Brak86's Journal


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2004
Reaction score
greenlake said:
brak86, i wish i could sarg with u. i know i can learn alot of things from u. it's a shame u didn't store that girl's phone number in ur phone. why don't u just bring a notepad and a pen with u the next u go out .i'm sure u can't accidentallu white out it. hopefully ur friend will find her.
i appreciate the kind, encouraging words. After my emotions subsided, I realized that thinking about this won't get me anywhere. If my friend finds her or not isn't that big of a deal. I will go on practicing the law of attraction for I know that the universe is here to HELP, not TROUBLE me. Pain is a great teacher, provided that you get your ass up. Besides, this will probably turn out to be one of the better lessons I've learned.

I, in all genuineness, would like to sarge with you. I enjoy sarging new people and especially helping other guys whenever I can. If you dont mind me asking, where do you live? I travel a lot, so you never know if i'll be in your city :wave:

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
aite this happened to me on one of my approaches...I was pissed too but i didnt really know the girl so it didnt matter.Anyways I STILL managed to get her # from my phone!!!!!

If you have a motorola this is what you can do:

1. Go to recent calls section
2. Go to the part labelled notepad
3. if you havent copied any numbers, then when you close the phone while inputting info it gets stored there temporarily. It should still be there hopefully... good luck man

Nice to see you closing man...That first rejection had me laughing and Im sure you were too after you closed the 2nd chick. Its no sweat off your brow after a while man....


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
now that's the mindset! i'm glad to hear that. keep sarging and i'm sure u will find someone better than her. cause we're the fishermen and girls are just fishes. u accidentally let one lose, but i'm sure once u throw the bait there will be alot of other fishes coming after it.

i live in Tampa, FL. i'd love to sarge with u if u have a chance to come down here. if not, i'll see u up there in a few more years. i'm planning to go to a med. school there. u live in boston, right? sorry, if i got it wrong. i just assumed it from one of ur approaches in Harvard square.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2004
Reaction score
Friday November 17

It's amazing how things change so quickly, and how hope sometimes can come back unexpectedly. I get a call from Matt with good news. One of his neighbors in his dorm has a class with the chick whose number I forgot to store in my phone! Damn. Coincedence, fate, or did I somewhat create and shape this event to happen? You decide.

Even though there is no proof that thoughts shape our future, I'd like to think (and i think i do believe) that thoughts shape our future somewhat. The universe will help or hurt you in your quest to achieve your goals, depending on your thoughts.

Anyways, I'd like suggestions on how to go about this. I guess if Matt's neighbor has her number i'll just get it from him. If not, I'll try and get her last name from him and email her. I think it nmight be kind of stalkerish if he went up to her next class and told her that the guy who she met at Barnes and Noble lost her phone number. I only know of this guy through matt...

If you remember, on Friday november 10, I was in my school gym and I froze out, failing to ask the girl that works there for her number. Well, I went back in there today (i knew she would be working there :whistle:). She immediately opened me and asked me some question. I'm not gonna post the FR cause our conversation happened between my lifting sets and such, so i dont remember everything said. I do remember, though, that I asked her whenshe was leaving for thanksgiving. She said tuesday night. I then said "we should hang out before then." She replies "alright, sure." At the end of the workout I get her number, and she also gives me her name in case i want to facebook her. However, I checked her facebook and she has a boyfriend that goes to Yale. :trouble:

I then went to downtown crossing with Matt. We walked past a really hot chick with a stud in her nose (HB 9.2). She was sitting on a bench on the sidewalk by herself. Matt didnt notice her, but when I told him that I saw her, he whooped me in shape and convinced me to approach her. Thanks to Matt for helping me out here:

Me: Excuse me *elbow KINO*, do you know where I can buy a pair of cowboy boots here?
Her:haaa, ummm,...i dont know...umm (I didnt want the convo to end here, so I had to say something)
Her: So you don't know of any place at all?!
Her: can try the suit store (I didnt hear what she said)
Me: The soup store? Soup is a kind of food...
Her: hahaha no i said SUIT, like jackets and SUITS
Me: ahhh, naw i doubt they sell cowboy boots here. Damn, where I'm from (I consciously used this "BAIT" so she would ask me where I was from. It worked :rolleyes:) everyone wears cowboy boots, but no one here does.
Her: Well where are you from?
Me: Dallas, Texas
Her: awww, my old roomate was from keller.
Me: haha thats a small town...
Her: yeah and she ALWAYs wore her little cowboy boots
Me: Its our texas pride. Hell, if i had a cowboy hat i'd be wearing that WITH the boots.
Her: hahaha i think you should just start off with the hat first
Me: ahaah well I disagree (I liked that I did this, because a few months ago I would've just agreed with the girl) the way i never got your name.
Her: I'm _____
Me: Nice to meet you ____, I'm brak86. Are you from boston>?
Her: Yeah
Me: Its a shame yall dont have specific clothes that show that your from boston
Her: Yeah, well i guess i could wear a bruins or red sox or patriots jersey.
Me: I've actually seen a lot of people wearing yankee jerseys, i'm surprised they dont get killed
Her: some do
Me: ahha wow...
Her: yea well i dont like the red sox or the bruins, i only like the patriots
Me: A football girl, i like that! *Elbow KINO* (I wish I said "i think thats sexy." But I'm just happy I used an IOI).
Her: ahaha thanks
Me: Well amy, i gotta go, but i enjoyed talking to you. Can I get your number? (This was my mistake, I should have sat next to her and got more RAPPORT. Oh well...)
Her: Well...I'm kind of talking to someone, but you're cute. (i totally did not expect this. Although I acted like it was nothing).
Me: ahaha alright...So when are you two tying the knot
Her: ahahah uuhh i'm not really planning on that...its not that serious.
Me: ahah well it was nice meeting you *Elbow KINO*

Observation: As you make small talk with more and more people, you realize that people are not nearly as intimidating as they seem to be if you go up and talk to them. Your mind can be your best friend or worst enemy. This relates to the Law of Attraction.
Last edited:

Mickey J

Don Juan
Oct 30, 2006
Reaction score

After you get a number it's best to stick around for another 5 mins. Just tell another intersting story or use a fun DHV game. If you jet right after you get the number it lokks like that's all you were after like ok I got the number...Next in line please. So when you get one hang for a couple more minutes. See you later today bro.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 23, 2004
Reaction score
Josetown a.k.a Chocolate City Area
One of his neighbors in his dorm has a class with the chick whose number I forgot to store in my phone! Damn. Coincedence, fate, or did I somewhat create and shape this event to happen? You decide.
Created and Shaped this event to happen, which is the reason fate exists. our actions are the result of fate.

We walked past a really hot chick with a stud in her nose (HB 9.2).
For some strange reason, girls with studs on their nose tend be really really sexy to me. Nice one.

Me: Excuse me *elbow KINO*, do you know where I can buy a pair of cowboy boots here?
When the girl isn't looking when u approach, should one always do light kino at the very start? Like to get her attention?

Me: ahhh, naw i doubt they sell cowboy boots here. Damn, where I'm from (I consciously used this "BAIT" so she would ask me where I was from. It worked ) everyone wears cowboy boots, but no one here does.
Her: Well where are you from?
Me: Dallas, Texas
Her: awww, my old roomate was from keller.
Me: haha thats a small town...
Her: yeah and she ALWAYs wore her little cowboy boots
Me: Its our texas pride. Hell, if i had a cowboy hat i'd be wearing that WITH the boots.
Her: hahaha i think you should just start off with the hat first
Good DHV Story. What are some other examples of baiting?

After you get a number it's best to stick around for another 5 mins. Just tell another intersting story or use a fun DHV game.
But what if you told her previously that u were late for something? During the middle of the conversation, ask for her number...and then coninute?

That girl right there had to have given u an ego boost, considering how well the conversation went. Keep posting ur progress dude.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2004
Reaction score
Heyjose25points said:
But what if you told her previously that u were late for something? During the middle of the conversation, ask for her number...and then coninute?
It doesnt matter. She wont remember if the conversation flows well enough. Even if she does, she prob wont mention it. If she actually does mention it, tell her you werent expecting to meet such a cool person. When you're really into the conversation, stuff taht you say will be forgotten to abn extent. What remains are the emotions that you and her felt.

Heyjose25points said:
That girl right there had to have given u an ego boost, considering how well the conversation went. Keep posting ur progress dude.
Not really...I dont think that usually happens if she rejects the #close.

Anyways, I look forward to sarging with you next week.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2004
Reaction score
Try mixing some of the IOI's with c&f. I know you're trying to work on your IOI's but you should mix them with suttle comments.

When the girl said, "I like the patriots" you could have said something like, "Oh you like the pats, thats cool! I like it when girls pretend they're one of the guys, it's so cute." It shows that you're fun and not THAT eager. I think once you conquer IOI's and get sick of giving them out, you'll try to mix it up to something like this. But this is my line so think of you're own material ;)

Good luck and HAVE FUN!!


Don Juan
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
Dude, I really enjoyed reading your posts considering that I am also from Boston and also a member of the lair. I have been mostly doing night game but want to work on my day game. Your posts are truly inspirational. Keep up the good work!!!


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2004
Reaction score
Monday November 20th,

HeyJose25points was in Boston yesterday and he contacted me to go sarging with him, so we met up at the Barnes & Noble. I learned so much from this guy. He's actually pretty new to this, but some of the stuff that he does just amazes me. Ever since I started approaching, I've had a lingering fear of needing an EXCUSE to talk to a woman (even if that excuse is directly telling them that you think they are cute).

It's hard for me to just go up to a girl and use a non-clever situational opener, for I feel like she will be thinking "why is he saying this to me?" I understand that this fear is irrational, and I am slowly destroying it. Heyjose25points, however, accelerated this process for me A LOT.

Heyjose25points does not really use opinion openers, techniques, etc. He simply goes up and comments/asks on what the girl is doing or reading. He is mostly a situational opener, but his situational openers aren't even that clever. One big problem that I think I, along with other PUAs have is that, if they are using a situational opener, they have to think of something clever to open with. It is very understandable reasoning, but not really true (for day game, at least).

I didn't really hear his whole conversations, but I remember him simply opening with comments such as:

"Hey, what are you reading?"
"Can I see that magazine?"
"Thinking really hard?" (when a 2set was looking at buying shirts.
"Where can I buy red sox jerseys?"

He did not need to ask her the "who lies more opener," or the "jealous ex-girlfriend opener" all he did was just go up to the girls and make a simple comment and then talk. He was just intent on being natural, and it worked!" When he opened with "Hey, what are you reading," he sat down with the girl and ended up talking with her for about 30 minutes! He email closed her.

When he opened with "Thinking really hard?" He got two BU girls' numbers. I was so impressed, because this is a guy who was looking at me for advice. I found out, however, that I learned as much, if not more, from him than he learned from me.

So, even though it is stated so many times, I finally realized that IT REALLY DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU OPEN WITH. Everyone knows this, but few really BELIEVE it. You kind of have to see it/do it to truly ALLOW it into your mind.

I'm noticing that I've recently been forgetting a lot of what I've said in my FRs. This is probably either due to the fact that a)I'm talking longer b)the conversation is natural; therefore, it wasn't scripted and her response wasn't as easy to remember, since the conversations went off on more tangets c)I'm enjoying the conversations more, and I'm remembering the emotions more than what I say and d)i still have some fear, and it clouds my memory somewhat. You'll often hear of PUAs coming back from a set and when they are asked by noobs what they said to the girl, they dont even remember. Sometimes, they don't exactly remember what they opened with.

Anyways, I'll try to remember as much as I can about my FRs. If I don't remember the entire conversation, i'll just tell you what happened/what I felt during it:

I saw a girl (HB 7.7) on the 2nd floor of B&N. I couldnt see her face but her body was damn good. I walked up to her:

Me: Excuse me, *arm kino* but I just noticed you standing here and I thought you were cute so I wanted to meet you.
Her(she turned around and she was a lot older than I thought. She's at least 25): *smiling and surprised* thank you
Me: But don't get a big head about it (credit-Jugger) *smiling*, I wanted to see if you were cool, too. (this part was very important, because I've learned that it is expected for a girl to initially feel uncomfortable/weird if you open with something like this. How can you blame her? She has no clue who you are. Anyways, once you make her laugh/if you persist and show her how cool you are, she wil feel uncomfortable. The whole point of the cold approach is to a)make the girl feel comfortable and b)SOI her).
Her: ahaha, I'm not
Me: Good, so where do you go to school?
Her: I'm in grad school at BU
Me: ahhh, I've heard about you BU girls
Her: What have you heard?
Me: That y'all are high maintenance *smiling*
Her: ahaha maybe some of them but I'm not
Me: I can tell you have an accent, are you from Spain?
Her: No, I'm from Colombia
Me: ooo, well i was close
Her: Not really, two separate countries
Me: ahaha well both spanish do you go back there a lot?
Her: I usually go back once a year with my mom and sister.
Me: That's cool that you go back a lot, I like that (SOI).
I dont remember what else was said but I told her that I had to go and I #CLOSED her. I was NOT expecting her to give it to me, but that was cool.

Saw a girl in the travel section HB 6.7:

Me: Do you know where books on london are?
Her: yeah, over here
Me: cool thanks....are you travelling to europe soon?
Her: yeah, I'm actually lebanese so I might go back there soon with my mom.
Me: Cool! I went to egypt last year, which is pretty close
Her: Yeah but a lot different.
Me: True, it's crazy...some girls in Egypt are veiled from head to toe!
Her: Yeah thats terrible. Lebanon isn't like that, they are much more relaxed. It's a pretty big party place.
Me: ahaha do you party a lot?
Her: Yeah
Me: Thats funny, you dont seem like a big partyer (COLD READ/NEG?)
i dont remember what else we said but eventually she said "it was nice meeting you and she ejected.

This was the funniest FR of the night. Like I said before, Heyjose25points opened a 2set earlier that day. I did not recognize one of them, especially since they were momentarily separated from each other. I approached the one whom was near me with:

Me: Wow, you bought a lot of stuff
Her: Not really *smiling*

I dont remember what i said but I busted on her for going to BU (I go to BC). Eventually, she told me she just met another guy that goes to BC (Heyjose25points told her earlier that he went to BC). This is when I realized that I approached the girl that he already approached. I ejected cause I suddenly got more nervous ahhaah.

The funniest part, however, is that WHILE I approached one of the chicks from the 2 set, another PUA (who came after us to B&N) approached the other girl of the 2 set. That means that each girl got approached twice in a 20 minute span! (Both got approached by Heyjose25points and then each of them got individually approached by me and the other PUA). Too funny.

I saw a girl looking at planners, I couldnt see her face, but she turned out to not be hot (HB 5.5).

Me: Trying to stay organized?
Her: ahaha yep
Me: Me too. But it seems like every time I commit myself, a week later I dont give a **** anymore.
Her: ahhaa i know what you mean, you gotta stay on top of it.
Me: yeah...geez all these planners are feminine. Do you see a masculine one?
Her (pulling out a bright purple planner): Yeah, this bright purple planner is great.
Me: ahaha yes, that is very masculine isn't it? by the way, I'm brak86
Her: I'm _____
Me: Do you go to school at BU?
Her: Yeah, I'm in graduate school here.
Me: cool, what do you study>?
Her: Anatomy and kinesiology.
Me: Cool, I actually just got my physical training license last summer. How are you liking it?
Her: I like it, but a lot of the classes have undergraduate students in it as well. Also, after next year a lot of the teachers are retiring, so many of the classes wont be offered anymore...

I dont remember what else was said, but we made fun of some of the planners with silly phrases/designs on them. I ejected.

I approached a 2 set just for the hell of it. I wasnt trying to sarge them, I just wanted more practice with opening more than one girl at a time.

Me: Excuse me y'all, I'm totally new here. Do you know where I can get cowboy boots around here?
HB#1: You can try newberry street, do you know where that is?
Me: ahahah no, I literally just moved here (lying).
HB#1: (starts giving me directions)
Me: Alright awesome, I think it wont be too hard...It's funny though, no one here wears cowboy boots!
HB#2: I have a pair
Me: Cool, are you southern?
HB#2: Yeah, I'm from Georgia
Me: Awesome, I'm from Texas. Give me the pound. Alright thanks a lot for y'alls help.
HBs: No problem.

My FRs seem to be getting a bit better. I like being natural and just asking any question/making any comment to a girl. It doesn't ahve to be clever, I just want to approach.

My main sticking points are:
conveying my sexuality (i want to tell them they are "sexy")
Busting more on the girl and C+F (if done right, makes her comfortable)
Being more energetic and charismatic
Be playful (take things less seriously
Eliciting more emotive responses from girls

Zero Hero

Don Juan
Sep 8, 2006
Reaction score
Good job on the #....still go for more #s though! That is hilarious how you were approaching the same girls....and who was this other PUA, he just happened to show up at B&N or was he expected? lol


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2004
Reaction score
Zero Hero said:
Good job on the #....still go for more #s though! That is hilarious how you were approaching the same girls....and who was this other PUA, he just happened to show up at B&N or was he expected? lol
He is a really damn good PUA. He is very respected in the German lair, and he is only here for 3 months studying. I told him I was going to be at B&N but I didnt expect him to come. He's pretty damn smooth, though.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 23, 2004
Reaction score
Josetown a.k.a Chocolate City Area
Very smooth. He is the alpha male. Everything about him was cool. Plus, he was friendly too. Everybody was looking at him, including the HBs...I was impressed. Brak, ur conversations were smooth and fluid. Your "BU" girls neg was pretty good too. Thank you for helping me today over the phone on the mindset I need to have. I'm gonna post my FR for the bootcamp later tonight as there is alot to tell.

Its a shame i'm not in Boston to sarge with u more often, but I'm glad we both learned alot from each other.

That 7.7 chick was VERY VERY Hot. I like how in each conversation, it smoothed very well.

Me: Excuse me, *arm kino* but I just noticed you standing here and I thought you were cute so I wanted to meet you.
Her(she turned around and she was a lot older than I thought. She's at least 25): *smiling and surprised* thank you
Me: But don't get a big head about it (credit-Jugger) *smiling*, I wanted to see if you were cool, too. (this part was very important, because I've learned that it is expected for a girl to initially feel uncomfortable/weird if you open with something like this. How can you blame her? She has no clue who you are. Anyways, once you make her laugh/if you persist and show her how cool you are, she wil feel uncomfortable. The whole point of the cold approach is to a)make the girl feel comfortable and b)SOI her).
Her: ahaha, I'm not
Good you got some arm kino going in there. That's exactly what I need to do next time. Def. hit her up soon, so you guys can plan on hanging out.

conveying my sexuality (i want to tell them they are "sexy")
In good time, my man. In good time.

Good FR...i'm impressed.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
^ ^ Confused... are you two friends ?? Or are you part of a PU organization or something lol



Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2004
Reaction score
Cod3r said:
^ ^ Confused... are you two friends ?? Or are you part of a PU organization or something lol

Heyjose25points is in Boston for a week to visit family members, so he contacted me and let me know that he was gonna be here. We had not met each other before, we just met in Boston for the first time.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2004
Reaction score
Wednesday November 20th

Not really a true FR, but I just thought I'd mention that I was on the plane going back home for thanksgiving and my seat is right next to a pretty good looking girl. All i open with is "are you a standbye passenger, too?" We ended up talking for most of the flight. I just wanted to shwo you all that what you say and how you say it doesnt matter IF you don't say anything at all. All you need is to just open with something and then usually most people open up.

Also, on thanksgiving, my mom inivted one of her female coworkers to introduce to my older brother. Obviously, I wasnt going to get this chick because she is much older than I am, she works with my mom, and she's being introduced to my older brother. But I talked to her for awhile and flirted with her. At the end of the night, my brother and her both told me that they thjought I was flirting with her. The fact that I'm starting to flirt with almost all girls I find attractive (even if i know i'm not gonna hook up with them) is becoming a great turning point for me.

On monday november 20th I got that colombian chicks number. I don't know if I should call her over break (like saturday, maybe) and chat with her a bit. Or should I wait till i get back to boston and set up a date without talking to her before>


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
Reaction score
Wow. Everything about your actions and your's too amazing. Where do you get your material? Where do you get the motivation? How do you do the things you do?

Mickey J

Don Juan
Oct 30, 2006
Reaction score
Glad to hear you're getting a lot better at PU. I can't believe how much better I've gotten in the past couple of months as well. We should sarge together more often. I have Saturdays off from work we should set up a regular time and place to go, maybe 12 at The Pru? Oh and I went out with Pinnacle today and solved a ton of my sticking points. He's a really cool guy and you should definatly sarge with him if the oppertunity ever presents itself. Give me a buzz when you're back in town from break.