Enough is enough, time for a change journal.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
thunder_god said:
Week 29 day 6:

Been really busy working the last two weeks plus going to school and studying. I met some chick from work. The job is pretty much just me and her working. She's a Bangladesh Hb6.5. I'm not really into brown chicks but she has a nice ass and a decent size rack. Unfortunately she has a bf already and is short. Just my luck. I have been kind of gaming her and she seems pretty receptive to my flirting and teasing. I also noticed my text game has gotten a lot better for some reason. Maybe its because I now try to elicit an emotional response instead of replying logically. She texted me "lmfao ****yyy" when I texted her something ****y and funny like "ya it was nice meeting me too", when she said "it was nice meeting you". She also called me an "ass" in person last week when I was teasing her. I also chase framed her when she started inquiring about whether or not I was seeing anyone. I said to her "why? did you want to apply for the position?" She starts laughing and then saying "no, I'm loyal". Bull$hit, we all know there is no such thing as loyalty with chicks. I also made her buy me a bagel. She has been asking me a few times during work if she can buy me any food or drinks. I think I need to make her buy me more things so that she invests in me more, and the more she invests the deeper she falls for me. Anyways I have no interest in dating her, just banging her. I believe the reason why I hit it off so well with her is because right from the onset I was already talking and acting with her as if we had known each other for a while now. I don't think I did this with any of the other girls.

My new part time job requires me to cold approach people to promote microsoft products and then to get them to do surveys. Its a good thing I have been doing cold approaches these past few months, otherwise I would so scared that I wouldn't be able to approach anyone. I also notice that the approach anxiety is still there and it takes a while before I can get the ball rolling. Also the rejections still hurt. I think I have approached over 150-200 people on the four days that I have been working.

i also haven't had much luck with the other two girls who I mentioned from my hobbies and clubs. I've all but given up on the Italian chick. Although this week I teased her like crazy for some reason, and she seemed to kind of like it. I noticed she stopped leaving class when its done. I think she sticks around for the class afterwards. As for the rock climbing chick, I haven't seen her in weeks now. I have been trying to get her out. To be fair though, she did ask me to go join her rock climbing last week, but it was at a date and time when I was busy so I couldn't do it. She asked me to go join her for her late night run last night, but by the time she replied back, she had already left my area and no way am I running around downtown in the freezing cold just to go look for her.

I also had 3 chicks message me on pof. Two out of the three had no pics. One of them was a whale so I didn't bother to reply back. After having another one send me a pic and seeing that she also was a whale, I ignored her text as well. I got the # from the last one but still haven't seen her pic but I believe she is asian. I texted her and she texted back but I couldn't bother with her either since I don't like asian girls, especially ones that are too insecure to show their pics online.

Things at school have also been slow. I haven't really been able to make any friends since I'm only in one class and only see my classmates twice a week, with one of those days in a lab with only a few of my classmates. I also know that parties and hangouts have been circulating around except I haven't been invited to any. This crowd is really tough to crack. Another girl also in the exact situation as me even has it worse, because she didn't even go to any social events. She hardly knows anyone. I was suppose to go rock climbing on thursday with two of my classmates who I went with a few weeks back. Unfortunately I never heard anything back from them after they finished there test. I finally got a text from the girl today and she said her text message didn't go through that day.

I went to a public speaking club today, which I got exposed to while on the job last week when I asked one of the guys who I was prospecting if he had any leads. The exercises we did there was good practice. I volunteered for every single task even though it felt uncomfortable as $hit. It's going to take me a while before I get as good as some of the guys in the club.

I also went to a halloween party today that one of my new classmates posted up on facebook. My old classmates from last year also held a party at exactly the same time. Since I didn't really know anyone from my class this year I chose to go to the other party. It was a big mistake. I ended up being the only person from my class there with the exception of the girl hosting. Apparently there was 1-2 other parties that my other new classmates hosted and everyone else ended up going to those. my roommate who is a prick also went to the other parties but never told me about them neither. Her roommate on the other hand invited a $hit tonne of her friends. The co-host of the party who invited me didn't know anyone there except her bf and just sat on the couch quietly talking to her bf and me. I ended up doing the same because it felt awkward for me in that environment. After a while I had enough and decided to force myself to go talk to these strangers at the party even if it made me feel uncomfortable. It took me literally like 1.5 hrs before I started to go talk to the other people at the party, but once I did it felt more and more natural. I started to approach more and more people. Unfortunately most of the girls there were with there bf's. I was getting a lot of high fives from the guys though. The guys seemed to like my company, now why can't I do the same with girls? It didn't seem like things were going to change there so I ditched the party. I had originally made plans a week ahead of time to go chill with my best friend. I told him to go buy tickets to this big halloween party at my college because I didn't have money to order tickets yet because my first paycheque was coming in today, but the fcuker was lazy to do what I asked and they ended up selling out. Ok fine, I made alternative plans. There was another halloween party at another place except they close at 12am. My plan was to go to my new classmates party first then leave after an hr. This was meant to warm me up for the other party later. My ****ing buddy didn't come downtown until 12 ****ing am!!! and then has the nerve to tell me to come to some other bull$hit place half way across downtown. I didn't bother to reply back to him after that. I ended up feeling depressed and went home, not before wolfing down 4 pc of chicken at popeyes. I need to stop being an emotional eater and using food as a feel good mechanism. He's really pushing me to cut himoff completely like my oneitis. This behavior from him has been happening for a while now. He's let me down time and time again. First it was with the ****ing vacation trips. I have asked him years now to go with me to california or somewhere and he always makes up BS excuses, but then he went to cuba this past summer with my other friends. When I needed him to push me to approach girls on the street, he chickened out and made BS excuses that he wanted to go shopping. I am getting really fed up with this behaviour. I have known this guy for 17 yrs now but at the same time he has really disappointed me.

So here I am writing this journal about 2 weeks later and hardly anything to show for it. My text game has gotten a little better and I believe my teasing is alittle more calibrated but thats about ****ing it. I am getting more and more frustrated as the weeks go and I feel like banging my head against the wall each night. I always ask the universe what the fcuk did I do that was so bad to deserve this? Why the fcuk can't I get a girl who I'm actually attracted to and want to date? Why is it that only the fatties and uglies pay me attention and respect that I deserve? Is it too fcuking much to ask to be with someone who you like? Also why the fcuk am I such a pu$$y when it comes to women? I can get into a ring with guys who want to kill me and walk off sometimes unharmed but when it comes to women be completely clue less and afraid of rejection and failure. At the rate things are going for me I don't know if I will ever succeed in my goals. I AM SO SICK OF BEING FCUKING DATELESS AND SEEING EVERY OTHER GUY WITH A GIRL EXCEPT ME, I CAN'T STAND THIS $HIT ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel your pain too, anyway didn't you say you were working with an RSD instructor where you live?


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
JaegerPilot217 said:
I feel your pain too, anyway didn't you say you were working with an RSD instructor where you live?
What? When did I say that? I wish buddy. I'm currently just working to fix the financial mess I am in, and hopefully save up some money for a trip down south so I can sign up for a bootcamp with squattincassanova. I guess at the end of this, I will at least have fixed another area of my life that needs work, in this case finances. That only leaves 3 other areas left : school, friends, social circle, and social skills, and lastly women.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
thunder_god said:
What? When did I say that? I wish buddy. I'm currently just working to fix the financial mess I am in, and hopefully save up some money for a trip down south so I can sign up for a bootcamp with squattincassanova. I guess at the end of this, I will at least have fixed another area of my life that needs work, in this case finances. That only leaves 3 other areas left : school, friends, social circle, and social skills, and lastly women.
If I remember you are based in Toronto right?


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
JaegerPilot217 said:
If I remember you are based in Toronto right?
Ya. I don't think there is any good dating coaches around in Toronto. The only one I know is tdot pickup, but the dating coach is mediocre. I actually met the guy.


Don Juan
May 18, 2014
Reaction score
Here's my suggestion:

Quit your job, move back with your parents, study your butt off and ace your classes. Continue to chat more with people as you have been doing. Or, if your class is going well then keep the job if you like it, but still move back.

When you pass your class and your academic situation becomes more stable, you'll feel less stressed and more confident. Relax with the pickup artist behavior, get in great shape and you may be able to build some friendships with women - don't force yourself to look for more, esp with females you are not attracted to.

From your post it seems like there is some attention deficit issue there - don't mean to be critical. Just concerned and don't want you to flunk out. If you do, your social life will get much much worse. Study hard and put the women on the backburner for a bit. Just be normal for awhile and see what happens.

Also, with respect to your oneitis what actually happened in the beginning? Did you actually date her? Sorry if it's already explained elsewhere and I missed it.

One thing I found odd is that your goal is to get laid, but it seems you had that opportunity awhile back at the club and seemed to just blow her off without hesitation, not even getting her number. What's the point of the whole thing then?

Another suggestion: if you suck at dancing, stop doing the opening dance routine with yourself or with another guy at the clubs, so as not to get labeled a 'geek' right off the bat.

I think you should stop this pickup artist routine and let the chips fall where they may. There's a good chance it won't work out, so I'd suggest continuing to build up your social circle and try that way.

Do you have a feeling that the women find you 'odd' when you approach? Are you an 'eccentric'? You mention that you see psychiatrists...Not meaning to be disrespectful by asking these questions.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Relax with the pickup artist behavior, get in great shape and you may be able to build some friendships with women - don't force yourself to look for more, esp with females you are not attracted to.

I kind of agree with Intuition here.

By far and away, ThunderGod is one of the most proactive and analytical approach artists in the sphere. It does however seem that he is still experiencing frustrations.

One of my favourite quotes regards control; something regarding 'the moment that we are most in control is the exact moment that we realise that we never really will be.' In other words, we are most in control when we just go with the flow. ThunderGod is trying so hard to find a girl, his efforts, honourable as they are, are in fact overwhelming himself.

However, the importance of reflection cannot be understated. There is a lot of material regarding approaching and experience that can be analysed in this thread. I would go back over all of these entries and try to identify common patterns that arise.

Take time out to relax and reflect. Half of the solution is recognising what the problem is.



Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
thunder_god said:
Ya. I don't think there is any good dating coaches around in Toronto. The only one I know is tdot pickup, but the dating coach is mediocre. I actually met the guy.
I think I mentioned this other Toronto-based Dating Coach, his name is Michael Marks, founder of get a great girl, but I think k he charges too much


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Intuition said:
Here's my suggestion:

Ya I do agree with you about the pickup artist stuff. I have pretty much put that stuff on the backburner for now. I don't think I've gone out doing cold approaches for like 1.5 months now. I've actually turned down a few wings who were asking me to wing with them. I'm at a point right now where I'm not exactly sure where to go from this point onwards in terms of getting better with women. On one hand, going out regularly and talking to girls has definitely helped my social skills big time and confidence level. Whereas before I would have trouble getting people's attention and would talk very softly, now I have a much greater voice projection and can get people's attention almost all of the time. My social skills have improved tremendously but it still needs a lot of work. On the other hand though, I noticed a lot of these so called "PUA" guys especially the fanboys of rsd do nothing everyday except go out and sarge, but a lot of them seem to have nothing going for them, especially the ones that suck at pickup. I had previously had a chat with one of my wings "little tony" about this. He has been sarging for about 6-7 years now and has done over 10,000 approaches and yet he still never had a gf and only had 2 lays in this amount of time. He has done jack$hit for his self and future in these past 7 years.

He's been out of school for several years now and hasn't been working at all. Only recently has he got himself some minimal wage factory job. He has no friends, no hobbies, nothing. His whole life revolves around pickup 24/7. Also he suffers from some serious deep rooted self esteem issues. I didn't want to end up like that and suggested he works on himself instead of just spending all of his time doing pickup. I told him to go back to school and get a university education or get a job in the meantime and return back to school next year if its too late to apply now. I also told him instead of getting some $hithole factory job working with middle and old age people, he should go work at some job that requires him to be social and talk to people such as working at a retail clothing store. Since he mentioned he has been through depression several times and has self-esteem issues, I suggested he go see a psychiatrist to receive treatment. I lastly also told him to go pick up some hobbies so that he makes friends and develops some interest in things besides pickup. He seemed to take offence to this and argued with me about pretty much everything. He said it didn't matter whether or not he works in factory or retail store and that he actually prefers working in a factory. He also doesn't think he can handle working in a retail store. It's like wtf man. Come on, if you want to grow, you need to do something that makes you uncomfortable. He didn't listen to me about taking up hobbies and still has no friends other then these so called pua guys who he doesn't even hang out with other then sarging. Lastly he totally disregarded my idea about seeking professional help and seemed to have issues regarding confidentiality. I told him that only his family doctor and psychiatrist will know about it and that he shouldn't worry about a minor thing like that, but he still didn't listen. I notice this seems to be a very common type of issue with these "pua" guys especially the rsd fanboys. They have nothing going for them except trying to pick up girls. No social skills, no friends, not in school or working part time in some minimal wage job, broke as $hit, no hobbies, no aspirations, nothing. I don't want to end up like these guys which is why I have taken a more holistic approach to my problems with women.

However, the more I try to learn game, the more I am beginning to realize that my problems with women extends far greater then just having a lack of game. I seem to be really far behind in various other aspects of my life except school and fitness. I have discovered I have some deep rooted self-esteem and self-confidence issues as well. I don't think I would have been able to realize I had these issues if I didn't go through this extremely painful period of my life, which caused all these issues to manifest itself to the surface. In order to not end up like those guys who are pretty much losers, I have really been hammering away at these other areas of my life.

First it has been receiving ongoing therapy treatment for my self-esteem and self-confidence issues. Talking to my therapist has really opened my eyes and made me realize and understand why I am or do the things that I do. I think understanding and knowing this is the first step towards fixing this problem. It will take some time before I am healed, but after each session I feel abit better each time.

Secondly, I have been working really hard on developing my social skills and trying to build up a greatly expanded and solid social circle group. So far, I haven't been able to achieve this goal yet but with each passing week it feels like I'm getting closer. I'm also meeting more and more people each week due to my job, and my ever expanding social social. Due to my experience from these last few months doing cold approaches, interacting in social gatherings is abit easier, however I'm still struggling with this and need to get rid of the thought of caring what others think and just have an attitude of " I don't give a fcuk". I'm struggling to cultivate this due to years of social condition, but I am more self aware now.

Thirdly, I mentioned previously that I was in a financial hole. In these past few years, I never really worked much and didn't feel the need to get a job either because I was living in a bubble protected by my parents, but going through this period and also living on my own has really taught me some hard life lessons that I now realize are invaluable. Making money has given me some freedom and independence. I now don't feel like I'm under my parents clutches because I can afford to do and get what I want without having to worry about what my parents will say. Hell even if they were to complain about it, nothing they can really do because I now make my own money. The money issue I believe will be resolved soon so I'm not too worried about this. In fact, I just received a call from my boss today offering to extend my contract for another 2 weeks because she has been impressed with my work results.

I am also finding I am trying to seek external validation, not just from women but people in general. I don't like how this is going and have been trying hard to change my way of thinking but it still hasn't sunk in yet. I believe when I am truly at peace with my inner self will I truly have confidence and not be reliant on women, which from what others have posted is when women become really attracted to you.

I do however, disagree with you about quitting my job and moving back in with my parents. I need the money and I don't want to rely on them. A huge part of the reason why I am who I am today is because of my parents. I grew up with hypercritical super conservative parents who would criticise every little thing about me. They would constantly beat down my self-esteem. This way of social conditioning has made me become a very pessimistic and critical person who constantly puts himself down that probably lead to the self-esteem issues. My parents are very toxic and don't know how to love their kids properly. Now that I have moved out, their grip on my has loosened up a lot and I finally feel much better inside and have become much less negative compared to before.

My biggest priority should be studying my ass off, and I am slowly starting to get back into things. I do notice however, that this time around when I'm in class or even studying at home, my concentration and focus is so much better compared to last year. Looking back at it now, I was pretty fcuked up in the head because I was always thinking about my oneitis and about finding a place to live downtown. Studying nowadays feels so much more easier now that my head is more clear.

In regards to my oneitis issue, its a pretty long story to type up. Several of the veteran members here I'm sure know quite well what happened that lead to my decision to become a better man. You can read up on my old threads by clicking on my username and clicking on find all threads created by me. All you basically need to know is this girl caused me a tremendous amount of time and suffering and is a very toxic and manipulative women. I suspect she might suffer from BPD as well. I saw a facebook photo she was tagged in a few days ago where she was dressed up as a devil for halloween. I found that quite ironic and funny since before when I was still getting to know her, she tried to act all sweet and innocent, but god knows what a big time undercover ho she turned out to be. She also doesn't really have much female friends too and I'm sure there's a reason why that is.

I probably should have been more specific with my goals. My goal should have said I want to get laid with someone who I find attractive not just anyone. Yes I've had a few opportunities to get laid but they were with girls who I wasn't the least bit attracted to such as fatties, and ugly chicks.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Week 30 day 4: Today turned out somewhat ok. I seem to be doing alrite at my job. I managed to hit my targets for two weeks straight now, which means I'll be getting a bonus for this week and last week. I also almost hit the target on my first week but just barely missed it. My boss has been impressed with my work and gave me a call offering to extend my contract until the end of the month. I told her I would be willing to work until the second last week and then see how things are and she agreed. I'm happy about the news because it means I'll be making more money. The job so far has helped me meet a a lot of people, especially in different programs. I'm starting to notice now that when I walk around campus, people are starting to say hi to me because they recognize me. I also met a few cute girls as well, who approached me due to my job which involves giving away free movie tickets. I had a quick chat with them but had to end it due to other people waiting in line but have added one of them on facebook and told them to come back. Also this job has helped me become closer with some of my new classmates, which is definitely a postive thing. So far I don't really see any negatives from it other then the fact that it cuts into some of my studying time.

I've started to jog again on a regular basis. My right elbow is still messed up and hurts whenever I squeeze it, however its much more managable now and i can start lifting light weights. I'm hoping to stick to a routine of jogging at least 3x a week for 3 miles each session and slowly working my way back into weight training. I'm going indoor rock climbing tomorrow and then taking a aikido martial arts class right afterwards with a classmate so hopefully that will help with the fitness. I'm really aching to get back into studying muay thai. I absolutely loved it when I studied up at the school near my parents hosue. The school I started at in Toronto was pretty good as well but extremely expensive and I can't afford it at the moment.

I had a salsa class today with that Italian chick. I should really give up on this girl because she's a waste of time unless I'm just hoping to use her as practice for honing my flirting skills. She doesn't ask me anything about me which I take it as a sign of disinterest. Ah well, luckily there's more fish in the sea, and I met a few more this week. As for the rock climbing chick, I'm suppose to meet her tomorrow along with several of my classmates. My classmate actually organized it. If it were up to me I would have tried to isolate her, but I guess its better then nothing right now and I'll just use time to my advantage to build more comfort and rapport with her until I can get her out alone and investing more into our interactions.

My roommate continues to be a total pig and douchebag. It seems everytime he talks to me, it involves money or because he needs something from me. This ****$ucker doesn't pick up after himself and makes a mess of the kitchen and floor. He doesn't put up things he drops on the floor and now he has attracted ants. I already had a talk with him about cleaning up and it seems after cleaning up for one day, he does back into his old dirty habits. I really would prefer not to have to tell him to clean his $hit up and act like an adult but I don't know how long I can take it anymore from him. This guy is totally socially retarded. I thought I was bad, but this guy brings it to a whole new level. I really feel like telling this ****$ucker off. It may have been fine when he had his mother to pick up his $hit and clean up after him, but I'm not his mother. How do you guys suggest I talk to this retard without it becoming heated up? I've started to buy more and more of my kitchen stuff so that if I do happen to tell him off he can't use the excuse that I use his stuff. We both share our kitchen tools, but now I don't want to have anything to do with this pig.

I'm also slowly building up a fall and winter wardrobe. I just spent $300 on a aviator bomber jacket. I know it was a lot but I couldn't find any other jacket that looked this good for any cheaper. I'm missing some boots, a denim jacket, a few button downs, and a few sweaters, and a peacoat.

I've also been looking into some colognes as well. I have my eyes set on the givenchy pour homme blue label, nautica voyage, and cool water davidoff. I'm saving up some I can get the blue label first. I'm already using the versace pour homme which btw smells amazing, mont blanc legend, and givenchy gentlemen only.

I also went out with my best friend and has friend from work who I met a few weeks back. He just talked about chicks for a bit over my beers.

I also met a few chicks from my class, and combined with the few girls who I met this week, I think there's some potential. I may have lost the italian girl, but I met several more girls, so hopefully I can hook at least 2-3 of them in.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
It's been a while since I last posted. I've been really busy with school, work, and social events. I'm no longer going to put down what week it is since I lost track and it lists the date anyways.

Now onto this week's entry.

School: I'm now slowly starting to get back into school and studying. I had a mock exam this past wednesday and I did surprisingly well on it (got 16/20) compared to everyone else. I remember doing this mock exam last year and only getting like 2 out of 20. I huge improvement. After seeing the results it actually made me want to study and work harder. I have a test coming up in about 3 weeks so hopefully I will be prepared this time around.

Work: Work has been really busy. I've been experimenting each week with new methods of trying to make my job easier for me while generating the most amount of traffic. Last week my coworker was off so I was left alone. Surprisingly I generated the most amount of traffic last week and got praised for it from my supervisor. This week I also worked alone but tried a different method. I did meet my targets but the amount of far less. My supervisor has asked me if I'm interested in working in the new year but I told her properly not since I'm returning back to school fulltime. My student loans are also going to kick in January so finances shouldn't be too bad.

Social circle: I'm starting to become closer and closer with my classmates now. People from class are starting to recognize me and are saying hi when I pass by. I also met a few more girls from my class as well. Me and several of my classmates also went out to a party at the museum last friday. There's another party at the museum this upcoming friday as well whereby all the rehab sciences programs are going together. I think its going to be a great opportunity to practice social circle game. I've hung out twice with that rock climbing chick this past week. She also wants to go rock climbing with me today but I'm going to turn her down because I'm really busy with school work.

I think I'm quickly approaching the friendzone with her because I don't know how to flirt properly. I asked her to come to my aikido class with me on friday but then she invited her friend as well. At first I thought it was going to be a dude but it turns out it was a girl. The girl wasn't anywhere nearly as good looking as her but she had a nice body and was taller. After aikido we all went out for food at drinks. We had a fun time chilling at the bar and I got pretty wasted. Not sure what I think of my situation with her right now. On the one hand, I never really had any female friends, especially attractive ones, but on the other hand I'm not really looking for friendship either. I suppose I can still chill with her and try to make her invest more and more into me while practising honing my flirting skills with her. I definitely do think I can flip the script with her since things are still very earlier, but I just need to get the flirtation right.

I need to find some more potential plates. There are several girls in my class that I'm interested in as well. After that whole fiasco with my oneitis I definitely learnt my lesson, I need to spin multiple plates so that I never get inflicted with that terrible nasty disease oneitis ever again.

Physical: I think I've developed a cologne fetish and become a shopaholic. I don't think I can step foot inside of a cologne store or section in a department store ever again otherwise I will end up spending money. I can't believe I blew $170 last night on cologne and face cleansing products. I also purchased nautica voyage cologne from a discount department store for $30. It smells great but the longevity isn't that great. It only lasted like 6 hrs on me. I'm going to trade in my gift voucher from last night on the yves saint laurent l'homme cologne. I bought a 7 mini sampler set for $95 that includes a voucher for a full size bottle of one of the seven samples. I spent like $60 on a set of biotherme facial cleansing products. Some face wash and some moisturiser. I have absolutely no clue on facial beauty products but I want to work on everything in my body so I thought I would give it a try. I'm not sure whether or not its worth it to purchase the more expensive stuff compared to the much cheaper stuff but I suppose this will be an experiment for me. I'm still feeling very guilty about the purchases. I also purchased 2 more casual button downs and a really edgy t-shirt from guess. I never would have guessed that I a big part of my wardrobe would be from guess for casual outtings such as school and running errands but I'm slowing going towards the fashion path that chase amante suggested in his book "how to make girls chase". I also got a pair of khaki colored jeans from banana republic which I got for $21. I still need a pair of grey and dark black jeans as well to complete my jean wardrobe. I still need a pair of dessert boots but these frigging boots are so expensive and never go on sale. Who would have thought men's shoes are so damn expensive and hardly ever go on sale just like cologne. frigging double standards. Lastly I picked up a pair of black leather gloves for the winter. I also have an old black scarf from last year. I'm going to practice and learn how to tie it so that it looks attractive later tonight.

My sleeping pattern has been really bad these few months. I need to start sleeping much earlier and getting up earlier as well so that I don't feel as tired.

I haven't had much time to exercise neither this week but I grabbed my boxing gloves, handwraps, and skipping rope from my parents house last night so hopefully I can start doing that again soon.

Not alot of progress in terms of dating but the other areas are coming a long ok.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
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Fashion: I meant to go black friday shopping today at a factory outlet mall but got screwed due to the bus not even coming after waiting 30 minutes for it. I ended up having to go to a more upscale posh mall. Thankfully, there were a few stores with really good deals, especially Mexx. I picked up a half zip pullover sweater, a grey cardigan, a coated black wash jeans, two denim jackets but I ****ed up on one of them. The jacket looked nice and was only $10. By far the cheapest I have found, but the buttons were on the left side. I found it at the men's clearance section. At first I thought maybe the manufacturer (gap) ****ed up, but then after getting home and researching it, I realized it was a women's denim jacket. Why the **** don't they label these things? All well, a cheap lesson learnted today in regards to fashion. Now I'll need to give it away to someone.

I also bought a pair of slim straight grey wash jeans from Guess and a dress shirt the day before but I'm going to return that back since the discount was pretty low, even though I've been eyeing this pair of jeans for a while. I also picked up CK one red edition for men 100 ml for $34. I couldn't find any deals on winter boots and most of the winter boots I have seen are butt ugly. I'm also eyeing clarks dessert boots. I meant to go purchase it today at the factory outlet mall but that didn't work out.

work/finances: I finished up my work contract this week. I'm so happy to be done with it because now I'll have more time to dedicate to studying. I'll need to look for a christmas holiday job once I'm done my exam in 2 weeks.

school: I got to be honest, I haven't been keeping up with my schoolwork as much as I should. I'm only about 2 weeks away from my test. The test that raped me last year. I know I'm definitely in a better position this year but still I need to start taking my studies seriously. I spent about 3 hrs today studying for it but I still didn't feel like I did much, maybe it was because I got distracted for about 1 hr by a classmate of mine in the museum where I was studying in.

social network and social skills: My social network continues to get bigger and bigger each week. More and more of my classmates are warming up to me. I also attended a communications workshop with some life coach called Noel Walrond. It was kind of funny, because a lot of the stuff he mentioned in the workshop was similar to the stuff I have read here. He talks about giving value first to people, not seeking external validation, having approach anxiety because you have a belief that you are not good enough for the girl when instead you should view yourself as doing her a favor because she could end up with some prick instead, being confident, etc. My school counsellor also signed me up with some social communications group which will begin in January. I met up with the two women who run it and they talked about the different areas and topics that they cover. They mentioned working on subcommunication and also flirting and dating. It'll definitely be interesting to attend that in the new year. I'm noticing in the last two or so, I've been a lot more social as well and during my conversations I can just talk about random $hit on and on, like a never ending loop. I feel I'm starting to see the fruits of my labor for taking improv comedy classes. I had a somewhat lengthy conversation today at the body shop with a sales girl there about random $hit like my roommate being a pig. She seemed into the conversation but I had to go and my mind wasn't even thinking about dating so I didn't ask for the number. I also opened up a two set today at the rockclimbing gym. I went right beside the two girls and then grabbed two of those olympic ring things gymnasts use to pull themselves up. I could only come up half way and said out loud "I got no body strength". Both of the girls turned around, giggled and laughed. I then told each one of them to go try it and they both did. They kind of left shortly afterwards so I didn't get much of a chance to talk to them again. I did reopen one of them a second time as she was leaving the gym. I didn't really feel like going here today because the rock climbing chick didn't come. A mutual friend invited her and I was hoping to work on her but I guess that didn't materialize. She said she was sick. All well, I will try again some other time.

Also the girl who invited her out, I mentioned her a while back the first time I went rock climbing. I didn't really have any good conversations with her in the past and it was all superficial boring crap, but for some reason today I was on fire with her and another girl. I just on talking with her about random crap and she called me a liar and I joked I was a pathological liar. It was completely random $hit and I don't even remember like 90% of what I said but we both laughed and giggled. I wasn't taking myself seriously nor did I plan anything. I just said whatever come to my mind and took it from there. I also nudged her at one point and told her I was joking when I felt I was teasing her a bit too much. Not the least bit sexually interested in her since she has some seriously acne all over her body which is gross but she makes a great person to practice and hone my social skills on.

I also talked about completely random $hit with another classmate at the museum that I mentioned a few paragraphs above. I must have talked with her like 30 minutes or so about completely random stuff. I at one point told her I was homeless and living in the school's building and that my friend the homeless guy could hook her up with some cheap drugs on black friday lol. She told me several times that I was a big Bull$hitter lol and that she wasn't sure if I was being serious or not or lying. I told her I was being serious and that if I was strapped onto a lie detector test, my results would come back all negative. Unfortunately she's kind of ugly and not my type but made a great practice person for honing my social skills.

Dating: At the moment, its pretty much zero but I am confident that as my social skills continue to improve, especially at the accelerated pace that I am going at, that its only a matter of time. I can know talk about completely random stuff and not really run out of things to say at least some of the time and evoke emotional responses from girls. I also notice I'm more vocal, loud, and confident when I talk which is great. Just need to keep on going and never give up and hope that all my hard work pays off.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Journal update

Life has been extremely busy as of late lol.

School: I just had a big ass test about 1.5 weeks ago. I had been studying for this anatomy test for weeks now but really picked up studying for the last 1.5 weeks. I had previously wrote this test last year and ended up failing it because it was extremely hard. Well this year, I'm happy to report that I passed it although not that great of a mark but I guess it will have to suffice since the prof made the test twice as hard as the test last year wtf. The class average was lower this year compared to last. Anyways I'm planning on studying my ass off during the holiday break and when I return back to school in January. I almost had a heart attack waiting to see my test mark and I don't want to go through that again. I have another test in my anatomy class at the end of January, so I'm hoping to just study like crazy and pass that and leave it behind me. I'm going to get myself a anatomy tutor as an insurance policy. I also had a online quiz a few days later. I remember last year failing that as well, but this time around I ended up getting 96% on it. I seem to have a good start to the school term. I also seem to be more focused in class now and occasionally participate. I'm going to make school my #1 priority. Last year I failed all my courses because I was too focused on getting my oneitis and ended up getting mind****ed real bad. I won't let that happen again. I need to put my dreams, and ambitions first and foremost. Girls come second. Girls come and go, but your life stays with you forever.

Fitness and Health:

lately I've been trying to eat healthier. I had gained back a bit of weight during the october-november months but now I'm slowly starting to lose that weight again. I try to prepare my foods ahead of time, eating salads, chicken breast, broccoli on a weekly basis. I started to drink milk as well. I recently purchased sweet potato so I'm hoping to incorporate that into my diet.My right arm is still healing from that tennis elbow injury but it doesn't hurt as much now. I think I will start hitting the weights in my apartment using very light weight for my right side and then slowly and gradually increase the weight back to what I used to life. I'm also slowly getting back into jump rope. I brought my jump rope from my parents house to my apartment so that I can jump rope. My goal is to finally get a 6 pack like I have been trying to do for the past decade lol. Hopefully this time around I actually finish what I start and don't half ass it. Lastly there's a boxing club thats starting up at my university. I absolutely love martial arts training so I'm hoping I can use that when it starts up to help with the weight loss. I can't stay doing cardio just for the sake of it like jogging, rowing, etc. There's also a aikido club at my university as well that I've only been to 3 times. I'm hoping to make my fridays aikido training do since thats the only do they have classes there.

Social Life and Social Skills

I've been busying going to social events and parties for the past few weeks. Just 2 days ago, I went ice skating with a bunch of my classmates. I can't skate for $hit and wasn't really feeling like going but went nonetheless. It kind of gave me an opportunity to touch the girls by grabbing onto them or holding there hands while we skated lol. Unfortunately there wasn't really any good looking girls in my class that went and the few that were good looking were really good and just kind of ignored me and did their own thing. This would tell me that I haven't built enough comfort level with them yet. I held about 4 girls hands there. One of them was bangable, while the other 3 weren't. I managed to hug a huge chunk of the girls at the end when I said goodbye. This was something I did right, since a few days and weeks ago I chickened out of being more physical with other girls. I also went out to a sushi outing about a week ago with my break dancing class. I showed up really late because I had to do that online quiz that day and look at my test but nonetheless it was still good. I ended up taking the subway home with one of the girls. The girl is a 5 at best but I suppose its still good practice for conversational skills and its never really a bad thing to have more female friends. I also chickened out of hugging her frig. I also went out drinking with some of my classmates as well a few days ago. I'm really trying hard to develop some allies and friends in class.

I also met up with my coworker from work like 3 weeks ago to drop off all my assets to her since I quit the job. We took two pics together and then she tagged me in one of them but then it got removed by her a few minutes later for no reason lol. I'm kind of puzzled by that. Perhaps she was worried that her bf would see her with me in the pic who knows. She also gave me a hug at the end. I should have been more physical when we were taking the pic like put my arm around her shoulder. I was kind of pissed off I didn't do that. She texted me a few days later inviting me to come skating and dinner with her friends at the end of the month. I'm not really sure if I want to go to that. First she has a bf, second she's brown and I'm not into brown chicks. I'm still deciding on this. There is a chance I can bang her if I go, but my morals are conflicting with me.

I noticed recently that I have a lot of photos almost all from this year of me being in groups which is great. It shows I have friends and am social, however I need to make more photos of just me doing fun and cool activities like rock climbing, surfing, etc. I also have noticed I am extremely judgemental of people especially girls who I consider ugly. Its like a off switch is flicked and I just don't give a $hit about them and give them the time of the day. We had a christmast gift exchange a few days ago. I ended up picking up a average looking chicks gift. We were told to purchase something that was of value between $5-$10. I ended up picking up her gift which was frigging home made cookies and not a lot either. I was kind of pissed and disappointed and it showed. I was pi$$ed that everyone else got an actual real gift meanwhile I got some crappy home made cookies. The girl said to me, she hopes the cookies were alrite. I felt bad afterwards for the way I projected myself. I really need to learn to just be happy and friendly regardless and to treat people better. I guess my years of social conditioning by my parents have really made me into a fcuked up person. I did give the girl a big hug when we went ice skating and said goodbye, but she said again " I hope the cookies were ok?". Man was I an idiot and a$$hole.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Dating and Relationships:

That rock climbing chick texted me like last week saying she will be done exams this week and will finally be able to come to improv comedy with me. I also invited her out to boxing with me and she said she was so down. On the day we were suppose to go to improv, she texts me that she forgot about it and was on a bus headed home to ottawa. I saw on her facebook that she wrote that she is coming to ottawa (her hometown). I kind of predicted that so although I was kind of pissed and disappointed I was like whatever. I've been flaked on and jerked around by so many girls that It doesn't bother me nearly as bad as before. I didn't bother texting her back until the next morning saying "no worries, happy holidays". I decided that I was going to go to improv regardless of whether or not she was there. I had an ok time. One of the girls who I'm interested there was performing so it was great to see her on stage. Didn't really get a chance to talk to her though and I had a 8am class the next day too so I had to take off right after the show.

I have been scouting and prospecting all of my classmates since I returned back to classes full time last week. There's about 6-7 girls who I would date. There's an additional 2-3 that are bangable and another 2-3 that are bangable that are in relationships. This is a decent amount of girls to game. Looking back at things from last year, there was about 4-5 chicks who I could have pursued but my head was so far up my a$$ that I lost sight of this. Instead of looking at the bigger picture and that there was multiple prospects in my class I was only focused on my oneitis who by the way is a terrible person and who I wouldn't even have given a second look out on the street. I only really asked out 1 out of that 4-5 prospects from my last years class but she rejected me lol. Its kind of too late now to game these girls from last year since I hardly see them and my dating skills suck but perhaps maybe 6 months from now when I get better I would have a better shot. I'm also predicting some new prospects in the new year when I join a few more clubs and take dance classes again. It will be a new round of girls. My access to women seems to have improved quite a bit from the last 2.5 decades. The only problem now is that I can't seal the deal because of my lack of balls and experience. I also think I generated a harem of asian girls in my class. I know for sure there's at least 2 asian girls in my class that are into me. The other 2-3 also make an effort to come up and talk to me. The rest of the asian girls are in relationships or married. There is one asian girl who kind of gives me the cold shoulder. She's friends with my roommate so I'm sure that scumbag talked $hit about me to her. Its too bad i'm no longer into asian girls. If only these girls were white chicks lol.

One last thing. I realized recently after that gift exchange fiasco, is that because of my critical and judgemental attitude to chicks who I consider ugly and average, it has hindered me from practising my flirting skills and conversational skills with women. So what if the girl is ugly? Doesn't mean I need to sleep with them. I can just use them to hone my conversational skills and flirting skills. If the girl were to get the wrong idea and suggest dates, I can always just politely decline it. No harm in that. Plus its good for preselecting and increasing your SMV. It was a good thing I realized this after that cookie exchange, because when we went ice skating I ended up holding some butt ugly asian chicks hands and using her for support. She helped me tie my skates together :crackup: . I tried to act like I was interested in finding out more about her even though I wasn't. I already know she digs me but I would never date her. I should make it a habit of flirting with every girl in my class regardless of how she looks. I remember misinterpreting some average looking chicks comment in lab on tuesday.

her: I love you james (james is the t.a)
me: you should get him a christmas gift then
her: I'm enough
me: so are you offering yourself to him for christmas then?

the other two people in my lab start cracking up

her: ok easy there

She later told some guy in our group to remove the foreskin on our cadaver but I wasn't sure if I heard right.

her: why don't you remove the foreskin and flip him over
guy: did you just tell me to remove his foreskin?
me: ya you also told him to flip him over
her: well isn't that whats it called, the forearm so foreskin
her: realizing what she just said starts laughing and blushing
her: ok I had 3 cups of coffee today alright

I should have jumped right in there and accused her of having sexual thoughts all morning but I was too slow. I need to do things like these more often regardless of the girl. Any opportunity I get I need to do this.

Anyways that's all for this entry. Merry Christmas and happy holidays. I love you guy :up: .


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Just finished reading the inner game primer by decibel. Great read. finished it in a few hours. It covers a lot of topics regarding inner game issues such as low self-esteem issues, fear of failure, congruency (aka $hit tests), cultivating a outcome independence mindset, offering value instead of taking away value, being a good guy (not a nice guy or bad guy).

I think some of the members on this board would really benefit from reading and learning how to overcome their inner game issues such as that poster who always whines about girls only caring about money, good looks, or that they only date thugs lol
or this guy

I believe certain members on this site should be banned from offering any advice to sosuave members here since they clearly haven't learned anything in there time here and will only deteriorate and fcuk things up for newbies by offering $hit advice.

The next pua book I'm going to read is called textgame primer by decibel and once I'm done that I'm going to reread chase amante's book "how to make girls chase".

I'm also planning on reading the following self-help books as well over the holidays:
how to win friends and influence people
the power of now
awaken the giant within
the psychology of persuasion


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
I was out having a beer with one of my close friends. The one who I referred to as my "idiot friend". I asked him if he has noticed anything different about me. He replied that you're not as negative as before and you don't seem as depressed. It was kind of what I had expected to here. I suspected that I had changed my attitude abit especially since moving out of my parents house. My parents are extremely critical and criticise at the first opportunity. I had a phone conversation with my mother this morning, and then I heard my father in the background say "he's stupid". The first thing that comes out of his mouth is criticism and put downs. It's no reason why I had extremely low self esteem and confidence issues. Since moving away from home, my life has been a lot less stressful. My parents have been nagging me to go sleep back at their house on the weekends but I have declined it everytime. I don't think I can go back to that sort of negative environment ever again.

Social Skills

I just finished reading Dale Carnegie's book "how to win friends and influence people". The book got really interesting near the second half. Most of the book was filled out anedotes from various people who had taken his course. Some of the examples he listed were quite hilarious. I also realized I got manipulated a few times by people using some of his principles although they had mainly good intentions such as making me work harder in school or stop fighting school. It has made me really curious now about learning about human interactions and the psychology behind it. Perhaps I can learn and wield some of these tools to help me manipulate people, with good intentions of course.

My next book will be "influence: the psychology of persuasion".


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Fitness and Health:

I'm waiting for my school year to start so that I can start using the school's gym. In the meantime I have been using the gym in my apartment, which is pretty $hitty. Only 2 treadmills, 1 elliptical, 1 regular bike, 1 spin bike, and a stair climber, and a home gym machine. No free weights whatsoever. There is also a 15lb kettlebell as well. I'm kind of limited in what I can do. I also injured my elbow so I have to be careful with the weight.

I worked on my arms and shoulder today.

3 x 12 reps shoulder press
3 x 12 reps kettlebell front shoulder raise
3 x 12 reps kettlebell lateral shoulder raise

3 x 10 reps triceps pressdown
3 x 15 dips
3 x 12 single arm overhead triceps extensions

3 x 12 kettlebell biceps curls
3 x 12 kettlebell concentration curls
3 x 12 kettlebell hammer curls

then I jogged for 2 miles at 6 mph on the treadmill. I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to workout consistently 3x a week once school starts in January and I'm a fulltime student in class 40hrs a week + all my extracurricular activities (dance classes, improv comedy, boxing club, aikido club, occasionally indoor rock climbing, intramural volley, public speaking club, and language exchange club).


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Finally finished reading "Influence: the psychology of persuasion". I have to admit, I am kind of disappointed with this book. Not enough ways of showing you how to influence people instead there was a lot of theories and anecdotes as well.

Next up is Decibels text game primer. Hopefully this book will help improve my text game by a bit, since my text game sucks.

I also started watching some stand up comedy to try and learn how to be more funny and charming.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Finished reading text game primer by Decibel last night. Not a bad read and I did pick up some techniques for texting. I tried to test it out 2 days ago like right before new years day but failed on both accounts lol

First I tried to send this text to the rock climbing chick who has gone cold on me since her flake lol. I wished her a happy new years with the goal of trying to get it out at the end of a quick text conversation. She never replied.

me: yoyo happy new year!! Remember to drink responsibly now and stay outta trouble... I don't want to come down to the station to get u tmr haha

her: no reply back

I think she's gone. Probably can scratch her off of my list.

Then I tried to send a similar text to another girl who I don't have any intention of dating but possibly banging. She was the chinese chick from my salsa class during the spring/summer who I mentioned. She also flaked on me. I noticed recently she started to open back up to me in person (might be because I stopped being in my head as much and improved my social skills and game abit) so I figured what the hell, I could use the practice. I certainly don't want to banging 5s and under so I guess I can practice on the 6-7s.

me: Happy new years her name!! Drink responsibly now and stay outta trouble haha

her: Hahaha you say that like I ever drink irresponsibly :p

me: I don't know you well enough to make that call Þ

her: lol

I had to do something and ended up coming home real late and then I forgot what I was gonna reply to that so I gave up and the conversation was dead lol.

If I thought my real life seduction skills were terrible, my text game skills is 10x as bad. I'm gonna have to find some more chicks to practice on to get better.

I started rereading Chase Amante's book for the second time. A lot of the things he mentions in the book makes much more sense now like value, attainability, qualifying. I remember reading about all that stuff back in the spring and going wth is this?

Right now my main goals is to do well in school and pass all my courses especially anatomy and midterm test that is coming up at the end of January. Second is fitness and working on my new body. I've been tweaking my diet every week to become more healthier. My fulltime student status starts this monday so I'm excited to hit the gym again and start lifting weights.

My secondary goals is to work on social skills, networking and building more friendships, building a fun and exciting life and of course seduction and dating. I'm going to focus more on my life goals and game in the process instead of going out just for the sake of hitting on girls. I want to build that core inner confidence instead of only having situational confidence. Don't get me wrong, if I go to a social event and I see a cute girl, I'm still going to try and talk to her but now I'm just not gonna be like ok every friday, saturday, sunday I'm gonna approach 20 chicks. Besides with my super stacked school schedule and hobbies and social events, its gonna be real hard to do that on a regular weekly basis. I'm putting the emphasis first and foremost on me instead of an external factor like a chick.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Dating and Relationships

I received a text last night from the rock climbing chick.

her: Happy New years to you too, sorry for the late response I was out of the country until today

me: No way, where'd u run off to this time? ( I texted her at around 1pm today)

her: mexico and chicagooo

me: that's awesome. Wrestling with midget mayan warriors and eating deep dish pizza for the holidays

her. No response back lol

$hit I should have went for something else but her response was kind of lackluster too. Frig, I hate texting. I should have said "your quite the adventurer". My goal was to get her to invest emotionally into the conversation and then get her out. Guess it back fired. Being sarcastic and joking works so much better in person.

Update: she just texts me "precisely!". Not sure how to move this forward. She's not giving me a whole lot to work with here. I don't want to turn into a text buddy exchange with her so I had to try to shoot for the meetup soon so I texted her this. Probably will get shot down or experience a flake but whatever, its better then sitting here being too afraid and always wondering. If I get shot down then I can focus my attention on new women and just take this as a learning lesson. I start school again this week, which means more opportunity to practice and hit on chicks in my class. I have about 6-7 potential targets in mind.

her: precisely!
me: quite the hardcore adventurer gal.
me: well if your still feeling adventurous. I need a sparring partner for boxing. Picked up some punching mitts and wanna test them out.
me: Just don't give me a black eye. I need my good looks to make a living...


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score

I've been following a pretty strict diet this pass week and also hitting the gym real hard as well. So far, I haven't seen any results and its very discouraging not seeing much progress.


I've been studying for the past few hours today. I'm not really taking in any of the information and its so damn boring. I'm worried I won't be successful again this term. My psychiatrist told me I have a fear of failure because of what happened last year. I barely passed my anatomy test which really scared me. Its really hard to stay motivated consistently. I have downloaded 2 different programs to help me focus more studying by creating schedules and blocking out certain sites I can visit. So far I've only been able to stick to my schedule about 60-70% of the time.

Dating and Relationships

I never heard back from the rock climbing chick after I asked her to come boxing with me. It's so frustrating and depressing to never see results. Although I have improved my social skills, and charm in person by a significant amount, I keep on losing girls due to $hitty text game and its really pissing me off. Its like how the hell am I suppose to get better with girls if my text game keeps on killing me chances with girls?

This past year and so far the beginning of this year has been real tough. Its really hard to continue pushing through when you keep on getting stepped on by life. Things never seem to ever get much better even though time has pasted. I see some many ppl getting free handouts from life like those ppl who can just eat whatever the want and get shredded or guys who get girls just handed to them like my fcuking roommate whereas I'm busting my a$$ off here and not getting any fruits from my labour. It just makes me so angry.