FR: Finally landed myself a date after 2 months of straight flaking.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2012
Reaction score
No offense to you sageproduct but you've gone completely off the deep end. You have a raging case of White Knight Syndrome, and are acting like an uninformed AFC who never took the red pill. We all know how this will end, and it will be nobody's fault but yours since you're willingly deluding yourself into thinking she's something special, and your situation is different, just like all AFCs do. I hope everything works out for the best tho.


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
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One question: If she is your girlfriend, are you planning to bang her or just ask her about the times she got slapped like a hoe by her bf?


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
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sageproduct said:
Hey now yo9u were in high school once right? Or middle school...
i was getting some from the girl i was dating in highschool, she was crazy and fcked up beyond belief but at least she was giving me sex

and look im not trying to make it sound like its all about sex, but whats the point if the girl you are with isnt sexually turned on by you, otherwise you are just her therapist/gay friend/orbiter/emotional tampon etc....


Sep 18, 2009
Reaction score
Took her out to the movies last night then back to my place. I put some music on, lit a couple candles, and we just cuddled on the couch for a couple hours talking, with me gently caressing her body all over, softly kissing her everywhere, telling her how pretty she is and how much i care about her, asking her if she'll always be mine...

Then i carried her over to my bed and just cuddled some more. I wasn't in the mood for any rough making out like I usually do with her, just some really gentle kissing and touching. I told her I wanted to make her happy, asked her if I make her happy, told her I was happy that i make her happy..

Then one thing led to another with no end agenda in mind on my part. Things progressed physically farther than they've ever gone before. That's all i'm saying, I'm not talking about those details because that is weird

We fell asleep together, which she's never let herself stay over at my place before. Then I took her out for breakfast, and while our food was being made I told her I had to go pick something up and for her to wait for me. I got out, ran half a mile to buy a single rose, then ran back and gave it to her

Just sent her back home an hour ago


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
sageproduct said:
Took her out to the movies last night then back to my place. I put some music on, lit a couple candles, and we just cuddled on the couch for a couple hours talking, with me gently caressing her body all over, softly kissing her everywhere, telling her how pretty she is and how much i care about her, asking her if she'll always be mine...

Then i carried her over to my bed and just cuddled some more. I wasn't in the mood for any rough making out like I usually do with her, just some really gentle kissing and touching. I told her I wanted to make her happy, asked her if I make her happy, told her I was happy that i make her happy..

Then one thing led to another with no end agenda in mind on my part. Things progressed physically farther than they've ever gone before. That's all i'm saying, I'm not talking about those details because that is weird

We fell asleep together, which she's never let herself stay over at my place before. Then I took her out for breakfast, and while our food was being made I told her I had to go pick something up and for her to wait for me. I got out, ran half a mile to buy a single rose, then ran back and gave it to her

Just sent her back home an hour ago

Is that a joke sage or.... are you being serious? Tell her you love her, how special she is? wut :crazy:


BeginningDJ said:
"From now on I have to sleep with the I can't do night-time stuff anymore"

That's a wrap, drop her pronto.
I spend countless nights awake, wondering the man sageproduct could have became.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2012
Reaction score
living in the middle of effing nowhere
Omg, What In Zeus's FVCK Am I Reading?

sageproduct said:
Took her out to the movies last night then back to my place. I put some music on, lit a couple candles, and we just cuddled on the couch for a couple hours talking, with me gently caressing her body all over, softly kissing her everywhere, telling her how pretty she is and how much i care about her, asking her if she'll always be mine...

Then i carried her over to my bed and just cuddled some more. I wasn't in the mood for any rough making out like I usually do with her, just some really gentle kissing and touching. I told her I wanted to make her happy, asked her if I make her happy, told her I was happy that i make her happy..

Then one thing led to another with no end agenda in mind on my part. Things progressed physically farther than they've ever gone before. That's all i'm saying, I'm not talking about those details because that is weird

We fell asleep together, which she's never let herself stay over at my place before. Then I took her out for breakfast, and while our food was being made I told her I had to go pick something up and for her to wait for me. I got out, ran half a mile to buy a single rose, then ran back and gave it to her

Just sent her back home an hour ago
oh...god...why....he ran half a mile to get her a rose...
would she run half a mile to suck ur d!ck at work? i doubt that :down:
sausageproduct is off his rocker... i predict disaster.

i sure as hell hope this is a troll........


Mar 24, 2013
Reaction score
sageproduct said:
Took her out to the movies last night then back to my place. I put some music on, lit a couple candles, and we just cuddled on the couch for a couple hours talking, with me gently caressing her body all over, softly kissing her everywhere, telling her how pretty she is and how much i care about her, asking her if she'll always be mine...

Then i carried her over to my bed and just cuddled some more. I wasn't in the mood for any rough making out like I usually do with her, just some really gentle kissing and touching. I told her I wanted to make her happy, asked her if I make her happy, told her I was happy that i make her happy..

Then one thing led to another with no end agenda in mind on my part. Things progressed physically farther than they've ever gone before. That's all i'm saying, I'm not talking about those details because that is weird

We fell asleep together, which she's never let herself stay over at my place before. Then I took her out for breakfast, and while our food was being made I told her I had to go pick something up and for her to wait for me. I got out, ran half a mile to buy a single rose, then ran back and gave it to her

Just sent her back home an hour ago
The ending of this thing may be a disaster, but keep on doing what you REALLY like man :cheer:
Life is a zero sum game, why keep defending yourself


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2013
Reaction score
Wow. Read this whole thread and I gotta say it's been interesting. On one hand, Sage, realize that people here are going to be saying you're making a wrong move because didn't you start the cold approaches and what not simply to AVOID something like this? Or more specifically, the fallout of when (if?) this goes downhill? If you ask your friends and said the same stuff you've said here they'd be happy for you, but here people are looking out for you in the long term. Although it's also you becoming an AFC again.
My opinion is that if it makes you happy then go for it...if it fails, though, you might be worse off than when you started seeing her. Just don't forget what you've learned and at the very least keep up the approaches so that you're at least somewhat prepared for if something goes wrong.
I'm not saying something will go wrong, though. This girl seems complicated and I'd be a fool to try and tell you who she is. But just don't white knight it and think she's too perfect, that's all.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
sageproduct said:
Took her out to the movies last night then back to my place. I put some music on, lit a couple candles, and we just cuddled on the couch for a couple hours talking, with me gently caressing her body all over, softly kissing her everywhere, telling her how pretty she is and how much i care about her, asking her if she'll always be mine...

Then i carried her over to my bed and just cuddled some more. I wasn't in the mood for any rough making out like I usually do with her, just some really gentle kissing and touching. I told her I wanted to make her happy, asked her if I make her happy, told her I was happy that i make her happy..

Then one thing led to another with no end agenda in mind on my part. Things progressed physically farther than they've ever gone before. That's all i'm saying, I'm not talking about those details because that is weird

We fell asleep together, which she's never let herself stay over at my place before. Then I took her out for breakfast, and while our food was being made I told her I had to go pick something up and for her to wait for me. I got out, ran half a mile to buy a single rose, then ran back and gave it to her

Just sent her back home an hour ago
C'Mon sausage product! Give her your good ole meat-stick already.

And WTF is this run for a rose ****?
You already know she likes to be dominated and she will stick around short of a public beating(not that you should take it that far).

SO girl likes manly jerk azzhole.
Sage runs for a rose and gives her a cuddle.:(

I think you should have done the deed already, but as its your first time, you're being held back by performance anxiety and youre trying to woo her into being your gal BEFORE svx and getting her to fall for you just in case it goes badly so you can keep her around because she knows you are a "good guy".

One problem is - if you dont go in and get balls deep then this will always hold you back.

Everything has a time limit even (or especially) relationships. You should enjoy what you have while you have it and leave nothing to regret when its over.

Leading up to and around your age I had strings of relationships that never lasted longer than a month. (just for your perspective there)

Take advantage of every moment brother because you never know when the ending will come.

Look Back with no regrets - I shouldve, couldve, why didnt I listen to purefilth, Why didnt I....
you get me?


Sep 18, 2009
Reaction score
Purefilth said:
C'Mon sausage product! Give her your good ole meat-stick already.

And WTF is this run for a rose ****?
You already know she likes to be dominated and she will stick around short of a public beating(not that you should take it that far).

SO girl likes manly jerk azzhole.
Sage runs for a rose and gives her a cuddle.:(

I think you should have done the deed already, but as its your first time, you're being held back by performance anxiety and youre trying to woo her into being your gal BEFORE svx and getting her to fall for you just in case it goes badly so you can keep her around because she knows you are a "good guy".

One problem is - if you dont go in and get balls deep then this will always hold you back.

Everything has a time limit even (or especially) relationships. You should enjoy what you have while you have it and leave nothing to regret when its over.

Leading up to and around your age I had strings of relationships that never lasted longer than a month. (just for your perspective there)

Take advantage of every moment brother because you never know when the ending will come.

Look Back with no regrets - I shouldve, couldve, why didnt I listen to purefilth, Why didnt I....
you get me?
Hmmm why does everyone think I have performance anxiety for my first time? I really don't. I haven't done it because she hasn't let me. Here's what happened the ENTIRE 3 MONTHS of going out with her:

make out intensely
at first she didn't even let me take her shirt off, then later she did
my hand reaches down to unbutton her jeans..she shakes her head no
i go back to making out
couple minutes later i try again to take her pants off
she shakes her head no and keeps stopping me
repeat over and over and over

It's not that I'm nervous about it. I've been rejected by so many girls I don't get nervous about girls anymore.

the point though is i'm NOT a jerk azzhole and i'm not going to try to be one in order to get the girl


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
sarge is light years ahead of the rest of you in his thought process with women even though he (Was ) a virgin.

AFCs come here and they see alpha male and think anything showing effection = beta male


you reward positive behavior. just like if you are training a dog if your dog doesn't **** on the carpet you give him a doggy treat

in other words, guys come here and they see **** like, running to get a rose for a chick as a beta move. women eat that **** up. it's only wrong when you do **** like that to try to WIN effection, but it's what you do to REWARD affection

your girl put out for the first time (i'm assuming) you do something special for her. when she acts like a ****, take away your affection. that's the mistake beta males make.

it's a give and a take.


Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
sarge is light years ahead of the rest of you in his thought process with women even though he (Was ) a virgin.

AFCs come here and they see alpha male and think anything showing effection = beta male


you reward positive behavior. just like if you are training a dog if your dog doesn't **** on the carpet you give him a doggy treat

in other words, guys come here and they see **** like, running to get a rose for a chick as a beta move. women eat that **** up. it's only wrong when you do **** like that to try to WIN effection, but it's what you do to REWARD affection

your girl put out for the first time (i'm assuming) you do something special for her. when she acts like a ****, take away your affection. that's the mistake beta males make.

it's a give and a take.
3 months and no sex? That girl doesn't deserve to be "rewarded"...


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
i was under the assumption the part he didn't want to post was him getting laid

if you didn't get laid sarge forget everything i said lol

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2012
Reaction score
Korrupt said:
3 months and no sex? That girl doesn't deserve to be "rewarded"...
I don't necessarily agree with that... because I respect a girl who's not willing to just put out (unless I'm getting the impression that it's from me, or from wanting a provider - if I'm getting the impression that she's not putting out because she is respectful to herself and not putting out, then I respect that).

All contextual. If I want a girl with a low-partner count, I'd be a hypocrite if I just walked away from girls who have standards and don't just put out for a boyfriend because they feel like it.

@backbreaker; I don't think he got laid, sounds like he got reasonably far though (hopefully *******? something like that?). I like your line of thought, though I think sage does need to remember himself a bit and not just focus on the girl.

Don't lose track of that man! No matter what you think, devoting your life/time to a single person is never healthy. Keep your own stuff together, don't focus your life around making her happy. Focus it on making you happy and make her happy by letting her join in your awesome life.

I'm only reading it in context of how you say it here, but hey, just remember, we're all trying to look out for ya bud. Don't want you getting hurt. Regardless of it all... whether it goes on for a long-time, or it fades quickly, it's all a learning experience for ya man that you do need.



Master Don Juan
May 23, 2012
Reaction score
living in the middle of effing nowhere
i have a male intuition tells me that this girl is fVckiing someone else, i have no idea why ,but i feel like that....

anyway sausageproduct good luck, and rem to use a hat for your sausage :)


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
sarge is light years ahead of the rest of you in his thought process with women even though he (Was ) a virgin.

AFCs come here and they see alpha male and think anything showing effection = beta male


you reward positive behavior. just like if you are training a dog if your dog doesn't **** on the carpet you give him a doggy treat

in other words, guys come here and they see **** like, running to get a rose for a chick as a beta move. women eat that **** up. it's only wrong when you do **** like that to try to WIN effection, but it's what you do to REWARD affection

your girl put out for the first time (i'm assuming) you do something special for her. when she acts like a ****, take away your affection. that's the mistake beta males make.

it's a give and a take.
I really could not disagree with this more, and I generally agree with your postings BB.

There is give and take and rewarding good behavior, and then there is going way over the top and being not just a nice guy, but a nice guy who has watched too many Hallmark movies and thinks that he needs to act like that x 1000, which is what Sage is doing. He is just asking, no make that begging, to get stomped on with this kind of behavior.

This will not end well. this girl Asian as well?


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
Sorry to dredge up this month-old thread by a guy who's been banned, but it seems interesting.

Clearly the guy is young, found his first girlfriend to whom it appears he lost his virginity. Then he flamed out of PU and got himself banned.

I've gotten myself banned from boards accidentally-on-purpose when I got sick of whatever hobby the forum was devoted to and wanted to move on with my life.

The guy's a kid. He's in love with his first girl after a 20 year dry spell. I sincerely hope it works out for him as long as possible and that he doesn't marry her or knock her up.

That's all.