Fellas stop thinking you're not good looking enough


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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So, are you saying that in modern society, stoics—who are often considered the greatest men—are losers in what sense? In terms of attracting women?

If that's the case, I always thought that stoics engage in the game in a passive or indirect way, allowing women to come to them because of their inherent value. Instead of playing the game directly, they focus on increasing their value and are seen as a prize.

For example, I have a friend who, for three years, focused solely on himself—no dating, nothing. He transformed his life and became a personal trainer on his own. Now, he has significantly increased his value, thanks in part to social media.
What he portrays is genuinely him: a healthy lifestyle, travel, workouts, friendships, cooking, pets, family, and so on. He train other people, and had the time to build connections. (real ones).
He still doesn't engage in dating, but he enjoys everything else. You can imagine how popular he has become in the city; women with a lifestyle similar to his, which live in the city, wants him. He became a prize being himself.

Additionally, stoic individuals tend to attract a certain type of woman. In this case, you filter out all the "sluts" or "crazy" women that you would attract with PUA or other techniques, and attract those who align with your lifestyle.

Because you attract what you are—just like the saying goes, "We are what we eat," right?
And yes as you've said we can't do nothing to it: Social media really changed the world, giving women too much they don't need.

also https://www.sosuave.net/forum/threads/self-improvement-is-masturbation.243060/

ps: Please explain what do you exactly mean with "dystopic female-sexual-choice zeitgeist" in the sosuave "theme". It's interesting to know more
It's only been very recent where being a good stoic wasn't in and of itself an effective tool in attracting a good woman.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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A woman /women must become a toy to a man rather than a life saving entity.
I came across an article within the femosphere a few weeks ago and it was this Boss B1tch talking about how she has all this power and control in her day to day life but when it comes to sex she just wants to be used and degraded

She wrote the article because she didn't understand what was going on in her own mind and wanted other womens opinions

But I sussed out what was going on straight away .........The feminine is submissive by nature and by default she wants to submit and relinquish all control to her masculine opposite especially when it comes to sex

I mean think how it makes us feel when a woman submits and we conquer her it makes us FEEL more masculine

THAT is what she feels about submitting but on the opposite end , she feels more feminine when she relinquishes control and inhibitions

She can't do that if your allowing her total control and supplicating her


Feb 14, 2024
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I came across an article within the femosphere a few weeks ago and it was this Boss B1tch talking about how she has all this power and control in her day to day life but when it comes to sex she just wants to be used and degraded

She wrote the article because she didn't understand what was going on in her own mind and wanted other womens opinions

But I sussed out what was going on straight away .........The feminine is submissive by nature and by default she wants to submit and relinquish all control to her masculine opposite especially when it comes to sex

I mean think how it makes us feel when a woman submits and we conquer her it makes us FEEL more masculine

THAT is what she feels about submitting but on the opposite end , she feels more feminine when she relinquishes control and inhibitions

She can't do that if your allowing her total control and supplicating her

Sharp minded women recognize the truth of this


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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That's fine when you're a teen in high school. Not afterwards, especially when you're claiming to be a man, and not a child
Unless you can make it 'ironic' like you were actually aware what the Joy Division was.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Kings to those who can do that sort of crap and not suffer noticeable social repercussions. Most of us can't
Does anyone dress up to get coffee at Starbucks? Other than a suit if on the way to work.
We're in real trouble if throwing on a polo or a button up + putting on slacks before one leaves the house is now considered "dressing up". Society isn't going to adopt a more conciliatory stance towards men, until more of us start respecting ourselves. This was self-explanatory to men who lived in the not too distant past, and who faced obstacles far more daunting than we moderns do today
I don't consider wearing normal clothes 'dressing up', then again, even when I'm in normal clothes I get treated like I'm dressed in a power suit.
I rarely wear anything with a logo / meme / band / proclamation on it, because I don't need to proclaim my alliance to products or ideals or even bands. Like, I could wear one of those t-shirts with 'sarcasm loading 73%', but why would I warn anyone about the sharpness of my tongue?


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Most men look like most men. When we think about a ripped dude we obviously understand that he might look attractive to the opposite sex. Yet he DID put in tons of work.
Most people don't like to stand out from the crowd. Those who do stand out in a positive sense are attractive to women, because it takes courage (or a DGAF attitude) to not succumb to safely blend in with the faceless masses.

I came across an article within the femosphere a few weeks ago and it was this Boss B1tch talking about how she has all this power and control in her day to day life but when it comes to sex she just wants to be used and degraded
But I sussed out what was going on straight away .........The feminine is submissive by nature and by default she wants to submit and relinquish all control to her masculine opposite especially when it comes to sex
Actually, not just the feminine is submissive by nature. The masses themselves, men and women, prefer that responsibility and accountability are carried by other people. That's why there are fewer leaders than followers; for most people, leading others is a burden. If someone else wants to carry their burden, they gladly follow their lead.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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Remember folks, if you don't think you're good enough, some other guy will. Chances are, the guy will be less attractive than you too!
We have no idea what characteristics male strangers have that attracted their women. A man might have a dumpy body but boss people around for a living, come from a rich family, be rich himself, be talented, be popular, be capable of hurting other men, be a daredevil, be interesting, etc, etc. Shet like, “I cannot believe this schlub has an attractive woman,” and, “Heehee, she’s definitely cheating on him,” are expressions of envy and ill will (I don’t mean you, but for men who say such).
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Feb 14, 2024
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I don't consider wearing normal clothes 'dressing up', then again, even when I'm in normal clothes I get treated like I'm dressed in a power suit
Reminds me of
0:00-2:34, specifically. As that fella Anton is speaking to demonstrates, a man "glowing up" is often much simpler than we're led to believe. Our current zeitgeist is one in which a large chunk of the male population operates under a belief system which goes something like:

"My favorite influencer walks out of the house wearing a cartoon T dropped over his pot belly, rocks a neckbeard caked in Twinkie crumbs, and this didn't stop him from becoming a Z list celebrity who's surrounded by a personality cult that believes he's the sole purveyor of The Truth. Therefore, I'm entitled to do likewise, and the rest of society has to respect me/take me seriously... That I put so little time and effort into my appearance SHOULD NOT matter"