Originally posted by Mister Big
Here's my understanding of your situation and the topic. A busy man is very attractive to a woman as long as he finds some reasonable amount of time to connect with her. What defines "reasonable" is variable and depends on the intensity of other elements of your life. My rule is no more than once a week in the first three months and no more than 2-3 times per week in a LTR. I am dating three women right now as I am not interested in a LTR at the moment.
A guy in an LTR should also remain fairly busy to retain balance in his life. Being busy, happy, and balanced is what life is about in my opinion. Being busy protects men from deevolving back into an AFC. When you are busy, you have other things in your life that require you to say no to women. This translates into necessary power needed in relationships with women. It also increases their interest level and drives them nuts. Once you seduce them, they can't handle the fact that you don't need them in your life all the time. Work, family, health, home, travel, artistic pursuits are just some of the many activities and passions we men should balance with our time spent in relationships.
Women who pressure me for more than one date a week in the first three months of dating get NEXTed. Women that push seeing me more than two-three times per week in an LTR get NEXTed. Let me explain. These types of women are too dependant and focused too much on you. They probably don't have enough satisfying things going on in their own lives or have some emotional need that is not healthy. I don't know if this applies in this case, but since you posted this issue, I assume it does.