For all of those complaining about your height or weight


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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If you're 6'4 there is no such thing as the wrong woman. I had a buddy who was 6'2, white guy, had no problem whatsoever with asian, white, black etc. For tall guys the goal is not to be fat, and have a vibe, shouldn't be that hard unless you look like Mr PooPoo in the face lmfao
It's OVER for PooPooFaceCels.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
Women can also switch it up if it seems right in the moment. I lost my V-card (she was the initiator) to a girl who’s Type was: ‘Tall, skinny, White long-haired rocker boys.’. Other than being White boy, I met none of those.
That's why I said 90% because there will always be an open window period for women in where they venture out. At the end of the day, they will always revert back to that type of man and simp for him as well.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
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Bro that’s broke man talk. Get your ass to the gym and big and ripped and feel like a king. Everyone will notice and life is so much better! Everything goes easier also when girls get wet by your energy and body and will accept your flaws that everyone has as being humans. - GAMB


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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This board really has a problem with nuance.

Exceptions don't mean anything. You can find a man in a wheelchair who gets pvssy, that doesn't mean that every wheelchaired man is capable of easily getting pvssy.

Of course, men shouldn't let things like height or looks become a self-limiting belief, but simply acknowledging (rather than denying) your innate advantages/disadvantages is necessary to level up in life and become self-actualized.

This is a clown statement. The majority of women refuse to even consider dating a man under 5'8 or so. I don't say this as a bitter man either, I'm above average height, but I recognize my advantage.
Don't for a minute think that height is irrelevant, I'm 164cm, and I can confirm that many women rejected me because of my height. They were 2 to 10 cm taller than me, and I know it because they talk to her female friends which told me this.

This is something that is taught by society and modern media, what could we do about it?

And yes, I can also confirm that there are some women, like 1% of the total I've met, which are still interested in me, no matter my height.
But that's the 1% guys, so If you're short you might not play the PUA or "High Value" male route, but use the knowledge to be a good man in your life, knowing that you will be rejected by 99% of women.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Don't for a minute think that height is irrelevant, I'm 164cm, and I can confirm that many women rejected me because of my height. They were 2 to 10 cm taller than me, and I know it because they talk to her female friends which told me this.
So date shorter women.
Or ignore to measure yourself and just keep dating whoever you like. If they comment on your height, they're unworthy, dump them and find someone else.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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Don't for a minute think that height is irrelevant, I'm 164cm, and I can confirm that many women rejected me because of my height. They were 2 to 10 cm taller than me, and I know it because they talk to her female friends which told me this.

This is something that is taught by society and modern media, what could we do about it?

And yes, I can also confirm that there are some women, like 1% of the total I've met, which are still interested in me, no matter my height.
But that's the 1% guys, so If you're short you might not play the PUA or "High Value" male route, but use the knowledge to be a good man in your life, knowing that you will be rejected by 99% of women.
At each height there is a corresponding facial attractiveness that must be met so one can be competitive. It is an inverse. The greater the height, the less face matters & vice versa.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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At each height there is a corresponding facial attractiveness that must be met so one can be competitive. It is an inverse. The greater the height, the less face matters & vice versa.
I guess that is with charm as well. No matter how horrible you look, if you have charm...



Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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At 5’7 I have had zero, 0, problems dating on regular basis for the past 15 years.

Sorry, but this is BS.
What's important about both your perspective and for instance that of @Hamurabimbi is that both of you don't make an issue of your height.

The problem with the 'height incels' is that they care so much about other people's opinions and their own shortcomings that they turn it into a focal point by paying too much attention. Any woman interacting with them will know their height obsession within minutes and reject them for their obsession with height (not the height itself) because this type of crippling anxiety/insecurity is extremely unattractive.
Why is Tom Cruise 'mocked' with his height and Joe Pesci isn't?
Because Cruise is clearly frustrated and deep insecurity, wanting lifts in his shoes or even walking on platform shoes in order not to appear his real height and compensating for his diminutive size with extremely masculine stunts on motorcycles, airplanes and running down Burj Khalifa. And trying to play roles like Jack Reacher.
Pesci doesn't have to resort to that. He's not pretending to be taller, his smaller size makes him even more threatening in his gangster roles. That's why everyone is scared of the volatile Nicky Santoro in Casino and violent Tommy DeVito in Goodfellas. But you can see his same c0cksure confidence in humorous non-violent roles like the main character in My Cousin Vinny. Pesci clearly doesn't care he's not as tall as the other actors.

I started going noticeably bald around the same time as Andre Agassi, who shaved his head in 1995 at 25 years old. I was a few years older and not as bald, but that gave me the impetus to shave my head as well. I got positive feedback from lovers and I never looked back. Since I don't care about being bald, I never made an issue out of it and I don't get any negative reactions or rejections on my lack of hair. If I had been frustrated about having to shave my head before I was thirty, I'm sure I would've been sensitive about (hiding) my baldness, which would've shown insecurity and made my shortcomings into a focal point.

If you're short, you're just short. When you're bald, you're just bald. Doesn't make you less of a man, unless you feel that way and allow your frustration to take the wheel.

Lotus Effect

Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2013
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The mindset in my case is:

I’m 5’7 and I don’t think I’m short.
It is actually the global average. Google it.

So it’s not a fvcking issue in my mind.

It was when I was insecure about my self, and my worth. Back then I was looking for problems.

Guess what? I found problems.

Chicks are not attracted for the things they say they are attracted to…

… If anyone on this website haven’t realized that by now, than you should go back and understand attraction dynamics.

Fvck all this BS excuses.

We are grown man.
The room for excuses is zero!


Sep 10, 2014
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In Europe it was crazy...literally 60% of women 7+ were with dudes who were probably a 5 or lower in the US...skinny dudes, Dad Bods or fat dudes but like half of American fat(that's obese there)...dudes with bad teeth, the point I was like WTF is going on here?

And they are right on food quality making a huge difference...I did my best to work out as much as I could and probably did so 10-11 times(mostly the first half of the trip) but my food consumption was a lot of pastries, bread, gelato and not many vegetables as that's not really a thing there.

Came back after 3+ weeks down 2 lbs. I thought I was going to be up like 15 lbs.

Anyone who argues that American food quality/additives/preservatives doesn't cause obesity is kidding themselves. So many things the US allows to be put in food isn't allowed in the EU.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
The mindset in my case is:

I’m 5’7 and I don’t think I’m short.
It is actually the global average. Google it.

So it’s not a fvcking issue in my mind.

It was when I was insecure about my self, and my worth. Back then I was looking for problems.

Guess what? I found problems.

Chicks are not attracted for the things they say they are attracted to…

… If anyone on this website haven’t realized that by now, than you should go back and understand attraction dynamics.

Fvck all this BS excuses.

We are grown man.
The room for excuses is zero!
Things with women are only a problem until they aren't a problem.

Women will overlook just about any shortcoming for a man they really like and eventually even turn what they said they "hated" into something they "love" about them instead.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Women will overlook just about any shortcoming for a man they really like and eventually even turn what they said they "hated" into something they "love" about them instead.
You're talking from personal experience here?


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
You're talking from personal experience here?
Yes...they hate how I walk around with my abs showing when I take my shirt off or when I wear compression shirts and they show thru the shirt and how women break their necks turning their heads to look...then they start loving it because "they have me and the others don't".

Although my girlfriend still hates it even tho she met me at a water park that way.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Yes...they hate how I walk around with my abs showing when I take my shirt off or when I wear compression shirts and they show thru the shirt and how women break their necks turning their heads to look...then they start loving it because "they have me and the others don't".
You're such a stud.

Although my girlfriend still hates it even tho she met me at a water park that way.
Of course she hates it. Your exquisite masculinity renders her so inferior she cannot cope but to hate your magnificent torso.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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Anyone who argues that American food quality/additives/preservatives doesn't cause obesity is kidding themselves.
Bad food is everywhere, I live in the US and I'm the best shape of my life, cause I cook al my food. The problem is not the food, is the fata$$es who eat like $hit.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
Bad food is everywhere, I live in the US and I'm the best shape of my life, cause I cook al my food. The problem is not the food, is the fata$$es who eat like $hit.
Yes, that is true but what I am saying is that even if you eat "like crap" in Europe, it doesn't have the same effect as it does in the US. There have been plenty of examples where people show the exact same product label by the same company for the same product and the EU version has half the ingredients or less than the US version. That's an issue...all that extra "crap" the US allows that the EU doesn't leads to inflammation, insulin resistance and obesity if you eat enough of it.

You can become obese very easily in the US, in Europe it's much harder.

I did not see a single person in 5 countries and 11 cities and literally tens of thousands of people that I saw walking around all over those places that even came close to a 350 lb person in the US that you will see on a random trip to a store any day of the week.

Those people barely exist in Europe.
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