you also need to pass board exams to practice medicine or law (legally). nobody hands out board certifications in econ (which would present its own problems) so we have to hope that BAs, MAs and PhDs picked something up along the way. but i don't want a bunch of BAs in economics running around telling us to trust them b/c they know best. (i don't think you meant this at all but inadvertently implied it)CLOONEY said:First of all, YOU NEED a degree in economics, to be an economist (just as you need a degree in medicine, to be a doctor, or a law degree, to be a lawyer).
bb's opinions are unsupported rubbish b/c they're fairly easy to disprove, and a rigorous understanding of economics makes it easier to understand the (dis-)proof. but i don't think he'll listen to reason, so it's not worth reasoning with any of his assertions [edit: aw, hell, i can't resist giving it a shot]. on the other hand, A-unit often says things that either are (a) smarter and/or more incisive than anything I'd come up with OR (b) repeats a certain bit of conventional wisdom. Either way, I think that sometimes it's worth taking the time to disagree with him, if only in part.