Fellas stop thinking you're not good looking enough


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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" Basic principles: no matter what, no matter when, no matter who... any man has a chance to sweep any woman off her feet. He just needs the right broom."
A woman has no value without a man.
A Man should broke a woman, and re-compose her in a new shape.
The woman will thank this man everyday because He gave her identity.
I'm still struggling to apply this, but it's the everyday life thruth.

There is only two options, you either play they game or you become MGTOW, cause have the burden of performing, we are not women.
I don't think so. The analysis is quite correct, but MGTOW is attractive to someone playing the game. I choose to be a stoic, so I might align with the MGTOW mentality, but I still want to be part of a social circle with an open mind, even though my goal is to raise a family.

The core of everything is really about what you want to do as a man and what you want from life. This should be enough to give you the daily drive to focus on your life. You must hold onto your vision because any woman may question it. However, women often take their cues from mainstream media and may challenge you.

You have to show that she cannot enter your sphere; instead, you need to articulate your vision to her and behave in a way that encourages her to change. (I still can't do it well as a DJ or a Mature Man).
Yes, you can accept some truths in what she says, but 80% of the time, you must shape the relationship with a woman.

I'm still learning, but the couples I see who enter long-term relationships are those where the woman is initially "adored" for seduction and then "despised" because she needs to change and submit to the man. If she won't do it, she probably wasn't truly into this man. If a woman respects a man's vision, you won’t have to ask; she’ll make it known.


Don Juan
Sep 24, 2018
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Why is that unfortunately? Men are visual creatures, if you want a cute girl you gotta compete with other men by being your best version, you either accept it or become a monk.
Surely however its idiotic that some cvnt from my school who was a prvck got a court summonds as an adult because of a pub fight over a Kate Upton-looking woman. Some boys already have to deal with the psychological abuse from girls as kids, followed by the crassness and shallowness that comes with late-teens and 20s women.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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A woman has no value without a man.
A Man should broke a woman, and re-compose her in a new shape.
The woman will thank this man everyday because He gave her identity.
I'm still struggling to apply this, but it's the everyday life thruth.

I don't think so. The analysis is quite correct, but MGTOW is attractive to someone playing the game. I choose to be a stoic, so I might align with the MGTOW mentality, but I still want to be part of a social circle with an open mind, even though my goal is to raise a family.
I too like the Stoic philosophy, for its order and its ability to light a rational path. But I think Stoicism doesn't have an answer for the mating game in our current, dystopic female-sexual-choice zeitgeist - but instead leads to the path of the MGTOW monk, who has calculated, much like the great Nikola Tesla, that the mating game is incompatible with rationality, and therefore a big COPE.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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I too like the Stoic philosophy, for its order and its ability to light a rational path. But I think Stoicism doesn't have an answer for the mating game in our current, dystopic female-sexual-choice zeitgeist - but instead leads to the path of the MGTOW monk, who has calculated, much like the great Nikola Tesla, that the mating game is incompatible with rationality, and therefore a big COPE.
So, are you saying that in modern society, stoics—who are often considered the greatest men—are losers in what sense? In terms of attracting women?

If that's the case, I always thought that stoics engage in the game in a passive or indirect way, allowing women to come to them because of their inherent value. Instead of playing the game directly, they focus on increasing their value and are seen as a prize.

For example, I have a friend who, for three years, focused solely on himself—no dating, nothing. He transformed his life and became a personal trainer on his own. Now, he has significantly increased his value, thanks in part to social media.
What he portrays is genuinely him: a healthy lifestyle, travel, workouts, friendships, cooking, pets, family, and so on. He train other people, and had the time to build connections. (real ones).
He still doesn't engage in dating, but he enjoys everything else. You can imagine how popular he has become in the city; women with a lifestyle similar to his, which live in the city, wants him. He became a prize being himself.

Additionally, stoic individuals tend to attract a certain type of woman. In this case, you filter out all the "sluts" or "crazy" women that you would attract with PUA or other techniques, and attract those who align with your lifestyle.

Because you attract what you are—just like the saying goes, "We are what we eat," right?
And yes as you've said we can't do nothing to it: Social media really changed the world, giving women too much they don't need.

also https://www.sosuave.net/forum/threads/self-improvement-is-masturbation.243060/

ps: Please explain what do you exactly mean with "dystopic female-sexual-choice zeitgeist" in the sosuave "theme". It's interesting to know more
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Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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Surely however its idiotic that some cvnt from my school who was a prvck got a court summonds as an adult because of a pub fight over a Kate Upton-looking woman. Some boys already have to deal with the psychological abuse from girls as kids, followed by the crassness and shallowness that comes with late-teens and 20s women.
You got some anger that you need to overcome man. Stop looking at the past, be a better you for the future.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 29, 2022
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someone w/o mental problems
By consequence or by choice you say?

Since I started applying Stoicism concepts in my life, I do not doubt that I have changed my dating approach. After all, it has a straight impact on my behavior.

However, I think I attracted crazy and sl*t women the same. Since it was a one-night stand, I didn't care.

But yeah, with Stoicism, people naturally tend to become more selective about people in their lives.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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By consequence or by choice you say?

Since I started applying Stoicism concepts in my life, I do not doubt that I have changed my dating approach. After all, it has a straight impact on my behavior.

However, I think I attracted crazy and sl*t women the same. Since it was a one-night stand, I didn't care.

But yeah, with Stoicism, people naturally tend to become more selective about people in their lives.
Bullsht work on yourself hard everyday.

My point of view is that a man should deeply know and think about how women behave, the nature of human beings, biases, manipulation, etc. However, when it really comes to your daily life, since a man has to be someone with "irrational confidence," you have to do things, good or bad, in a "confident" way. And I found out that people with a closed mentality, usually thinking black and white, are usually easy to behave this way.

Like, if you know about how women behave, the nature of women, usually those guys think and act like they are the father, and women are the kids.

So, you can now rationalize: they are assertive, supportive, not showing too much love or emotional involvement, mysterious, they put women in their place when they do something that would lose their respect for them, they guide women's insecurities with confidence, and they leave when needed, and the woman chases them back.

This is something a very deep and intelligent man has always found difficult to do, because he always feels emotions in a different way, mostly like a woman can, and this is why they show love in a different way and lose women. Such as artists, musicians, or anything that a man can express love in another form/medium.

I think, when it comes to making it easy, you have to operate on a simple thinking process. When you see a woman, you have to think one thing, or have kinda like one pov, and so you can be the right man, and behave correctly.

Again, This is very difficult for a very intelligent and emotionally wired man. (Don't take me wrong, I am not saying weak man, but wired differently).

In this case, the most relevant quality a man have that will give him anything in his life, it's manipulation, but this man, could lose respect for himself.


Feb 14, 2024
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This is something a very deep and intelligent man has always found difficult to do, because he always feels emotions in a different way, mostly like a woman can, and this is why they show love in a different way and lose women. Such as artists, musicians, or anything that a man can express love in another form/medium

Again, This is very difficult for a very intelligent and emotionally wired man. (Don't take me wrong, I am not saying weak man, but wired differently).
Unless you really are among the 0.000000000001% of men who possess a genius level intellect, I encourage you to rid yourself of this notion that you're "very deep and intelligent" compared to most other men. In all liklihood, Jhonny, you're just like the rest of us... When you write of "feeling emotions in a different way, just like a woman can", that really sounds like an indirect way of saying: "I'm really sensitive and easily ruffled"

Most of us have had this very same difficulty*, and it's something we had to rectify, via reading books, listening to seminars,seeing a shrink, etc etc

*When I write "had this same difficulty", I also mean: "Most men have, at some point in their lives, conned ourselves into believing we were deeper and more intelligent than all those so-called Normies we share the planet with. This was all just a sneaky way to hide from our own weaknesses"
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Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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A woman has no value without a man.
By what measure?
"Most men have, at some point in their lives, conned ourselves into believing we were deeper and more intelligent than all those so-called Normies we share the planet with.
I believe in some cases those who rip on normies want what normies have: women, friends, close family members, a home, etc.


Feb 14, 2024
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I believe in some cases those who rip on normies want what normies have: women, friends, close family members, a home, etc.
The Red Pill/Manosphere actually has many parallels with Emo

Both gave the world some great things, and neither by their very nature are especially sustainable lifestyles for most. Biologically, most men are hardwired towards yearning to be Don Draper, Harvey Specter, or-dare I say it-Gordon Gekko, rather than remaining 9th grade edgelords for life

As we've discussed elsewhere here at SS, the most prominent Ayatollahs Of Red Pill Theology on YouTube are themselves men enjoying upper-middle class lives, who've been married for decades, all while damning their parishioners for desiring those same things for themselves
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Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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What is a ‘normie’?
Kind of like an average Joe, a working stiff, or a man who presents as one. Someone who is ordinary, doesn’t have much thought that goes against a current, popular zeitgeist, follows the herd.

I myself probably present as one and I live the life one.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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The Red Pill/Manosphere actually has many parallels with Emo

Both gave the world some great things, and neither by their very nature are especially sustainable lifestyles for most. Biologically, most men are hardwired towards yearning to be Don Draper, Harvey Specter, or-dare I say it-Gordon Gekko, rather than remaining 9th grade edgelords for life

As we've discussed elsewhere here at SS, the most prominent Ayatollahs Of Red Pill Theology on YouTube are themselves men enjoying upper-middle class lives, who've been married for decades, all while damning their parishioners for desiring those same things for themselves
The RP sphere offered some truths. They get some fundamental stuff wrong though.


Feb 14, 2024
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The RP sphere offered some truths. They get some fundamental stuff wrong though.
Yeah, they're right when they say "It can be tough to be a man in the modern world sometimes", just as Emo is correct when they say "Adolescence can be tough sometimes". A corrosive worldview ("I'm/we're always helplessly at the whim of a universe that enjoys being mean to me/us")lies at the heart of each though


Feb 14, 2024
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Kind of like an average Joe, a working stiff, or a man who presents as one. Someone who is ordinary, doesn’t have much thought that goes against a current, popular zeitgeist, follows the herd.

I myself probably present as one and I live the life one.
As recently as '14, we referred to what you describe as "embracing adulthood", and such living was even depicted as what was desirable in most popular entertainment at the time, ala. Gossip Girl, Mad Men, and Suits

What led so many men to believe that being a morbidly obese, neckbeard wearing keyboard warrior who's only ambition was hate watching the newest Star Wars product, and so many women to think that dyeing their pixie cuts magenta and filling their faces with piercings = An advanced way of being remains elusive