What's known or a logical extension of what is known or perceived...
(!) People are more apathetic today about life than ever before. What they "consider" life is not life, but materialism, consumerism, and egotism. In fighting, trying to "build a life" as if they are incomplete and lacking. Even this site stands testament to the fact people feel deficient from where they are and where they want to be. This "lacking" puts people voluntarily on the rat wheel of self improvement and life building, and ignores the bigger picture.
(!) The media, or "medium" of information is one of control. Owned by companies upon companies, and finall controlled by few and regulated by the FCC, what appears on TV isn't meant to inspire, inform, or provide new perspectives. Rather, it's mean to trigger emotions and reinforce agendas.
(!) Check Noam Chomsky, a well-respected and famous author and historian on the "state of things." Noam doesn't go down any prejudiced and negatively connotated "conspiracy" route, rather he takes the tract directly from history through government, and logically points out that we've taken the path of a Society and Country on serious decline, one following the same as all previous societies that have fallen before us. However, in my not so humble opinion, with the trillions of dollars we have, the history behind us, and the intelligence around us, this "situation" can't be anything BUT INTENTIONAL and PLANNED. Public opinion doesn't matter on things. Democracy is failing. Religiousism is on a steep rise, and is finding its sinister way into self-improvement sections, and large scale sweeping marketing plans, akin to selling motivational tapes to MLM dupes.
(!) See that we can't pay our bills, gold is on the all time rise, and our debt is astronomical, jobs are actually on the decline as we ship more overseas everyday...and you want to think that nothing is going on. It's wonderful to have a "can do" attitude and "never fail" attitude, but that doesn't mean the fish bowl around you isn't being polluted.
(!) The Youth, despite the access libraries and collegiate degrees, is actually WORSE off. What a great barometer! How are our kids doing? Worse. They go LONGER to school, prolonging maturity, which USED to be 18, and is now 22 or even 30. They binge drink, engage in sex younger, and riskier activities, save less, spend more, and less educated with the respect to "useful" knowledge. Sure they can memorize a
text book, or copy paper's online, but they don't get finances, don't know a thing about politics, and can't be useful in survival. Video games are just a means of getting people accustomed to killing and enjoying it. On top of excessive horror, gore and violence on TV, people are inundated with graphic images, as they're slowly and methodically brought along into submission into a world of someone else's choosing and creation. The OFFSPRING needs to be with THEIR parents, bottom line, and people need to find any means to do that.
And you know what it's like something niggling at the back of your mind. Something you know isn't right, but you can't put your finger on it. I've read alot of "different" thought streams so as not to stick to just one...MainStream, Popular Opinion. That can be anything from Best Sellers, to the Top Networks on TV, in fact, anything on TV can be construed as Programmed and for a Purpose.
You do know about the story about BGH and Monsanto? No? That was actually a story by Fox News that was supposed to air on a new show about Investigative Reporting. However, the fallout with Milk Companies we slated to be huge and the President and Ceo received such pressure that the show was first editted over 80 times by lawyers, then cancelled altogether. The show's creators refused to comply with lawyers on their DOCUMENTED findings that BGH does end up in milk, does adversely effect consumers, is harmful to cows, and has long-range effects we still don't know about yet. And because of the potential loss in milk advertising dollars, as well meat, cattle, cheese, etc, it was pulled.
Now, do you honestly think if BAD BAD news came about, it would actually be advertised? The rare instances you hear of major, large companies on the news doing wrong, its minimal, at best, or was released for a purpose. Information control is key here, and there are those who have it and those who don't.
I ask why do people so willingly allow the control and governance of "elite" with the answer of "well throughout history, that's how it's been?!" Come on. Wake up. That's your answer? One...that's bad. Two, the US was FOUNDED on the basis on non-control, of a wideopen community, of democracy. The idea I hear parroted around is so Darwinian in its basis that I laugh. Its the cry of there's always strong, and there's weak, so we just accept it. No wonder free thought is so limited.