Fellas stop thinking you're not good looking enough

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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What led so many men to believe that being a morbidly obese, neckbeard wearing keyboard warrior who's only ambition was hate watching the newest Star Wars product, and so many women to think that dyeing their pixie cuts magenta and filling their faces with piercings = An advanced way of being remains elusive
How common is this archetype?


Feb 14, 2024
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How common is this archetype?
There's a dose of sardonic hyperbole to both of those archetypes, though not much. As was mentioned elsewhere https://www.sosuave.net/forum/threads/video-on-why-nightlife-is-dying.282050/page-4#post-3122285 , check out the number of men(And the audience for that crap is almost exclusively guys above the age of 25, who are still deeply enmeshed in entertainment designed for kids in elementary school)who tune into Midnight's Edge's three hour laments over the state of Star Wars a few times per week. Note how many men got up on the Gamergate and Comicsgate bandwagon. Now take a look at what sort of shape these fellas are overwhelmingly in. Damned near all of them could be central male characters in Knocked Up

I wasn't being flip in this thread https://www.sosuave.net/forum/threa...-taught-you-so-far.282214/page-4#post-3122390 when I asked: Men who grew up in The 80s, 90s, and all decades afterwards.. Unless you come from a 1% family, how often did you see your own pops/the men in your life more generally wear a suit, dinner jacket, or/and a tuxedo? On those rare occasions that they did, were their garments high-end and tailored, or off the rack and ill fitting? Did the fellas who you were surrounded by in your childhood revel in despising such things? Did your pops and his drinking buddies regularly denigrate men who were at the top of the food chain(And who never walked out of the house without looking like they were prepped for a GQ cover) as "corporate stiffs"?

Insofar modern women go... In most major metropolitan areas, it's not uncommon to run into gals who aren't high school kids anymore, yet still think it's cute to color their bangs like this chick
Or to put pics and footage like this up on cyberspace https://hoo.be/maddiejoy https://images.app.goo.gl/QSLeZVFtc44wo5ZJ9 , even though most of these broads aren't professional glamour models or porn stars, and claim they want husbands, white picket fence houses, and kids of their own one day

No, not every dude or gal does the above, nonetheless it's more than just 2-5% of Americans who are engaged in this sort of jackassery these days
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Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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There's a dose of sardonic hyperbole to both of those archetypes, though not much. As was mentioned elsewhere https://www.sosuave.net/forum/threads/video-on-why-nightlife-is-dying.282050/page-4#post-3122285 , check out the number of men(And the audience for that crap is almost exclusively guys above the age of 25, who are still deeply enmeshed in entertainment designed for kids in elementary school)who tune into Midnight's Edge's three hour laments over the state of Star Wars a few times per week. Note how many men got up on the Gamergate and Comicsgate bandwagon. Now take a look at what sort of shape these fellas are overwhelmingly in. Damned near all of them could be central male characters in Knocked Up

I wasn't being flip in this thread https://www.sosuave.net/forum/threa...-taught-you-so-far.282214/page-4#post-3122390 when I asked: Men who grew up in The 80s, 90s, and all decades afterwards.. Unless you come from a 1% family, how often did you see your own pops/the men in your life more generally wear a suit, dinner jacket, or/and a tuxedo? On those rare occasions that they did, were their garments high-end and tailored, or off the rack and ill fitting? Did the fellas who you were surrounded by in your childhood revel in despising such things? Did your pops and his drinking buddies regularly denigrate men who were at the top of the food chain(And who never walked out of the house without looking like they were prepped for a GQ cover) as "corporate stiffs"?

Insofar modern women go... In most major metropolitan areas, it's not uncommon to run into gals who aren't high school kids anymore, yet still think it's cute to color their bangs like this chick
Or to put pics and footage like this up on cyberspace https://hoo.be/maddiejoy https://images.app.goo.gl/QSLeZVFtc44wo5ZJ9 , even though most of these broads aren't professional glamour models or porn stars, and claim they want husbands, white picket fence houses, and kids of their own one day

No, not every dude or gal does the above, nonetheless it's more than just 2-5% of Americans who are engaged in this sort of jackassery these days
I see what you mean.

I’m a soft black piller, by the way.


Feb 14, 2024
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How common is this archetype?
Even the generically Red Pilled are recognizing

-Being able to recite Manosphere shibboleths (Gynocentrism, Hypergamy, Spinning Plates, bringing on the ever-expanding color pallete of Pills)ad nauseum isn't especially valuable, if a fella isn't looking after himself in the most basic ways

-Contrary to what the tenets of Red Pill Theology dictate, women also have to make a conscious effort to be attractive, each day they roll out of bed

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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Even the generically Red Pilled are recognizing

-Being able to recite Manosphere shibboleths (Gynocentrism, Hypergamy, Spinning Plates, bringing on the ever-expanding color pallete of Pills)ad nauseum isn't especially valuable, if a fella isn't looking after himself in the most basic ways

-Contrary to what the tenets of Red Pill Theology dictate, women have to work at this stuff also, albeit in different ways
I’ll listen in my car ride to work. I approve of the guy’s Joy Division shirt.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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That's fine when you're a teen in high school. Not afterwards, especially when you're claiming to be a man, and not a child
Right, which is why I only wear band shirts on Halloween or at a concert.


Feb 14, 2024
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Right, which is why I only wear band shirts on Halloween or at a concert.
Among other things, that guy was wearing such attire at a coffee shop. This sort of thing being a hindrance endemic among modern men has long been noted https://www.badgerandblade.com/foru...0-years-ago-just-plain-and-drab.303516/page-3

It's refreshing to see that "men's content" does seem to be shifting it's emphasis towards the question "What do we do to help ourselves, even if in small ways, on a day to day basis?", rather than on groaning over how f-cked up women are, and bemoaning the fact that they refuse to change in some fundamental way


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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Even the generically Red Pilled are recognizing

-Being able to recite Manosphere shibboleths (Gynocentrism, Hypergamy, Spinning Plates, bringing on the ever-expanding color pallete of Pills)ad nauseum isn't especially valuable, if a fella isn't looking after himself in the most basic ways

-Contrary to what the tenets of Red Pill Theology dictate, women also have to make a conscious effort to be attractive, each day they roll out of bed
‘Walter’ has at least two strikes against him. He is facially unattractive. And, probably worse, comes across as a nerdy dork. But kudos for him pressing on in the face of her initial rejection at the door.

I will take exception to the narrator’s rag on Starbucks. You gotta love a company that has, as policy, an allowance for employees to give a free coffee to a customer they’ve taken a shine to.


Feb 14, 2024
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Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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Feb 14, 2024
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Nothing wrong with wearing that to pick up coffee
There will always similarly be women who grow out their underarm hair, and invoke a rationale along these lines https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/...proudly-flaunts-armpit-hair-magazine-64878121 Quote: . "For me, body hair is another opportunity for women to exercise their ability to choose — a choice based on how they want to feel and their associations with having or not having body hair."

Kings to those who can do that sort of crap and not suffer noticeable social repercussions. Most of us can't


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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There will always similarly be women who grow out their underarm hair, and invoke a rationale along these lines https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/...proudly-flaunts-armpit-hair-magazine-64878121 Quote: . "For me, body hair is another opportunity for women to exercise their ability to choose — a choice based on how they want to feel and their associations with having or not having body hair."

Kings to those who can do that sort of crap and not suffer noticeable social repercussions. Most of us can't
Does anyone dress up to get coffee at Starbucks? Other than a suit if on the way to work.


Feb 14, 2024
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Does anyone dress up to get coffee at Starbucks?
We're in real trouble if throwing on a polo or a button up + putting on slacks before one leaves the house is now considered "dressing up". Society isn't going to adopt a more conciliatory stance towards men, until more of us start respecting ourselves. This was self-explanatory to men who lived in the not too distant past, and who faced obstacles far more daunting than we moderns do today


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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#1) Beautiful women are everywhere. Hot women are not a rare commodity to be put on a pedestal. There are more attractive women 35 and under than non-attractive women.

#2) How many times have you seen a guy dating a woman a couple of notches (and more) above his own looks scale. More times than you can count.

There is a woman at my gym (solid 8) and probably mid 30's who I've noticed in the past looking in my direction. Since I sometimes suffer from a scarcity mindset, I got all excited.

However, I warned myself not to get oneitis since I don't know anything about her and she is more than likely NOT single.

Last week at the gym I overheard her say what her name was to a male patron who recognized her from somewhere.

Tonight, I just happened to go on Facebook and type her name in and the town where our gym is.

Yep, she's engaged and the guy looks very Joe Average with a soft body

Remember folks, if you don't think you're good enough, some other guy will. Chances are, the guy will be less attractive than you too!

It's also, another great reason NOT to get oneitis. Here you are constantly thinking about a certain female you probably never talked to and she's not even single. Your sitting at home thinking about her while she's getting smashed by her boyfriend, fiance/husband.
Most men look like most men. When we think about a ripped dude we obviously understand that he might look attractive to the opposite sex. Yet he DID put in tons of work.

No matter your colour, you can ALWAYS mimic someone who "looks like you" and is killing it with the ladies. Heck, sometimes even dudes who look worse than you yielding way way better results.

My cliche phrase these days is we teach the world how we wanna be treated. You are the product. If you don't care about the product you won't maintain, or even better, improve it. Let alone bother to actually sell it.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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Becuase it incites a mindset in men much like you have displayed here

Men shouldn't be "competing" for women because they don't really offer much outside of sex and child bearing

What are you exactly competing for !?! , I've just explained why the barrier to entry for female beauty is LOW

It is the man who has to build the majority of the financial and economic structure to support the family .....this is far from easy

Women love men who compete for them because their easily manipulated and a woman has natural skills in manipulation keeps the game heavily titlted in their favour
I agree.

Imagine yourself sleeping with a different hot woman every Week.

Won't take long before you heard it all, seen it all and done it all.

Scarcity mindset is one of the best phrases the RP made big . Because as soon as man finds a way to let go of that, he'll be above women. But contrary to that: as long as you chase them by default you are running behind them.

The biggest takeaway should be that the type of man THEY chase = a man with low to none scarcity . Imagine yourself looking your best making bank while knowing the game. A place where your time is so valuable you couldn't care less about what a strange "aking to retarded " woman thinks about you...

A woman /women must become a toy to a man rather than a life saving entity.