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Delly2000 said:This is a toughie...
I would say it has to do with the physical attraction test...but u say ur are tall dark and handsome so i am gussing u would pass that.
Reason why I say this. I asked a girl for her number and she gave it. Then a buddy of mine asked for her number too. He took her out. She never picked up the phone when i called..she had my number stored. He is better looking. Tall etc. I am overweight.
So maybe in ur case u are trying too hard when u dont have to. Its still going to be a numbers game regardless. But it should be simple to just step on a polite level....maybe take em to the dancefloor a bit then ask for the number.
Oh and if she sees u asking for numbers from others she may not answer ur call....
Well, I'll cosign.Victory Unlimited said:... most women of this category will not only feel no sense of guilt towards treating guys with indifference, but they'll also see no sin in treating them dismissively, disrespectfully, or disdainfully.
iqqi said:Well, I'll cosign.
Most women are well aware that most men are only about getting some booty. That's why most men are not given respect or time right off the bat, unless they have established a base position as someone worthy and wanting more... and being able to offer more.
because then malls who go out of business, our consumer driven economy would crumble...we don't want that now :rock:sstype said:Well there you have it....female companionship always comes with a price. I don't see why we haven't legalized escorts since pretty much all women demand some form of payment for their "gift of sex." What exactly is the difference here?
Your points are excellent and indicate the most prevalent issues that Modern Men face....all related with the issue of "SELF-ESTEEM."Victory Unlimited said:Women NOT calling back? Women NOT texting back?
Over the years I've found that a lot of women, especially women under 40 have an unspoken hierarchy of people, places, or things that they're REALLY commited to.
Some of the same women who would never flake on jobs, appointments, friends or relatives will flake on guys without hesitation and without a second thought.
For women of this category, a man who shows them romantic interest is viewed as merely an inanimate dating/recreational "object" rather than another human being with feelings who may be worthy of consideration----------and not to mention RESPECT.
For women of this category, a man only becomes an honest-to-God, living, breathing "person" to them the moment that they "feel" some kind of noticeable mental & emotional stirring when the thought of these guys cross their minds.
Until and UNLESS that happens, most women of this category will not only feel no sense of guilt towards treating guys with indifference, but they'll also see no sin in treating them dismissively, disrespectfully, or disdainfully.
I'm a spiritual soldier, not a social scientist. So I don't have the time nor the interest to do extensive research to PROVE to you what I'm saying is true. But, I will tell you this:
SOME of the origins of this problem are born from -
*Too many thirsty, horny, desperate guys inflating the egos of both attractive, and even "average" looking women-----causing them to feel ENTITLED.
Signs of Low Self-Esteem.
*Too many inconsiderate women being allowed to suffer absolutely NO adverse consequences for being rude and disrespectful to guys who don't deserve that kind of treatment.
Men should start telling these chicks where to go. None of this Nice Guy routine with these LOW life, uneducated and unrefined Women.
*Too many little girls being taught by bitter mothers that they should grow up to "not need a man".
So True...
*Too many weak asssed men "in---and OUT" of the home cosigning on this "men ain't shyt" attitude, or cowardly choosing to bite their tongues while their wives, girlfriends, relatives, or coworkers bash men nonstop in THEIR presence.
*Too many guys ACTUALLY living "down" to the lowest expectations of women----giving these women A REASON to have a jaded view of our species in general.
*And too many guys REFUSING to respect THEMSELVES-------choosing instead to DISRESPECT themselves out of a neurotic fear that standing up and acting like "a Man" might cost them access to women-------a rather large portion of women who ironically DON'T have any actual RESPECT for them in the first place!
But guess what? A lot of guys KNOW this, but they STILL don't care. You see, for these guys, the Mission is:
"i MUST wet my DIKK even if it costs me my BALLS!"
...All....So True...
So I would say that the saddest part of all of this is that this problem will CONTINUE. Yes, it will continue to circle around and around again. Like a CYCLE-----a VICIOUS one.
And the only way it'll ever be broken is when each man decides to take it upon himself to pursue the women that he wants ONLY up to the line of where his self-respect ends----------and NO FURTHER.
Soldier on.
Todd Preston you really is a numbers game. I usually have good luck and get about 2-4 dates a month with new chicks...but lately its been a little dry.
Not surprised at all his problems ? ? ?yuppaz said:dunno what it is, but I just plain don't like this guy. Not surprised at all by his problem. Maybe picking up on serious arrogance. It's funny too how he assumes to school everyone on how day game works when the thread is about how it isn't working for him....haha
Yeah, it's usually a true statement that in order for the average guy to generate some interest from the opposite sex, it usually takes WORK. But by contrast, in order for the average "girl" to generate some interest from the opposite sex, all it takes is a WHIM.synergy1 said:*Too many thirsty, horny, desperate guys inflating the egos of both attractive, and even "average" looking women-----causing them to feel ENTITLED.
So true. My friend, she is alright as a person. We get along. I would not go as far to say she is a quality girl though. Not terribly smart, not very good looking. Being honest here. But let me tell you how much more she cleans it up than I do with girls . She only ever goes out for a few hours a night, gets other guys to pay for her drinks, and usually has 1-2 numbers by the end of the night. Its insane. I have to try a lot harder to get a lot less. But the game is tilted towards women here. Women can act that way because they are entitled....too many dudes spinning bad game.
yup, and I have long since accepted this as it is. more generally, i have always had to work for everything I have. Be it school, athletics, its just the name of the game. I don;t have a problem with it.Victory Unlimited said:Yeah, it's usually a true statement that in order for the average guy to generate some interest from the opposite sex, it usually takes WORK. But by contrast, in order for the average "girl" to generate some interest from the opposite sex, all it takes is a WHIM.
Such is LIFE in most of the Western World. The only real choice for the average guy is to major in bettering himself, arm himself with knowledge of women and how they work, and then take action on what he learns in order to become more successful with women WITHOUT compromising who he is in the process.
DJ SO STEVE said:I came to realize after so many years that if you have good game you can get a girls number in a matter of minutes. That however doesn't mean she'll reply when you call or tezt.
Do this and the odds of her coming out are so good!
I picked up a girl on a bus last week, talked for 20min and got her to come out a few days later.
So I know this works.
Although I think I screwed up a bit when we met up. But that's another story...
Umm....if I was getting propositioned for sex 100 times a day by ugly chicks I think I'd want something in return for giving it up too.sstype said:Well there you have it....female companionship always comes with a price. I don't see why we haven't legalized escorts since pretty much all women demand some form of payment for their "gift of sex." What exactly is the difference here?
Yeah, there is an increasing tendency towards materialism and nihilism. People do not know what to place a value on other than sex and money. Men have no spiritual center, therefore they are easily swayed by women. At best guys can think of hobbies which take some of the emphasis off of sex. Even the guys who are successful on here, in many cases place way too much value on sex, because they have no higher values.Victory Unlimited said:SOME of the origins of this problem are born from -
*Too many thirsty, horny, desperate guys inflating the egos of both attractive, and even "average" looking women-----causing them to feel ENTITLED.
*Too many inconsiderate women being allowed to suffer absolutely NO adverse consequences for being rude and disrespectful to guys who don't deserve that kind of treatment.
*Too many little girls being taught by bitter mothers that they should grow up to "not need a man".
*Too many weak asssed men "in---and OUT" of the home cosigning on this "men ain't shyt" attitude, or cowardly choosing to bite their tongues while their wives, girlfriends, relatives, or coworkers bash men nonstop in THEIR presence.
*Too many guys ACTUALLY living "down" to the lowest expectations of women----giving these women A REASON to have a jaded view of our species in general.
*And too many guys REFUSING to respect THEMSELVES-------choosing instead to DISRESPECT themselves out of a neurotic fear that standing up and acting like "a Man" might cost them access to women-------a rather large portion of women who ironically DON'T have any actual RESPECT for them in the first place!
But guess what? A lot of guys KNOW this, but they STILL don't care. You see, for these guys, the Mission is:
"i MUST wet my DIKK even if it costs me my BALLS!"
So I would say that the saddest part of all of this is that this problem will CONTINUE. Yes, it will continue to circle around and around again. Like a CYCLE-----a VICIOUS one.
And the only way it'll ever be broken is when each man decides to take it upon himself to pursue the women that he wants ONLY up to the line of where his self-respect ends----------and NO FURTHER.
Soldier on.
Yo Synergy,synergy1 said:yup, and I have long since accepted this as it is. more generally, i have always had to work for everything I have. Be it school, athletics, its just the name of the game. I don;t have a problem with it.
What one must differentiate is hard work and good work. You can keep butting your head on the wall doing things the wrong way and be unwilling to change, or you can dissect what is wrong and change.
Back to the topic at hand, and to keep the topic going forward: I got 5 phone numbers last weekend. Of those 5, I managed to contact 2 who responded. Of the two, I went out with one once, met up with her, than she literally left...this is delineated on another thread. So now out of the 5, I am down to 1 potential who still chats with me. Okay guys, I am at the mercy of people who are in the zone now....lay out my game plan here. If my **** ain't working, i'll be willing to experiment and see if I can get the last one!
Victory Unlimited said:Yo Troops (IQQI, Pair A Dice, John Siegal, etc.), thanks for the votes of confidence. We all learn from EACH OTHER around here. Always have. That's why I'll always keep bringin' my asss back.
Moving on:
Yo Synergy,
Good point about differentiating "good work from HARD work". The most recent show I did ironically spoke to this very subject. And I also covered the problem of women dismissing and/or forgetting guys who they meet randomly throughout the day.
From my vantage point these "challenges" we face have a lot to do with really registering on a deeper level with women as much as possible in the initial meetings with them. Though I realize that sometimes this is not possible for a variety of reasons.
A FEW of them are: