Can't you just lie to girls?


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Luke Skywalker said:
I can get girls if I really want to do that.
Sounds like:
It's no problem guys. I can quit smoking ANYTIME. I just don't want to. :rolleyes:

Get real. I've reported your obvious troll post.

Public anouncement: Help this community by reporting Luke Skywalker's trolling. Help to clean the forum, clean out the troll.

Thank you.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Alle_Gory, you don't you get a life? Looks like I'm pricking the concience of habitual liars and have touched a nerve.

It appears that you are the only dude making these sort of negative comments to virtually all my posts along with Logical Player. You don't make any sence and can't really prove any inconsistencies to anything I've said about myself on here from day one.

I think you are a troll because you are a negative and destructive influence to all my threads and postings on here. I don't go knocking down other members and think both you and Logical_Player should be banned from this site unless you learn some basic etiquette.

Here's some advice, don't reply to any of my threads and posts for one week. Do you think we can do that, oh yeah, I forgot, you can't quit smoking.


Master Don Juan
Jul 14, 2008
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You have to LIE to the girl to LIE on the girl

go me an high on redbull so.. :p


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Luke Skywalker said:
can't really prove any inconsistencies to anything I've said about myself on here from day one.
Luke Skywalker said:
There is a fvck buddy I meet from AFF a couple of years ago, a real WARPIG, but I never replied to her message. Sometimes I see her on the yahoo messaeges still there while I'm "invisible". I imagined sending her an email and reconnecting with her and having oral sex with her talented tongue while watching a movie at the back of the theatre. Also imagined oral sex with a flavoured condom with my long-distance girlfriend and teaching her how to please me.
Source Post

Luke Skywalker said:
As you all know, I'm probably the oldest virgin guy on here,
Source Post


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2009
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:crackup: Wow. That's all I've got to say!


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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Alle_Gory said:
Ruckus: You can easily be honest and say the same things. For example: "i'm looking for 4 girls to have sex with on fvck buddy status." = "im looking for someone special who I can have fun with." and the rest they don't need to know.

How is deliberately misdirecting not lying?

This is like lying by omission. Not a straight up bold faced lie, but still a lie.

Just man up and lie and be done with it. It might make you feel better deluding yourself that it's not a lie but your INTENTION is still to lead the girl into thinking something other than what is going on.

I can't believe the number of girls i've been around who say things like "just so you know i don't have sex without a relationship." So yeah, it's just easier to blow that off. I'm not opposed to a relationship, but i'm not going to be like "I WANT TO TEST THE SEXORS FIRST TO SEE IF IT'S WORTH IT TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU." They don't want to hear that. They'll disagree with your method anyway. So lie away, get laid with her thinking it'll lead to a relationship eventually, and still determine things on your own time table. She's doing the same damn thing anyway. Woman's perogative and all that. i.e. right to decide to treat you like garbage on a moment's notice because of a change of emotional status thus relegating you to less than human status.

Luke Skywalker said:
I don't think so. If you aer looking for fvck buddies then go on AFF, or some other adult hook-up site where you can be honest about what you are looking for and be understood. They say that it's on the intimate section or adult dating sites that people are just the most honest.
Like i'm gonna post a picture of myself on an adult site. There's enough stigma against regular sites. Your picture does 90% of the attracting anyway. I'd venture to guess the women on adultfriendfinder are either harder up or more willing to sleep around with multiple men.

I would want 4 girls who are exclusively sleeping with me.

On plentyoffish there's even a stupid thing where if you ever emailed anyone about an "intimate encounter" then you are blocked from emailing people who aren't set to that whether that's what you're looking for from them or not. If i'm gonna be treated like a dirty low-life bastard by society just for wanting my penis to be wet without worshipping at the temple of slave to womandom, then i might as well act the part.

You don't have to lie about that.
But I don't care about lying so i have no reason to try to avoid it.

Why do people act like it's bad to lie? Do you not watch tv? All those advertisements are basically lies. Hey it's super deluxe ab machine that will TAKE INCHES OFF YOUR WAIST!! Lie, lie, lie. People get degrees in lying. It's called marketing. You can mince words all you want, but hyping up a product to be better than it is is lying.

How am i any worse by letting a woman believe i want a relationship in order to have sex? A lot of you guys are still in the mindset that it's the man doing something to her and she's just giving permission and you're an evil dude for persuing something so dirty and bad. No, she wants it. She wants to be lied to. She just doesn't want to be conscious of it. People even lie to themselves. Good ol' cognitive dissonance.

I market myself. I lead women to believe I provide more functions than I do.

How about this? Under no circumstances do I want children. Ever. If i tell women that then i've severely limited by pool to select from. I'm not going to handicap myself. They don't advertise that they rarely give blow jobs and when they do they're unenthusiastic. And if you asked they're likely to make it sound like they don't mind at all. So yeah, i'll make sound like i don't mind kids. Just like the rest of our society. We're fine with liars. Lying politicians, lying advertisers, the lying maked-up faces and the lifted bosoms of our womenfolk. Our society approves of lying. Please, politician, lie to me so i feel safe!!

The thing is: I do want a relationship. It's just not the goal starting out. I just overhype their chances of getting one out of me.

Honesty and integrity is something between men. Women simply do not operate on the same playing field so interacting with them has to have a different set of rules than how you deal with men. Why handicap yourself? She sure as hell isn't playing by the rules that men set up between themselves so why are you?

Word is bond WITH MEN.

p.s. haha i'm so full of sh1t.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2005
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Jacksonville, FL
Duffdog said:
Thats the problem. You can't just BE rich and famous one day, and if the girls you are gaming screen you based on those qualities, you screwed from the gate. So, why not just present them an illusion (which they want to see) long enough for their clothes to come off and then go back to your normal life all the more satisfied?
Because then you get negative social proof.

Kevin Feng

Senior Don Juan
Oct 6, 2008
Reaction score
Here's the thing,

Pick up teaches how to pick up, not relationships or ethics. I will say this though, I think girls are 4 times better than men at picking up subcommunication, ergo, better at picking out lies.

I mean, I guess if you can pull it off, go for, I will say that I've "exaggerated" some things when I'm in field just because Los Angeles is a pretty cut throat place as is.

I think if you're going for 1 night stands, I'm not saying lying is the RIGHT thing to do but it would be the efficient thing to do, but if you're looking for an LTR, then I would recommend otherwise.

May 23, 2006
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mrRuckus said:
I would want 4 girls who are exclusively sleeping with me.
Yeah, but you'd have to be a liar and a cheat in order to pull that off. Also it's hypocritical for you to be sleeping around with mutliple woman if you have a problem with the same women sleeping around with multiple guys.

mrRuckus said:
On plentyoffish there's even a stupid thing where if you ever emailed anyone about an "intimate encounter" then you are blocked from emailing people who aren't set to that whether that's what you're looking for from them or not.
That's why they have adult sites. Virgins women use adult sites too. Even normal woman use adult sites....whatever. If you want to express yourself in a crude sexual way, that is what they are there for. If you are worried about posting a picture of yourself on an adult site, or on any dating site for that matter, then I think you have issues.

mrRucus said:
If i'm gonna be treated like a dirty low-life bastard by society just for wanting my penis to be wet without worshipping at the temple of slave to womandom, then i might as well act the part.
That's just the policy of that particular site. The women there don't want to be approached in a crude manner. I think the world is too big to be worrying about any stigma of being on an adult site -- as nobody is going to care what you are doing. At the end of the day, the only opinion that should could about yourself is YOU. How can you look in the mirror, knowing that you are a liar and a cheat that's manipulating 4 women, if that is what your goal is?

Why not have an honest goal of having MLTR (Multiple Long Term Relationships) where each of your partners know you are dating someone else. You just have to be honest about it -- then you are not lying or cheating.

mrRucus said:
But I don't care about lying so i have no reason to try to avoid it.
You are sinking down a level when you are lying.

mrRucus said:
Why do people act like it's bad to lie? Do you not watch tv? All those advertisements are basically lies. Hey it's super deluxe ab machine that will TAKE INCHES OFF YOUR WAIST!!
I don't know what specific ads you are talking about, but there are false advertising laws. You should contact your local Consumer Bureau if you have a complaint, or sue the company if their product is defective.

mrRucus said:
Lie, lie, lie. People get degrees in lying. It's called marketing. You can mince words all you want, but hyping up a product to be better than it is is lying.
That's why I always buy products that have money-back guarantees in writing, or have returnable receipts. Again, there are laws. If you want to sue someone, go ahead.

mrRucus said:
How am i any worse by letting a woman believe i want a relationship in order to have sex?
It depends on what level you want to sink to. You don't seem to be looking up to marketing companies with much admiration. Are you better than these marketing companies you are berating -- or do you wish to sink to their same level? Or, do you think it's right that these companies are lying and by leading a shining example of how you intend to lie to women?

mrRucus said:
A lot of you guys are still in the mindset that it's the man doing something to her and she's just giving permission and you're an evil dude for persuing something so dirty and bad. No, she wants it. She wants to be lied to. She just doesn't want to be conscious of it. People even lie to themselves. Good ol' cognitive dissonance.
Right, but from what I understand, AFC's lie to women all the time about wanting a relationship when all they really want is sex. A DJ shouldn't be in that mentality, or even have that problem because you should already have that type of lifestyle that will naturally attract women without having to lie.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
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hey lukey i find it very convenient (and funny) that you just skip right over Alle Gory's post clearly showing your inconsistencies...please get off the forum i dont understand how you can go from posting stuff about how much your life sucks and how you get no women and blah blah to helping out other people....oh yeah i forgot you started dating some ugly ass ho (if this is even true) after your mom gave you the seal of approval and now think youre hot stuff


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
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btw luke you have it all backwards....AFCs constantly want to be IN a relationship (not lie just to have sex) while a DJ will spin multiple plates without falling into the LTR youre such an idiot with all this stupid stuff you post

your posts reported


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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pua1989 said:
hey lukey i find it very convenient (and funny) that you just skip right over Alle Gory's post clearly showing your inconsistencies
This isn't the first time he's been called out. He won't respond to you either.

i forgot you started dating some ugly ass ho (if this is even true) after your mom gave you the seal of approval and now think youre hot stuff
With Luke, you have to read between the lines, because he is a compulsive liar. But even liars can be honest if you know what to look for. This is what I think:

Luke is mentally challenged. He lives at home with his parents because he's not able to look after himself. He obeys his parents because they have instilled the fear of God in him. Powerful stuff that is used to control a dangerous, underdeveloped mind in an adults body.

Also, the fact that he works at a Real Estate firm is laughable. I can't see him selling houses, but I can see him landing a job through a government program for disabled persons doing something of minor value like paperwork and photocopies, judging by his extreme analytical skills.

Now, being ashamed of this, he 'struts' his stuff on online forums under the veil of anonymity. He lies, constantly about everything and maybe he even believes some of his own lies. Fantasy is nice sometimes. The net is his environment. He's super analytical and writing complex (but nonsensical) passages seems something he likes to do. Like some autistics like to paint amazing scenery but don't know how to eat a burger. It's a mental handicap.

This is why we can't help him. Nobody can help him.

He and his trolling need to go. It's unacceptable and some of the newbies might actually follow his advice not knowing who they're talking to.

pua1989: Thank you for reporting his posts. I hope it makes a difference.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
So it looks like I've touched a nerve with compulsive liars right on here. Since people don't like being called liars, they just throw tantrums and make a big fuss because they are too far gone in their self-deception. If you think I'm a troll, then you are just part of the system because you are "feeding the troll" right? Pretty hypocritical if you ask me. Makes you wonder, who the real troll really is on here? I've been on here since 2006 and have had lots of "troll" finger pointing, or even threads about me, but guess what, you'll never get a conviction. All the rules on here are complied with, and if anything Alle_Gore should be banned as a troll since he's only interested in starting flame wars, which is against the rules of this board.

I don't have to account to anyone on here. Alle_Gore STILL has not pointed any inconsistencies as far as I'm concerned. You don't actually have to have sex with a woman for her to be a POTENTIAL fvck buddy. She was available for me for sex on more than one occasion, but I didn't pursue it, and therefore that classifies to me as a potential fvck buddy. Do I have to CHOOSE to have sex? Of course not. It appears that whatever I have done was WITHIN my boundaries of what is acceptable.

Finally, I unlike pua1989 asserts, I don't have any posts on here about how my life sucks or how I can't get any woman. I believe if you want something badly enough, then you'll do something about it. My life has other priorities in it rather than just chasing skirts and I do not feel compelled to test my boundaries apart from my judeo-Christian values.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Luke Skywalker said:
Alle_Gore should be banned as a troll since he's only interested in starting flame wars, which is against the rules of this board.

In order to prove this statement is simply a boldfaced lie, simply look at my posting history. It speaks for itself.

Alle_Gore STILL has not pointed any inconsistencies as far as I'm concerned.
I point out the lies to the members here. I don't expect you to admit anything. That would be too easy.

You don't actually have to have sex with a woman for her to be a POTENTIAL fvck buddy. She was available for me for sex on more than one occasion, but I didn't pursue it, and therefore that classifies to me as a potential fvck buddy. Do I have to CHOOSE to have sex? Of course not.
Your post said "fvck buddy". Not "potential fvck buddy". Go read it again. It's pretty damning, and kind of funny. You don't actually believe the stuff you write, do you?
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Alle_Gory said:

In order to prove this statement is simply a boldfaced lie, simply look at my posting history. It speaks for itself.
If people look at your posting history, where my posts or threads are concerned, then you are a negative, destructive influence that is only interested in having a flame war with me because fundamentally, you are an attention hor.

People should do an advanced search for "Alle_Gory" but look under threads that are written by me to show you for the troll that you really are. Take a look at my business card thread for example. Your comments were just negative and you didn't offer anything constructive. Looks like you were trying to start a fight.

Alle_Gory said:
I point out the lies to the members here. I don't expect you to admit anything. That would be too easy.
Yeah, I guess you should start with yourself.

Alle_Gory said:
Your post said "fvck buddy". Not "potential fvck buddy". Go read it again. It's pretty damning, and kind of funny. You don't actually believe the stuff you write, do you?
You are retarded Alle_Gory -- why don't you tell everyone what thread that was on? That was on a masturbation thread on the Archives section where I was talking about a mental fantasy behind a masturbation breach.

If you want to dig up a mental fantasy written on some thread that's designed to help members fight a mastubation problem and bring it up here to prove that I'm a troll then you really need to get a life if you are so interested in what's going on my head when I slip up and masturbate that you have to post about it here.

This is unbelievable. Why don't you dig up stuff on "real" threads rather than "virtual" threads if you are so good.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
I usually keep them guessing what my intentions are until they ask me directly.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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Virgins excluded, all of the guys here who've ever bedded a chick have lied to varying degrees to get most if not all of those women in bed.

Women want to be lied to. Surely everyone here has got LMRed a few times, yes? Heard something along the line of "I usually don't do this / I'm not that kind of person"? And obviously you reassured her that you really sincerely whole-heartedly believed what she said :crackup: just so that a few minutes later, you would be bumping uglies.

When sex is on the card, you lot will lie through your teeth, so cut that self-righteous BS out.

Telling the truth is great but only when it's to your advantage. I bet none of you would ever tell the truth if you'd lose the girl you want from that. And if you somehow do: SUCKAH! :D

Kevin Feng said:
I will say this though, I think girls are 4 times better than men at picking up subcommunication, ergo, better at picking out lies.
I beg to differ. Women are terrible at detecting lies (mainly because they want the fantasy so badly and couldn't care less about reality). There are so many of them falling for the lies from the jerks, badboys, ex-cons etc of this world. My two uncles who are Natural with 3-digit headcounts always lie to their women. Most of those lies are simply laughable and any guy could easily see through the BS. If you can't tell lies very well, you need to learn to do it better! :D

How does that old saying go?

"The secret of success is sincerity. If you can fake that, you're made."

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
Al Mohsetax returns to this thread and is surprised to see that someone started discussing the topic again instead of discussing people. Cheer Scars and Jitterbug.

I believe, that we are discussing different ideas of lieing here. Let me show you an example:

A guy and a girl enter the room.

The guy then say:
"Well, hello young lady, I am TheGoodLiar."

He then starts to mess around with her, giving her some compliments that might not be exactly true. He also doesn't tell her about his pimp lifestyle when she asks but defuses it using humor.

In the end, both had a great night and are happy :)

Notice how the lies were in fact just exxagerations and not telling the whole truth. Now here is the second example:

Again, a guy and a girl enter.

The guy says:
"Hi, I am TheBadLiar. I am sooooo great. I travel around the world, I have many hobbies including rock-climbing and boxing, I once went deep-see diving and was attacked by a shark.
(Well, actually I am just a computerdork but I'm ashamed of my life and since you will not screw a looser like me I am now something else.)"

Girl: "Wooooooooowww..."

These are the type of lies my buddy would do. In the end he ends up believing them himself and even tells them to his guy friends. I couldn't believe some of this stuff and it took me some time to get him to admit that this wasn't the truth.

I am by no means some kind of moralist who condems any exxageration or small lie. What I don't want anyone to do is make up his life just to get into some pants. You end up hurting YOURSELF in the long run. Like I said, lieing about your hobbies and interests to make them look better stems from the belief that your life isn't good enough for her. Enrich it! Not for the woman but for yourself.


Master Don Juan
Jul 14, 2008
Reaction score
HEre is advice..
What she doesnt know, wont hurt neither you NOT her.

So dont give her EVERYTHING, but Dont lie.

I have lied when needed to get it, because i know i would not be seeing that girl ever again after one night.
In that situation i say fvk it, lie.
But if you wanna have her as a plate, then dont lie to her like you're AKA James Bond.
White Lies > Serious Lies

like if your dad owns a MErc, and you say Yeh you own it, coz you drove it once. Thats a white lie. But you sayin that you had a brother who gave his life up for you in the jungles in columbia to somalian pirates who got there in a freak storm and you escaped by disguising yourself in the skin of a chimpanzee.. Yeh i dunno