Wyldfire: like 00Kevin said.. you are not understanding what i am saying... and i think that 00Kevin pretty much explained what i was saying in HIS posts. And yes, i DO think that i have a right to be pissed off!
I DO admit that i might have acted in a rather angry manner about the whole situation, but there are just things that really get to me, and things like accusing me of not loving her after all i have done and been through with her is a really LOW BLOW and is very hurtfull. And then the fact that we DID agree that we were going to do something togeather on the week end and then she goes and makes other arrangements with her other friends and then just tells me about it and HOPES that i would come. Dont get me wrong though, if we HADNT made plans before hand, and i never told a few of my other friends that i wasnt gonna do anything with them cause i wanted to spend time with my chick, then i wouldnt have a problem with her going with her friends.... but just like i told MY friends that i was going to spend time with my chick, i was expecting her to do the same and tell HER friendds that she was going to do something with me, like we arranged a few days ago!
Well anyways... last night me and her were talking about the whole situation and she DID realise that what she did was wrong, and she DID appologise. And in the conversation when i said that if thats the way she was going to be/act, then i think that she shouldnt be anything more than just friends, she DID start going off about how i musnt just end things when something goes wrong or she makes a mistake etc... but after a whole lot of chit-chat we came to the conclusion that she would be less careless with her actions and take note to what she is doing and if it will be hurtfull towadrs me. And that
I would handle things in a more "calm" manner....
She also said that "we lost what we were looking for, which was to lead a romantic happy relationship" to a relationship where we keep on running into these "fights/arguements", so we should just spend more time with one another and "relight" that "spark" (lol) ... she said that she DOES still love me and all, its just that we need to love eachother and be happy at the same time rather than just have a relationship where we fight all the time and there is no happiness. She DID also say that she realsed that i DO treat her so nicely/well and that she DOES tend to not 'appreciate" it enough and "return the favour (of acting as nice/romatic/well) towards me.
So all in all, she is just going to be more aware of what she is doing, and NOT do this kind of thing again, so yes, she did learn her lesson, and she WAS/IS willing to realise that she WAS in the wrong, and progress from here on. I also realise that i might have blown up at her abit too harshly, but i really DID reach my limit, because this is not the 1st time that she has done this kind of thing to me.
When we ended the conversation last night it was really "intence", its like we both never wanted to put downt he phone, hehe, i guess that we both just mean so much to eachother and just dont really know how to express it as well as we would like to, lol... but an improvement is definatelly going to take place in the near future, and if i have anything to say about it, within a week this relationship will be on FIRE!
I'll keep you people posted
00Kevin: thanx again for the help and confidence boost, its nice to have someone that understands me and knows where i am coming from... ever consider becoming a phsycologist?
Wyldfire: i DID take some of your "advice" about how i SHOULD of acted, and i DO realise that i should of maybe handled this in a little more "calm" manner, but i am just human, and like i said before, some things just blow my fuse, and she just hit one of my fuses i guess

So ya, she was in the wrong, but so was i, a bit, but all i can say is that we both will learn from this and better ourselves, AND the relationship
biker_gixxer: thanx for ur input too man

I also see where u are coming from, but like i said to Wyldfire, an improvement WILL be made in the near future.
Thanx again to all...