Master Don Juan
Last Man Standing said:This is what I already stated - it will affect their economy thus the reason they hesitated,so far, to collect what is owed but they are slowly selling their dollar reserves for Euros and other currencies! No one is "FORCING" - the bonds are bonds and are a debt owed by contract!!!
Simple – in our constitution it is our congress who is responsible to control the purse and if you control the purse why are we paying interest to private individuals i.e. international "banksters"??? We paid $409 billion in “interest” only in 2006!!!! Why? Just print the money ourselves at zero interest!!
Central bank policy is controlled by individuals and these individuals have control over the world economic system and can create booms and busts through monetary policy – as they created the depression!!!!!
There are basic underlying economic principles but those who control monetary policy is the true factor to look at that determines our well-being or our demise – we are deeply tied to their system and control! This is the economic Matrix – that controls are political Matrix!!
The Chineese and Indian boom is good for them Not USA !! Half of our GDP growth is military!! Without military, shyt movies, and shyt music, junk food/soda and other non-durables our GDP is not impressive!!! Especially when you consider that these corpoeations are taking their money outside of the US – and their workforce!!!! Their corporate output gets counted as USA GDP but they are really global entities and have no loyalty to the USA – they get preferred tax breaks here – because they are the ones who control our politicians!
Those who control the money rule!! We do not live in a democracy – a relatively small elite rule!
The housing boom is a artificial construct - it absolutely produces nothing of value – just more false wealth due to low interest rates!! A contrived event to keep dollars flowing and consumer spending alive!!
We don’t manufacture things of value any more – real things – not shyt! We have become financial manipulators - hedge funds and derivatives which "derive value from something else" - HUH???? We are the wizard behind the curtain - the stock market is the biggest fallacy of wealth!
A depression is merely a severe recession measure by GDP output! But it doesn’t matter what the official definition is – a depression can be created tomorrow by those who control the money supply to fit their agenda of eventually narrowing it down to one currency and thus one government! It is all about control (THE MATRIX) – consolidation of wealth and power in fewer hands will bring about this final global control – the ultimate agenda!
And, of course, when the collapse happens we will blame so-called "terrorists" with beards who hide in caves and produce nothing, for the calamities that befall us!!!!
Read some books - but not "text" books!!!!!!
"Text' books are controlled books!!!!
nearly everything you said is complete nonsense. text books by Rosie O'Donnell?