Enough is enough, time for a change journal.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
So I received a text message from my date from last night a few hrs ago.

Her: Hey I wanted to let you know I had a great time yesterday. I was wondering if you wanted to do it again sometime this week?

I don't really want to see her again though. If I am to see her again, I'm just going to invite her over to my place and tell her to hang out at my apartment and watch a movie or something and I'll order some food or something. I don't want to take her out on a date or anything. I'm kind of deciding on what to do right now.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
I have decided after much thought that I can't go through with it. I'm just not physically attracted to her and don't think I could stomach even making out with her. Plus I would feel really guilty if I just saw her again and used her for sex and then disappeared. I'm not sure how my conscience would handle that. I'm probably going to be called an idiot or pu$$y for not taking this opportunity but I just can't. I've already been called a fcuking idiot by my best friend for not fcuking the girl on the date and he told me last night I would never sleep with a girl because I always find a reason to.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Dating and Relationships

So after having a brutal week from school I decided I needed a mini vacation break. Me and my friends decided to do a mini roadtrip to Pennsylvania and Pittsburgh. We made our first stop at Grove City PA because they all wanted to do some shopping at the outlet mall. The mall had a decent amount of hot women there, but I didn't really do any approaches because I couldn't pull the girl or anything. So I said fcuk it. Afterwards we all headed to Pittsburgh since it was only an hrs drive away. At this point I started to getting really horny. We found a Inn on some street called mexican war street. It was some big ass mansion right on the street beside the YMCA. Anyways we greeted by a friendly gentlemen there who I assumed was the owner. Anyways he brought us to our room, and then we saw some freaky as old painting on the wall. Then we started hearing bell chimes from outside. We went outside to the hallwall and saw an old grandfather clock. We were like ah $hit this place is haunted lol. I was kind of worried at this point. Anyways we chilled at the Inn for a bit and I got kind of wasted from taking shots. I told my boys we need to go to a club or something.

So we hit up the clubbing district in Pittsburgh. I immediately try to open some chick with "excuse" which I was going to follow up with "I'm new in town, what's the happening place to be at?" but the ***** ignored me after 3 attempts lol. We ended up going to some club called Diesel. It had 3 floors. The best part of it was that cover was only $7. In Toronto, these muther****ers charge $15-20 on average for mediocre clubs. The place had a pretty good ratio of women to guys something like 40:60 or something. I also realized while I was here that there aren't many east asians. I think I maybe saw 2-3 at most while I was here. I was getting stares and looks from people while I was walking around the city earlier today as well at the club. I started to move my body and gave a guy a nodd when we made eye contact. I was starting to get into the rhyme there and saw some girls I wanted to approach but then my buddies wanted to go check out upstairs. So we made it all the way to the third which had a balcony and bar. Me and my best friend started talking for abit, then he approached two girls beside us. I quickly came in and helped winged him. There was 2 girls, a blonde slim attractive one, and some fat brunette. Since he was already talking to the blonde, I tried to help him and talk to the fatty. I had to alternate between the both of the them when he ran out of $hit to say.

Anyway, we eventually ran out of $hit to say, so my buddy asked them if they wanted something to drink but the girls declined him so me and him hit the bar. I immediately opened some attractive brunette who was by her self using I'm new in town, is this the happening place here". I didn't get too far with her though lol. Anyways my buddy grabs me a bud light and we start talking again. My other two beta friends then rejoin us and we start talking. Then my buddy is like, those two girls we were talking to earlier are checking us out again, then maybe like 1-2 min the two girls approach us and put on my beads on our heads and we pick up where our conversation left off. We found one the blonde one is getting hitched and its there bachelorette party. They tell us they have a table with bottle service and then tell us there friends are sitting there. Then my buddy throws me under the table by telling one of the girls I'm a stripper part-time. At that moment I didn't know how to react to it, the blonde chick tells me she wants to see some moves lol. I didn't know what to do so it got a little awkward thankfully we somehow managed to recover. I think in the future if that happens again, I'm gonna pick up the chick and spin her around or something. Anyways her two other friends join us, but unfortunately are also fat and taken lol. So after a while my buddy asks the blonde one to go dance and I'm stuck with the fatty lol. Then my buddy asks them again if they want a drink and this time they agree. So we all go grab a shot that my buddy pays for then the blonde chick asks us to go downstairs to dance with them. Initially I was stuck dancing with the fatty, but then somehow we started partners and I ended up dancing with the blonde chick, but then after a few minutes the fcuking fatty ****blocks me and switches partners again so I'm now stuck with the fatty again wtf.

So we dance again, and what do you know the fatty starts looking into my eyes and leaning in. I knew at this point what she wanted to do. In my head I was thinking ah $hit, I'm going to have to take one for the team. Luckily I was piss drunk at this point so my inhibitions were a lot lower and I just said fcuk it and just went in for the kiss. This was the first time I ever kissed a chick in a club. I wasn't sure if I was doing anything right or wrong. After the kiss I was like wtf, that was nothing. Here I had this crazy idea that a kiss was this and that but then when I actually did it it was fcuking nothing like a tuesday. Then throughout the night, this fat ***** kept trying to kiss me and I had to just fcuking take it. I even had to french kiss her and stick my tonge in her mouth, fcuking disgusting. Then after abit, this fat ***** somehow ends up talking to some white guy on the sidelines and they start making out. Thank god I got rid of her. My buddy was at this point getting into some hot and steamy dance moves with the bride to be and in my head I was thinking you better fcuking make out with her or fcuk this girl because I just kissed this fat girl. After abit, the fatty came back and started dancing with me again, at this point I didn't want to make out with her again because she just made out with some other guy. Then after maybe 10-15 she started leaning in again, ah fcuk. I didn't want to leave my best bud hanging so I just took the hit and gulped down my beer. About maybe 30-1hr later, the two girls other two friends grabbed them and they took off. Holy fcuk, I just made out with a fatty. This is going to fcuking traumatize me for life lol. I kept on spitting out profusely out in the streets and wanted to get home right away so that I could brush my teeth and throw up. I mean it was bad enough having to make out with her, but to do it after she swapped saliva with another dude that's ****ed up but if I didn't she would have pulled the bride to be away from my buddy. As soon as we got back, I went straight to the washroom and brushed my teeth and tongue profusely.

Anyways what's done is done. I finally got my first kiss in a club. It was a reference experience none the less and hopefully I can leverage it for future makeouts with more attractive girls. I had to make out with this fatty like 10-12 times gross. I did grind it out with both chicks so I guess it was a +. Overall I'd say a pretty good night. One thing I found about Pittsburgh was that the girls there were way more easier to talk to and open to meeting you. In Toronto, those fcuking *****es wouldn't even give me the time of the day. Coming here for the first time and getting a makeout is pretty good. I'd definitely come back here again. It makes me kind of curious now that if maybe I was living in the states somewhere like Pittsburgh perhaps my luck with women would have been a lot different compared to Toronto. Also there was an insane amount of traffic on the street when we left the club. Way more girls condensed in a smaller area compared to Toronto.

When we got back to Toronto and crossed the border, I immediately texted this chick from eHarmony who had given me her # on friday but because I was out of the country I didn't want to text her and get ditched for roaming charges. Anyways I text her and she responds immediately and then asks me a few questions. It took me 10 minutes to reply back bc I wanted to craft a good response. Anyways she didn't reply back to me after that, which was weird. I get back home and go look up eHarmony and I found that this ***** just blocked me wtf. Wow, what a high maintenance *****. I also have two other girls lined up on eHarmony as well. I'm not sure if I mentioned this or not, but I also met another chick from my boxing class last week, a blonde Italian girl. She isn't the best looking maybe a 6 at best but I really liked her personality and she was very playful which I like. Anyways when we were sparring, this ***** goes straight for my nutts. I was like wtf, you just punched me in the balls lol. If she does this again, next time I'm going to pick up her and spank her or punch her in the boobs. I'm going to try and get her # this week when I see her as well since its the last week of boxing so its now or never. I also tried to add that white chick from my salsa class who I chickened out of asking out. Since I don't see her anymore, I had to do it through facebook. She hasn't accepted my friend add yet, so we'll see what happens. I suspect that the indian chick who I went on a date, badmouthed me to her since they are kind of friends so I think now she doesn't like me but we'll see what happens.

School and Career

I have decided after much thought that I will be appealing the decision of my department. Now I just need to figure the hell out how to do it so that it gives me the best chance of success.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
After much thought I have decided to not appeal my school's decision to have a retake for my failed practical exam but instead to appeal to have a withdrawal without academic penalty on my transcript so that it won't do as much damage if I wanted to apply to schools in the future. I haven't really enjoyed the program much and ever since I got into this program, my life has been hell and bad things just seem to keep on coming one after another. I remember a time 2 years ago when my life was way more stress free and I didn't have too much worry. Also people who have ties with my program have been trying to screw me over left and right. One of the counsellors who I see for academic accomodations was trying to dissuade me from appealing. She started getting defensive and questioning me on what grounds I have to appeal. I was like wtf, this is so bias. She also shared my confident information with my department which was a huge blow to my level of trust in her and it felt like betrayal. Also because I was so depressed and down, I went to the campus psychological services office to see a counsellor for temporary help, but they turned me away because the social worker who has ties to my program told them I was no longer a student and was being forced to withdraw out of my program which is only partially true as I'm still a registered student and I felt that was a breach of confidentiality and also a betrayal on her part. Also the psychiatrist she referred me to go see has been jerking me around for weeks now and I haven't been able to get any medical help. I'm seriously suspecting that this piece of $hit psychiatrist is doing this on purpose to screw me over from getting medical documentation to support my appeal as another classmate who also got the boot this year is also experiencing the same issues with him. Luckily I now have a psychiatrist in the community so he can go fcuk himself. I'm really contemplating reporting him for lack of professionalism to the college of physicians in my province. Anyways now I need to figure out what to do in terms of career. I'm hoping one day I can have my own company or companies and make millions and be able to buy and do the things I never had a chance to do in the past, but I'm a long ways from that goal. I think in the mean time I should just look for some jobs to start making some money that I can save up and hopefully start investing in things.

Fitness and Health

My emotional and mental health took a huge downward spiral ever since I found out I was getting kicked out of my program. I pretty much was severely depressed for several weeks and it seems now I'm only starting to recover a little bit. I must have gained like 8-10lbs during the last few weeks because all I did was sit at home stuffing my face with food. Plus I was sick as well for over 2 weeks which derailed my ability to workout. My boxing lessons also ended because the club is closed for the spring/summer break. Luckily I received the second half of my student funding loan so I immediately signed up for a 4 month muay thai membership this wed. I've so far gone to 3 classes and intent on going to 3-5 classes a week. I've also starting counting calories and I'm steadily losing the weight again and I predict I'll be back to my normal weight by the end of next week. Unfortunately my gym membership at school is ending on May 17 so I'll have to figure out where to go to lift weights. I've also started jogging right in the morning on an empty stomach as well to help speed up my weight loss.

Dating and Social Life

I had previously stated I was planning on getting a lot better at salsa dancing so I signed up for salsa lessons again with the same instructor and I approached him this week during the first class asking him if he taught private lessons. He instead offered to help me for free by giving me 5-10 minutes after class lessons and to give me hints and advice at salsa social dances. He said I need to want it though and I told him I'm willing to put in the work. I told him starting next week I'll start going to these salsa social dance events on a weekly basis with him. Having females blow you off and tell you straight in the face that you suck at dancing blows. It also blows when you can tell by the females expression she doesn't want to dance with you because you can't dance for $hit. I intend on changing all this, this time around. I'm also going to make more of an effort to start hanging out with this salsa social circle. I know quite a bit of people from this social circle because I've been taking lessons for over a year now with this club, however in the past I never really had much time to chill with them because I had other obligations or priorities. I got invited to go eat out with the group this week and although I wanted to go workout I decided it would be better if I hung out with them to build that closer connection so I went. One of the girls from my class who's kind of integrated herself into the group kind of has a thing for me. I knew from classes last term she had a thing for me since the beginning, however later on when my dancing didn't improve she had this look of disappointment on her face that I couldn't dance lol. I think she's spanish. Anyways she's kind of ugly with freckles all over her face with a mole right underneath her right eye, maybe a 5 at best and looks old. Definitely not my type so I'm not even going to bother pursuing anything with her. She kept on asking me a lot of personal questions and seemed very interested in finding out more about me as we walked to the restaurant. She even made an effort to try and follow me and strike up a conversation for a few minutes when we all said goodbye and left the restaurant. There's also another new girl this term I met. She looks East European maybe Polish or something. She has a decent body and her face is normal, however her jaw structure and nose is big. I'd give her a 6. She's definitely doable and I did suggest we go out social dancing sometime and she agreed. I probably should have tried to get the number there so I'll have to try and get her number as soon as possible. One thing I have learnt is you need to move fast with women, whether that be getting numbers, going for the kiss, etc. I missed out on several potential plates because I hesitated and didn't ask for the number even though the girl was sending me IOI's and then I never saw the girl again. I'm predicting once I start getting good at salsa and going to these salsa clubs I will meet a tonne of new single girls. One thing I have discovered is that girls who take salsa lessons tend to be single which is a huge positive. They also appear less slutty and more wholesome like the types you would want to show your friends, however their appears to be a drastic drop in terms of looks for these girls, which might explain why most of them are single. I have had to dance with some pretty butt ugly girls. The best looking girl so far I've had in my dance class was that blonde chick who I mentioned. She was about a 7.5, however I heard she went back to Vancouver for the summer. There was also that Italian girl I mentioned who was about a 7, but she kind of blew me off because my game was pretty bad at that time, not that its improved that much since then. The typical range I see is between a 2-7.5. I think I maybe saw a 8 one time at one of these end of term dance parties but that was it. Most of the hotter chicks I've seen tend to go to your typical nightclub.

I'm also planning on learning some french because I'm planning on going to France in a few weeks from now + potentially another European country. It'll be just like last year, where I ventured solo into a foreign country, however this time around I'll be leaving North America. I haven't left North America Since I came over when I was a little boy, so this is kind of scary for me, but I believe its going to help me grow as a person.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
I came across this thread on the roose v forum today. Pretty interesting insight into what could perhaps explain some or maybe most of my girl problems.

http://www.rooshvforum.com/thread-6277-page-16.html. I guess the city I live in is an absolute $hit hole, which would explain why I had so more more success as soon as I went to Pittsburgh in the USA, even though they say girls there are really hard to get. A decent looking girl in Toronto is nearly impossible to obtain unless you have advanced game.
Apr 23, 2015
Reaction score
thunder_god said:
I came across this thread on the roose v forum today. Pretty interesting insight into what could perhaps explain some or maybe most of my girl problems.

http://www.rooshvforum.com/thread-6277-page-16.html. I guess the city I live in is an absolute $hit hole, which would explain why I had so more more success as soon as I went to Pittsburgh in the USA, even though they say girls there are really hard to get. A decent looking girl in Toronto is nearly impossible to obtain unless you have advanced game.
Some times sir, to get pu$$y you have to get pu$$y. Women can smell it on you when you are starving for it. Your pheromones won't turn them on and they see that your not "thick like thieves"...

If you have a friend who wants you to hook it up for you, let her suck you off and lay that pipe on your buddy really good. The next day you will feel more of a man, and your game will be much easier, because it's not fight or flight. It's more of a calm vibe of a successful predator.

I'd bang her once in a while, but make sure she knows your not trying to be in a relationship with ANYONE. Term it as "helping each other out"


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Dating and Social Life

I just booked my flights to Paris and Poland this past week. I'm super excited but also scared a bit. I'll be in two foreign countries where I can't understand what they are saying. Also Paris seems to have a really bad pickpocket problem. Once again it'll be a solo trip but this time I won't have any contacts in the two countries.

Now onto my salsa lessons. A pretty good looking blonde french chick joined our dance class. She's at least a 7.5-8. Probably even better looking then the previous blonde chick that I met plus she's also taller and more fit. She hasn't really warmed up to me too much yet. She doesn't really ask me any personal questions but I have caught her looking at me several times in class as I was dancing with all the other girls. I was just having fun in last class and made every girl I was dancing with crack up except her. I guess she was curious about it. Unfortunately all the other girls in my class are a 5 or lower and mainly fobs once again. I think I kill it when it comes to these types of girls as its so easy to get them attracted to you as most fob guys have a personality of a tree. I sprung some french and japanese words at the french chick when it was my time to dance with her and she was quite surprised. She was like "oh you learned how to speak french in 2 weeks?". She did a study abroad in Japan so I tried to make the conversation a bit more sexual by suggesting she went over their because of the japanese men. She didn't play along and take the bait. We'll see what happens with her. Not really holding my breath though. Also that spanish chick who I mentioned has been showing me big IOI's and asking me to dance when we as a class go out social dancing. Too bad I'm not attracted to her. There has been another latina who joined our class 2 weeks ago. I danced with her a few times and cracked her up but then I tried too hard to tease and it back fired and I got an emotional reaction out of her but not a good one. Anyways I didn't see her again. On a positive note, my salsa moves are starting to improve and I can start to put some routines together versus in the pass I could only do each move individually but when you put it together, my mind went blank. I got praised from the instructor and another classmate of mine who goes out dancing regularly. I will continue trying to go out at least 1-2 times a week in addition to class time to practice.

lastly, I have been trying to learn French these past few weeks in order to prepare me for my trip to Paris, so I joined a language exchange website. The website allows you to look up people from other countries or even locally who want to learn a certain language. I got the contact info for Skype from a few chicks on there. So far, the girls who I added seemed pretty good looking at least a 6.5-7. I just had a skype call with one today and she is around a 7. I found out she is a aspiring french actress. I was kind of shocked when I heard that. She seemed so nice and genuine and it didn't seem she let the fame get to her head. I think I clicked pretty well with her. She spoke pretty good English too, but felt insecure about her proficiency level. We were suppose to talk in a combination of French and English but I ran out of french vocabulary after 15 secs lol so we had to talk in English. I asked her if she wants to grab a coffee or something right before the call ended because she said she had another skype call for a job in British Columbia in Canada. She was like ya, lets have another skype call and talk about it. I think there's potential here. I also location spoofed my tinder and changed it to Paris. Within 15 minutes of swiping I got 2 matches and both chicks were easily a 7-8. A chick like this in Toronto wouldn't even give me the time of the day. I started messaging one of them but it was in french and my vocabulary is $hit right now until I learn some more words. Anyways I had played around with the location and changed it to Ukraine right before I received a reply back from the french chick but then my tinder started getting all whacky and messed up. I ended up losing both of my matches. They both just disappeared. I was pissed.

I'm starting to think now that perhaps the problem isn't just me, but rather this god awful city. I already had some success in Pittsburgh so I know my game isn't entirely bad and none existent. Me thinks perhaps I should consider moving to another country or at least another province. I had at least 2 french chicks from Paris dig me who were good looking, plus 2-3 more potential ones on Skype that I'm currently working on. I'm pretty sure a Canadian aspiring actress would have given me the cold shoulder, yet alone spend an 1hr talking with me over Skype. I also joined couchsurfing and messaged somewhere like 15 chicks. I got a response back from a cute Polish girl who's around a 7. Right now I'm trying to build some more rapport with her and then try to get her to show me around once I land in Poland and try and game her. If I had known chicks would have given me such a warm welcome from outside of North America I would have ditched this place a long time ago and travelled.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Dating and Social Life

Just came back from salsa class. I found out while dancing with the cute french blonde that she has a bf from Columbia. My interest level in her took a nosedive. I didn't even want to dance and talk to her after she mentioned that, but I just pretended I didn't hear it and continued talking to her until the song was over. Man this blows. Its ****ing frustrating. I've improved my seduction skills with women and completely changed myself from last year but I still can't get any girls I'm attracted to. I didn't even get a chance with her. She was already taken before I even met her. Fcuk! Meanwhile all the 6's and lower are digging me but I can't seem to get any 7's because they are all taken. I hate this fcuking city!

I had that spanish girl who I mentioned come up to me and start talking to me while I was talking with another chick from class. I guess you can say she was trying to ****block me with the other girl, not that I was into the other girl because she was a bit of a whale. I also had a chinese girl who I met from last term's salsa class come up to me as well and strike up a conversation and then ask me to go dance with her.

I don't know why, but for the life of me I can't seem to get any girls who are 7's and above. Most of them are all fcuking taken and the few that are left I either never meet them or get blown off right away. I didn't even want to dance with anyone after finding that out. I really need to control my emotions and try to look at things from a different perspective. Perhaps I can try to befriend the cute blonde and get her to introduce me to her friends, but at the same time I don't want to be a beta orbiter. She already converted one indian guy from our class into a beta orbitor. I'm not sure if he knows whether or not she has a bf, but if he does know that and is still clinging to her that's fcuking pathetic. I ain't got time for that $hit.

I forgot to mention I met a girl from Poland through messaging girls on couchsurfing and have been corresponding with her for the past few days but then she told me she was moving to Norway so she's now out of the running too.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Dating and Social Life

I've been pipelining hard these past few days trying to setup meetups/dates with girls from both Paris and Krakow. I've been on tinder and couchsurfing messaging chicks like crazy. I've gotten like 5 responses back all from Krakow. It seems Polish chicks dig the asian look or are very friendly to foreigners. Anyways I have one Polish chick who is down to meetup and show me around town, another Polish chick who is also potentially down to meetup as well as a Ukrainian chick as well. The only issue that keeps on coming up is that they all finish their exams at the end of June and then go on vacation while coincides with when I come to Poland. I will have to move things along quickly if I do end up meeting with them because I won't have a lot of time. So far, I have yet to receive a response back from any French girls on couchsurfing. I got a match yesterday on Tinder but I found out it was a bot :(.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Dating and Social Life

I just got back from Europe yesterday. I had a blast in Krakow, Poland while Paris left a really bad taste in my mouth, however the experiences have been invaluable. I think it brought me one step closer to catching up to my peers in terms of life experiences, especially doing it solo. I would think its sort of an accelerated way of catching up. Being in both countries, especially Poland and meeting that attractive model made me really think about my future and what I want. I think it has motivated me to now work harder in life, especially finances so that I can travel around the world and work anywhere making good money and not worrying about finances. It also gave me new perspective about how bad the dating situation is over here in Toronto. When I was in Poland, I was able to get #'s from girls who were at least 7's. I was getting a decent amount of attention from girls that were at least a 7. Hell I even went out on a date with a model. In Toronto, I would be lucky if I even got a date with a frigging 6. This just shows me how convoluted and fcuked up women's perception of their self worth is over here. I had previously refused to get with fatties or girls who I considered ugly or significantly lower then what I deemed my own self worth. It was a good thing I refused to listen to any of my friends who told me I should just settle. Well fcuk all you guys! I ain't settling for $hit. Why the fcuk should I have to settle for someone below my own value just because of how fcuked up the dating market is over here? I'd sooner move out of this fcuking country then settle for some whale or Quasimodo. Fcuk that $hit!

I think if more guys actually had a fcuking backbone and stood up for what they wanted and didn't tolerate and settle for less then they deserved we wouldn't have this problem over here. Just today someone posted a question on a housing/renting facebook group inquiring as to why most of the rentals discriminate against guys seeking females only. Some jackass white knight commented and said that because girls are more cleaner then guys. That $hit really pissed me off and I just had to comment on it saying he pulled that information out of his a$$ and that he's a white knight faggot.

If I can get girls who are 7+ in another foreign country then that tells me I've been hugely undervaluing how I see myself and the dating market is definitely flawed here. Plus I'm constantly working on improving myself so whatever SMV I have today would have increased a bit in a few years from now.

From this point onwards, my main goals is going to be gaining financial independence and trying to accumulate as much wealth as I can, while still balancing it with staying in shape, improving game and my seduction skills with women, social skills, friends and networking, and of course hobbies and interest. If I can't get the girls who I deem myself deserving of getting over here, then fcuk it, I'll just get them somewhere else. Plus the girls in Europe and probably most countries outside of the anglosphere are way more feminine, conservative and treat their men with respect and take care of them unlike that trash you see here in Toronto. *****es and *****s running around rampant without any penalties or consequences because you have all these beta white knight faggots who just let women step all over them and don't stand up for themselves.

I received an email from the department head of my program. She wants to meet with me to discuss my appeal. She mentioned in the email that she thinks she can resolve the appeal as I requested, so we'll see how that turns out. Hopefully that means my appeal was granted and I can finally put this area of my life to rest and devote my energy to other things like job hunting. I also intend on going hardcore job hunting once this thing ends once and for all. I'm hoping I can find a job that pays me at least 35-40k a year. I don't think that's an unreasonable request to have for an entry level job. Once that's secured, I'm going to have to go apartment hunting and to give my roommate the finger and tell him to go fcuk himself!

Then I will need to disclose the news to parents about what happened in school. That's gonna be a $hit storm when it happens lol. Hopefully once that's all resolved I will have to start saving my money like a cheapskate, so that I can quickly pay off my student loans and then save up my money to reinvest into something that will actually make me some money instead of working for some jacka$$ making his a$$ rich instead. Also to help fund my future travels, I will need to look into getting some sort of traveller's credit card that gives points that can be used for flights. I will need to put all of my purchases down on my credit card in order to maximize the # of flyer points I can get. Hey if anything, I can use the card to upgrade my class from economy to business/first class for free or maybe squeeze 1-2 free flights each year.

About a few hr's ago, I got some random facebook message from some random chick asking me to do some bull$hit survey for her without any form of compensation. I was like fcuk that! So I just ignored it. About 1.5 hrs ago, the girl messages me again on facebook asking if I did it or not. I told her no. She then asks me why not. I tell this chick because there's no financial compensation. Then she tries to justify that it will benefit me by letting me connect with random strangers. Then I thought after looking at her facebook pics that she's cute. Maybe I'll troll her a bit and try to ask her out and not do this stupid survey unless she goes out with me. So I started talking to her, trying to switch the conversation about her instead of the survey. I'm right now waiting for her reply back, after which I'm just going to suggest we go out for coffee so that we can "potentially become friends" like she suggested her survey does.

Fitness and Health

I just bought a new pair of fairtex boxing gloves today because my old boxing gloves and handwraps seem to be giving me issues. I'm not sure if its the handwraps thats causing the problem or my cheap gloves so I invested in a much better quality pair of gloves. Previously my knuckles would get all scrapped up and bloodied when punching the mitts, and I also experienced knuckle pain. I wasn't sure if it was because their wasn't enough protection from my gloves, incorrect hand wrapping technique, or if the person holding the pads didn't know what the hell they were doing. If need be, I'm going to purchase a pair of gel handwraps as well.

I'm also going to get a gym membership at my school for the summer. I need to start getting back to weightlifting. The $hitty weight section at my muay thai gym just doesn't cut it. Hell even my own home gym at my parents house was better then that crap. Going on that date with that model in Poland really has made me motivated to get in even better shape now. Hopefully I can stick to it for at least 1 year on a regular basis and see some gains. I also need to eat a lot better too.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
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Money and Finances

I started reading the book "rich dad, poor dad" last night. I also obtained several other financial self help books as well. I'm kind of sick of being poor and broke. I also don't let to depend on my parents nor have my future controlled by others such as an employer. Once my appeal is resolved on Monday, I'm going hard on job hunting for a fulltime job. Hopefully I can land an entry level job that pays me at least 35-40k. With the paycheques I receive, I'm hoping I can save at least 1/3 of it that I can then use to reinvest into something that will give me a decent return like some high yield dividend stocks, mutual funds, TFSA or something, so that at least my money isn't earning me nothing every month. Once I saved up enough money from reinvesting in these financial instruments, I will start cashing out so that I can use that money to pay off my student loans. I also intend on slashing my expenses as much as possible each month. This includes looking for an apartment that is cheaper or perhaps look for another room mate (hopefully when who isn't a pig nor a prick) and includes all utilities or most of it, free laundry machine access included in the rent, close to my work place so that I can save money and not purchase a monthly subway pass, going on kijiji or craigslist and looking for people who want to get transfer and get rid of their gym memberships for a big discount, returning back to my universities boxing club once it resumes lessons back in the fall and not renewing my overpriced muay thai membership, reducing my entertainment and food expenses, etc.

Things will get interesting once all this plays out. Hopefully plan works out for me.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
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Money and Finances

I just finished reading Robert Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad, Poor Dad". It was a very interesting read and gave me some ideas on how to change my financial situation so that I can make money work for me lol. I just started reading Mark Cuban's book "How to win at the sport of business" and I have several other books I want to read as well. I also started looking at job postings today mainly for the city of Toronto. Once my appeal gets all sorted out on Monday, I will be polishing up my resume and cover letter and start submitting my CV for jobs.

Fitness and Health

I purchased a 2 month summer gym membership at my school's gym yesterday. I've so far worked out for 2 days straight and I feel great. Hopefully I can continue this habit. I've also been trying to eat more clean for these past 2 days. I had a huge craving today for Pizza for some reason right after I had a healthy dinner consisting of brown rice pilaf with beef stir fry. I almost succumbed to my cravings and wanted really badly to run downstairs to the pizza store and buy a medium 3 topping pizza but luckily I was able to resist. Once my muay thai gloves arrive on either monday or tuesday I'm going to return back to muay thai classes as well. Right now I don't want to attend any classes as everytime I punch the pads, my knuckles hurt and my skin chafes and peels off hurting my knuckles even more. I suspect it is due to my crappy generic brand boxing gloves or improper handwrapping techniques however I've watched several videos on youtube and tried them but still experience the same issue, so I'm not sure what it is.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
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Money and Finances

I just finished reading Mark Cuban's book "How to win at the sport of business" and now starting to read Rich Dad's Cashflow Quadrant. I'm so pumped right now to make some money. I don't think I ever felt like this before in regards to money. Tomorrow after I'm done my meeting with the department chair and find out the results of my appeal, I'm going to start applying for temporary or part time jobs so that I can sign up for the TESL certification and start applying for teaching english as a second language abroad jobs. So far china seems to be on my #1 list of countries, followed by Poland however the # of jobs in Poland is very limited and the salary is really crappy. I don't really want to go to Korea either. My three options that I am really seriously considering right now is:

1. Teach english as a second language in either China or Poland. Most likely China due to the salary, paid airfare, rent allowance, and vacation days (around a month + statutory holidays, which is twice the amount here in Canada). I could make around 35-40k a year going with this option. The work from what I heard is suppose to be easy but who knows really until you actually do it. The number of working hours is pretty normal as well between 30-40hrs depending on which school. I would be able to bank most of my salary as rent would be subsidized and living expenses is pretty cheap in China. The only thing is I would need to pay 1k to get the TEFL certification + pay for my flights out of pocket first. This will cost me around 2.5-3k in upfront costs, which I don't have. The school semester starts in September as well, so I don't have much time to make the money if I wanted to start right now. I would need to either borrow the money from someone or wait until the next intake period which I believe is around February. There would be a very limited supply of european women there for me to game as well compared to the last two options.

2. Go look for work in the mines in Saskatchewan. I could make about 80-100k according to a fellow sosuave member. I could bank close to 74k after taxes for 100k, however I would live in pretty much a ****hole hick town for a year, with nothing to do and hardly any women. It would be depressing as fcuk, plus the winters would be bone chillingly cold. The work would be hard physical labour as well.

3. Try to find a entry level job here in Toronto. I would probably earn the least going with this option and still have the most to pay off for my student loans, however I wouldn't leave my friends and family behind and it would be the safest and most comfortable option.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Money and Finances

I've devoured 4 books so far regarding finances and making money in about a weeks time, and I'm onto my 5th book. I was doing some research and discovered I need like 10k USD minimum to open an account with a brokerage firm. ****! I still haven't found a job yet either. Man I don't know how I'm going to get out of this rat race.

Fitness and Health

I've been quickly getting back into the hang of things at the gym. I worked out today and also received my fairtex boxing gloves in the mail yesterday. This will greatly help reduce my injuries in muay thai class allowing me to go on a regular basis with minimal injuries.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Money and Finances

I've since finished like 1-2 books on money and finances and discovered the blog http://www.mrmoneymustache.com/ and now feel much better about my financial future knowing if I were to follow these books advice I could retire a millionaire, not necessarily live a lavish lifestyle, but enough to get me by and be able to travel around the world and retire at an early age. I'm not a very materialistic person anyways so I don't need the latest phones or electronics heck my phone is almost 3 years old, and I don't even own a tv.

I've also applied to 2 jobs so far, but its been kind of hard to make myself motivated to apply for more jobs. I kind of just want to jump straight to investing since that seems a lot more interesting and fun but I need to remind myself that I need to first learn how to walk before I can run, in this case get a job so that I can get the funds to travel and work in asia.

I've been thinking a lot latey, and it seems one of the better options for my financial situation is to take a teaching english job in China to help with my student loan debt. Some of the jobs pay for your accommodations and the salary is decent for an entry level around $2600-3200 a month. If I were to go this route, I would be able to save and bank most of what I made if I were to live somewhat frugally, plus food is suppose to be cheap in China. Also it would give me some time away from home to reflect on myself and be a new adventure for me. Its a little bit crazy, since just a few years ago, I had no real desire to travel outside of north america, but as of late after experiencing and hearing about all these things, it has really opened my eyes to how little I really know about the world and life. I think in order to continue to grow as a person, you need to step outside of your comfort zone and do things that kind of scare you. Plus I've been hearing all these stories about asian born americas/canadians who are killing it in asia so it would be nice to put these rumours to the test like my little adventure in Europe.

Fitness and Health

I've been hitting the gym hard as of late, going at least 3x week. I'm slowly getting back into my muay thai classes as well, but I'm feeling really lazy though lol. I'm still struggling with the dieting part. I'm only able to really eat clean about 50% of the time whereas the other times I succumb to my cravings. I've noticed my pants seem to be alittle loose now and I need to tighten my belt a little further, which could mean I'm losing weight.

Dating and Relationships

I haven't really done much as of late. I've been focusing a lot of money and finances. However last week when I was finished with my career counsellor appointment, I spoked a cute blonde chick working in front of my table. I approached her and made so BS small talk then sat down and started talking to her about careers and stuff. I got a few laughs out of her but nothing more.

Today I noticed at the last second while I was walking outside to do some errands, a blonde curly hair chick was checking me out and had a smirk on her face. I almost didn't see it because I wasn't paying attention but damn it felt kind of nice being checked out by a cute white girl lol. I'm kind of used to being checked out by asian girls, but not white chicks. I'm not really used to getting this type of attention from european women. I probably should have approached her but by the time I noticed her smile, she had already passed me and walking the opposite direction. I need to pay more attention in the future to girls checking me out and then approach them and say hi.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Dating and Relationships

Today I discovered another language exchange website through another blog. I decided to join it since there was a dating aspect to it too. I could not believe my fcuking eyes. The amount of male betaness on the site is astonishing. Holy Fcuk, guys are blatantly telling girls left and right, "your
so beautiful, you look pretty, you have nice eyes, etc" no holds barred. Absolutely cringe worthy! No wonder chicks have a huge ego nowadays. I just want to go around and smack some of these guys for making things harder for me now. On the plus side, that tells me none of these dudes have any game at all and it should be pretty easy to game these chicks if I were to meet them in person compared to these dudes. Also I browsed around some of the dudes profiles on their, and man it was like walking through a crime scene. It was fcuking terrible hahaha.... So fcuking lame, zero personality whatsoever, spilled everything about themselves, boring as fcuk. Plus their photos were lame as fcuk too. I'm gonna start messaging chicks once I hit up Shanghai on this site and we'll see how I do this time around after my $hitty experience with couchsurfing and another language exchange website.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Dating and Relationships

I think I'm starting to see some improvements in my text/messaging online game now. Some chicks online said this to me today:

chick #1: Omg! You're a really funny guy ! I'm really happy to talk to you.

chick #2: u r very funny :)
chick #2: i like funny people

In the past, I either got ignored or the conversation died very quickly.
I also had a few hilarious conversations with 1-2 other chicks. I noticed one trend though, whenever I message a chick from Toronto, I get ignored completely. Like wtf is this? These *****es have a stick shoved up so far up their asses the sun can't get any light in there. WTF is wrong with the women in this city? I think a part of the reason why I'm starting to see this big improvement is because I just say whatever the fcuk I want, even if it ends up offending them. I also tease the **** out of them but in a light way. I think I went a little overboard though so I'll have to learn to adjust the level of playfulness but its a hell of a lot better then 99% of the guys who right $hit like "Your so beautiful, can I get your skype and chat with you? plz?" Like seriously wtf man?

No wonder chicks write messages on their profiles saying "dirty minds, go away, perverts will be blocked, etc" hahaha.

Here is an example of what not to do on an online language exchange/dating website. Some idiot wrote this on a chick's wall:

Beta faggot: You are very very beautiful.
Beta faggot: I Miss You ,You are there ,And I am here ,Thinking about how much ,I love you ,Thinking about how much ,I respect you ,Thinking about how much ,I miss you ,You are there ,And I am here ,Thinking about how much ,I cannot wait ,Until we are together again, Thinking about how much ,I will appreciate ,More than ever ,The time ,We will spend together ,I love you (later in the day)

Needless to say, he never heard back from here. Don't be such a ***** like this dude here.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
thunder_god said:
Dating and Relationships

Today I discovered another language exchange website through another blog. I decided to join it since there was a dating aspect to it too. I could not believe my fcuking eyes. The amount of male betaness on the site is astonishing. Holy Fcuk, guys are blatantly telling girls left and right, "your
so beautiful, you look pretty, you have nice eyes, etc" no holds barred. Absolutely cringe worthy! No wonder chicks have a huge ego nowadays. I just want to go around and smack some of these guys for making things harder for me now. On the plus side, that tells me none of these dudes have any game at all and it should be pretty easy to game these chicks if I were to meet them in person compared to these dudes. Also I browsed around some of the dudes profiles on their, and man it was like walking through a crime scene. It was fcuking terrible hahaha.... So fcuking lame, zero personality whatsoever, spilled everything about themselves, boring as fcuk. Plus their photos were lame as fcuk too. I'm gonna start messaging chicks once I hit up Shanghai on this site and we'll see how I do this time around after my $hitty experience with couchsurfing and another language exchange website.
Why so much hate and judgement? Remember you aren't perfect either.