This thread isn't the place to get into her exact comment. Let's just say I heard her make a comment about a hot button political topic (and the nature of her comment made me never want to speak to her again).The subject lady is the same company, but say different division, within the same office building.
Could you explain what the nature of your falling out was and how you ended up hating her?
I do not hate the subject lady and she's not behaving in a way that she's going out of her way to avoid physical proximity with me. Its just that there is no social contact (ie Quiet Place vibe?) with her. There has been no eye-contact or even looking at her. However, that is starting to be relaxed and she is now being observed (ie at least what she is doing - on smartphone, or whatever else she's doing if she's on a table by herself) in terms of a quick look. (ie she was quickly observed inside the elevator as opposed to outrightly looked away from the whole time). The last intentional "near" interaction with her was I saw three seats away from her in a cafeteria and looked at a couple of selected music videos (ie I guess drawing from whatever energy/feelings to enhance the experience of the music videos that were watched). There has not been any arrangement where there is three seats apart since that time (ie normally two seats or some other configeration).
So I stopped speaking to her cold turkey. She didn't take it well.
My psychology 101 guess on her is: She never intended to give me any action, yet at least liked the attention from me. So she was upset when the attention went away.
Furthermore, she also ended up acting standoffish with this female coworker I have a close relationship with.