Second date last night.
So although I didn't make any big blunders or anything, I just have this intuitive feeling that I lost a bit of I feel like my game was tight the first date, then a little off yesterday.
She takes the bus and meets me at the grocery store after I'm done shopping, just before 8. Takes 10/15 min to walk home from there, linking arms as it's really slippery and several times she slips, and I hold on to her to keep her from falling. Goddamn her hair smells good that sh1t is intoxicating me already.
We arrive at my place, put the groceries away, and start cooking some salmon and boiling veggies. I put on some jazz and tell her what to do, not a whole lot of conversation. I briefly asked about her week, she didn't really go into details and I didn't really say anything about my week even though I did a bunch of interesting things (auditioned for my school's fashion show lol, that was new for me, went to a magic:the gathering tournament for the first time)
Simple dinner, doesn't take longer than 30-45 min to cook. I'm already feeling cheesy for putting on jazz put she doesn't seem to mind. I light the candles and tell her how I usually light them and turn off the lights when I eat by myself (seriously, i do that lol) but said I wouldn't do that cuz it would be "too gay". Maybe I should have, idk. I just hate with a passion everything that is cliche romance.
I move a chair so that we're on the same side of my table, quietly dining. Earlier I went in for a kiss but pulled back at the last moment to try to build up suspense. Didn't really seem to accomplish anything.
Halfway through eating, all of a sudden I move in to kiss her. She laughs and is kind of like wtf. I go "I can't hold back anymore", drag her out of her seat and bring her to my living room and she's like "but i'm hungry! you're not gonna let me eat!" "nope. we'll eat later"
I make out with her for a bit, then carry her over to my bedroom and toss her on my bed. We make out for a while, but for some reason it's not as intense as I'd hoped it would be. It kind of occurred to me then that to build up sexual tension and suspense, it takes a little while, like more than an hour maybe, unless you really know what you're doing, which I don't.
While we were cooking she kind of rolled her eyes like she does sometimes when she doesn't really connect with something I'm saying or for some other reason I don't know about so I was like "You know what, every time you do that, I'm going to pinch you on the nose." A few times while we're making out I catch her doing that so I pinch her and she laughs hysterically every time and goes "I wasn't doing it!! I promise!!!"
I get my own shirt off, but she resists every time I try to move her LONG SLEEVES out of the way. Eventually I go "hey let's go back and finish dinner" so we do.
I suddenly realize we've barely made any conversation..which she seems to be ok with but I want to strengthen our connection. I say "hey let's watch a movie I don't really give a sh1t about so we can talk and stuff", I put on this comedy flick on netflix that looks sh1tty. Turns out that as sh1tty as it is, it was really interesting and engaging and kind of moody. We both get into it and mostly just watch it. The whole time I'm constantly touching her, brushing her arms, hips, etc. and as it goes on she cuddles closer and closer into me.
Finally the movie's over and we make out. Much better this time. Bring her to my bed again, now she's pressing her crotch up at me again like last time.
But, EVERY time I tried to get her LONG SLEEVE shirt off she'd shake her head and push my arms away. I don't really react to it, I've read about the PUA tactic of freezing out but didn't really think much about trying it.
I was down to just my boxers and socks, she was still fully dressed lol.
So I'm playing around with her, finding where/how she reacts to different one point I slip her shirt sleeve down to expose her shoulder and lightly bite it...she reacts VERY positively and breathes much harder. I'm like ok, so I bite a little harder...she gets even more into it. I keep biting harder and harder, until I'm biting pretty damn hard and she's wildly pushing her vag into me with all her strength and seems like she's heading for the top...Sh1t I was literally scared if I bit any harder I would bite out a chunk of her flesh.
She's really intensely into it, I try to pleasure her w/dry humping..(does she ***? idk, i hope lol) once things calm down, I let go with my teeth and look at her shoulder...
I'm shocked. The part I bit looks like a mangled piece of flesh that's turned pure white. I lightly feel it and it's scarily disgusting. I go "holy sh1t", but she shows no signs of pain, just looks peaceful, says "you were the one who did it". I go "are you ok" and she smiles and says she's totally fine. Later I look at it again, and it's black and blue. I'm really worried...
but we keep going. This actually intrigues me, so I tell her to bite me, but she says she doesn't want to do that yet.
Gotta go to class now but that's the gist of the night. We spent some time cuddling on the couch afterward, finally got into some deeper conversation. Goddamn I really want to open this book up. She had to go home, didn't want to leave, stayed til about 1...also told me
"From now on I have to sleep with the I can't do night-time stuff anymore"
I check her shoulder later and it looks normal again. I try to tell her I was really worried about hurting her and we need a way for her to tell me to stop...but she totally diffuses me and says "Oh no don't worry if you're hurting me I'll stop you"
Oh yeah and she never seems to get tired of making out. Every girl I've made out with at my place (justl ike 2 or 3 lol) eventually kind of wants to stop..not her tho
PLUS: play from now..go silent til Wednesday, then that day
text her "I have a surprise for you" then take her out for just an hour or so for a quick meal or somethin and do not try to bring her home, then don't see her again for about another week