I know you weren't responding to me. But since I'm the OP (and since the guy you replied to has been backing me up throughout the thread), I'm going to chime in.I wish I could date 9's and 10's. You know why I can't? It's not because of the reasons you listed. It's because I am not good enough. Could I get there? Probably. I've dated one 9 in my entire career of banging girls. Because of the work I put in, I can get 8's all day long now. They seem to be a good match for my SMV.
There was a time I sucked so bad I could barely score a 6 on a good day. I kept at it, improved my situation, and now I'm pleased with where I am.
Stop blaming your situation on others. Go date an HB1 if you have to. Sure beats banging a hooker that drips the voodoo goo on your jimmy.
Being on the spectrum, I have a hard time even picking up on clues a woman is into me. Plus my instinct (of what to say when pursuing a woman) is often wrong.