For all of those complaining about your height or weight


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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Yes, that is true but what I am saying is that even if you eat "like crap" in Europe, it doesn't have the same effect as it does in the US. There have been plenty of examples where people show the exact same product label by the same company for the same product and the EU version has half the ingredients or less than the US version. That's an issue...all that extra "crap" the US allows that the EU doesn't leads to inflammation, insulin resistance and obesity if you eat enough of it.

You can become obese very easily in the US, in Europe it's much harder.

I did not see a single person in 5 countries and 11 cities and literally tens of thousands of people that I saw walking around all over those places that even came close to a 350 lb person in the US that you will see on a random trip to a store any day of the week.

Those people barely exist in Europe.
Oh I see, can you give a couple of examples, I'm interested if what people who live there say its true


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Bad food is everywhere, I live in the US and I'm the best shape of my life, cause I cook al my food. The problem is not the food, is the fata$$es who eat like $hit.
I'm interested if what people who live there say its true
Gainz, no joke but you do realise that Europe doesn't import food from the US because the American companies use food additives that are prohibit outside the US? The FDA is a joke, they are corrupt to the bone and don't give a fcuk about the poisons in American food.

Basically, the explosion of obesity in the USA is caused by a multitude of factors, among them a sedentary lifestyle and overly large portions of food (when dining out mostly), but the FDA accepting food additives without restricting obesity inducing ingredients like high fructose corn syrup is indeed a big contributor to the USA obesity epidemic.
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Sep 10, 2014
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Oh I see, can you give a couple of examples, I'm interested if what people who live there say its true
Pretty much anything that is "processed" that comes in a bag or a box with more than one ingredient.

Plus their breads, etc.

I believe they also are much more stringent on what they allow to be sprayed on foods for pesticides, etc and they are also far more strict towards GMO foods


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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Bad food is everywhere, I live in the US and I'm the best shape of my life, cause I cook al my food. The problem is not the food, is the fata$$es who eat like $hit.
My girl and I eat out a lot because of our jobs. We also work out a lot. So we aren’t fat. Also, Cali tends to favor healthy eating.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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Gainz, no joke but you do realise that Europe doesn't import food from the US because the American companies use food additives that are prohibit outside the US? The FDA is a joke, they are corrupt to the bone and don't give a fcuk about the poisons in American food.

Basically, the explosion of obesity in the USA is caused by a multitude of factors, among them a sedentary lifestyle and overly large portions of food (when dining out mostly), but the FDA accepting food additives without restricting obesity inducing ingredients like high fructose corn syrup is indeed a big contributor to the USA obesity epidemic.
I know the fda is joke, but I didn't know it was like that to be honest.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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I know the fda is joke, but I didn't know it was like that to be honest.
Since 2020 I have diabetes, so I was advised to avoid processed foods, but it's ridiculous how much non-sweet food contains sugar (like ham and most sauces). I have American friends who told me that I was lucky, because in the US it's almost impossible to find food without high fructose corn syrup.
The FDA is such a shyte job that most European countries will not import any of their food. Your government isn't interested in your health, Gainz. They love the obesity epidemic: they can sell the food that gives them diabetes, and then they can exploit them by overcharging for medication.

global insuline prices.jpeg


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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At each height there is a corresponding facial attractiveness that must be met so one can be competitive. It is an inverse. The greater the height, the less face matters & vice versa.
So you're basically saying that a man at 5'5" pretty much has to be a Brad Pitt. :mad:


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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Shorter women actually want a taller man even more than taller women do. The height thing isn't about you being taller than her, it's about you being taller than other men, ie your ability to protect her, since taller men have a tremendous advantage in fights over shorter ones, and evolutionarily speaking, being taller signifies more power. Shorter women feel more vulnerable, so their desire for a taller man, in general, might be even greater than taller women, who are deluded into thinking they can protect themselves, and may only desire a taller man out of ego.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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your ability to protect her, since taller men have a tremendous advantage in fights over shorter ones
Well, that's because women haven't been street-fighting. If they had, they'd know that shorter men tend to be more violent than taller ones.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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Shorter women actually want a taller man even more than taller women do. The height thing isn't about you being taller than her, it's about you being taller than other men, ie your ability to protect her, since taller men have a tremendous advantage in fights over shorter ones, and evolutionarily speaking, being taller signifies more power. Shorter women feel more vulnerable, so their desire for a taller man, in general, might be even greater than taller women, who are deluded into thinking they can protect themselves, and may only desire a taller man out of ego.
Not my experience. My GF is 6” shorter than I. My first GF was 5” shorter. A



Sep 10, 2014
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Shorter women actually want a taller man even more than taller women do. The height thing isn't about you being taller than her, it's about you being taller than other men, ie your ability to protect her, since taller men have a tremendous advantage in fights over shorter ones, and evolutionarily speaking, being taller signifies more power. Shorter women feel more vulnerable, so their desire for a taller man, in general, might be even greater than taller women, who are deluded into thinking they can protect themselves, and may only desire a taller man out of ego.
Not necessarily true.

Typically in fights, at least the ones that happen outside a ring in a social area the person who is more aggressive and more ruthless has the advantage. This isn't boxing where the bell rings, the fighters tap gloves and then they get down to it. There are no rules involved and no such thing as a "fair" fight.

Most people want to talk and talk and talk. The person who says nothing and simply acts and acts violently and ruthlessly will always have the advantage because the other person will not be prepared for it.

If I'm ever in a fight, I'm not looking to throw a bunch of punches and dance around and talk. I'm looking to land one carefully placed kick to the outside of their knee with force and cave their knee in then walk away without any worry of them being able to follow me.

Typically tho, if you aren't out looking for trouble, you usually don't find it. The ones who tend to find it usually are out looking for it.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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Shorter women actually want a taller man even more than taller women do. The height thing isn't about you being taller than her, it's about you being taller than other men, ie your ability to protect her, since taller men have a tremendous advantage in fights over shorter ones, and evolutionarily speaking, being taller signifies more power. Shorter women feel more vulnerable, so their desire for a taller man, in general, might be even greater than taller women, who are deluded into thinking they can protect themselves, and may only desire a taller man out of ego.
I think it's that they don't want short sons. They know picky they are, and they figure that if they have a short partner, it will be OVER their sons before it even begins.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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The mindset in my case is:

I’m 5’7 and I don’t think I’m short.
It is actually the global average. Google it.

So it’s not a fvcking issue in my mind.

It was when I was insecure about my self, and my worth. Back then I was looking for problems.

Guess what? I found problems.

Chicks are not attracted for the things they say they are attracted to…

… If anyone on this website haven’t realized that by now, than you should go back and understand attraction dynamics.

Fvck all this BS excuses.

We are grown man.
The room for excuses is zero!
Dude you are probably a quite handsome dude. No diddy. Do you live in the USA? Height really matters in the USA to these goofy women.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Height really matters in the USA to these goofy women.
Probably only for women who are overly involved in social media and dating apps, i.e. shallow self-obsessed low quality women.

If a women is so concerned about your height, she's not worthy of your attention and validation.