FINALLY got Date #3 set up. What do you guys think?
It's been a grind for the last 2, 3 weeks, but with some trial, error, MORE error, and patience, I finally landed date #3 tomorrow night (assuming she doesn't flake).
Here is all of our correspondence since the last update.
Monday 2/4
11:41am I'm sorry about the ravens ):
[she's a steelers fan]
Thanks. ):
12:07 I'm gonna be a bad guy
12:09 By trying to steal you away from [name] and [name, the two kids she nannys full time for]
And how do you plan on doing that?
2:11 Chloroform

2:11 Or a gag and blindfold
So are they just going to have to fend for themselves?
2:54 They'll get free candy

2:56 Seriously though, I have some time Wed after 3. Allow me to make your day awesome
I have the kids all day.
3:29 Tomorrow before 5?
We're going to __________ tomorrow.
3:30 Tonight at 3am?
Ha! Sure.
3:32 I know you're too difficult to answer a simple question of "when are you free". So I'll just keep asking til you say yes. Thursday after 7?
I'm literally on kid duty 24 hours a day right now. So the only time I have with no kids would be on the weekend. And this weekend is weird because we have family coming in. Sorry for being difficult!
3:45 Just give me one hour. (It won't count in your 24) there's somewhere I wanna take you
3:46 (Dark alleys..)
I can do sometime this weekend. I just don't know when yet.
3:56 Guess what day it is today. Its a [made a joke reference to a celebrity who shares the same last name as her]
Oh man.
3:58 It was a radio show they used to do _______________
Oh ok.
4:08 I'll let you know if I have time for a quick lunch this wkend prob not but we'll see
Sounds good.
4:16 Yaya I gotta get back to work have fun in _________
Thanks. Have fun working.
Sat 2/9
1:52pm I'm swamped ): how you doin
I'm ok. Family just got here so it's pretty crazy right now.
2:06 Oh great! Remember, don't tell them our wedding date yet, it was only tentative
I thought we missed it!
2:10 I drugged you. Although we're already legally bound I felt like we should have another ceremony
Well that would be nice to have one for the family
2:14 Glad you have strong traditional values. Reminds me why I married you
I'm glad you appreciate that.
2:23 Let me take you out this week. We'll do something REALLY boring
2:29 Monday just opened up

What time?
2:36 5 or 6, only got a couple hours tho
I might be able to do that. I'll have to see though.
2:39 [name of sushi place]. 6 o clock. I will be there and I will either eat with you or eat alone
Ok. I just have to make sure someone will be home to stay with the kids.
2:44 Oh you know what I'll bring it over then and we'll all have a party
Yeah that'll work.
3:07 Coooool you can just order online whatever you guys want, I will too, then I'll pick up both orders
Are you serious? Because I can't tell.

That's what I thought.
3:29 I was being serious
note: i actually WAS being serious about this. i just got this feeling that the reason why she's been declining dates has less to do with interest level and more to do with my sloppy escalation on date 2 and her not wanting to deal with me trying to hook up with her and trying to have sex with her without the mood being right. so i think it's best to spend more time on date 3 doing non-hooking up stuff, and more importantly showing her i'm not just desperately (and incompetently) trying to hook up with her all the time
I don't know.
Pretty discouraging huh?
3:41 Haha I'll call you tomorrow
Sun 2/10
9:41pm Soooo. Dine in or carry out tomorrow?
I won't be able to go.
10:34 Oo ok. How was the wkend w/fam?
It was good. Not exactly a relaxing weekend but it was good to see them.
10:37 That's good

Yep. How was your weekend?
10:39 Juicy.
10:39, not that
11:04 Miss you QT pi
11:07 You and your adorable freckles..ahh what if I started calling you freckles
Mon 2/11
I must have been asleep when you sent those messages. I'm not quite sure how I would feel about being called freckles.
Tues 2/12
9:22am Mornin freckles
1:09pm Good afternoon freckles

Good afternoon. 
7:16 Good eve-ahhh forget it. How was your day. Any poop?
My day was alright. One of the kids is a little sick. I actually can't remember if there was any poop.
8:11 You're a pro! Maybe the sickness is from a lack of pooping
Well she has a bit of a fever but the no pooping definitely doesn't help.
8:50 Ahh fevers are painful

I need your help btw
With what?
8:56 There's this cute chick I know and I want to ask her out on a date but I'm wayyyy too shy. What should I do?
8:57 She has red hair that always smells nice, she used to play [position in her sport], and she always rolls her eyes when I say something stupid
8:58 (At least I like to call it red)
I think you should just go for it.
9:19 [her name], will you go on a date with me??
Yes I will.
9:35 Wooohoooooooooooooooooo
Ok so for a while I was debating whether I should try to get her on a date tomorrow, or wait til this weekend/next week since she declined me for Monday..I was [] close to saying fwckit I'll wait since she seems to have gone cold on me a bit. But then, I just got this sense, this gut instinct..that her buying temperature RIGHT NOW has spiked up based on our conversation, and that I should strike NOW while the iron is hot. I noticed this because in the past she's ALWAYS projected disinterest in her texts, but the last couple days she's thrown in a couple smileys and has been saying slightly more. It was subtle but noticeable.
Interesting thought too, last couple days she's been on my mind a LOT more than last week, like I'd find myself thinking all of a sudden fwwwwck I really want to see her. Maybe it was the same for her.
So I go for it.
9:37 Haha seriously though, what are you up to tomorrow?
Hanging out with toddlers.
[dammit. well, can't just back down immediately]
9:46 Hey whyd you call me a toddler
What did you have in mind?
9:48 Quick meal or walk
At this point I just wanted to project something non-threatening, and that I wouldn't try to hook up with her
What time were you thinking?
[ok i got this.]
9:52 I'm free after 3 I have work to do but I can do my work anytime so the actual time doesn't matter
I won't be able to do anything until someone gets home around 6.
10:16 I'll pick you up at 7
10:24 In my lamborghini or my helicopter? Either one
Helicopter ride would be nice.
10:30 Shoot! Its in the shop right now, getting studded with diamonds
So the Lamborghini?
10:35 Its uhhh..also in the shop. So we'll be on foot...
I guess that works too.
Yayyyyyy :cheer: