I agree with
I can talk to anybody, I rarely get weird looks (almost never), with women I get rejected a lot but they are always polite: I have a boyfriend, I'm not dating strangers, I have to run I don't have time, etc. It doesn't matter if it's true or not. Some "reject" me but say thank you or something like "if I didn't have a boyfriend I would date you". Daygame is fun, rejections don't affect anymore, it's part of the game, what affects me is the regrets I have when I don't approach.
When I approach, whatever the outcome is, I feel like a man. I act on my desire, I shoot my shot. I feel in peace with myself because I know that I did what I had to do.
Well, I dont know about all the YAPPIN....But for the most part, everything that was said in this post also reflects my experiences with cold approaching.
This post needs to be framed.
Polite rejections: 97% of
all my rejections have been polite, courteous, and flattering.
Mannn listen; I was at the gym one day, and there was this
extremely attractive tomboy looking white chick.
She was slim, had a ponytail, and reminded me of Cammy from Street Fighter.
She had a "titty puff" in her chest area, and she was
extremely cute in the face.
So what did I do?
I approached her.
She was over there by the free weights (dumbbells) and she had just finished a bent over rows.
I approached her...same lines..
"Danggg. You cute. Are you single?"
And when I delivered the line, you should of seen the blood rush to her cute little white face and the nervous smile she put on.
She was blushing like no one has ever told her she was cute before. She was cute, and it (the exchange) was soooo cuteeee

She thanked me, but told me she
wasn't single, and I said "Ok, can't blame a brotha for trying", and walked away.
The entire exchange was
pleasant and I may have wound up making her day more so than her making mines.
I wouldn't even call that a rejection, per se, but I am driving home the point that the vast majority of all of my "no's" have been pleasant, to say the least.
Most guys that are against cold approaching have this negative perception of women, as if women are
monsters out there, ready to devour any man who approached them and asks them out.
That is complete bullsh!t, based on my many experiences doing it.
Some women have complimented me: Believe it or not, I've actually had women
compliment me on my boldness in approaching them!!
Contrary to what you guys think, women aren't getting approached in the day time like you seem to imagine.
Most of their approaches come from night game.
Like I challenged someone else; Go to any grocery/retail store.
See how many men are in there approaching women. They aren't.
If you are inside Walmart, chances are, you may be the ONLY GUY IN THE STORE who is approaching women. You set yourself apart from every other guy inside the store...so you have zero competition in those environments.
Whereas online or at the bar, you are just one of many men who are doing it.
Men become hawks at the club/bar, or on online dating apps.
But otherwise, they are nothing but chickens.
Makes you feel like a man: Like it was said, cold approaching makes me feel like a man, along with the excitement/adrenaline. While I am standing there in their presence, and as they look at me and assessing me; it makes me feel like a man. My confidence, swagger, masculine frame.
My regrets: I have more regrets when I do NOT approach a woman, than I do when I get rejected by the woman. When I get rejection, sure, it hurts. But what I hang my hat on is the closure. I feel better knowing I have closure, than I do when I have one big ass question mark as to whether or not I could
get her.
Sorry for the long post but damn, it aint often I find folks on here who are talking the same sh!t that I talk.
So when it happens, you get long posts like this one lol.