haha.,...mister big, listen to yourself man? Listen to yourself, you sound just like a WOMAN? I am not trying to be a jackazz, kid, listen to me......okay....
To be a don juan, is not a game. Being a don juan, you know hwat, lets not even call it that. When you were an afc, this site does one thing, and one thing only, that is not to get you into playing a game, but to get you from playing a game, and being a man.
Afcs play games like seducation, buying gifts, writing poems, it is the push this button and my character jumps X-box and Playstation 2 theory. This site, frees you from that.
This site makes and back into your nature, that is a free man. Not playing games, but just being free to think as you want, be who you want, choose the career you want, let go of fear, and be just tottally free, with no damn feears in the world from anybody of any situation. This site does that....and that is makes you a man.
Women, are the ones that are playing games, and are even SUPPOSED to be playing games. Their whole agenda, is finding a real man(free, free, free) and trying to get him to number one approach them (by dressing up real sexy), then get to know him( by going on his dates) then try to control him (by getting him to get into a relationship and fall in love with her). Listen, there is nothing wrong with women playing this game, because that is their nature, son, you got me.
What I am talking about now, is that Candy is playing her natural game, and it is not her fault, she does not and most women dont even think, they are playing a game, but they are, and becuase its natural for them to do it, they dont know it.
What you guys are doing is helping her trap her don juan boyfriend........eventually, if he wants to be in a relationship with her, he will, however, he NEVER does not have to be trapped by her.
When he is trapped, when he starts that fallign in love, I love you, I need you stuff, he is trapped. The chase is over. The relationsip is boring. And you wonder why wives cheat, I would not blame them.
You can be in a relationship guys, you can get married guys, but dont ever allow yourself to be trapped. And we as men dont play games, afcs do that. We are just being our natures by being free and not taking orders from women. That is what I am talking about....I will post my thread a little later.