C'Mon sausage product! Give her your good ole meat-stick already.
And WTF is this run for a rose ****?
You already know she likes to be dominated and she will stick around short of a public beating(not that you should take it that far).
SO girl likes manly jerk azzhole.
Sage runs for a rose and gives her a cuddle.
I think you should have done the deed already, but as its your first time, you're being held back by performance anxiety and youre trying to woo her into being your gal BEFORE svx and getting her to fall for you just in case it goes badly so you can keep her around because she knows you are a "good guy".
One problem is - if you dont go in and get balls deep then this will always hold you back.
Everything has a time limit even (or especially) relationships. You should enjoy what you have while you have it and leave nothing to regret when its over.
Leading up to and around your age I had strings of relationships that never lasted longer than a month. (just for your perspective there)
Take advantage of every moment brother because you never know when the ending will come.
Look Back with no regrets - I shouldve, couldve, why didnt I listen to purefilth, Why didnt I....
you get me?