Enough is enough, time for a change journal.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
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Intuition said:
No offense intended with the ethnicity question - just wondering if it could be a variable in your success, or lack of and wondering if you're approaching women of different backgrounds - ie. females from certain cultures could be more 'strict' than others when it comes to dating.

If you say you're a lousy dancer, maybe you're stacking the odds against yourself when you're doing this solo routine to attract attention?

If I'm approaching women just for the sake of approaching, I approach every ethnicity except blacks, however this past week I have been approaching blacks as well. Blacks aren't really my taste but I did it just for the practice.

As for the dance routine, I tried other $Hit before that like just grabbing girls hands, opening them verbally, placing my hand on their shoulders then opening verbally. I found none of that $hit worked for me and I was always getting rejected. The dance routine has yielded my greatest success in clubs so far. I'm sure it can be improved as well as my strategy in clubs but I'm pretty much doing this through trial and error.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Week 24 day 4: Today I did a combination of daygame and nightgame with two different wings. With daygame I did it with little tony and nightgame with Tommy.

Daygame: I did 5 sets only. I had an 1.5 for doing daygame. For the first hour, I couldn't do a single approach because of the anxiety and me being in my head. After I opened my first set, I knew I had to approach immediately before the approach anxiety would return again. So I ended up doing 5 approaches in a span of 30 minutes. I used all direct openers as I want to get rid of this fear of expressing interest right away. All of the sets were weak as $hit btw except for the last one, but even then I got rejected by the girl as she said maybe instead of yes. I wasn't physically attracted to any of the girls so whatever. I was after the skill.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPVuSHWnta0&feature=youtu.be (some really short chick with braces)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwaSxa3VyYM&feature=youtu.be (Got rejected immediately lol, it was a asian girl).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Z7IUi1vrfk&feature=youtu.be ( a black chick)

I probably should have continued doing daygame after building up all that momentum but I had to head over to my meditation class, followed by a volleyball practice, and then salsa class.

During volleyball practice, there were a two chicks that caught my eye. I only spoke to one of them briefly about volley while the other one took off immediately after the practice. She was a above average height fit brunette. Very attractive with tanned skin. She's definitely my type. The other one that I spoke to was a average height blonde with somewhat big thighs. I'm hoping to get a chance to game these two chicks over the course of the season.

In my salsa class, I got a chance to speak to the three girls who I had my eyes on. All three of them were all laughs and smiles with me, but then again they did the same with the other guys too. One of the chicks who I danced with, who is a above average height dirty blonde with freckles gave me a OMG look when I told her her name. She is like how did you know or something. Well duh, you told me last week lol. Anyways then I asked her what my name was, she was like I don't remember, its something complicated lol. I pretended to walk away from her and she cracked up. I'll need to speak to all three of them abit more and build some rapport and then ask for the number.

I had a xlarge pepperoni pizza before I hit up the same pub/bar from last thursday. I was starving from not eating anything either so the pizza really helped but it made me really bloated and stuffed up and tired. This totally killed my energy levels for gaming tonight. I met up with tommy but I didn't have the energy to use my dance routine on the dance floor. Plus the callus on my heel was painful as hell. We abandoned the routine after 10 minutes or so and started to approach sets. We kept on going back and forth between dancing on the dance floor and walking around the bar and opening sets. Opening verbally didn't seem to work for me nor my wing but he kept on insisting that we abandon the dance routine and just approach girls. I approached a total of 5 girls or so and got blown out of every single one. There was a two set of indian girls. One was normal weight and one was fat. I opened the set but then the girl who I talked to started talking to one of her guy friends and ignored me lol. Her friend the fat one though took a liking to my wing and talked with him while I just stood there. It felt awkward as $hit. My wing tried to make out with her but she rejected him. All of a sudden she starts talking to me and asking me what's my background. I told her my ethnicity and she is like "no, what is your occupation?" I was thinking wtf, why the **** would that be the first thing you want to know about me? I told her I was a stripper. Then she is like "I love you" so I'm like "give me a hug' and then I hug her. Then all of a sudden she grabs my cheeks with both of her hands and tries to kiss me, I think I turned my head sideways and she kissed my cheeks lol. Then I walked off. That was probably the highlight at the club. All the other sets were pretty bad. My wing tried to play the game where you have to approach a girl in 30 seconds or less otherwise you get punched. He went first and got punched twice and then give up playing the game lol.

That's all for tonight. I really need to learn how to game better in pubs, and nightclubs. There is a crap tonne of competition in the clubs. It seems girls get approached left and right from guys. Some guys just go physical right away while others open verbally. I'm not sure what to do in clubs to get success.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Week 24 day 5: Another BS day. I woke up to a facebook message from the intramural volleyball team captain. She tells me to email some women in regards to my school status to see if I'm eligible to play on the team, wtf. Like seriously, here I am trying to do stuff outside of my comfort zone and to grow as a person and I always seem to get the short end of the stick. Why the hell can't I catch a ****ing break? I never played on a sports team before in my life. I joined the team to improve my social skills, become more confident, improve my volleyball skills, become more fit, network and meet people, and also to meet more women and now it appears that plan is in jeopardy.

Little Tony bailed on me today for daygame, which is fine because I had a $hit tonne of things to do. There was a social networking event organized by the rehab science students which includes various rehab science programs. I never went to these social events before, but I thought it would be a good idea to go so that I can meet more people, and also to game the girls there. Guess what happens when I show up? Not a single ****ing person from my program is there. I had zero social proof, meanwhile everyone else there knew each other. I tried initially to open sets and talk to people but as more and more people poured in, I got left out more and more during conversations. I did meet a few attractive girls there. I thought I would have at least had a small amount of game, but today showed me that I absolutely lacked game. I felt like complete $Hit after I left the pub. I couldn't hook any girls and only had surface level conversations with a few girls. I did get opened by a girl who is on my intramural volleyball team. I didn't even recognize her and notice she was there. I was trying to game her friend who was just sitting quietly but she didn't seem receptive, then all of a sudden the volleyball girl opens me and we start talking. She seemed receptive to me and was telling her friend about me. She then took off only to come back with 8 shots of something. She comes up to me and tells me that her friends didn't end up coming and gave me a shot. She seems like a really cool chick. There were several girls there that I was interested in, and this volleyball chick definitely is on that list. I mean why waste your time on chicks who couldn't give a $hit about you when you can spend that time gaming a chick who is interested in you and is making it easier for you? I didn't get a chance to talk to her after she offered me the shot as she stormed off and offered the rest of the shots to her other friends. As I was leaving I walked up to her while she was talking to some guys and placed my hand on her shoulder and thanked her for the drink and said next time its on me. She tried to grab my hand when I placed it on her shoulder and said sure, but I took my hand off and walked away before she had a chance to grab it opps lol. I didn't notice that until after I moved my hand away. I'm hoping my school lets me play on the intramural volley team because she's on the team so it'll give me an opportunity to talk to her again. I hope I don't get screwed out of this opportunity again but if I do, there's not a whole lot I can do. I'll have to add her on facebook and see if I can get her out, but its going to be hard, especially considering I didn't really talk to her much. Today really shedded some light on my skills with women. I knew my skills with women was bad, but didn't know it was this bad. I noticed at one point during the social event I was talking to two guys. The conversation seemed to flow naturally and I was getting a lot of laughs out of the guys. Now I compare that to my conversation with almost all of the girls except that volleyball player and it was nearly the complete opposite. There was another girl there who I had an ok conversation with, but it seemed like she was just very friendly and talkative to everyone. She mentioned playing video games and stuff, which I used to do up until my early twenties but have since stopped, but I did use that to build some rapport with her. It was really hard to game chicks here because there were all mostly sitting across from me with people on each side of them. Social circle game is suppose to be easier, and yet I ****ed that up as well. Jesus!

I'm really disappointed in myself and know this is an area I really need to master. I need to learn how to be able to have a natural conversation flow with women like how I have it with guys but to also make it very emotional for the girls as well.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Just found out today via email that I'm not allowed to play on the school's intramural team wtf. ****ing $ull****. I'm trying to grow and develop myself but I always have obstacles preventing me from growing. Now I can't game those other girls on the volleyball. My pool of women has just been reduced. I shouldn't have asked if I needed a gym membership. That was foolish of me. The team captain deduced from that I wasn't a fulltime student and asked me to email the coordinator to ask if I'm allowed to play. If I had kept my mouth shut this wouldn't have happened. Of course if the school found out, all of the games would be forfeited and everyone on the team would be pissed off at me, but you know what maybe I should have been more selffish and looked after myself. This is what you get for being a nice guy, nothing!


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Week 25 day 1: Today I went out to sarge with my wing Tommy. He had been there about 1.5 hrs before me. Anyways I hadn't spoken to anyone all day and was not warmed up, so when he told me to do approaches I could barely even move. I ended up doing too lousy approaches where I asked for directions to a school building. It was ****ing pathetic and left feeling like $hit. I really ****ing hate how I can't go up to a random girl that I find attractive and strike up a funny and exciting conversation with her. This stupid social conditioning has really ****ed me up and this god damn fear of rejection won't go away.

I'm going to go hit the gym right now because I haven't lifted in three weeks since I moved downtown and I need to burn off some steam.


Sep 25, 2014
Reaction score
thunder_god said:
Week 25 day 1: Today I went out to sarge with my wing Tommy. He had been there about 1.5 hrs before me. Anyways I hadn't spoken to anyone all day and was not warmed up, so when he told me to do approaches I could barely even move. I ended up doing too lousy approaches where I asked for directions to a school building. It was ****ing pathetic and left feeling like $hit. I really ****ing hate how I can't go up to a random girl that I find attractive and strike up a funny and exciting conversation with her. This stupid social conditioning has really ****ed me up and this god damn fear of rejection won't go away.

I'm going to go hit the gym right now because I haven't lifted in three weeks since I moved downtown and I need to burn off some steam.
May I ask what in God's name you are trying to "accomplish" by being outcome addicted like you are in doing constant approaches to random strangers expecting to have a specific goal of a "win" for yourself?

Are you trying to "impress" your friends? An ex? yourself? strangers on the net? Some need for a "win" over someone or someone's that did something to you that you can't get over from your past?

What if you were successful every time? Would that satisfy you? Would it satisfy everyone else? Would anyone even care?

Why does "rejection" from random strangers effect you so much? Why do you give complete unknown people so much power over your inner and outer self? Is it helping you?

You work out. Good.

You try to dress and groom yourself your best. Good.

You should improve yourself for you not because you think it will or should get you some temporary "fix" for "success" from women.

Slow down. If you have some deep rooted issues you may need to seek professional help. I'm serious.

If you want to meet people don't go out with a specific goal of having to have them "like" you and want to be your friend, sleep with you etc. Just to meet people and develop social circles, acquaintances and possible real friends.

Don't beat yourself up over "failure", Don't fixate and need some sort of "have to have" outcome or else you see it as a loss.

Relax and work on yourself for yourself. Meet people and exchange numbers, be that cool, relaxed, confident FUN person who isn't putting on an act that is interesting and people want to invite to hang out, go out, and possibly date.

You are putting far too much pressure on yourself for no reason other than some need to resolve some internal issue with yourself. Once you work on that, get past it and let that stress off your shoulders while being socially free and not needing a specific outcome you will succeed while also continuing to work out, groom and dress your best and improve in all aspects of life not just for some temporary "cure" of driving yourself batsh1t insane over needing the "approval" of women and everyone else. In the end that won't work but will end you up in a strait jacket.

Think about it. The choice is yours. Either resolve your own internal issues with yourself for yourself or “resolve” them by using chicks as a crutch.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
The411 said:
May I ask what in God's name you are trying to "accomplish" by being outcome addicted like you are in doing constant approaches to random strangers expecting to have a specific goal of a "win" for yourself?

Are you trying to "impress" your friends? An ex? yourself? strangers on the net? Some need for a "win" over someone or someone's that did something to you that you can't get over from your past?

What if you were successful every time? Would that satisfy you? Would it satisfy everyone else? Would anyone even care?

Why does "rejection" from random strangers effect you so much? Why do you give complete unknown people so much power over your inner and outer self? Is it helping you?

You work out. Good.

You try to dress and groom yourself your best. Good.

You should improve yourself for you not because you think it will or should get you some temporary "fix" for "success" from women.

Slow down. If you have some deep rooted issues you may need to seek professional help. I'm serious.

If you want to meet people don't go out with a specific goal of having to have them "like" you and want to be your friend, sleep with you etc. Just to meet people and develop social circles, acquaintances and possible real friends.

Don't beat yourself up over "failure", Don't fixate and need some sort of "have to have" outcome or else you see it as a loss.

Relax and work on yourself for yourself. Meet people and exchange numbers, be that cool, relaxed, confident FUN person who isn't putting on an act that is interesting and people want to invite to hang out, go out, and possibly date.

You are putting far too much pressure on yourself for no reason other than some need to resolve some internal issue with yourself. Once you work on that, get past it and let that stress off your shoulders while being socially free and not needing a specific outcome you will succeed while also continuing to work out, groom and dress your best and improve in all aspects of life not just for some temporary "cure" of driving yourself batsh1t insane over needing the "approval" of women and everyone else. In the end that won't work but will end you up in a strait jacket.

Think about it. The choice is yours. Either resolve your own internal issues with yourself for yourself or “resolve” them by using chicks as a crutch.
OP told me he wants to be able to get a cute pretty girlfriend, nothing wrong with that


Sep 25, 2014
Reaction score
JaegerPilot217 said:
OP told me he wants to be able to get a cute pretty girlfriend, nothing wrong with that
So running around to random strangers on a daily basis like a lunatic searching for an object/cute pretty girlfriend is the cure for obvious internal issues and obsessive need for validation through others.

Sounds like a great way to grow up mentally stable.

I'm not saying the O.P shouldn't find a good person for a girlfriend. I'm saying he's doing it wrong and will end up in a strait jacket.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
The411 said:
So running around to random strangers on a daily basis like a lunatic searching for an object/cute pretty girlfriend is the cure for obvious internal issues and obsessive need for validation through others.

Sounds like a great way to grow up mentally stable.

I'm not saying the O.P shouldn't find a good person for a girlfriend. I'm saying he's doing it wrong and will end up in a strait jacket.
Well he obviously he had to take action somehow since women are the passive sex


Sep 25, 2014
Reaction score
JaegerPilot217 said:
Well he obviously he had to take action somehow since women are the passive sex
And again. He's going about things in the wrong way and most likely has some deep rooted internal issues that women aren't the answer for nor his "problem".

If he ever realizes that then he can go on the road to true success and improvement in life. Till then he's chasing after mirages with a butterfly net.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
The411 said:
And again. He's going about things in the wrong way and most likely has some deep rooted internal issues that women aren't the answer for nor his "problem".

If he ever realizes that then he can go on the road to true success and improvement in life. Till then he's chasing after mirages with a butterfly net.
yeah the hardest part is drawing the line between going after what you want, and avoid coming across as needy or desperate


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
The411 said:
May I ask what in God's name you are trying to "accomplish" by being outcome addicted like you are in doing constant approaches to random strangers expecting to have a specific goal of a "win" for yourself?

Are you trying to "impress" your friends? An ex? yourself? strangers on the net? Some need for a "win" over someone or someone's that did something to you that you can't get over from your past?

What if you were successful every time? Would that satisfy you? Would it satisfy everyone else? Would anyone even care?

Why does "rejection" from random strangers effect you so much? Why do you give complete unknown people so much power over your inner and outer self? Is it helping you?

You work out. Good.

You try to dress and groom yourself your best. Good.

You should improve yourself for you not because you think it will or should get you some temporary "fix" for "success" from women.

Slow down. If you have some deep rooted issues you may need to seek professional help. I'm serious.

If you want to meet people don't go out with a specific goal of having to have them "like" you and want to be your friend, sleep with you etc. Just to meet people and develop social circles, acquaintances and possible real friends.

Don't beat yourself up over "failure", Don't fixate and need some sort of "have to have" outcome or else you see it as a loss.

Relax and work on yourself for yourself. Meet people and exchange numbers, be that cool, relaxed, confident FUN person who isn't putting on an act that is interesting and people want to invite to hang out, go out, and possibly date.

You are putting far too much pressure on yourself for no reason other than some need to resolve some internal issue with yourself. Once you work on that, get past it and let that stress off your shoulders while being socially free and not needing a specific outcome you will succeed while also continuing to work out, groom and dress your best and improve in all aspects of life not just for some temporary "cure" of driving yourself batsh1t insane over needing the "approval" of women and everyone else. In the end that won't work but will end you up in a strait jacket.

Think about it. The choice is yours. Either resolve your own internal issues with yourself for yourself or “resolve” them by using chicks as a crutch.
I don't do what I do to impress anyone, in fact I could care less what other think about me doing cold approaches. If you read my original post, you would realize I decided to learn game because I have ****ed up with women my whole life and my most recent failure with one particular girl caused me so much pain that it forced me to do this. I am on the verge of moving on from her, but just need to stay away from her for a bit longer to let all the feelings subside.

If I was successful everytime I approached women you would no longer find me here on this forum. I don't really care if nobody cares if I was successful everytime because I would be getting laid all the time.

These past few months learning game has really opened up my eyes in regards to all the deep inner issues I suffer from. I'm currently seeing two different psychiatrist for two different forms of therapy. Both of them have really helped me heal internally, but it will take some time. One of them mentioned to me that I'm so hard on myself and always criticizing myself because this was the only environment I knew growing up. My parents are narcissistic hypercritical conservative and traditional, which really ****ed me up inside. I have a lot of trouble showing affection towards others because I was never shown any myself. I never really had much of a chance to improve my social skills growing up because my parents would always give me $hit about going out with friends and also my school environment mainly consisted of boys so i had a lot of trouble being around the opposite sex. I was also extremely picky when I was younger in regards to women which my psychiatrist mentioned to me was a guarding mechanism.

There is no choice in the matter, I either learn game and become better with women or I don't do nothing and nothing changes.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
The411 said:
So running around to random strangers on a daily basis like a lunatic searching for an object/cute pretty girlfriend is the cure for obvious internal issues and obsessive need for validation through others.

Sounds like a great way to grow up mentally stable.

I'm not saying the O.P shouldn't find a good person for a girlfriend. I'm saying he's doing it wrong and will end up in a strait jacket.
As opposed to what? Sitting on my ass and expecting girls to just flock to me? I did that for over 2 decades, where has that gotten me? Cold approaching is the bread and butter of pickup. Tonnes of guys have successfully gotten with girls through cold approaching, just because it doesn't work for you doesn't mean it doesn't work.
Last edited:


Sep 25, 2014
Reaction score
thunder_god said:
I don't do what I do to impress anyone, in fact I could care less what other think about me doing cold approaches. If you read my original post, you would realize I decided to learn game because I have ****ed up with women my whole life and my most recent failure with one particular girl caused me so much pain that it forced me to do this. I am on the verge of moving on from her, but just need to stay away from her for a bit longer to let all the feelings subside.

If I was successful everytime I approached women you would no longer find me here on this forum. I don't really care if nobody cares if I was successful everytime because I would be getting laid all the time.

These past few months learning game has really opened up my eyes in regards to all the deep inner issues I suffer from. I'm currently seeing two different psychiatrist for two different forms of therapy. Both of them have really helped me heal internally, but it will take some time. One of them mentioned to me that I'm so hard on myself and always criticizing myself because this was the only environment I knew growing up. My parents are narcissistic hypercritical conservative and traditional, which really ****ed me up inside. I have a lot of trouble showing affection towards others because I was never shown any myself. I never really had much of a chance to improve my social skills growing up because my parents would always give me $hit about going out with friends and also my school environment mainly consisted of boys so i had a lot of trouble being around the opposite sex. I was also extremely picky when I was younger in regards to women which my psychiatrist mentioned to me was a guarding mechanism.

There is no choice in the matter, I either learn game and become better with women or I don't do nothing and nothing changes.
So some girl messed you up. Your parents are hyper critical, and if you got laid all the time you'd never be seen on these forums.

So "getting laid" with women you see as objects is the end all be all of your problems and that's the solution and forget about the rest.

How will getting laid all the time help you in life? In relationships? Etc.

How will expecting to get laid all the time help you to develop social skills and meet good people if your goal is to get laid all the time?

Focus on meeting people, being socially free, and making solid social circles or else you'll end up as that dude who's life is all about getting laid all the time like a junkie needing a constant fix that never truly resolves anything.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Week 25 day 3: Yesterday someone posted a link to a news update on ryerson universities website regarding sexual assault. On Monday I met some guy doing cold approaches on the ryerson campus. My wing tommy told me he talked to the guy several hours before and then the guy waved him over and I came over with Tommy and met the guy. He told me he had been gaming there for several hours and will return everyday to game here.

According to the news report, he was going around talking about his genitals and sex, as well as grabbing girls hands and not letting go. Like wtf seriously? It made me very paranoid yesterday when I saw that post because I was worried they might have videos or photos of me too and associating me with this idiot. To make matters worse, today there was another incident at the U of T campus. Not sure if its the same guy and some guy was again sexually assaulting women from doing cold approaches. These idiots are ruining my gaming locations.

Now I'm going to have to take a temporary break from those areas and look for different places to game.

Today was my first actual day in school. I only had anatomy class since I already passed the unit. Almost everyone was inside already by the time I got there with 5 minutes to spare. It seems everyone this year are all goody too shoes. Everyone was already in groups so I had to sit where there were empty seats which comprised like 2-3 empty seats together. Anyways I open a old classmate of mine who I went to undergrad with. After a while I open a girl sitting beside me, then class starts. I remember last year how awful my anatomy prof was. This lady spitted out words at the same rate as a machine gun. It was very difficult to keep up. Plus her way of testing you was messed up. If there is one thing that scares the **** out of me in the program, its this lady and her anatomy course. This year I was more prepared, so I brought my laptop computer with my web camera with the intention of video recording the lecture as well as voice recording it. Due to the layout of the room and the small cramped desk spaces, I wasn't able to use my laptop so I just stuck with voice recording. I was actually surprised at how much slower she went this year. She seemed to have improved in lecturing even though she has done this for over 30 years. Anyways I had a quick chat with her at break and then went to see her after class. I lost my lab coat and dissection kit from last year and told her I would like to purchase a new one, but she surprisingly gave it to me for free. I was shocked at how nice she was this time around. I remember her being kind of two faced and pretending to care about her students, but she seemed different this time. She told me she is going to quiz me every week and help me out, so we'll see what happens. I know I'm definitely going to study my ass off this time around for this course. I'm going to have to devote like 20 hrs a week or something because their is no ****ing way I'm going to fail this course again.

I also hit the gym today. I met a few people in the gym. I spot to some guy who was waiting with me outside of the gym because it was reserved for varsity athletes when me and him showed up to use the gym, so we were just talking about how ridiculous it was. Then inside I ran into two guys from my class as well. In addition, I opened 3 weight room female floor staff. I only got a chance to ask the names of two of them. Not really interested in any of them but it's always good to practice your social skills, make friends, and develop social proof. I need to get this mentality back. Not to always just focus on pick up and girls, but to be social with every one so that it provides me the benefits I listed. Hitting the gym or running errands or whatever is a lot more enjoyable if you run into people you know. I also ran into two pua guys that I have sarged with when I left the gym. Boy did I run into a lot of people I know today. This just proves to me that my social circle is getting bigger and bigger.

Lastly, when I got home today from break dancing class, I received a message from my old classmate regarding an email a prof sent out. I didn't know what the hell she was talking about at the time until I opened my email. Apparently she somehow found out that old tests were being circulated around. I had created a secret facebook group and shared some old anatomy tests from last year that another prof had posted on her billboard. I was freaking out about it. Then I started to ask my new classmates about it since I'm not in their other classes. One guy said he speculated that someone didn't receive a copy of this test and got pissed off and complained to the prof. I then went and spoke to my roommate. He told me that a copy of last year's test from the unit coordinator (prof who emailed) was being circulated. Someone took photos of it while there name was still on the test paper and gave it to my new classmates. This gave me a huge sign of relief as I thought the email was directed at me. I could always still argue that the prof had posted the test on her billboard, therefore its fair game to share with others but now that I know that the test that was being passed around was specific to her course and not the one that I posted, I feel a lot better. I also received a phone call from my old classmate that messaged me on facebook shortly afterwards. She was kind of freaking out as well, since she had given copies of past tests to my new classmates, along with a handful of my old classmates doing the same thing. These new classmates of mine are ****ing idiots and now have ruined it for everyone as I will no longer share anything with them. I also deleted that secret facebook group I created.

I feel lately I have been working more on gaming in social circle situations instead of doing cold approaches. I have noticed a huge decline in my cold approaches lately and this issue needs to be recified, however I also need to take care of more important things in my life at the moment, such as fixing this student loans issue I have, work on getting a part time job to help with finances, and to start studying for my anatomy course. I feel once those things have been taken care of, I will have a much clearer mind to focus on game. In the meantime I will continue to work on building up my social circle, meeting people, and my social skills.


Sep 25, 2014
Reaction score
thunder_god said:
As opposed to what? Sitting on my ass and expecting girls to just flock to me? I did that for over 2 decades, where has that gotten me? Cold approaching is the bread and butter of pickup. Tonnes of guys have successful gotten with girls through cold approaching, just because it doesn't work for you doesn't mean it doesn't work.
Cold approaching doesn't have to mean your objective is to get laid all the time. Meet people. Don't be so hard on yourself. Take a part time job at a department store where lots of girls shop. Get to know many people that way otherwise if you keep your specific goal of only getting laid all the time word travels, people talk, jilted women, so-called friends etc. And that could come back to bite you especially if you live in a smaller area or school.

Who says tons of guys have been successful with cold approaching? People on the net?

You can still cold approach but don't drive yourself berserk over it. You can get laid but don't stress yourself out about it or women will pick up on it and get turned off and may turn on you telling their friends etc. And if any know you the gossip **** will go off the charts.

Again. Take a part time earning extra money meeting women at the mall or somewhere you know that's popular with women in your area. You'll meet so many and be forced to interact with them every time you work to the point where the hottest girls know you and they are seen as people and no big deal. They may even invite you out or to meet their friends.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
The411 said:
So some girl messed you up. Your parents are hyper critical, and if you got laid all the time you'd never be seen on these forums.

So "getting laid" with women you see as objects is the end all be all of your problems and that's the solution and forget about the rest.

How will getting laid all the time help you in life? In relationships? Etc.

How will expecting to get laid all the time help you to develop social skills and meet good people if your goal is to get laid all the time?

Focus on meeting people, being socially free, and making solid social circles or else you'll end up as that dude who's life is all about getting laid all the time like a junkie needing a constant fix that never truly resolves anything.
You obviously haven't been reading any of my previous posts and instead just came onto my thread her to crap over all my hardwork over these past few months because if you had read it, you would have realized I have been working on improving every area of my life, not just women. The women area just seems to be my biggest sticking point and lags behind everything else by decades. I have noted a few times already in my journal that I don't want to end up like some loser pua that only focuses on women and has nothing else to show for in his life.

I have been meeting people non-stop for months now. My social circle has grown 4-5 folds since I created this journal and continues to grow every week. My social skills have improved a fair bit from where I started months ago. I have taken up numerous hobbies that has exposed me to a variety of interesting different things that has helped me grow and develop new skills. I have done things that scare the $hit out of me but has helped me grow as a person. I'm receiving help from several psychiatrists to fix my inner issues, and I now look way better then I ever did in my entire life up to this point and yes getting laid is a important thing for me, as I'm sure it is for many guys. We are biologically hardwired to want to reproduce offspring and have sex, especially with attractive mates. I don't think any guy can deny that fact, if they do, they are just bull$hitting themselves. But as important as it is to get laid and to get women, its more important for me to learn game and develop this ability. There is no end all be all to all of our problems in life. We will always have new problems that arise, whether that be in school, career, relationships, finance, health. The only thing we can do is to continue to work on these problems, and if we notice we have a problem with that specific area of our life, then we try to fix it.


Sep 25, 2014
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thunder_god said:
You obviously haven't been reading any of my previous posts and instead just came onto my thread her to crap over all my hardwork over these past few months because if you had read it, you would have realized I have been working on improving every area of my life, not just women. The women area just seems to be my biggest sticking point and lags behind everything else by decades. I have noted a few times already in my journal that I don't want to end up like some loser pua that only focuses on women and has nothing else to show for in his life.

I have been meeting people non-stop for months now. My social circle has grown 4-5 folds since I created this journal and continues to grow every week. My social skills have improved a fair bit from where I started months ago. I have taken up numerous hobbies that has exposed me to a variety of interesting different things that has helped me grow and develop new skills. I have done things that scare the $hit out of me but has helped me grow as a person. I'm receiving help from several psychiatrists to fix my inner issues, and I now look way better then I ever did in my entire life up to this point and yes getting laid is a important thing for me, as I'm sure it is for many guys. We are biologically hardwired to want to reproduce offspring and have sex, especially with attractive mates. I don't think any guy can deny that fact, if they do, they are just bull$hitting themselves. But as important as it is to get laid and to get women, its more important for me to learn game and develop this ability. There is no end all be all to all of our problems in life. We will always have new problems that arise, whether that be in school, career, relationships, finance, health. The only thing we can do is to continue to work on these problems, and if we notice we have a problem with that specific area of our life, then we try to fix it.
So why would you get upset about others I just read causing problems possibly on camera with trying to pick up etc. chicks?

Unless you aren't trying to meet them and get to know them but trying to get laid off them as well?

Take a part time at a place you know lots of women shop or go to. You'll have them walking up to you. If things go well you can always tell them to give you their number or hang out with chicks you work with. It's a part time. Not a full time serious job. You can talk with and meet some that way rather than running around and possibly getting busted on camera trying to pick up random strangers or get lumped in with a bunch of whack jobs on some creeper list.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
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The411 said:
Cold approaching doesn't have to mean your objective is to get laid all the time. Meet people. Don't be so hard on yourself. Take a part time job at a department store where lots of girls shop. Get to know many people that way otherwise if you keep your specific goal of only getting laid all the time word travels, people talk, jilted women, so-called friends etc. And that could come back to bite you especially if you live in a smaller area or school.

Who says tons of guys have been successful with cold approaching? People on the net?

You can still cold approach but don't drive yourself berserk over it. You can get laid but don't stress yourself out about it or women will pick up on it and get turned off and may turn on you telling their friends etc. And if any know you the gossip **** will go off the charts.

Again. Take a part time earning extra money meeting women at the mall or somewhere you know that's popular with women in your area. You'll meet so many and be forced to interact with them every time you work to the point where the hottest girls know you and they are seen as people and no big deal. They may even invite you out or to meet their friends.
I would argue that the end goal of every cold approach you do is to end up inside of a girl. I mean sure you have set specific goals, but you do eventually want to bang the girl. When I go out, I usually only have a specific goal of working on a specific thing like approaching a certain number of women such as ten women today, or using all direct openers or another skill like being more physical. I mean yes my ultimate short term goal with the girl is obviously to bang her at some point, but when I leave the house, the only thing that is on my mind or at least consciously is to do whatever my goal for that day is such as doing 10 approaches. I do these things to help get rid of these limiting beliefs I have in my head such as a fear of rejection or whatever. I want to smash these fears to pieces. I typically only get really pissed off at myself when I don't accomplish these goals. If you read most of my posts, I'm not really angry at myself for not ****ing the girl at the end of the interaction most of the time. Most of the time I'm pissed off at myself for not accomplishing my goal for that day such as doing a certain number of approaches because I was chicken to talk to the girl. I'm pissed off at myself for holding myself back. It's like I'm my own worst enemy. It's hard to love yourself and to be happy with yourself when your mind isn't cooperating with what you want it to do. It's like I know I need to do a certain thing like approach a girl, because I know I need to get more experience talking to girls, and hopefully get a date or something more, but in order to do that I need to approach her, yet this fear I have keeps on holding me back from doing it. It just makes me extremely frustrated with myself. It's like you know you need to get 8 hrs of sleep a night and yet you still stay up late and ending up getting 5 hrs of sleep instead or that you need to study but you procrastinate.

Also my prospects have significantly gone up since I've been going out all the time. I used to have a serious scarcity mentality with my oneitis, which has severely diminished since meeting all these new girls through cold approach, hobbies, school, etc. I already take dance classes and improv comedy classes, which are places filled with women, so I am meeting women regularly. If I hadn't embarked on this journey, this would still be a huge problem in my life. I think a lot of the problems that people here on this forum have could have been solved partially at least if we had more access to women, so that if one specific girl didn't reciprocate our feelings or played hard to get, we could just replace her ass with someone else just as easily.

Several people have also mentioned to me that I now look a lot happier. Not sure if I'm really projecting this subconsciously or if its because I really was pretty ****ed up several months ago. Also several people have mentioned my shift in attitude. My best friend said something like this to me last week "you were a homo up until 2 months ago", essentially meaning I was uptight, lived by the rules, never rebelled, cared too much, etc. He keeps on insisting that he has set me free, but I'm still deciding on whether or not I want to stab him for what he did to me, or if I want to buy him a present for opening my eyes.