Can I save my LTR


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Keep your chin up Danny. Someday she will realize just what a big mistake she made. Use this as a learning experience to grow from. :)


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2008
Reaction score
Well today is day 2 with no contact. She hasn't called me and I haven't called her because I took her number out of my phone (doesn't really help since I had it memorized)

The past 2 days seem to be going by so slowly and I almost lost it about a dozen times so far. I'm going to meet some friends at the gym for a workout and try to keep myself busy the rest of the weekend by studying for exams.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
DannykDJ said:
Well today is day 2 with no contact. She hasn't called me and I haven't called her because I took her number out of my phone (doesn't really help since I had it memorized)

The past 2 days seem to be going by so slowly and I almost lost it about a dozen times so far. I'm going to meet some friends at the gym for a workout and try to keep myself busy the rest of the weekend by studying for exams.
Go meet some new hos... I bet $5 she has met some new dudes...


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2008
Reaction score
DonGorgon said:
Go meet some new hos... I bet $5 she has met some new dudes...
Honestly right now i'm really burned out and the thought of women right now just doesn't appeal to me.

I think i'm gonna take the summer off from girls and focus on other things. Right now all I want to do and am concerned with is get back to the point where I can go a day without crying and be completely happy just being by myself


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
DannykDJ said:
Honestly right now i'm really burned out and the thought of women right now just doesn't appeal to me.

I think i'm gonna take the summer off from girls and focus on other things. Right now all I want to do and am concerned with is get back to the point where I can go a day without crying and be completely happy just being by myself
Exacltly and then when you are not trying and least expect it miss right will appear...:D :D :D :D


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2008
Reaction score
Thank you for you're help Don. Everything you say makes me smile and cheers me up a little.

Damn I have a long way to go in life.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
In your hard drive!
Danny you will be fine!

Love should not make you feel like this and one day you will meet a girl who will never make you feel as bad as you do now!

First heartbreak is always the worst, you will never allow it to be this bad again

Chins up Mr :)


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
Reaction score
Choclate City Washington DC
Danny you will be ok trust me. I went through a mean breakup my second year in college and I thought my world was over. I had to skip classes for a week to get my mind right. These guys on this board are telling you some good stuff. I invested so much into this girl that when she broke it off it was like loosing all your life savings in the market when you were told by your advisor to sell.

After that relationship I wouldn't let another women get close to me. I have sex with them but the minute they started getting to close I would lace up my shoes and head for the hills. But now I mature, know what I want and will not put up with any non-sense because I love myself to much to let anyone hurt me.

Oh and before I forget my ex still calls trying to get back with me. One time my mother stayed over my house and when she left she saw my ex outside in front of my house spying, so my mother waved to let her know that she was caught.

You are young, enjoy your life and concentrate on getting that good job, house and all that other good stuff. Next time you get in a relationship take things slow and really pay attention to her actions. Most things you will see if you pay attention.


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2008
Reaction score
Nelford said:
Danny you will be ok trust me. I went through a mean breakup my second year in college and I thought my world was over. I had to skip classes for a week to get my mind right. These guys on this board are telling you some good stuff. I invested so much into this girl that when she broke it off it was like loosing all your life savings in the market when you were told by your advisor to sell.

After that relationship I wouldn't let another women get close to me. I have sex with them but the minute they started getting to close I would lace up my shoes and head for the hills. But now I mature, know what I want and will not put up with any non-sense because I love myself to much to let anyone hurt me.

Oh and before I forget my ex still calls trying to get back with me. One time my mother stayed over my house and when she left she saw my ex outside in front of my house spying, so my mother waved to let her know that she was caught.

You are young, enjoy your life and concentrate on getting that good job, house and all that other good stuff. Next time you get in a relationship take things slow and really pay attention to her actions. Most things you will see if you pay attention.
Thank you for your help and advice every time someone tells me this it makes it easier to believe it's true.