one of his typical openers was "Excuse me, I just noticed you walking past, and I thought you looked really nice'.
I have used this exact sentence, and many variations of it hundreds of times. I use it when the girl and I aren't sharing any mutual experience that I can talk to her about and especially if I have to actually stop a girl who is walking. In those situations, being direct is best. Somewhere between 97 and 99% of women are flattered.
@oldmanofthesea and PUAs such as A.G. Hayden and Austen Summers use this line.
I think there is a difference between outdoor game (parks, paths, the street) vs. retail game (including grocery stores). Outdoors, it seems to be advantageous to go more direct like the line being discussed above. With indoor retail game, going more indirect about her outfit, a book she's holding (bookstore), or something in her grocery basket/some grocery item in the store (grocery store) is probably the stronger approach.
It is well-known red-pill 101 that a man's SMV peaks in his mid 40's. There are gigabytes worth of posts here on SS over the years demonstrating how older men routinely meet, sleep with, and get into relationships with much younger women. You choose to ignore that and make excuses instead.
I have seen the famous SMV chart over time where Rollo Tomassi illustrates male SMV peak around late 30s. There are various red pill influencers who place peak male SMV somewhere between 35-45.
The problem with the idea that peak male SMV falls somewhere between 35-45 is that it is only applicable for a small subset of men. Before I go on, I will acknowledge that there are some men 35-45 who can date women 10+ years younger. Let's think about the actual experience in the mating marketplace for a 35-45 year old man. The typical man in the 35-45 range is a pusssy beggar who ends up settling for some mediocre or subpar woman close to his own age (at most 3-4 years younger). He's usually swiping profusely through every woman in his area in order to get that mediocre match. That doesn't seem like a peak SMV experience to me.
In general, it's better to be 24-28 and get women close to your own age, like 22-27.
Women don't ideally want to meet a man on a dating app or at a night club - they would rather meet him by accident - at a park, on an airplane, in the grocery store or at garden store.
I think this is true. However, from the perspective of an approacher, it's super difficult to do a lot of those non-bar setting approaches. The main advantage of doing approaches in bars/nightclubs or running swipe app game is that it is known that the woman is seeking new penis. With approaching strangers in non-bar settings, chances are that a man is approaching a woman who isn't looking for a new penis. Women both in relationships and women looking for new penis are in parks, on paths, on airplanes, and in the grocery store.
I think it is easy for men to get discouraged in failing to capture attention in non-bar settings. Part of this problem is related to the fact that the women out in non-bar settings often aren't in the market for new penis. That leads to a lot of short conversations that go nowhere and even an inability to approach, such as earbuds in the parks, on the paths, and on the general gym floors. I was even seeing earbuds in the grocery store in the late 2010s, something I haven't seen since indoor masking became a thing at the onset of the pandemic. I think women were starting to wear earbuds in the grocery store in my area as a means to actively discourage grocery store approaching. While few men actually have the guts to grocery store approach, there are enough men out there who will do it and will probably not do it well, leading to some women getting annoyed and deciding to use earbuds. I do think that bougie/yuppie Millennial women being more socially inept is also a factor in why I saw this.
I got into approaching in non-bar settings simply because I didn't want to stay up late and drink alcohol to meet women. I had interest in doing so as early as 22 when I first heard about guys meeting women in yoga classes, but didn't start doing it until my late 20s when I read Roosh's "Day Bang" when it first came out.
I have had women text me after the fact that they enjoyed meeting me in an unexpected way after a non-bar approach when I got their number. This has happened in instances where I was doing a planned outdoor approach session.
I met my ex wife at a veterinarians office. We were both there with our dogs so I asked her a question about her dog and we got to talking about dogs and that got us talking about hiking and that got us talking about where we like to hike and that we like to camp and that we like to listen to music while we camp and that we like to listen to the same type of music. She was 23 when we met. I was 33. After my appointment was over I told her we should meet up and take the dogs for a hike soon and she immediately handed me a piece of paper with her phone number already written down on it - in hopes that I would ask her.
That's solid non-bar approaching. Women do like this, as evidenced by what I said about women texting me after I set a date/got their numbers through a non-bar approach.
It'd be impossible to plan out an attractive 23 year old being at a veterinarian's office at the same time that you are there. It's impossible to linger in a vet's office, unlike indoor retail game or doing outdoor approach sessions. You saw an opportunity, demonstrated at least adequate social skills, and set a date leading to an extended relationship. Even though you were a blue pilled beta male at that time, you still could recognize opportunity, demonstrate social skill, and have enough courage to initiate. Fewer and fewer men seem to be able to do this now as even compared to 15 years ago.
Man, I found the book online, read the grocery store chapter and had a good laugh followed by an exclamation of Jesus Christ!

No wonder the guy went insane....I mean, the whole behaviour of lingering in the grocery store, stalking girls and examining their shopping carts reeks. And to use those lines with a serious face would take a pretty low self esteem/retarded guy to begin with. He was 32 when the book was published...I don't know, maybe a clueless teen early 20s guy might be excused if he falls for it, tries it a bit and realizes the absurdity.
But to advocate 40+ yrs old guys do this shyt is basically trolling.
The incident that caused Roosh's emotional breakdown was when his sister died of breast cancer at age 31. I believe Roosh was 38 (nearly 39) when that happened. You're correct that Roosh published "Day Bang" at age 32 in 2011.
That advice was written for men of all ages, but likely men 22-35 were the ones buying his book in the 2011-2016 era.
I will say that multiple hours lingering in grocery stores is quite challenging. My own personal practice in grocery store was to cap my grocery store time at one hour. I would do something like 1 hour in one grocery store on a Saturday, and then 1 hour on Sunday/a weeknight in the same week. In my experience, it is impossible to approach enough volume of women in grocery stores and other retail venues (malls, bookstores) without some amount of lingering for an extended period.
Asking out what's in someone's grocery basket and using the GALNUC framework is a decent approach to grocery store game. GALNUC is a good framework for early stage-intermediate level approachers. Some of the best approachers can move beyond GALNUC in sequencing an indoor retail conversation, but it would take years of approaching to be able to strongly free style an approach.