Feel the butterflies and approach!


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
Reaction score
i saw this on twitter from a guy, men, who gives seduction advice to men:

"A lot of women, or just many women, cannot understand how someone(a guy, man, human male) cannot be desired or doesn't have any dating options, or has never dated or never been with a woman before by a certain age, unless something is seriously wrong with them. They(women) get desired and wanted, sought after, by default have dating options, always have choices, opportunities, just for existing and being a normal person, so they assume that's how it is for men, but it's not., women who think that way are completely delusional"

never truer words have been said or spoken.
True words indeed.

On a related note, many a woman will tell us "Just ask the woman you're interested in out. If you get a rejection, big whoop. Rejection is a totally natural part of life."

Here's the thing though: For a woman, rejection isn't a totally natural part of life. A woman could sit back and do nothing, yet still get propositioned for dates/sex. A woman could make it her whole life without ever asking anyone out/getting rejected. And if a woman were to get rejected, she'd go absolutely ape$hit.

In other words, broads tell us to do something (and get over something) they'll likely never have to do (and wouldn't handle well if they were to do it)


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
depends - sometimes persistence can go a long way - in daygame it was 6 months before I got my first actual lay but then the a few stunners quickly followed - sometimes it just takes one good success that can be the springboard for more-

getting from 0 to 1 daygame lay is a hell of a lot harder to go from 1-10

at 0 you can doubt if this stuff works ( it does but it requires good volume) and talking to strangers especially in large cities you need conversation skills and to be somewhat adaptable to conversation and dating with different cultures and different women - that can be a tough learning curve psychologically for anyone - for me it was difficult at the beginning but once I got some decent wingmen everything because more efficient

self improvement helps but unless the confidence is there to approach consistently without excuses then its going to be tough to get results long term. A lot of men use self improvement as an excuse to just not approach outright- it then becomes another form of procrastination in my book.
Okay... how is this different from self-improvement? You got better, because you practiced... this is NOT rocketing science. You gain self-confidence from PRACTICE... practice is self-improvement.