I might disagree on the Alpha Male stereotype, now more than ever. Before, I would accept such theory, lock, stock, and barrel, however, the Alpha Male implies a programmed mentality and a lack of consciousness.
For example, of the many I've known or met, an uncle of mine can be classified as such. He's rich, divorced once now, runs a company, can walk into many bars and know the finest broads, has 5 kids 4 with one women, 1 with another, and has the 'sales' out going mentality. He was a biker in his youth, dumped college as a doctor, shacked up with 2 women, banging them both, fathering a kid with 1, and aborting the other. Now that he's divorced, he's out again. He's super close to his family, to the point you think he boinks his sister and mother. He's a psychotic, in that he's a Narcissist and Ex-Alcoholic. He uses people as tools, as a means to an end. He went from being a generally decent person by appearance, once of success and social qualities, to a basement sucking fiend. I have no respect for him, and were the shoe on the other foot, I wouldn't want to be Alpha whether I am or not to his level for anything; money, women, freedom, power. Not at the expense of all else, his kids, what was a good life, the respect and love of his friends.
In a sense, you take the Darwinian approach of programming versus Free Will. Within a certain frame work, we are inclined to do certain things, but "Personality" without free will to choose is programming to a central computer. Personality, the ego, and society operate as programmed systems. Animals might be this way, but even animals can be manipulated, trained, coraled, caged, and changed. You can't take the stripes off it, but you can alter its behavior and personality.
Having watched an apparently new show on MTV last night dubbed "I Want To be You," it's apparent people can make changes, but it has to be at the BASE of the pyramid, and personality, beliefs, thoughts, ideas, play a LARGER role than the looks, luck, clothes, and money. Add that on to a strong base, and you have a sound pyramid. If you don't, you're still ok, because the base is strong and can stand on its own. But the peak point of the pyramid can't exist without a strong base, so money, clothes, power, have little meaning without the underlying person to support them.
As far as world control goes...theory suggests a host of ELITE and when ELITE is mentioned, we mean ABOVE the Presidents, world leaders, and KNOWN, flashy rich. Not the Forbes richest people, which are glitzy and glamorous, but the richest who care NOT for exposure, but for POWER, CONTROL, RANKS, SYSTEMS, and the STATUS QUO. Elites who feel a manifest destiny in who they are and what they do. That birth alone entitles all of life's pleasures and also life's rank.
Truth exists that a Rothschild family (named changed to Rothschild, meaning Red Shield) emerged in the mid 1700's with a major and rapid stronghold on banking interests in Europe. They grew rapidly and had 5 sons, that spread out in Europe to grow the banking empire. This is fact, and for those believing "MONEY MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND," listen up, because they began amassing wealth LONG before Buffett, Carnegie, Rockefellar, Gates, or anyone was a potential sperm cell to success.
There wouldn't ever be any service data, because such people don't want to be known. They want to make big bucks, control things like Sim-City, and watch it unfold. As a bank, you loan money, BIG money, so you don't care what happens to the world, especially when you have so many valuable commodities, such as gold, silver, nickel, copper, Euros, Dollars, etc. Can you imagine what 200+ years of GOOD loans would provide in wealth for the host bank? And if you're so super don't list with Forbes, or the American stock exchanges, or even collect all wealth UNDER one umbrella, you spread it that you don't have a monopoly, and don't raise ANY suspicion, even if you can control anything.
If money makes the world go round, and such people were deemed to be satanists, whether they are or not...wouldn't it be smart to make it appear as if none of it were true?
*Legalized booze, but illegalized pot.
*Control of money flows.
*Control of major historical players.
*Financial backing of major wars.
*Religious zealouts and infighting.
*Control and manipulation of world's media.
*Control of natural resources.
The list is endless. And it's entirely possible the whole Rothschild idea is a farse, that there is a big player not even visible to throw super-sleuths off the beaten bath. As mentioned before, you can discredit the credible by adding them together and disqualifying the credible WITH the implausible. Even such sites discredit Michael Moore, since he never mentioned the Norad stand down. Alex Jones tried to interview the hefty weighted husky movie maker, but he refused, and went on walking off his most recent Ben and Jerry's calories.
We don't know if this is IT, like it's the Holy Grail or Lost Ark...what you do know is...something is up, and it requires of people a call to action at home. To educate themselves, get involved, and take responsibility. The powers that be don't want you to. They want you to give up civil liberties in return for greater toys, easier lifestyles, more pleasure, the false impression of greater social progress (but for who?). More people confine themselves to homes with direct tv, video games, more food than you could possibly eat in a month or burn off, comfy, lavish, much-too-expensive homes, cushy, luxury, luxury, without work. It's pure pleasure. And people get used to the gushy feelings as if they have to last, and if not, get the latest drug, of fvck the latest infested hore, or get drunk, or smoke, or go the clubs, or charge shyt, like everyday is Sesame Street. They want that, so they can constantly peck away at our freedoms for their goals. Because only we stand in the way of that, and only we can consent to this prison.
Just get involved. Wake up from your sonambulistic state and come back to where you were born to be.