Few takes some people tend to miss . Why? Because prostitution is (rightfully so) stigmatized. The latter keeps both men and women away from" the dark side".
It does prove that sex for men is just as if not more of a mental thing than it is to women.
exempli gratia: 1. You might want a "hb8,5". So you "run game " on her. You tke her out make her laugh, "conquer her p00sy " and have the best sex ever with the hottest woman you've ever had.
But...2. Little you know she ALSO had a history/future (!!!) as an escort. So , you or your bff homie fecks the SAME girl, but the entrance is different : you simply pay her fee and have the exact same sex.
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If I understand the sentiment here most men would rather go for option 1 ,proving that the MENTAL aspect is more important to them. Their ego can't handle the fact that the woman they've "conquered " is NOT the exclusive confirmation that they are a "special breed ": she'll lick a 70 year old man's azz for tge right amount of money and gets pissed on in the process. Sorry fellas...
Now here's another thing y'all miss

@corrector overlooks this).
prostitution is a way for Chad and Stacy to meet under ideal circumstances.
Chat just wants to nut. Stacy wants finacial gains, but preferably with a man who is good looking. This is why some women won't stop this occupation any time soon. Both parties get what they want without any strings attached. If a man has money in abundance he wont worry about spending 100/200 bucks on guaranteed hot sex.
someone already referred to the movie pretty woman. Because the scenario is WAY more realistic than most realize. Chad/ Tyrone types of dudes might be MORE prone to being sex/attention addicts, because from ever since we were 13 we had women expressing their interest .
Once such a man discovers the ease of getting sex with hot women without the emotional baggage/dama/ stress,it might be addictive A F.
-Lastly, your roots might have more female prostitutes than you'd like to believe. Its the oldest profession known to mankind.
- most "manly men" in the past like pirates thieves and soldiers, would gladly spent their earned money on ....yup...hookers. Tge type of man that nowadays is glorified as a "badboy" or " alpha " had ALWAYS throughout history spend money on hoolkers and easy sex. Many many many of your grand mothers were hookers.
Women understand this dynamic much better than men. Every woman contemplated being a hooker at some point in her life. Especially after she gets played a few times.
I thought this forum was about taking the red(reality) pill?. Yet men get triggered when they hear the truth..