( . )( . ) said:
I've never met a woman in my life who wanted to show off a beta. Government provided wealth transfer, feral hypergamy and thoughts of alpha c@ck she's missing out on allows one to literally see glimpses of visceral contempt women hold for betas if you take the time to observe these interactions.
Women settle for herbs sure, but they sure as hell are not with them because the alternative is a "dark taboo" who she cannot be seen with if that's what your implying. There are no social stigmas or ramifications for women anymore. As a matter of fact the past 4 or 5 decades of the MSM trying it's hardest to force down women's throats how great interracial mixing is still not really sticking. What you see and who's banging her on the side (presuming she's a 5+) is how it is, and what she wants.
What I highlighted in RED above is key. No women wants to
show off a man who is not high status. However, what makes a woman's vagina tingle and what makes a man a
high status are not the same thing. One great example is the Boston Terrorist and many men in jail who get love letters.
There are loads of beta faggots who have high status. Some are rich, some are celebrities, come are athletes, etc. But they are mentally beta faggots and this is why many of them end up divorced and cleaned out down the road.
Beta is more a mindset than anything else bro. What makes a woman's vagina tingle is not necessarily who she wants to date or have kids with. When settling down, women consider more factors than just
"I want to f*ck him". One of my friends from high school who is basically a loser working in fast food was f*cking a HB8 while she was engaged to a
"higher status man".
Keep in mind that the overwhelming majority of men of ALL races are beta faggots. So if most women only have beta faggots to choose from.. of course they will pick the ones with the most money and the highest social status when possible. And that's all it is.
Regarding your claim that
"there are no social stigmas for women anymore" that's not true. Sure.. there are no social stigmas enforced by law or by men. HOWEVER there's still a d!ck measuring contest
among women where social status matters a lot. The good-looking rich white guy is still supreme as far as being the "right guy" to be with long-term.
Alphas of ANY race will attract women sexually more than betas of ANY race.
Who Dares Win said:
We all know the c0ck carousel thing and the beta provider taken later, but you imply that that black guys do the fvcking and whimpy white ones do the marrying, sorry to tell you but the discrimination started from most white women starts much earlier.
Also as boob man reminded you, women dont need providers anymore, if they bring a guy to their friends now its because the guy is at least decent, 45yr old women dont get betas they just stay by themselves if they didnt married while young, the provider model is outdated.
It reminds me that black guy who said that white women love black men so much and thats why interracial porns are so common...as if those movies were not created for black men and some white with a cuckold fantasy.
Anyway no offence taken from you as much as I hope you didnt get any from me, as I said many time I think anyone deserves at least a shot as much as anyone has the right to chose with who being associated and who avoid, while nobody has the right to complain because he has not being invited in the cool people club or whater it seems.
The idea that people even care which race of man white women are most attracted to shows how deeply ingrained the pedestalization of women is. :crackup: :crackup:
If what you took from my statements is:
"Black guys do the f*cking and white guys do the marrying". Then you've got it wrong.
I said --> Alphas / bad boys do the f*cking and beta faggots do the marrying. The only racial point I was making was that white guys who are bothered by attractive white women f*cking black guys are beta faggots.
I also said that black guys are often part of a woman's c0ck carousel adventures. Not necessarily because they are "alpha" or "bad boys" but because they are perceived that way and women want the sexual experience.
Again you bring up this up --> "women dont need providers anymore, if they bring a guy to their friends now its because the guy is at least decent"
He is at least "decent"? Why would it matter if he is
decent or not unless marriage is the goal? You are making the point that women want to get serious with decent men. I made the point that getting serious with women in 2013 is pointless. So where are we going with this? :crackup:
Alphas spin plates
for life.
George Clooney has it right.