing good spawns of it. People like him and others in this thread are going to drive some posters away that i think are good and i dont want to see that happen like it has in the past. Would you keep posting if everytime you did everyone crapped all over your post?

Originally posted by Dave maje
Hey white hype, fiedler just posted this this morning in the drunk thread, does that count? You talk about calling names and not offering constructive criticism then you turn around and do the same thing 10 times over.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 12, 2001
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I think poor Papa got flamed so badly that he doesn't want to answer to this tread anymore. Maybe he got the "fukk off" phone number.



Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
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Wow can't belive all the haters on this board trying to find every little detail to talk sh*t about.

Any how these guys are the real deal i've met playboy and hes money.