Does EVERY pretty girl have a boyfriend?


Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
Man am I getting sick of this. Every damn girl I've been interested in lately has a boyfriend, is engaged, or married. To the people who say pretty girls don't get approached - you're fooling yourselves. They're taken. And when they're available, they have a waiting list of guys hoping for a chance. It seems like the only place to meet single people is clubs/bars. It'd be nice to meet people somewhere else. Friends keep asking me "Why aren't you dating someone?" I think to myself "Because nobody is fvcking single."

Any other guys notice this, or have any ideas? This is bugging me.


Don Juan
Aug 26, 2007
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Id say.. two thirds of pretty girls arent single. And yes, for the rare ones who are, there is always a line up. However, this line up does not work on a first come, first serve basis. It works by Most Desireable option.

I have no trouble at all getting women. You just need to be a couple steps ahead of other men. I believe that your Looks and How you display yourself and talk to them is almost everything.


Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
Hey Snowman, I also have your problems too. Look at my post about abnormal to be single at age 25.

I think location is important too. For example, there are SO much more pretty girls in NY who aren't taken vs say California where males outnumber women by a lot.


May 22, 2007
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Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
"I have a boyfriend" just might be the answer you're getting. I saw it happen today. A girl bought a movie ticket, and after she paid the guy in the window said hey you wanna go out some time. It was really funny because his voice came out of the speaker and echoed in the mall. She said I'm kinda seeing somebody right now. This was bs cause I know her, she's single.

But the point is that that guy is probably wondering why there are no single girls around.


May 22, 2007
Reaction score
Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
Snowman23 said:
No, I see them with their boyfriends.
Thats also what I was going to ask. But dont assume it's her boyfriend, unless you see them making out or something. But are you really saying that every pretty girl you see is always with a guy, every time. If so, move.

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
This shouldn't be your concern.

OF COURSE all the hot girls will have bf's. If they didn't, would they really be hot? You're gonna have to learn to accept the fact that all the 8s and 9s are going to have bf's.

So what are you supposed to do about it? Act like she's single anyway. The goal is to make yourself more appealing than her bf. If the relationship isn't super-tight, then its possible to slip in there and get her attention. Once you've shown your value, the decision is really up to the girl. All you can do is persistently show what an amazing guy you are, and eventually, she'll either realize it and come to you, or maybe she just really loves her bf.

Here's an analogy I read on this site long ago:

Hot girls with bf's are like monkeys. They swing from branch to branch, and they never let go of the previous branch until they have the next one within reach.

What's that mean? It means hot girls won't break up with their guy until they have a new guy lined up. It also means they are almost never single, and when they are, its for a very short time.

So, if you're going for the hottest girls, don't look for singles. Just be the awesome, once-in-a-lifetime catch of a man you're supposed to be anyway, and they'll decide they want you.


May 22, 2007
Reaction score
Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
Ace of Flames said:
This shouldn't be your concern.

OF COURSE all the hot girls will have bf's. If they didn't, would they really be hot? You're gonna have to learn to accept the fact that all the 8s and 9s are going to have bf's.

So what are you supposed to do about it? Act like she's single anyway. The goal is to make yourself more appealing than her bf. If the relationship isn't super-tight, then its possible to slip in there and get her attention. Once you've shown your value, the decision is really up to the girl. All you can do is persistently show what an amazing guy you are, and eventually, she'll either realize it and come to you, or maybe she just really loves her bf.

Here's an analogy I read on this site long ago:

Hot girls with bf's are like monkeys. They swing from branch to branch, and they never let go of the previous branch until they have the next one within reach.

What's that mean? It means hot girls won't break up with their guy until they have a new guy lined up. It also means they are almost never single, and when they are, its for a very short time.

So, if you're going for the hottest girls, don't look for singles. Just be the awesome, once-in-a-lifetime catch of a man you're supposed to be anyway, and they'll decide they want you.
But of course master Ace. The council confers.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Ace...very cool post... Although I'd never try and steal a girl away from a dude out of principles, karma, etc...I actually welcome it when other guys hit on my girl. I love the competition, and if the guy is actually attractive, then its actually pretty flattering. Quite frankly i EXPECT other guys to hit on her...when she looks like this you can't really blame em:

My gf hasn't really been single for any appreciable length of time since she was 17. She's 23, now, and went through relationships of 4 years, 1 year, 3 months (it was a rebound), and has been with me for over 9 months now.

In my experience it is somewhat true that attractive women are hardly ever single. I've done stagettes for many attractive women (including models), and the majority of them and their hot friends are hooked up. There are some groups of hot women however, that are single. Many strippers are single, or functionally single if they're in open relationships, etc.

Just gotta look hard enough I guess...oddly enough, if you become the kind of guy that women actually desire you'll have these girls approach YOU!

smooth guy

Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2007
Reaction score
Actually I thought of the exact opposite. I see all these (hot) girls at my school and a lot more than I expected are single. Some girls are too caught up in their own defensive web and have very high standards causing them too rarely get into a relationship.
Of course I'm talking about younger girls through the age of 16-17-18. My dad though is always with a woman, back in the day he was the man who would get all the girls (he's not married) and he's told me that a lot of girls even at the age of early 20's haven't been with a lot of guys and he was shocked to find out they were still virgins.
Not saying it's the majority, but there might be 10's lurking around that you'd assume they'd have a new bf every week, but the reality would be that the less hotter girls are more experienced than them.


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2006
Reaction score
In the club/bars
90% of the HB9s and 10s have boyfriends already, and FB's on the side....

75% of that 90% are willing to cheat and/or are looking for someone better.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
Yup, the vast majority of women are taken.
Ace of Flames said:
So what are you supposed to do about it? Act like she's single anyway. The goal is to make yourself more appealing than her bf. If the relationship isn't super-tight, then its possible to slip in there and get her attention. Once you've shown your value, the decision is really up to the girl. All you can do is persistently show what an amazing guy you are, and eventually, she'll either realize it and come to you, or maybe she just really loves her bf.
The problem with this is that if you're a recovering AFC chances are, you are not better than her BF. So then what do we do? Find an ugly girl who doesn't have a BF. Most ugly / fat girls do have boyfriends. How low do we have to go?

Mad Manic

Aug 11, 2007
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
Agreed with Maxtro, when you start approaching a lot and making it into a regular habit you realise the situation. A hell of a lot of the HB6s + are taken and even if they aren't, they have options. Too many guys chasing too few attractive women. It's quite sad to think that a guy can be attractive and cool etc but end up dating a HB3 because it's a road block anywhere else. OR get V good with girls, take a HB6-10 from her bf.



Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
Most ugly / fat girls do have boyfriends. How low do we have to go?
I would stay stick with Homo Sapiens. I don’t think you want to go much lower then that. Anyways, trying fvcking a HB1. Think of how good of a story it would be. Seriously.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2007
Reaction score
Orange County
If you're getting desperate just go on a dating site. All the girls there are single. And don't give up, there's a lot of hot girls without boyfriends too, just keep trying.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
you know there was a time in my life that i thought that all the good men were either married, gay, dead or currently being stalked....


Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score
SickAgain said:
If you're getting desperate just go on a dating site. All the girls there are single. And don't give up, there's a lot of hot girls without boyfriends too, just keep trying.

Oh, boy......



Jun 16, 2000
Reaction score
Toms River,NJ United States
Ace of Flames said:
This shouldn't be your concern.

OF COURSE all the hot girls will have bf's. If they didn't, would they really be hot? You're gonna have to learn to accept the fact that all the 8s and 9s are going to have bf's.

So what are you supposed to do about it? Act like she's single anyway. The goal is to make yourself more appealing than her bf. If the relationship isn't super-tight, then its possible to slip in there and get her attention. Once you've shown your value, the decision is really up to the girl. All you can do is persistently show what an amazing guy you are, and eventually, she'll either realize it and come to you, or maybe she just really loves her bf.

Here's an analogy I read on this site long ago:

Hot girls with bf's are like monkeys. They swing from branch to branch, and they never let go of the previous branch until they have the next one within reach.

What's that mean? It means hot girls won't break up with their guy until they have a new guy lined up. It also means they are almost never single, and when they are, its for a very short time.

So, if you're going for the hottest girls, don't look for singles. Just be the awesome, once-in-a-lifetime catch of a man you're supposed to be anyway, and they'll decide they want you.
I think this is true. A majority of attractive women are insecure and are usually never single. However, if you are a good-looking guy I would not worry about it. Alot of women will leave their b/f's is something better comes along.