Alright, I know I'm going to get flamed to HELL by you guys for this update.
But I'm ready for it. Anyway, full disclosure.
I DO think that I am now in a good spot with this chick right now.
Quick Recap
She's 24, very shy and passive and just wouldn't open up to me, would always act uninterested even when she actually was very interested. Quiet and doesn't like bars/drinking. I find her very cute, but it's obvious she's not accustomed to male attention and shows not even a HINT of a feminine ego or princess mentality.
In January I cold approached her. We had a date the next Sunday, which went well and ended in us making out at my place. The next date was the following Sunday, in which I made some blunders by being too aggressive, very possibly making her think I'm a player/all I want her for is sex. (This was when I was down to just my boxers and she was still fully clothed). That was FIVE WEEKS ago, and I had not been able to get her on a date since.
Since Last Update
She just rejected another date like the 2nd or 3rd time, no counter-offer. Something felt off to me, though. Normally, this would ABSOLUTELY be a sign of zero interest, but something tells me something else is at play here, based on this girl's personality.
Valentine's Day
Please take it easy on me while you tear me a new @$$hole on this one. Or don't take it easy and let me have it.
So I'm a "good" guy in the sense that I really, really take pleasure in doing something nice for someone else. Example, I had not spoken to my best friend for over a week or so, but I knew there was something important in his life he was going to do on a certain date, so I got a fruit basket, traveled an hour to where he lives, and surprised him with it wishing him good luck. That's just how I am, I
enjoy doing htose things.
Contrary to what you guys thought, I still believed that this girl liked me, and something else was holding her back from seeing me.
I wanted to do something nice for her for Valentine's Day. Honestly, I didn't care if I did this for her and then never saw her again. I was completely prepared for that. I just
had to, and if this act drove her away, then so be it. But I wanted it to be completely unexpected and go against the stupid fwcking cliche typical bullsh1t that most guys do.
On Valentine's Day I completely ignored her. I
knew she was wondering about me, if I would do anything for V-Day, and when I apparently didn't, if I was spending it with someone else...I let the suspense and tension build and let her think the worst about me.
V-Day was a Thursday. Two days later, I had prepared a nice little package - a $3 bag of Ghiradelli chocolates and a cheap little flash drive containing a video of myself that I recorded. It's a pretty funny video tho, something that DEFINITELY caught her off guard. If anyone wants to see it pm me.
I put the contents in a small, plain cardboard box. No gift wrapping or other cliche bullsh1t. Then I got a single rose and taped it on top. Overall, it may have looked cheap, but it was my own damn work. ANYWAY Saturday morning I had somewhere to be at 10. I planned to drop it off at her place on my way there:
Sat 2/16
8:00am Morrrrnin. Question: what's your address?
9:09 Hurrrry tell me I have to give you something or at least drop it off in your mailbox I don't want to bring it with me where I'm goin
Do you still want my address? Sorry I just woke up.
10:09 Ya what is it I'll come by after 3 if that's cool
That should be fine. It's [address]. Let me know when you're headed this way. I'll either meet you somewhere or I'll have to buzz you in.
11:47 Cool looks like I'll be getting done early I'll let you know
1:13 Be there in 45 min
Ok. Tell me when you're close and I'll meet you downstairs.
1:59 I'm outside ur building
There I stood waiting for her in the air lock of her building, since the inner doors were locked. When she came down, she said I looked creepy standing there. I gave her a hug, quick kiss on the cheek, then gave her the package, saying "Look what I found on the way here." She softly thanked me. Then literally without another word, before we even had a chance to exchange a "hi", I told her I had to go and left. She gave me a quizzical look like "Are you serious?" Based on her body language, she was expecting me to come in and hang out for a bit, but I just turned and walked away.
*Believe it or not I would not do this sh1t for any girl, like the girl in my other thread, who seems to have that confident feminine ego. Girls like that do not need to get special sh1t like this from a guy like me who has only taken them on a couple dates, fwck that they already feel special on their own.*
Got a text from her later that day, first time she's EVER texted me first
Just watched the video. Thanks for that. It was quite unexpected! Thanks for the chocolate and the rose too. That was very sweet of you.
I'm embarrassed to type my response but here it is:
9:02pm Awwwe haha you cutie you're so sincere
9:03 Just warning you I might dropp off the face of the earth for a week, I have a lot to do..but I'm gonna make some time for you when I get the chance

No problem.
Anyway by cutting contact with her for a while I hope to make it clear to her that I didn't do that to try to "buy points" with her or anything. Maybe I shouldn't have telegraphed that action though, as it kills the hamster. So I shot her one quick text on Tuesday just to let her know she was on my mind:
Tues 2/19
8:44pm Stay warm
Back to silence for a few days, then:
Fri 2/22
12:08pm [her first name], I'm so disappointed in you.
12:09 You missed our wedding AGAIN
Damn. Well I didn't even know about this one! When was it?
12:12 I can't do this anymore. I'm breaking it off, and I'm taking the kids with me
Ok. Have fun with em.
12:15 Hahahhah. How are ya
I'm good. How are you?
12:17 Crunchy.
So not juicy?
(to me this is another subtle hint of her interest - she remembered a stupid little joke we had many, many weeks ago)
12:19 You know me all too well

what are you up to tonight
I'm actually headed home for the weekend.
12:21 Awwwwe family time?
Yes. And friends.
12:23 Friends?!?!?!?! Never heard of that before
Yeah they're pretty cool. Maybe you could find some.
Now this next part I gotta admit I was really having a sh1tty couple days and was really emotional when I sent these. Going back I probably wouldn't have sent these, they'll be painful to read, but here goes...
12:29 Haha. Freckles I gotta be honest, you've been on my mind so much its quite distracting
Oh yeah?
12:34 Yeah truth here I miss you really bad
I'm sorry.
the next text I sent was just sort of retarded
12:38 But it would be bad if I saw you right now cuz I'd probably rape you
Well them I guess it's a good thing I'm a couple hundred miles away from you right now.
12:49 Guess I'll just rape my exam instead
12:49 Or my friends...
Let me know how that works out for ya.
12:58 You'll have to visit me in jail to find out

I try not to associate myself with rapists so we'll have to see.
1:13 But I'm a cool rapist
I'll have to think about it.
1:41 Have fun this wkend [her first name]

I'll talk to you soon
I go silent on her for 6 days. I'm back to a better state of mind. Based on her personality and what has happened on her dates, my hunch tells me that what's going on is
she likes me but is afraid I'm a player/I'm fake and only want her for sex. Which couldn't be farther from the truth - everyone reading this obviously knows by now that I'm getting one-itis for this girl.
How to fix the problem? This is what I did...
Thursday 2/28
9:02am [I send her a picture I took the day before. It was a sign at a gas station.] The sign said happy 10th birthday [her first name]! The car was in my way though
Well they were off a few years but it was my birthday yesterday.
9:08 Awww really? I took that pic yesterday while visiting my parents! Damn wish I could have said happy birthday to you in person
9:24 [I send her another picture that is related to a little joke we had on our second date.] I also took this picture a few days ago. Would have made a perfect gift
You know me so well.
10:09 Freckles I actually know so little about you though ):
That's true.
2:11 Did you get anything nice for your bday?
I got to see my friends and some of my family. That was pretty nice.
2:31 You selfless boob. Its been way too long since I've seen you let's grab breakfast I don't care if its only for like 30 min
I'll have the kids.
(she nannys)
So what now? Obviously I really put myself on the line there and she shut me down bluntly. I seriously considered just not responding and never contacting her again.
Instead, I kept my cool.
2:37 Perfect I love kids
2:38 Saturday. Gonna have to make you get up early tho ): cuz I gotta be somewhere at 10
That'll work.
2:42 Yes!
And I won't have kids.
2:43 Its ok we'll make some