speed dawg said:
Because they aren't. At least not publicly. You need to understand that you can't change what people think. They will do what they will do.
I know they arent publicly prevelant. Because people are cowards. Thats why they say their bs behind the safety of anonymous internet. And no, I dont want to change what people think. I want idiots to not be hateful and try to interfere in other peoples lives because of their bias. For example, plenty of people dislike how gay people date, so now we still have legislation in charge of their romantic lives.
What YOU need to do is quit championing this stupid racial agenda, while guys like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are out making their fortunes off the backs of naive idealists like yourself. You act as if you are the savior for the black race, but in reality the people in charge don't give a fvck about you. This is hindering you from accomplishing YOUR potential in YOUR life.
Its stupid racial agenda to think people should love whomever they want without being hated for it? Youre a fool if you think this is so.
And why oh why do idiots like yourself bring up Jesse and Al whenever you speak to a black person on this forum? Plenty of us do NOT agree with those two fools. And those two fools do not make fortunes off of what I think, because I do not think like them. So get a clue.
And actually, what hinders people from accomplishing their full potential in life is hateful bullcrap. Because we cannot pretend hateful ideology never gets into the minds of people who actually control things. And this bias can have direct affects on people lives. Im trying to be no savior. Im telling people that this negativity over someone elses love life is downright stupid! It has no effect on their lives whatsoever if gays have sex or if people or different races have sex.
Same with the gays. It's about money, period. The people in charge of that movement are in for the money....division of assets, corporate sponsors of Boy Scouts, etc. Those guys in skinny jeans out there marching in parades talking about gay pride are grade A morons with too much time on their hands. Get a life. And/or a job.
Maybe you should do both. Maybe you should stop concerning yourself with other people love lives if it doesnt affect you. Its not just about money...its about rights first and foremost. Its about equality. Thats why gay people march numbnuts. They want to be treated like every other citizen in society. It hurts no one for them to grow up, date, marry, and own homes and assets like the rest of us.
Fatal Jay said:
Whats funny, its a tv show out called scandal, that's a big hit, where this black woman is playing the side biT#ch to the president, and it is a ver popular show with black women.
When it comes to this commercial, and it is actually truth to it, when it comes to a black man being in a relationship with a white woman, its funny that it gets tons of hate, when Scandal gets none.
There was this sitcom that started last year or in 2011. I forget its name but it comes on ABC I think and features a black man/white woman interracial couple. Of course the shows facebook page got some heat from idiots who are uncomfortable living in 2013. Yet people say nothing with the shows on tv right now with white guys dating non-white (yes even black) women.
Its sheer stupidity. People want to act like there isnt this strong bias still towards black men in America, but there is. You can see it just from how people react to interracial couples in media. Whenever a white guy dates any race in movies, tv, etc, no one bats an eye. If its a latino guy or asian guy mixed with whatever race....no one cares. If a black guy dates someone, people make sure shes black first, then latina or asian as to avoid butthurting white guys (and black women) in America it seems.
Its why the movie Hitch wrote out the white girl and put in a latina, and why in Hancock, Will Smith never kisses Charlize Theron. Whenever a black dude is paired with a white woman, some people stupidly flip out. Like gimme a break.
Lmao! @ "black woman would not buy weaves for a year" if the races were reversed in Scandal. Hes right. Theyd be pissed lol.